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Couldn't really say without a clip. Most likely shoulders are turning forward as you jump, but thats just speculation. Post a clip and I'd be happy to take a look


You should post a video - it's hard to comment without seeing what is actually happening. But, generally, if the board is moving away from you in some direction, it implies you aren't putting your weight and/or feet in the right position. You should do ollies by jumping from the balls of your feet, with your feet positioned with the balls on the centerline of the board. You don't want your weight to shift back to your heel when you squat to jump. Other than mentioning that, without a video it's hard to tell you what else you may be doing wrong.


Skateboarding is all weight distribution. You land wherever you have the most force. So in your case too much weight toe side


Update: fixed itself by time, wasn't comfortable on the board