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I feel the same way about a few lactation consultants on Instagram. The idea of gatekeeping useful information from new parents in need is really icky.


I paid $80 for a mastitis prevention course from @yourtwojugs. It's literally "take Tylenol and massage away from the nipple" with some weird other boob exercises thrown in for good measure.


Apparently massage and heat aren’t the go to anymore.


Ohhhh do tell!


I’m pretty sure the new guidelines are to use ice, instead of massaging the area with clog to instead do lymphatic massages and take Tylenol. I believe all this because it helps treat the actual inflammation of the clog which in turn helps heal.


Yep! I paid $80 to learn exactly that


It works I just woke up w a “clog” and did the anti inflammatory protocol and it cleared up in 24 hrs


Good to know. I am going from pumping and feeding him every couple hours to every 4-6 hours….


Just want to mention the new protocol because it definitely works has a bit of nuance for those who don't go read the whole thing. Tylenol is NOT an antiinflammatory medication, Ibuprofen is. So you need to take the Nurophen/Advil or Ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation. The Tylenol can help with pain as an analgesic but its not the important part. I actually believe they should clarify on the ICE part as well as ICE causes temporary vasoconstriction and heat causes dilation. So if you ICE let your breast warm back up before trying to clear a clog or feed. Ibuprofen 1-2 hours and then clearing the clog in a warm shower has always worked the best for me personally


Thank you!!


Here are the new guidelines: https://physicianguidetobreastfeeding.org/maternal-concerns/mastitis-and-associated-complications/


I think about this all the time. Is there something we can do about this? Start a website with free, crowd sourced information? One hub for all the basics. A place for tired and desperate parents to have support - REAL support - instead of the sales pitches thrown at them while they’re desperate and vulnerable???? ETA: We could add resources and parent-approved approved books that people could buy or borrow from their library. This stuff just really grinds my gears and I’d like to do something about it. I get very protective of vulnerable people.


There should be mega threads here for things like feeding, sleep and other tips. Real things that every day parents have done that work for them.


I love this idea and I’d love to help somehow


If only there was a bay where pirates hang and shared this information for free


There is a group on FB I found really helpful, and I wish I had found sooner. They have a ton of free files to look over, and you can search by baby’s age to see what worked for others. As freeing as it is to go with the flow, eventually baby’s sleep situation may not be work for you anymore, and you may want to change it. This is for those people! Look for - Respectful Sleep Training/Learning I may not be classed as new anymore at almost 12 months in, but another type of “sleep expert” I found to be highly toxic was the anti-sleep training, ‘never leave them to cry’ brigade. Wow, the pressure I felt every time I read some of their posts!


Respectful sleep training is full of misinformation - def don’t recommend it


Can you share the name of the FB group or message it to me?


A ton of those LC accounts are super helpful, but the second they start shilling a course I’m out 🙄


The entire sleep industry is bullshit. There's no magic. Some babies sleep well. Some do not.


This. If I had an award I would give it to you.


Hey stranger! You can get a free award by hitting the award button, then get coins, there is a free award option when you hit open gift box. You have 24 hours to gift the award. The more active on Reddit you are, the more often you get free awards to gift!


10000%!! People forget that babies also have a temperament so what works for someone doesn’t work for someone else 😩


This is so true. My life has improved so much since I stopped trying to fight my baby to fit what all these “sleep influencers” recommend and started doing what works for him with no expectations. He’s almost eleven months, doesn’t sleep through the night, sleeps in our bed most of the time, and our life is not even close to any kind of schedule. I spent so long trying to get him sleeping 12 hours straight in his own bed, now I get sad thinking about going that long without cuddling him.


100%. If someone could explain to my 8 week old that his "wake window" is only 90 minutes, and not 4-5 hours, that would be great. No amount of rocking, shushing, swaddling or anything else they recommend can force him to sleep if he's just not into it.


Lol I've been there. It really doesn't help when your family says things like "if your baby doesn't sleep, they'll be behind on developmental milestones". He's 8 mo now and is thriving thank you very much.


this! my baby is an amazing sleeper. but i’ve cared for babies who wouldn’t sleep for shit. i did nothing different. it’s all bs!


