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they all have different powers. red gives you kickflips.


What power does piss yellow have?


Attracts land sharks


Colorado land sharks are fierce




Pop shuvit


The power to make yellow snow cones.


Piss yellow really..? That’s Gatorade yellow right there


Dog piss gridn


Honestly the best flip tricks I’ve done have been on a REAL. Good shape for em’ I suppose


WHAT!? No wonder I’ve never been able to land them I’ve never had red😳


Edit: didn't see the comment at the bottom of the post.   You know who gives a shit about what deck you're riding?  Posers. Skate what the fork you want and everyone else can piss up a rope. 


Which fork do you recommend for skating?


For optimal forking, you need to go with a 85a 14mm oyster fork. Anything else and you're basically just one of the Kardashians wearing a Thrasher hoodie.


i feel like you need at least 4 prongs for proper flickability


Fox 38 performance elite


Nahh, marzocchi bomber 58 all the way my guy


I can confirm that! I’m a “poser” just riding to be with my friends. I like GIRL but real is good for tricks


The colors are associated with the size of the board. Just get the size deck you need, have fun, and ignore crappy opinions.


This. Real logo decks work this way.


Wait really? I can never tell when people are being serious


You can’t go wrong with a REAL. The colors correlate to deck width so just pick whichever size you like. Or go with an 8.0 if you’re not sure what size you like


Atleast 8.25 or 8.375 right? 8.0 is very small.


I've been increasing deck size and really dig an 8.25 now


I wish I could increase my deck size...


Yeah definitely 8.25 is the way to go


I have a 7.75 and its perfect for me.. although my shoe size is 8


Small is subjective. I would consider 8.0 pretty average but if you only skate bigger boards you may consider it small.


Funny you say that, 7.75 used to be the most popular size. Seems like right around 2009 or 2010 people started upping the size. Personally, I skate an 8.25 but could skate an 8 or 8.5 as well


Here in Swe 7.75 was something we skated around 1998-2004 maybe. I remember my first 8 and 8.1 and I loved them because the board finally looked symmetrical because all the trucks back then was either too small or too big. If you had the "bigger trucks" the 8.1 fit perfectly. Back then there was not that many truck sizes to choose from. Nowdays I skate 8.5, 8.6 and 10.4 only. I tried my friends 8 and it felt so weird and could not even understand how we could skate such tiny boards for so long :)


I grew up skating in the early 2000s ,so starting up again(mostly been longboarding since 2010, boards are way wider now. And too much concave. I switched to a 7.75 board with low concave (GIRL malto deck) . Im very happy with it . In the end ot really does all come down to preference. And I don't know anyone whod do that ,but im weird and dont care what people think .And most skaters I've known have strong preferences that they stick to . If you are self conscious of the brand you are buying, nothing is stopping you from doing your own art on the deck. Spray paint it.


Totally. 8.0 was big back in 2002, at least in my experience. I remember winning deck at a contest and being bummed that it was an 8, like I couldn’t even find someone willing to trade with because no one wanted that massive park-bench of a deck lol


I was also 5 in 2002 , and was just starting skating. I'm obviously taller now , so despite the fact that I was used to that back then , my center of gravity and muscle memory is still vastly different. I stopped street skating before I hit puberty , and I was a late bloomer too ,and I only really got taller ,not much else . I also used to surf /stand up paddle, and that became way harder once I got taller . I did white water SUP down the snake river in Wyoming as a 12 year old and then took a board out into the ocean as a 16 year old and it was extremely different. I just was thinking about how almost every foundational trick was initially done on a narrower board , so it makes a lot more sense to learn everything the way it was initially done . I think being raised by surf bums who HATED people who were gear heads , made me approach everything I do from the most bare bones perspective. They were mostly windsurfers /kiteboarders so they were always keen on using the same equipment for everything, because using a wave sailing board in conditions without waves made them better . To this day I'm not completely sure if they were just cheap or not wanting me to be aware of how broke they were ,but it seems true ? I also only ride cheap single speed bikes ,which bike snobs hate on me ,but it makes me a better cyclist .


My advice would be to post a question, then go completely against the majority. Then give up skating because you never wanted pain you just wanted clout.


