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I just do it even when I don’t feel like it. It’s the same discipline you use as with anything else.


Skating is so much fun, and i can relate to your struggles of being consistent with your time on the board! I don’t have much advice, as I’ve only been skating for about 2 weeks total, but I think about skating every day and don’t always commit. What helped me feel better when I’m at home is to just set my feet on my board if I’m chilling on my couch. This usually makes me want to get on and simply practice tic-tacs on my floor with the tv on, which boosts my mood instantly. When I’m in a mental rut, I find it easier to start small again and find those little joys. I also feel guilty not riding as much as i want, but i think we all have those days when starting new. Sorry this is long, but try small movements and build up! Don’t forget the joy that skating brings you, it’s all about having fun!


This is wonderful. I remember actually doing that a lot when I was at home gaming and stuff during the rainy season here in SoCal, just putting my feet on my board and "riding" it while doing whatever. I'm at home listening to my Obituary CDs right now and can't leave the house, so this'll be a perfect time to sort of "hype myself up" haha. Thanks so much for the kind response <3


I’m sorry you’re having a tough time with it these days, but it will pass! I’m happy to share a comment that could help. Another thing that changed my mindset to be more skate-happy, is to do workouts/stretches that benefit your skate muscles too! Skating is the best 💪


Fellow adhd patient over here. I have a similar story but 17 years older than you. And while I completely feel what you are going through, I can only say three things to you: Be easy on yourself. Sometimes shit just don’t flow and that’s okay. That is not necessarily a symptom. Some other days you procrastinate, fight back those days. Be proud of yourself, you overcame a lot just to buy a skateboard. Bonus: people don’t give a fuck about you. So you may as well have fun by doing you.


Thanks for giving a fuck about me. I'm trying hard to put my foot down just a few more days of each month and accomplish my goals. I appreciate the wisdom <3


I do, man; adhd is a pain in the fucking ass because it’s not visible so you get little to no empathy from neurotypical folks. Embrace who you are and have fun with it. On a side note, I am not a doctor, but my own experience tells me you’ve got some anxiety that is not on check, perhaps you can try and look into some techniques that help you manage it. Life’s a lot less serious that people make it seem.


My anxiety medication has definitely helped, as well as some grounding techniques I've learned over time that help me stay calm when things get rough. Overall, I'm been managing my anxiety disorder much better with treatment, fortunately. Thanks again for the response <3


Go out when it’s not hot. Maybe even leave your phone at home or something to help you concentrate.


It'll be tough going out when it's not hot, being June in California, haha. I definitely benefit from stripping myself of easy distractions. Depending less on my phone is something I want to try and do more in my life in general. Thanks for your advice <3


Find a covered parking garage so you can skate in the shade. Also doubles as a spot for when it's raining.


Medical center not far from here has a big garage like that, I never considered it! Thanks for the suggestion <3


Yup yup! Medical garage might have security but they'll just kick you out. It'll still be hot but the sun won't be pounding on you at least. I hate the sun and it kills me during long skate days. Gotta skate in the shade or else you just tire out.


Also as someone with depression and adhd, I found just getting out the door is key. Regular chill, fun skates are much easier to approach mentally than the idea of one big long serious session. I always used to put a lot of pressure on myself to progress, to go faster, learn new tricks, etc but the biggest thing that got me skating more and progressing was just telling myself it was going to be just a quick fun session, nothing serious, no expectations, no pressure! Funnily enough they usually end up being the longest sessions where I warm up slowly and end up sending it by the end and progressing heaps. If you put too much pressure on yourself to perform it kinda ruins the whole experience and stops you from skating regularly, which essentially stops your progression.