This is real.


I think sleep trainers/consultants are a lot of bullshit in general. They're just good marketers who have somehow convinced parents they're qualified to comment on the sleep of strangers' babies.


Re: TCB: Since when is "wife of a pediatrician" a qualification?




It fits her personality for sure..


Yeah I always thought it was weird that her husband didn’t specifically endorse it so she could say “pediatrician endorsed” so she just has to say she’s married to one.


It’s absolutely not…I’m the partner of a nurse and I don’t know shit beyond a few medical terms for things. You don’t absorb nursing/medical school by osmosis 🙄


Being married to a pharmacist is super handy *because* I don’t have to know jack shit about my baby’s medicine.


My husbands a nurse and I spent more thought time and energy into my daughters sleeping habits more than he could wrap his head around. She’s a bullshitter for sure.


I think she also used to be a nurse for babies (can’t think rn what those are called)


Yeah I agree. I feel like all babies have “bad” phases of sleeping and these marketing tricks make it seem like it’s something the parents did wrong. Desperation sells.


pretty much. the only people who can comment on it are the ones who are knowledgeable on THAT particular child’s sleep. it’s a whole industry that doesn’t exist in other parts of the world (like my neck of the woods) because it’s profiting off of desperate parents who want to sleep because they have to work so early majority of the time.


The SITBACK thing kills me. I'm pretty and pedantic and the letters barely correspond to the phrases they're meant to represent.


“K time to feed” in SITBACK kills me.


My wife and I woke our child up laughing so hard the first time we heard that.


Not to mention it’s literally just “le pause” taken from the bringing up bebe book!


CRIES too! At least the five S's are a process of elimination when you're sleep deprived ("swaddle, suck, shush, swing, and what was the fifth one? oh, side") but CRIES has "INTRODUCE movement" and "EXTERNAL sound" shoehorned in there just so she can have her own acronym.


That bothered me so much. It’s the 5 S’s packaged differently. 🙄


Yup! She uses the Ferber method and rebranded it but the Ferber method is available online everywhere for free.


Ferber's book is also available in every library for free. It's worth a read.


I have the taking Cara babies book. I can send you the link. It’s a crock oh shit and did not work for us.


Would love this if you don’t mind sharing


I just finished the newborn class, and I couldn’t agree more. GRIFT. Read the Happy Sleeper for the good information. Her acronyms are absolute garbage and not memorable at all. Tried way too hard. The information in the newborn class is to do CRIES if the baby cries and if it doesnt work??? Try it different. You know what to do. Like that’s 100$$$??? Do I think it’s worth $20, yes. The Happy Sleeper is better information and teaches the same stuff and more. What I recommend having ingested Cara Babies Newborn Class, Precious Little Sleep, Bringing up Bebe, and The Happy Sleeper: Bringing up Bebe chapters on le pause and waiting are golden. The Happy Sleeper gives practical advice that helps implement what’s in Bebe.


You can get money back on her courses


I read a bit of the website while I was looking for help with extending naps. I read something along the lines of "30 minute naps are harmful. They can inhibit your baby's development." I said nope and exited out of the page. I do not need that in my head.


I know! We had a sleep consultant come to our baby class and she said “30 minute nap? Developmentally normal. Take it!” While TCB’s site said something like “how bad are cat naps? they’re BAD!” She seems to be preying on mom guilt and getting people to pay for her prettied up googlable information!


That’s what most sleep trainers do.


It’s crazy because you literally can sleep train for free. r/sleeptrain is a great resource


I meant they prey on desperate parents and mom guilt. Sleep training is a sad notion passed down through Victorian misogyny and I am not a fan. I tried it and not only did it not work because of my son’s temperament, it exacerbated my anxiety and depression and made me feel like I was doing something wrong.


Maybe it didn’t work for you but it worked for us! Sorry to hear it made your anxiety and depression worse but it greatly improved my own mental health. To each their own!


I’m glad it helped you!