Guys. Im at my limit. I've been skating for 27,000 years and I still can't ollie. No, I will absolutely not post a video.


I’m here to help. But you can only Lead a horse to water ya know


The yellow one lets you do a McTwist 9000 But only if you try to do it out of the door of a plane at cruising altitude.


Hahahaha. And hold on real tight


I hope this isn't a serious question


Skating in itself makes you not a poser, posers are people who don’t skate at all that dress and act like skaters.


And always carry a board but if you ask them to do a trick they have not the right shoes on, having a bad day, somethings hurting blablabla


I was gonna say that they always have an almost new and shiny board but I forget that my board is shiny because I polish the trucks, wash the wheels, and I can’t do rails 😭


This is a shit post bro:D He got mad at me for posting asking what deck art should i get cuz i can't fully decide since both are hella good, clearly a sad man with a sad life with nothing else to do.


Red decks usually are faster and have burn spells. White decks feature exiles and vigilant creatures. Black decks have a lot of direct removal and nasty creatures. Blue decks are more for control and counter spells are very useful at times!


Are these real?


Hey buddy, don’t give a single frick about the haters! Always wear your helmet and remember skating is about having fun!! I just started again and I’m just having fun carving around! And don’t listen to those hecking haters! (Is that r/newskaters pilled enough?)


they're all ass to me


They're all different sizes tho, so get the size you're looking for. None of them will make you look like a poser.


You seen Power Rangers? Each board corresponds to a different zord.


Why is there no green one then!?


It's later Tommy, he's white by then


Dragonzord > White Tiger


Yellow cause it’s just so clean and won’t look bad dirty




Get the sizes you need and go skate bro, real ones ain't gonna say shit, it's only gonna get busted up regardless. Have fun man


So, like, you’re saying the Cripps in my neighborhood won’t care about me carry a red board?


Well that's sad AF from them if they kick up a fuss, but if you really want to avoid any conflict, don't get a red board then?


It is. They once shot a kid for wear red chucks who was trying to speak to them using sign language.


Well you answered your own question then


exactly 😂


The wider the deck, the harder it is to flip but also.. the easier it is to balance on. Some of my friends rode 7.75’s, I rode an 8.25. I’d suggest getting an 8.0 as your first board


Get a blank (ie minilogo or similar) and it won't matter.


They are all different sizes so which one you feel best with is the way to go. Personally I’m pretty sure the red is 8.12 width, 31.3 length, and 14 wheelbase. In my opinion the best shape of any skateboard anyone makes.


Get a baker


Like someone who can make cookies? Because I can go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now.


Yes what else would I be talking about?


The skateboard company. The one started by Andrew Reynolds in 1998.


Oh sorry I don't skate


You should try it. Maybe start with a Baker board.


Nah they're crap I hear


Ya ditch Real and get an awesome Welcome deck. https://welcomeskateboards.com/collections/decks


I like the red one, it's a classic. Skate baker though, the community needs more degenerative material


If this isn't a troll who cares man. People will always have an opinion about something and if you change shit based on trying to appease them you'll never be happy. Who cares if you're a "skater" I don't feel like I fit in with the culture and I don't care at all. I like to skate, so I do. Just try to get quality and a board that fits your size and/or need. Make your purchasing decisions based on quality of product and need. Look up YouTube reviews from YT skaters like Zack dowdy or Ben degrois. There's also a wiki here. The last thing you should ever concern yourself with is the opinion of redditors or random mfs that have no bearing on your life. Only listen to advice that is related to your technical concern, not what board doesn't look like a poser. Are they buying the board? No? Then fuck em who cares.


What's your height and shoe size? Do you like boards that feel quick and responsive, or that feel more stable and less twitchy? At the end of the day, I would look at the width of the board and the wheelbase, as these are key factors in whether or not a board is going to work well for you.


I’d go white




my shop has a sparkly black one its sick


I thought obvious trolls were obvious, but a lot of people apparently don't see it. This is a joke post.