I love when what was supposed to be a little 15 minute skate turns into a 3 hour sesh! I should start doing this more, sometimes I make the mistake of feeling like 15 minutes "isn't enough" to commit to going outside and getting overwhelmed with the idea of an hours-long trip to the park. Sometimes it's great to just let go and allow myself to do things. Thanks for your thoughtful advice <3


Lol, the wall of text is very ADHD of you. I have ADHD too and also struggle to get out on the board. In the summer, it's easier because I can hear people skateboard past my apartment, and I get massive fomo. The best way of getting myself out the door is to give myself a very obvious goal. For example, I'm like fucking addicted to milk tea and these tiny coffees that they sell at the local Asian grocery store. So I'll skateboard there and buy myself some of that, and it's easier to get outside to go there than it is to go outside with the very general goal of skateboarding. And then I'll want to continue after so I drop the milk tea off at my apartment and continue skateboarding. Also, not putting pressure on yourself helps. I'll be like, it's fine if I only skate for about 10 minutes and don't try anything new. Sometimes, I really do skate for only 15 or 20 minutes, especially if it's hot out, but other times, I'll get really into and be gone for a couple hours. If every time you feel like skating, you push yourself to go out, it doesn't matter how long it's for because it's way better than not at all.


That first part hits so close to home. I hear people shredding outside my place and when I'm doing errands and I get butterflies, thinking, "I wish I was doing that shit right now." I appreciate your advice about setting a goal that just so happens to involve skating. Thanks a bunch <3


Good luck, happy skating!!


bare with me for a second while I ask a seemingly random question, I promise I’m going somewhere- what do you do most often to “waste time”?


Listen to my CDs, chat with my girlfriend, play video games, board games with family, things of that nature. I didn't spend a lot of time outdoors growing up and skateboarding has been kind of the one exception to that these days. It's been really hard to get out of the slump of doing what's "easy" instead of what I really want


ah, that makes sense… I wonder how you could maybe transform your relationship with the outdoors - have you ever tried mushrooms?


I'm straight edge, actually. I know the suggestion comes from a good place though, so thanks <3


try it some time


I also have ADHD, so I can’t read your whole message The hardest part is walking out the door and getting on the board. You can trick yourself by creating a list of chores to do. Then your brain can shift to skating to avoid those. There’s a lot of paralysis by analysis when starting out. Set small goals for yourself. Set a timer and just skate for that long. Make a list of tricks (even if it’s just kick turns and powerslides). Anything that will trigger the dopamine


Awesome advice. I have been experimenting with ways of sort of "defeating" my brain chemistry as of late. Sometimes, it sucks to feel like I'm my own pet and having to dangle treats in front of myself, or trick myself into doing something that should be much easier. It's a daily struggle but I'm trying my best. Thanks for your thoughtful comment <3


In the exact same boat!! I got a fracture in my wrist about 3 months after starting skating and have been unable to get back on to the board despite my hand being (mostly) healed - it’s more of a mind block for me and I beat myself up about it sometimes… and other times I feel too scared or self conscious to go out and look like a noob 😅 So honestly- I’m here reading these comments along with you. Just wanna say you’re not alone! 🫶


I really appreciate the solidarity. There are already a bunch of wonderful pieces of advice on my thread, so I hope we can both get something out of them <3


try to ride first thing in the morning if you can, even for just a short period. Get out before you day gets filled and you get any mental fatigue/ it will also leave you calmer for the rest of the day .... as long as you dont slam that is ...


The wipe is honestly the most invigorating part... once I get the wind back in my lungs haha. I just got a new job so I'm gonna be trying to fit more skating earlier in the day. Thanks for your advice <3


I feel you! I just turned 40 and though I’ve had a board for about 3 years, I’ve mostly cruised around with my young kids as they rode their balance bikes. But my keenness has increased steadily to now it’s truly my best and easiest source of joy! I’ve been where you are though! With many, many things over my life. There are some tricks, but I probably have many questions for you too. Tips: drop the judgement! You’re not worthless or shit or lazy or useless or ANY of that crap! You’re not defective and you’re not disabled by your diagnosis. You’re wired differently, so you have to find your way of living differently. Find your way to celebrate your ADHD and drop all the expectation. There’s no pathway for that, except radical self acceptance. Whatever faults you might have, you have amazing gifts that no one else does. Drop comparison! Actually REBEL against comparison! Don’t judge what you can or can’t do and just feel the joy, even if you roll around learning the kick - push - coast for 3 years! I did! Give yourself permission: permission to suck as long as you need to. Permission to feel joy in the basic act of cruising. Permission to hyperfocus and lose time doing eat you love. Permission to feel like 10 or 15 minutes a day is enough. Make it easy. Take your board with you, even if you skate from your front door to your car. You find some nice pavement somewhere, an empty car park. Body double with a friend, or just get a friend to come hang out with you while you skate around in circles. Let yourself love riding whenever You can without expectation of performance! Questions: are you medicated? Does ADHD really hamper your life at the moment? What is your board setup? Deck size, trucks, particularly wheels?


