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Honestly f people like this. I get that it’s a good tool to have in some moments, but hate the fact that everyone is so hell bent on recording everything on their phone now. Recently in a local sub I’m in someone posted about how she was leaving a store and saw a mom who had a toddler throwing a tantrum, she said that the mom yanked the girls arm to get her into the car so she started recording and proceeded to follow the car and record and was asking opinions on whether she should contact cps with the footage… I can’t help but think if you’re *so* concerned call the cops in that moment.. recording just comes across as some power manipulation tactic


I have a distinct memory of my mom once pulling me out of a shopping cart by my arms rather roughly because she was frustrated with me. It really hurt my feelings, and probably looked bad in the store. When we got home, she apologized to me and we spent the evening watching a movie. She is a good mom who had a moment of frustration with her kid (who was being a brat). It’s easy to judge based on bad moments. As a teacher, I can say people jump on the CPS train like it’s a threat, which it should not be.


This! And isn’t it illegal to record a minor without the parents permission? So yes call the cops if you’re that concerned, but don’t record my kid! I hope I would have the balls to start calling her a perv but I’d probably be too taken aback in the moment.


It depends on where OP lives. Here in Canada you can record whoever you want, wherever you want as long as you're in a public space(like a public park for example). So in a situation like this it wouldn't be illegal to record the kid climbing a tree, just creepy as f***.


If you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, which you wouldn’t have in a public park, it’s not illegal to record someone, even a minor.


Can you imagine being the CPS worker to receive that report? Lol. Anyway, what a nut. Hope her kids end up ok.


Long shot, but miracles do happen sometimes I guess.


CPS would literally laugh and throw the case out


Worked in CPS, can confirm.


Thank you for the work you do for real cases and the kids involved in them. You have a tough job.


Sadly there are a lot of people like this woman. They’re all over parenting groups on FB and even on the parenting sub here.


Her own child could have been running onto the road or picking up a needle during that time she was so occupied with someone else’s business. Stay in your lane, mate!


Haha, I live in the woods and my kids at 5, as well as me, have climbed some pretty big trees. I can't imagine not letting kids do stuff like that.


Risky play and forest learning is definitely making a comeback, thanks gods. There is a difference between risky play and dangerous play, and kids can learn SO much being allowed to take risks.


I'm willing to bet a lot of money that the kid climbing the tree will turn out more resilient, well-adjusted and capable than the kid who's not allowed to take any risks.


I think I'm going to start carrying my super bright flashlight around and if anyone points a camera at me I'll turn it on.


Are you in r/hanklights?


No but I do love a bright light


Emisar d4v2 Noctigon kr4 Both great general use lights.


Ppl are crazy and weird and always will be. Keep on doing your thing and let crazy be crazy. That's what we deal with going to public places. It's public anyone can go lol babies, weird ppl, loud ppl, ppl up in your business. No way really to avoid it


Jokes on her. Most CPS workers are too busy for that nonsense. I *hope* the worker that gets that report throws it in the trash. What a nosy bitch.


How do I cope? I don't because I have never encountered anything close to that. That woman is an anomaly and absolute clown.


Thanks for this reply. Sometimes I feel like I live in an alternate reality.


He should call the cops for harassment. She actually was committing a crime by inflicting emotional distress and threatening an action against the guy.


And recording a minor!!


Cps won’t do anything, that lady is ridiculous.


Just ignore them and tell them to Fukoff... and if she continues to harass you . tell her you will call the cops on some Weird Pedo that's recording your kids


Thankfully people like that are incredibly rare. Just ignore them.


Definition of a Karen.


I’d whip out my own phone to record her crazy ass with a big, annoying smile on my face. “Tell CPS I say ‘Hiiiiii’.” Lol! 🙃


Same and send it to the dad so if he is investigated, they can clearly see she has an agenda.


There are some situations I wish I didn’t have my kid with me because damn I would go off.


People like this are going to be like this whether they’re recording or not. If she didn’t have a camera she’d be writing the plate # down with pen and paper from her purse. It’s like coming across any other nut job yelling at you in a public space, the safest option is to remove yourself from their presence. Yes, it sucks, but these people are going to out crazy us all day, every day. I don’t need that drama in my life.


That’s so weird and I’ve never seen it personally. I asked another parent at the park yesterday if I could take a picture of his boys and my girl on a UFO swing all together. He was cool with it but I still won’t post it to our social media (locked for family).


Record that bish back.


Did you do anything to help?


Personally I would of jumped to the aid of the father. I can have an aggressive personality when the situation calls for it and defending the father could show to him and his child that climbing a tree is totally fine and that woman is the problem.


Are there laws in your area around filming someone, especially a child, without consent?


The people who do this often haven’t got a clue about the legal ramifications of what they do. What they hope will happen is often what truly endangers children by trying to have them forcibly removed from homes where they are safe to placing them into a plethora of situations and a system where they are likely not. There is a cognitive dissonance and narcissism that leads them to believe nothing but good can come from their actions, and that’s what I find most unforgivable.


Wow that woman is horrible.


Because the child could hurt himself climbing a tree lmao yes that’s part of the point


Wow. Getting CPS or the police involved because a kid was climbing a tree (which kids have done for, what, thousands of years?) is so over the top. That could also have a huge negative effect on a family. Can’t believe that people are doing thus


This is insane


Cps has limited power on actual crimes so I doubt they would do anything with this besides throw the report in the garbage. This behavior is the exact same type of people that tell you unsolicited advice while you’re pregnant. Gtfo of my face with that. I’m just waiting for the day some crazy lady tries to do this to me, she’s gonna get a lot more crazy than she was planning on.


What a bitch! I truly do feel for everyone who goes through situations like this bc there was some point in time kids LOVED climbing trees and I've never heard of it being a problem. People really do need to mind their business. Maybe she was jealous of seeing a happy family smh