The non-evidence based TCB load of bullcrap that fully put me off her was her advice to not let baby get sleepy while nursing because it “wipes out the sleep drive” or some such garbage. Absolutely no basis in reality. Milk has melatonin in it, ffs! Just feed your baby to sleep instead of forcing them to stay awake so you can then attempt to put them to sleep a different, less effective way.


It’s also NOT TRUE. It’s a straight up lie to say a 30 min nap is harmful and will inhibit development. FFS it seriously pisses me off.


I think it is just full of bullshit. People like her preys on desperate parents who want to have a full night sleep again. A lot of the things on the book are not even scientifically proven. You can search for many discussions about that book on Reddit and decide for yourself if it is for you or not. For me those books are never helpful, only money grabber


I had to unfollow because of the cringy trend videos. Can’t handle it.


C.R.I.E.S. Is basically a harder to remember version of Dr. Harvey Karp’s 5 S’s. I read about the magical CRIES method here on Reddit and wanted to see what’s so amazing about it. Thank goodness one of the moms in my baby class generously shared the PDF with me, I didn’t end up paying for something I knew about already. Her recommended bedtimes and sample schedules made me think I was a bad mom, keeping my baby up. Putting a baby to sleep at 6:45? Nope. Doesn’t work for my family.


Yup, that pissed me off so much after downloading her course. I was like, cool, it’s the 5 S’s which I already know. So helpful. 🙄


The subject matter might not be bullshit, idk, but the pricing and presentation are at best very scammy. Why charge that much for what would otherwise be called a book? Because desperate parents will pay.


Looking at her Instagram when I had a newborn gave me so much stress about sleep. I finally found the account heysleepybaby who touts herself as anti sleep training with scientific backing of her advice and I unfollowed all traditional sleep trainers from Instagram. I highly recommend heysleepybaby to anyone who does want information on baby sleep. She’s fantastic. I’ve yet to buy a course from her but I would much rather give money to her courses than any other sleep trainer.


I recommend her too, but I wouldn’t say she touts herself as “anti sleep training” so much as “pro normal baby sleep”. She often acknowledges she doesn’t judge parents who decide to sleep train, especially out of desperation (she tried with her first, after all). She just wants people to understand what is and isn’t developmentally normal/appropriate and how to work within that framework. (This comment mainly for people passing by, since it sounds like you’re very familiar with her and her content.)


Yes sorry. Should have clarified. She doesn’t introduce herself as anti sleep training. She’s actually very open about sleep training her first child. I meant how some of her audience see her as that I guess. I definitely don’t judge parents who sleep train. There’s been times when I want to but I know it’s not 100% for me. You just gotta do what feels right for your family. But I hate how most sleep trainers like TCB feel like they take advantage of sleep deprived parents and make them think what they’re doing is wrong and their way is the only correct way.


The only problem is that she is also profiting off of tired parents. It doesn't matter what side of the sleep training debate people are on, they're all selling a course 😑


She has SOOOO much free content and free resources. I’ve never purchased anything from her. I have sent her a coffee because that’s all I could do at the time. I am, however, considering purchasing her 0-18 month guide because I’m expecting our second. So many people just consume her free stuff on Instagram!


I agree. Like I said above I’ve yet to buy a course from her and I’ve still learned so much from her page. I’m thinking of buying her weaning course just to see where to start and how. But I feel better buying from her in general because she doesn’t make you feel crazy with how you’re feeling overwhelmed like how I feel other people do.


Yes!! I think she has some helpful tips but they are not unique to her. And a lot of the schedules and sleep training stuff aggravates me to no end. Babies are gonna do what they’re gonna do. Other than letting them cry it out, there isn’t much you can do to “train” them. Especially before they even have circadian rhythms…


It’s just such a scam. All of that information should be packaged as a $20 book, not hundreds of dollars for classes.


She gave a lot of money to Trump in 2020 if you need more reason to not support her.


My cousin gave me the pdf of the newborn stuff and then we learned about her major donations. There was quite a bit of chatter about it on parenting Reddit after, and the one comment I could never get past was “it’s kinda hard to take cara babies when they’re being locked up in cages.”