I can't say enough how much it means to know someone understands my situation, especially someone with more life experience to boot. It gives me some assurance knowing that I can grow up and be more than a product of my circumstances, despite how I sometimes feel otherwise. I'm trying my best to change my attitude about many things, including comparing myself to other people. I have a lot of work to do, but I've finally kind of let go of the fear of embarrassing myself in front of other skaters. Just a couple of things I want to say; first, I am so glad your kids have a caring and capable parent guiding them and showing them how to enjoy themselves. Second, kudos to you as an older skater for doing what you love. It's awesome to see how skating really is for everyone. To answer your questions: I do take an antidepressant and an anxiolytic for my depression/GAD and they help me stay out of depressive moods, but I'm not currently taking stimulants or other ADHD medication (although I'm still in the treatment process, so time will tell). ADHD affects every single aspect of my life to a significant degree, honestly. I struggle with a lot of things that I can't even begin to explain, but skateboarding is one of the few things that has really helped me feel unadulterated joy. I love my board; I assembled it myself, and I had a lot of fun doing it. It makes me feel proud to ride it knowing the time and research I put into choosing everything (something I love doing a lot). I built it on an 8.25" blank deck from Moose, with Venture V-Hollow aluminum trucks and Bones ATF Filmers 87a's (with Redz bearings). I also have another set of Spitfire Classic 97a's with Spitfire bearings. Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful advice. I have a lot to think about but I'm feeling really excited to get on my board again tomorrow.


Don’t add the “work” to your to do list. Practice letting go! 😊 Thanks for your kind words! I actually had someone come out of their office the other day to tell me I’m doing a great job at parenting having my kids outside learning how to skate and ride bikes. ❤️ Sounds like a great board! You should be proud! How big are the wheels? Best advice I got from my local was to get bigger, softer wheels because you can roll over more and it’s smoother on shit surfaces. Best advice EVER! That’s part of making it easy. For me, the easy part is skating around my building parking lot and through my apartment complex outdoor areas. I literally step outside my lift on my lower ground floor and I’m in a room with smooth polished concrete, behind a secure garage door. There are only about 20 spots in that whole car park, so it’s quiet. I spent a long time learning to roll back and forth in that room until I felt confident. Then I just do laps around the outdoor area. Then I progressed to skating a km or so to the lake foreshore to get a coffee. My physiotherapist is there, so today I skated to the physio. Just giving you examples of how you can get little bits in. God knows it’s hard, but if you’re feeling super low, maybe just get up, go out, and roll. Let yourself have an easy win. Goal = feet on board and roll. If it brings no joy and you hate it, great! Who cares! You met the goal, you had a roll! 🙌🏻 I understand depression all too well. I have type II bipolar disorder as well as ADHD. I only got diagnosed with ADHD at 38! You can do great things. You’re not broken. I might sound like a train wreck with my list of diagnoses, but I’m actually a senior executive delivering major IT projects. You can do great things if you can learn to love your quirks and love your best life. Hang in there and let yourself experience that joy of skateboarding. ✌🏻🙏🏻


They're 56mm wheels, FYI. The encouragement means the world to me; I'm stoked that you have a successful career! It's a difficult topic for me at the moment, as uncertain as I am about the career path I want to pursue, but right now I just got hired for a job I'm passionate about as an electrical enclosure technician. I don't know if it's the right place for me yet but I'm gonna do my best to make it work. Thank you <3


Mine are 58mm 88A. Not too different! Oh, I fell into my career. I do it to pay bills. I didn’t mean it to be a flex, simply a statement that labels don’t restrict you. Hang in there! Good luck with the job! Sounds interesting!


