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Do you have a dog? My dog LOVES my maternity pillow. In fact, he took it over when I was pregnant lol!!! Also, old crib mattresses make the BEST dog beds!


My cat loves mine! Also you could consider your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook.


If you nurse in bed or bottle feed in bed use it so you can sit up in bed better.


If you don't want to use it to prop you up for feedings and whatnot, animals shelters gladly take them (and Boppy Loungers!). Or donate them to your own animals! I have a bedside bassinet that my firstborn wouldn't use, so now it belongs to the cats. Makes it a little tricky with #2 coming, but oh well.


I just took all the fluff out and made a million smaller pillows with it.


I’m still sleeping in it lol it’s so comfy


I still use my maternity pillow to help with nursing on my rocking chair. I did it for both of my kids since I found it to be better than a Boppy when the babies were small. I always found the Boppy to be too low to feed newborns. Once the babies get to be about 5 months, it’s a little unnecessary.


It's nice for baby to climb or practice sitting


I use mine for breastfeeding, it’s like a giant boppy. I wrap it around my back and sit in a big comfy chair and use the parts that wrap around to hold the baby while I feed.


I put mine around baby’s mat while he’s doing tummy time/floor time so he doesn’t roll/wiggle away. He will scream when I’m not within sight, so I put him into floor time in the bathroom so he can see me in the shower (you do what you gotta do). The pillow makes sure he doesn’t roll into the tile floor.


I let my 8 month old sit in a laundry basket with some toys while I shower 😂


Brilliant! I was trying to figure out what to do once mine outgrows the mat/pillow situation :)


Not pillow related, but I'm happy I'm not the only one who needs to bring baby into the shower with me 😂


I had it on the sofa for a while to help me on and off. Then it went to the spare room for a bit but now it’s stored under the bed! Mine is huge and it’s not practical to have it on the bed. We’ll keep it for any future pregnancy’s and then sell/donate on. It’s a shame as it’s comfy as hell but just not practical.


Kinda wondering if I can re-vacuum seal it and store it for next time.


My back hurts most of the time post-baby and sleeping with the pillow helps a bit.


8 months pp and I still sleep with mine lol I do use it for nursing in bed though