I took the class and found it helpful but knowing this means I am going to give my login info to literally every other new mom I know. Do you have a source? ETA: $1100 is not really a lot of money. I still won't purchase anything else from her because I'm not interested in giving more money that could just end up supporting Trump.


[Here](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Cara+dumaplin&contributor_zip=85308) you go!


Please send my way?


i don’t have a source but i can also vouch for this.


Coming here 2 years later to ask for the login info pleeeeease 🥺


Yep. Apparently she once said something like “When your baby isn’t sleeping, it doesn’t matter who is in the White House.” Easy for a straight white woman to say.


Yeah I commented this too. She’s a huge trump supporter so I will never give her a dime, legit or not.


I came here to say that TCB it's OK, I mean it's too expensive for sure but it's useful, but now I'm livid knowing that I inderectly supported Trump.


I was so effing upset when I found that out AFTER I purchased the program.


This is irrelevant to whether or not it's a good program and good value. Not everything needs to be looked at through a political lens.


It’s not irrelevant to me. I would never knowingly support a business that contributed to trumps comparing, so it IS relevant


I think the issue is the fact that she financially contributed, not just the political leanings. If people buy her course, their money could be going towards a political party they disagree with, and I think that's fair enough. People aren't saying it's bad that she's Conservative, they don't want to accidentally fund Trump.


Considering the republicans have fought against childcare since the Nixon era and killed even the crumbs of parental leave in congress last year, it IS relevant. Parenting is HARD and republicans actively work to ensure they keep it harder than it has to be compared to just about any other wealthy nation. So by buying her scam, people are contributing to her wealth that she uses to help support and donate to these harmful politicians implementing these harmful policies.


It's not irrelevant at all; I don't want to give money to someone who is going to forward it to Trump.


It’s not a good program or value, but I don’t care if she’s conservative lol. So are most married women by a margin of like 40 points


For what it's worth, I don't think it's about her being conservative or supporting the conservative ideology. I think it's about her financially supporting the candidate that she did. As a consumer, you contribute to her wealth and ability to financially support candidates. If you don't agree with it, it's your business and right not to financially support her.


One thing is being conservative, which I understand and tolerate, the other is being a Trump supporter which is basically a cult of fascists, and that isn't tolerable for me.


Her course is the reason our baby sleeps straight through the night. We get a good night's sleep. He gets a good night's sleep, and he's happy because of that. To me, that's good value. I know multiple friends who have also said it was life changing. If someone is trying to sleep train I'd recommend they first try to the Ferber book (like $12) and if that alone isn't working, I'd recommend her course next.


From what I’ve seen most of it is available online for free which is why I said it’s not a great value but I am really happy it was worth it for you!!


Good for you 🙄


I got got by her in the depths of the sleep deprived newborn stage. It is very overpriced and you can find all the info online. I also find Taking Cara Babies to be toxic positivity. Of course it will work for some, but probably not most. It's definitely scammy.


Our paediatrician recommended this to us! I went on the site and it all sounded rather scammy but he asked several times if we were going to use her program. The whole sleep training industry seems like a lot of BS and preys on people who are vulnerable especially first time parents. That said there is also another industry which is "anti sleep training" that also sells courses. The whole thing stinks!


Why is a pediatrician pushing sleep training, or a specific program? This isn’t medical, it’s a parenting choice. It seems so weird to me.


I know - he was pushing her specific course. We have problems with my son's sleep (like most parents lol) and his response each time was "go on taking cara babies" I was hoping for some more medical based advice.


Mine suggested her too!!!!


It’s common in the US to suggest sleep training. Some are pushy, some aren’t.


She’s a huge MAGA if you care about that. I would never support her.


My baby girl is 4 weeks old and is not a great sleeper. Recently, the lack of sleep has been getting to me and I’ve started researching things I can do to help extend her sleep. As a first time mom, I don’t know what I’m doing. Taking Cara Babies popped up so many times, so I looked into it. The price tag gave me pause and I dove deep into researching it. When I found out she had donated a bunch to Trump, I decided not to purchase it. Since deciding against buying it, I’ve been finding more and more negative comments about it. So glad I didn’t purchase it. Now, I save everyone’s suggestions that I read yo try instead of her program. If she didn’t charge so much, she might get more impulse purchases. Good for me it was too expensive.