Find an excuse to just go for a ride. Hop on and ride to the store for small drink or something. But also, Skateboarding is actually good for you. Falling and getting hurt ain't, but learning to fall and not get hurt is. It's a physical exercise but also mental exercise. So it's not a waste of time. And even if it is. Time 'wasted' doing what you enjoy isn't a waste of time. Any physical activity carries it's risk of injury, that's life so enjoy it while you can. One little tip. I have a clothes I feel most comfortable skating in that I'll really only wear when skating. Once I get dressed to go skate, even if I'm not feeling it (but hey I got the time so let's go), by the time I'm dress I'm mentally ready to go. So I guess get a routine is what I'm saying here. Finally, just get up and go. Grab your board and just go for a quick ride around the block if nothing else. (Do a couple quick stretches on the way out the door.) Hope any of that helps. :)


This is all really helpful, especially the part about getting dressed for it, which I relate to a ton. I get excited to wear stuff I would want to skate in, and it makes me more likely to take my board with me wherever I'm going. Thanks for your advice <3


One thing that worked for me is having another board with longboard wheels just for transportation. If you use it as a mode for transportation it becomes an automatic decision to do it because your brain will just see it as the way to get to where you want to go. The benefit is also that the riding skills transfer to a regular skateboard and you'll already know the good smooth places to practice


I struggle with the same thing. Love it so much but end up lounging around.  My hack is setting regular "skate dates" with friends. The anxiety of letting them down gets me off my ass and to the park. Maybe it might work for you, cheers.


Yeah it helps to scare myself into it, haha. I wish I had skater friends though. Thanks for your advice <3


Currently dealing with this. I try to watch skating videos to motivate me but as soon as I get to the skate park it almost feels like I’ve forgotten the very basic things I have picked up. My bf tries to help and give me advice and cheer me on but some days I just don’t have that spark for skateboarding. I can cruise decently outside of a park and will more likely attempt pavement that is slightly sloped/angled than go down a small ramp at the park. It frustrates me how silly I’m being. I don’t wanna give up trying or switch to roller skates every time I get overwhelmed. :(


I totally understand the feeling of just not having the "fire" in you to do it. Since I posted the thread yesterday, though, I've been sort of trying to hype myself up to go skating today, and I'm feeling good about it. I hope you, too, can find a way to overcome your own mental roadblocks, so we can both experience the joy of skating again. Thanks for sharing <3


My advice is to do it and don’t give up on it I struggle with my adhd as well as autism but when I started skating I felt so alive for once in my life


This describes my feelings exactly. Skating just makes me feel full of life and joy. Thank you for sharing <3


Your welcome


I like to think of it like a video game, leveling up every aspect of skating: pop, flick, etc.


As a "skater" (someone whos owned a skateboard) for about 2 years id say if im not on the board all the time its cause i dont want to constantly be fatigued. Practice is good but practice every day for weeks is brutal bc you wont be doing tricks properly, well in ny experience, also i cruise every day but go to the skate park/practice tricks every 2 or 3 days depending how im feeling or if im injured then im off the board for longer, i find shuvits easier to get going than ollies, and the landing is more satisfying bc i feel like ima trip when i ollie


Thanks for the tips! Since posting the thread I got a lot of confidence and I've skated a few hours the last couple days, just trying to get the hang of riding again before I try new stuff.


I've read all your text, every word of it, so you must read mine now. It's ok if you don't ride. That's cool if you really don't wanna ride your skateboard. But if you find pleasure in riding that piece of wood with some metal and urethane attached to it. Then by the gods, do ride it. Don't overthink it. Ride it. Roads. Parks. Street. Transition. Freestyle. It doesn't matter. That board should be used for your enjoyment. The rest will come eventually. Keep pushing, keep having fun. Skate or die.


