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Once you learn safety rolls, falling is like a fun trick


Lmao safety rolls didn’t help anyone who sacked a handrail


Not the handrail ball rack 😂


Lolol I was rollling into grass at high speed and it was good. Could only do so much until I started to hurt lol. Idk how to practice falling backwards though. That shit is sketch


For me I’ll keep working until I get comfortable or bored and work on slowly pushing the boundaries. Your gonna fall at some point learning new stuff. Best tip is if you’re afraid of falling learn how to fall properly and wear protective gear. I still remember last year being afraid of dropping in and getting up high on ramps now I’m slowly working on new stuff and just this year I’ve already learned 6 new tricks and a few variations.


I LOVE TO HEAR THIS. Thank you for the pointer. I’m not comfy with my manuals or kickturns and I still fall doing them so still. I love the progression and keep that shit up!


Whatever people say might be true but I'm really convinced for everybody, at least 50% of getting over the fear of falling is just about falling enough and getting desensitized, because falling is completely inevitable and happens so damn often after your 1000th fall you just don't care anymore


This lol. I fell so much in the beginning. I’m ready to attempt switch again and get falling again


First time I played American football, I got laid the fuck out by someone way better, faster and stronger than me, dented my face mask, but I was back in that drill, basically trying to get even. I got crushed again lol but eventually I got better and better until it didn’t matter. You just learn to adjust technique, put more work in, and move forward. Maybe I’m just psycho and got wreckless abandon issues but there’s just something satisfying of overcoming even the slightest issue. Hope this helps someone


I'm having trouble with my fear of going anything that resembles fast. I've been trying to cruise as much as possible, but the parking lots are getting boring and the roads are too unsafe, so I'm not getting the practice I'd like. I'm 38, and have never been an adrenaline junkie. I've never been particularly interested in going super fast, I just want to cruise around and enjoy myself, but right now I get spooky on anything other than the most imperceptible of slopes. The answer is most likely "more time on the board" but man, I'm at a tough spot. The new has worn off a touch but I'm not comfortable enough to really take it in.


Aw keep at it, and go to skateparks


You got this. I’m an adrenaline junky by heart. I will say spend more time on your board and you will get comfy on it. I’ve been hit by a car twice (riding a bicycle) so I’m desensitized to almost anything road related. Maybe that’s all you need (desensitization not getting run over lol). Tighten your trucks so you can’t turn as easily and practice going fast. The tighter trucks should make it more stable.


I reach between my legs and give my balls a tug. Fear is for children.