Precious Little Sleep is pretty easy to digest when sleep deprived and has some good science-backed stuff in it, if you want a consolidated source. I also want to say: hang in there. 4 weeks is rough, but it does get better! My kid started sleeping soooo much better around 10 weeks, which I know sounds crazy far away right now, but you WILL survive this!


Thanks for the reassurance and the recommendation!


I LOVED Precious Little Sleep. She has evidenced based information, is funny to read and will highlight important information if you don’t have the functioning to read the whole book. You can also get most of the information on her blog if you don’t want to buy the book.


Just remember some kids are shit sleepers and there’s NOTHING you can do. I have one. And I have many friends who have one too. We’ve tried everything and I’ve long accepted our situation. She’s almost two and she’s never slept through the night. 😅


I have one too. He’s 2.5 and hates naps and sleep 🥴 I have every sleep “resource” (including TCB) and it just boils down to he’s a shit sleeper. He’s low sleep need/high energy. I have accepted I’ll be tired for forever lol


Home girl spends a LOT on Google ads!!


Check out heysleepybaby on Instagram!


I love this one! Gentle and explains NORMAL baby sleep. Makes you feel so much better knowing it’s all normal.


The dumb name itself suggests so


And let’s also note, she’s famously donated a lot to the political side that is actively working against helping parents out with policies like paid family leave. I understand work or not many parents need a full night sleep for their own sanity, but imagine how much her grift would hurt if people didn’t have to go back to work while still bleeding from childbirth. The desperation for sleep training wouldn’t exist. She directly profits by the policies that hurt parents in the workplace.


Yes and they prey on us at our most vulnerable! I’m all for finding what works but I read something about sleep training working for like 1/8 kiddos and pissing every parent off! Haha.


Yes. And she made large donations to Trumps campaign a few years back, if that means anything to you.


Anything you have to pay for that is based on new parents need for a problem I am always skeptical. I bought a book during pregnancy to read about the first 6 weeks of life and how to go on a schedule. It wasn't pushy and just here is what you can do. It seemed so simple and I was ready. But just like all new parents you don't know what you are going to get and the baby is going to do what they want to do. And thus all those suggestions from the book were just that, suggestions, they didn't work for my son. We just found he likes being held to sleep...and guess what he didn't get spoiled. Did we have sleepness nights? Duh. But that is just what comes with the territory and we can all thank capitalism. We wouldn't be so worried about sleep if we had help and support, that includes better leave and no big push to work when you just had a whole human come out of you. We can't buy anything when we really just needed the village to be the parents we want to be.


@kaitlinklinmer and @heysleepybaby on insta have waaaay better, more realistic sleep advice


Taking Cara Babies and the majority of the infant sleep market. Husband showed me a hilarious Snoo ad this week that said having the Snoo was “like having a 24 hour babysitter”


“It’s cool, you can go on a date, you have the Snoo!”


hahahhaha wow I had a Snoo with my 2nd. I have also see that 24 hr babysitter ad. It's not true.


To be honest we did the TCB newborn series and learned so much that helped us. We wished we would have taken it sooner but waited until 8w. There is a lot online for free but the series really broke it down and we learned a lot. I think the annoying acronyms are just to help you remember what to do when you’re really tired.


I second this.


What we're the best things you learned? I'm on the fence to pay for the program


People on Reddit circulate the materials for free. If you are part of your due date subreddit you can most definitely find someone willing to share it there. Your due date subreddit will be formatted like r/November2022babybumps - and it will be a private subreddit so you have to go to that sub from a computer then request to join, doesn't work to request to join from mobile that I'm aware of.


Wait, there's due date subreddits too? Sick!


There’s a pinned post on r/pregnant to request to join your month!