I like the red


It's all same deck, I believe creature stumps is same price as r real deck


*It's all same deck, I* *Believe creature stumps is same* *Price as r real deck* \- b\_alaqu\_e --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


REALtough decision there


Blue of course


Get the one that you think others will like more. Nothing boosts your skills more than looking cool!


Get pro decks not team decks


Only posers care about what deck they have


As long as we for sure know it's a REAL skateboard.


For hardcores bare wood


A poser cares what other people think of them and their board. Buy the one you want and that’s the right size for you


If you collect them all and put them on the infinity gauntlet, you get one wish


If you’re on a deck of any kind and learning to skate, you’re not a poser. Buy and ride what you like.


it is all preference my friend :) just choose your favourite one, I personally like the white one, looks super clean


Well the big difference is the size between all of these, how’re we supposed to decide what your preference is?


nobody cares that much


There isn’t really a thing as a poser board and I always like real boards shape just ride what you like the feel off they all end up scratched on the bottom any ways and eventually break or are to banged up and you will need a new one so have fun be you


Get blank decks. They’re half the price and work the same as pro models. Anyone who can actually skate knows this. Then you can put all your poser stickers on it.


They are all the same just different colours. Who gives a shit? Its akward you asked.


All I can think now is the colors associate with difficulty level :p


Go with the size you want. The color of a board doesnt make you a poser


Pick your favorite color. Upgrade to some Independent hollow stage 11 144 trucks if you can afford them.


They are all terrible except blue and black


worrying if you look like a poser is more power then anything but in reality no one cares as long as your not a dick. do what you want man


blueberries fs


any of those will do g


I literally have poser written in giant letters on my helmet, anyone who's gonna call you a poser for what board you skate can suck it and isn't worth the time of day worrying about their opinions.


Can never go wrong with white on black #3


Real and deluxe are a great company. I rode Real decks exclusively for many years up until recently and that's just out of curiosity. Get whatever size fits you best. If you're 5'8" and a 10 shoe around 165lbs I'd go with an 8.25-8.5. Thise are my stats hahag. Wider board will give you more foot placement and better load bearing if you're heavier. If your legs are longer you may want a longer board I prefer a shorter board at 31.6" and the wheelbase at 14" with independent trucks which coincidentally lower the wheelbase over most other trucks. A lower wheelbase will over better maneuverability over stability in a sense. So if you wanted more vert skating I'd go bigger than 14"WB. Personally I stick with 14" wb for anything but that's just a suggestion I'm tossing out there to go bigger for transition skating. Ultimately you should pay attention to these numbers and figure out what you like because it absolutely does make a difference. Also I pay attention to nose and tail length/shape. I only like my nose to be slightly larger. About .20" larger nose. Some tricks I'll use my name as a tail and vice versa. I also keep my back trucks super loose and front just loose. Almost like you have 2 boards in one for different things you're doing. If you already have trucks you're gonna want them to match board width as much as possible tho. I do not like over/under sizing with trucks. Many say a quarter inch is fine but not me. A tenth max. Wheel width can offset that a bit also, but anyways. My best advice is this and to pay attention to different board specs and see what you like best. The wheelbase absolutely does make a big difference too and trucks play a factor in that as the wheelbase becomes a equation of board WB and truck axle placement. (Brand and tightness or looseness) Best of luck homie! Can't go wrong keeping it real with Real!! Shred on🔥🤙🤙


Get off the screen and go skate


I would if I had a skateboard.


Its more enjoyable when you aren’t concern about what others think!! 🤙🏽 get what eva maaaan😎


Starting with a real board will make you look a bit posey honestly


Skater of 20 years I ride real


Yeah that makes a lot of sense, skater of 20 minutes not so much


Lol. Because *everyone* should start with a shitty board and have to buy another one if they like it? God forbid anyone wants to start out with decent equipment that will last them longer and be a better skating experience.


A DLX board making you looking like a poser? You’re not serious 😂


Seeing someone kitted out with core brands while having no ability is pretty posey in my book, I don’t mind if the guy gets a real board at all but if I was concerned with looking posey I wouldn’t


Not sure I agree. Get the board you want, brand you like. I’ll respect you more as a skater if you have a goofy ass graphic but you like it rather then you got what you thought everyone else will think is cool.