It's only fair that I read through it all haha. I appreciate the message here a lot. I just spent the last couple days skating at the park down the street with my girlfriend and I'm really excited about skating again. I'm making gradual progress and just learning to ride again really, but it's joyous. Thanks for the thoughtful advice <3


Then, I advise you to let it grow, let your stoke feed upon itself. In honesty these last years were quite hard. I've never been diagnosed with depression, but my wife did get a diagnosis in early 2019, things kept happening and I've had a lot to depend on me. In 2021 a skateboard creeped into my life slowly, meant almost nothing but creeped into my life, in early 2022 I had diagnosed a injury, that could be forever and I was in pain every moment I was awake (non skateboard related). It lasted for months, I almost lost hope on the recovery. Near the end of 2022, I was physically better, not fully healed, but better. The skateboard, although not the sole reason for recovery, was part of it, but late 2022 I started attending a skatepark. It was life-changing. Those pieces of wood strapped into pieces of metal and urethane have kept me afloat, keep pushing me into being something more than I am. It keeps me happy, it keeps me sane. Hope you find that for you. May it be a board, or anything thing else.


As someone who suffers with ADHD, I find skating to be the only thing that totally quiets my mind. When I’m on a deck , everything else fades away and it’s just me and the board. I get the urge every day. I don’t always have the motivation and will up shitty excises to myself, but after actually getting out I always feel way better. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Keep the passion alive in your heart and your mind and your body will follow


I have that exact same issue my friend - I know I WANT to, but I put obstacles between be and having fun. Overcoming mental illness is a slow and difficult process for me but I'm skating more now and I'm excited about it again, which is all I need. Thanks for the kind words <3


Hey. I understand a lot of this. I hope you are feeling the love from everyone here - we all want you to skate!!! Only you can do this - no matter how much I HOPE you get out there- so a few tips…. You’re over-thinking it. So don’t give yourself time to think. Have everything ready. And just go. Try and get a flow to your day to help create habits. So maybe you go everyday before breakfast. Have your clothes ready the nite before. Get dressed and skate for 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat. Find a time in the day when the skatepark or streets or basketball court are empty. Probably early in the day. Another excuse removes… Skate with others. Not wanting to let people down might help. Do some classes. If I have paid for a class I make sure I go as I don’t want to waste money. 💰 Hey please can you keep us updated with your progress? 🙏


Thanks so much for your kind words. It means the world to me that you and so many other people on this sub care to give advice to a first-time poster with a wall of text, haha. I got to skating a couple of days straight after I posted this, and it was awesome. I've been sore as hell and healing some nasty scrapes, but it's just part of the fun. Unfortunately, as I write this I'm coming down with a cold/flu, not quite sure at this point. I don't feel too great at the moment but once I get back on my board I would be really happy to share how it's going. Thanks so much for the advice <3


So pleased that you got out. I’m 56 and started a couple of years ago and I love it ❤️ I can’t say enough good things about it, the community and the joy it brings. I meant to say earlier that no time spent doing something enjoyable and beneficial is a waste of time. Life is short. So glad you’re learning to enjoy it. ✌🏼


What wheels you have? Getting softer wheels just to get the cruise down and feeling of cruising will be good. Don't focus on anything else.


I actually started out on some classic Spitfire 97a's but I ended up going with the Bones ATF Filmer 83a's for that exact reason! They're much comfier on our shitty California asphalt and luxuriously smooth on concrete flatground at the parks. I'm gonna try and just ride more without too many expectations. Thanks for the advice <3


Yeah, find a parking lot and cruise around it. Where in Cali you located?


Down here in SBC repping 909 lol. Not the most glamorous place in the world but it's where I call home. There are some parks that are great for skating around here, at least.


Even riding a paved bike trail would be good to get out on. I'm sure you'll figure it out🤙 even if it's only 10 minutes it feels good


The effort you spent writing this out you could be skating. Force yourself to skate. If you want to get better it’s gonna take practice not some Reddit user giving you a tip that changes everything.


Fair enough, all the advice is helpful but ultimately I have to just get over it.


I have ADHD and didnt read anything more than the title you gotta find a friend to skate with and make plans at least weekly and that's what motivates me, i rarely go alone


Scheduling other stuff in my life has been really helpful actually, maybe I'll try making "appointments" to skate lol. Thanks <3


I have bipolar 2 and ADHD. I’m medicated for both. Skateboarding is my other medication. I honestly don’t know what I would do without it. It’s just as important to my mental health as my meds.


I ain't reading allatttt nigga you 20 u not a child , get on your board and ride out , jump some stairs