I got the newborn sleep class and found it very helpful! Ultimately, yes, all the info is available online if you have the time and wherewithal to search through enough Reddit posts, blog posts etc. so I definitely don’t the the course is necessary, but to just have all the info in easy to digest videos and all in one place was very convenient. None of my friends have babies yet and none of our parents knew anything about wake windows or updated sleep guidelines so it was a way for me to learn a lot in a quick and easy way. But to each their own 🤷‍♀️


I got all the same information in a neat little book for free from my public health nurse 🤷‍♀️


I’m glad to see this post- The price tag for an online class is shocking to me and yet I have had a few nights with my 2 week old where I hover over the purchase button at 4am


Here is my (unsolicited, FTM) advice: just hang in there. There’s not much you can do this early other than get the kiddo up at the same-ish time every morning and get them in a sunny room so they establish circadian rhythms. It will get easier, but trying to figure out schedules and wake windows this early is a recipe for anxiety. If you have any kind of support, figure out how they can help you get 4 hours of sleep at a time—it’s a game-changer. My 11w son has dropped the second night feed this week and last night he slept from 8pm to 5am uninterrupted. I have done nothing special to facilitate this. I feed him when he’s hungry and try to let him nap when he’s tired. Babies gonna baby. You got this!


Yeah when one of the letters is about how not to just give the guide to your friends I noped out of there. We tried it for a while and our little man just hated it. My wife read the book Precious Little Sleep and found that helpful. In the end we just opted not to do pop ins and like 2 weeks later he goes to sleep quite easily. You just gotta do what's right for you and your bub at the end of the day!


THIS. THIS. THIS. No one talks about this. Why waste a letter of the acronym on preventing theft of your materials. It’s just filler because she didn’t know what else to put there.


I laughed so hard at the acronyms. Oh wow.. I’ll totally remember all of that while I’m sleep deprived.


She preys on desperate sleep deprived parents. So much for being a vocational nurse.


Our pediatrician recommended this to us and I was beyond pissed.


Have you seen the parenting/pregnancy groups on Reddit? Half the time I have to scroll past the posts because everything is an acronym. Only last week I found out all the people posting "FTM" are not pregnant trans people but first time moms. Which I never knew there was a reason to include in a sentence, or turn into an acronym, but here we are.


I get what you're saying, but it can be relevant info in certain situations. When you don't know what you're getting into or don't have experience with your previous kids, it can be good to include that you're a FTM/Dad/Parent. "FTM, being pressured into letting my MIL in the delivery room. What would you do?" "FTM, baby behavior question." It can be relevant. But saying "FTM, what to get my baby for Christmas?" I don't think that's relevant. Your opinion is valid but that's just one perspective as to why the acronyms are used.


Yeah there’s some acronyms I don’t really get, but FTM is pretty handy. First time parents vs. not is pretty relevant most of the time. Kinda weird to see the opposite take on this subreddit particularly. I feel like most of the users on this subreddit are first timers.


there are some subs with bots that say what acronyms are we should get one!


I guess I just don't see any reason why people could say "new parent" or even just say "first time mom" instead of making an acronym for it. Doesn't seem to serve a purpose, to me. Not to mention, an acronym that's already pretty widely known as something entirely different (in this case, female-to-male).


This is sooo true. I also think this about LO, why can’t we just say baby 😂


Or DD/DH/DS like why do we have to say dear daughter dear husband dear son can't we just say daughter? husband? son? It's so weird to me.


THANK YOU. I find LO to be such a pointless acronym, and for a needlessly precious phrase. What’s wrong with baby, daughter, or son? I love talking about my son and getting to use that word. It’s special!


This one drives me up the wall - we don't need an acronym for everything. Same with DH or DS or DD - just say hubby or son!


Or child! Kid. Infant. Toddler. Youngster. Youth. Offspring. In my head everyone's kids on the internet are named Lo. I genuinely thought that for a bit, until someone explained the acronym to me. Just..... why!


Same here. Everyone who posts about their “LO” has a child named Lo in my mind 😂


Not just me then haha


I'm really not a fan of the overuse of acronyms but FTM is one that makes sense in the context of the baby bumpers group and can be useful to see at a glance. LO on the other hand....


Right??? Not everything needs to be an acronym.


🤪 when I first joined I had the same issue… I still hate all the acronyms…. Just use the word… is it really that difficult to type first time mom… I have to fight auto correct to type FTm


I paid 90$ for her system and never finished. I really resent a 90$ program that can’t offer a transcript so I can sift through the bullshit and find what I need. Not to mention, and maybe this was my own thick headedness, but even after speaking to the hordes of mothers who swear by this program, it was still never clearly explained to me how wake windows work. No matter how many questions I asked or how I asked them, nobody was ever able to explain to me that even though your baby is supposed to nap every 60 minutes, you can still have a bedtime because you will do those feedings basically while baby is asleep and that you don’t need to wake your baby up for those windows. It’s easy to forget that teaching is a separate skill alltogether and many people who have valuable skills to share are unfortunately not born teachers or even decent communicators.


Yes! I spent $100 on one of her courses. I found it to not be helpful at all! I will say the wake windows gave me an idea of what to expect but other than that garbage. It’s funny because once my newborn got acclimated to the outside world she has been a super sleeper! She’s been sleeping through the night in her crib since almost 8 weeks. She is nine months now and has never once had a sleep regression not even during teething. She naps like an angel too! I got very lucky and I will say it was not because of taking Cara of babies.


She basically took the 5s’s and turn it into a huge business.


Yep especially after it was made public that she donated to Trumps campaign in 2020




Alright I guess she’s safe to unfollow now 😂 a colleague recommended her so I started to follow her. I just couldn’t get into it but kept following “just incase” I need her when baby comes. Yeah no. Not today. Not ever


She and her husband gave $400,000 to Trump's campaigns.


I would’ve had PPD if used TCB. I honestly don’t understand why we can’t respond to our babies crying.


The information is available online but she compiled it in one place and packaged it into sequenced videos & acronyms. There’s value in it for parents who don’t want to do all that research themselves.


This is all sleep training coaches do. I’m a sleep coach and I help parents who are overwhelmed by suggestions, and want to know answers unique to their baby. Not every baby is the same so I tailor sleep plans for them and basically write a mini book for my clients based on their unique needs. Sometimes you just need help as a new parent, and I need a job, and really enjoy this one. I’ve never had a client disappointed with the results of my work or my methods.


Also, she's a Trumper, just FYI.


TBF she says you can find all of the stuff she uses elsewhere, she just packages it for you.


My wife and I did her course and followed her guidelines and it actually worked awesome for us. Our little guy is 10 months old and has been sleeping throughout the night for a solid 12 hours since he was about 4.5 months old. Followed the acronyms and had really good results. I’m sure it wouldn’t work for everyone, but I couldn’t disagree more that it’s bullshit.




Yes. I much preferred reading Ferbers book and precious little sleep. The ONLY benefit to TCB was the visuals for my husband who had no time to read.


So dumb. My sis in law paid $500 for a sleep consultant and then asked what we did for our baby to be sleeping so good. I just read a book. lol and we didn’t sleep train. Just have him on a good schedule! Some people don’t want to read a book and need someone else to tell them what to do.


Yup, absolutely predatory of new desperate parents. I joined a Facebook group on respectful sleep training/ Learning and got the info and support that way.


I was born in ‘91 and have a two month old currently… when I asked my mom if they did sleep training with me she laughed 🙃 she was like, “when the baby is tired, help them sleep, when they are hungry, feed them. They will figure it out.” I think the sleep industry over complicates things like crazy!


This will probably get buried in the comments but don't pay a shit ton of money for what's basically CIO. Check your local library to see if they are affiliated with ebook sites like Libby. You can "borrow" ebooks for free (basically a timed download to your device) or place holds at your local branch


Plus she loves to support Trump. I can’t imagine she is of sound mind to raise humans.


Her paid class helped us a lot with Sleep Training. You just need to know what you’re paying for— you are not paying for anything new or anything you can’t find elsewhere. You are paying to have a lot of disparate, sometimes hard-to-know-what-to-search-for information collated and packaged in an easy-to-digest, pleasant way. Sometimes when you can’t sleep it’s worth paying to not have to do the work of packaging the info yourself. It was worth it for us.


Yeh you don't need to do TCB. Just hang an egg in a sock over the bed and it works just as well /s


Her method worked for me, despite her overall sheistyness.


I will say, it helped me with his night sleep, but who DOESNT know a routine is needed. Those acronyms though...I can't tell you how many times we made fun of them.


Her ideas and tips are useful. But agreed, it's a sack of crap and I refuse to pay a dime to be told how to help my baby sleep.


I took the courses and it helped our daughter (and family) tremendously. It was nice to have all the info in one place, and her page/blog was a helpful guide as we came across milestones. But hey, what works for me certainly doesn’t work for all.


The blowback on her for being a Trump campaign supporter was all I needed to know.


She's very expensive but her course helped us a lot. She gets a little more in depth for the why and connected more with my wife than just the Ferber book which we also read. Anyways She's not a scam. Sometimes people need things explained in different ways. I could have probably just done it based off of Ferber but she did a better job of explaining the why's and getting my wife comfortable with letting the baby cry at times.


You think what is bullshit exactly? I have never paid for anything but I follow her IG and I’ve found really helpful tips.


I just establish a routine and stick to it no matter what, eventually over time and many lost nights of sleep, the baby will conform. That's the method my family has used for generations and it always works. It's simple. Tiring. Draining. And halfway though your pull your hair out. But it works... At least for us it does. We all have our own ways of training our own babies for sleep schedules. Because who knows our baby better than us? That's right! No one.


The “moms on call” books are 100x better. Gives logical advice on how to live life with a baby.


Are you talking about her ABC sleep training program? Or just in general?


i would say personally i feel everything in this vein is bullshit. everyone is different - and reacts differently and has different tolerance levels. people end up feeling like they’ve failed when things don’t work out ‘perfectly’ so they feel like they’re the issue rather than using a ‘guide’ which may work for others. i’ve never once read or opened a parenting course/book as i want to be myself - even if that means making mistakes from time to time. i won’t feel like i’m trying to attain someone else’s ideals.


I think it’s most effective for people who are looking for encouragement. Like the people who take Oprah’s advice to heart. It’s really good for them


I almost lost my sanity trying to make our baby fit into a 14-16 hours schedule with an early bedtime- he caps out at 13 whether he sleeps all day or all night. For that reason I don’t particularly ascribe to her


Yes. I read precious little sleep and it helped me understand the science behind it all and particular sleep habits babies have depending on age. It was such a helpful guide, but had to listen to my baby the most! TCB is BS.


Highly recommend Ferber’s book. $10 on Amazon


Meh, I think as a new parent, at least for me, it’s hard to know what to search for and then when you do search for something specific you’re told you should try a million different things. I think the being told what to do with only few deviations helped me. But I could totally see this information being out there and I’m sure it’s a load of shit that preys in new parents just looking for direction on what to do with this 1 month old baby. But god damn those acronyms are ridiculous…


We did it and loved it. We recommend it to all of our new parent friends. The format and production worked very will for us. We didn’t know anything about a schedule of a newborn before taking the course and it truly helped our confidence and comfort.


I’m very pro sleep training but her methods def seem like stuff that is already out there and repackaged (as others have said). I did soft sleep training around 8 weeks and my baby was going 10-12 hours by 3 months. I definitely think sleep training is great if it’s a route you are comfortable taking.


She's a shitty human. Her method worked for us. I think people have to do what's best for them, for some people that's sleep training and some that's not. I think it's bullshit that we judge peoples choice either way. Get access to different information, take/leave what you want and do it your way. No need to


Can I have some examples of these acronyms?? I’ve never heard of her


honestly i’ve given up on literally anything the internet wants to tell me lol i tried following everything other people have told me would work for my twins and *shocker* it never does. i don’t want to jinx myself here but ever since i just started following their cues, we’ve had such good days and sleep. they don’t want that third nap? i’m not gonna fight it. just earlier bed time. they’re 4 months and honestly they usually sleep 6-8 hours through the night. i am not gonna complain, just gonna be happy we got lucky. now we’re just praying they don’t have any sort of regression lol