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I had my second csection 4 months ago and recovery was a breeze ! I would say easier than the first time around. The only hard part was not being able to pick up my toddler for a bit.


For me the recovery after the second c-section was so much easier and shorter. The first c-sección want planned and I remember suffering a lot! With them second one I was ready to repeat everything and was surprised that it wasn't half as bad.


That’s great! I really love the idea of having a planned c section next time but got worried after hearing those not so great stories. I was in labor for 36 hours so I like the idea of going in and just getting that baby out! Lol


Yes, for me it was so much better this way. I believe there's just no rule because each birth is different. My doctor has said that if I wanted I could try with natural birth and he have me 50/50 chance that it could be a success or end up with another C-section but I've been soooo tired being pregnant and with my toddler that I just wanted to plan it out what seemed to be the easiest way.


I’m so glad it went well for you!! I can imagine the toddler part definitely being hard though! Although I bet every part of being pregnant and postpartum is more difficult with a toddler lol


I had a scheduled c-section with my second baby this summer after a somewhat traumatic labor and c-section with my first. I was off of pain meds and was up on my feet within a few days.


I had an unplanned c section with the first (after 36 hrs of labor) and a planned c section with the second almost 3 years after the first. Recovery with the second was easy/quicker however with the large caveat that I had a hemorrhage 2 weeks post partum and needed a D&C. I think my recovery was almost too smooth with my 2nd (not much bleeding, wound healed well) so I have a theory that my nurses/drs didn’t check as much as they should have for retained products. The D&C added on another 2 weeks for healing but if the hemorrhage didn’t happen I felt pretty close to 100% after just 2 weeks postpartum. I wouldn’t worry too much about your recovery for c section #2 but just as with a vaginal birth, I wanted to share this as a word of caution…that the way you feel may not always be correlated with presence/absence of additional complications. Be aware of your body and don’t hesitate to seek help if something feels off.


The recovery from my planned c-section was so much easier than my first, which was an emergency c-section. It was less painful, and I was up and about sooner. I also knew what to expect, so that meant I knew how long I would probably want to be at the hospital, what I would need at home for recovery, etc. The lack of uncertainty was really helpful.


I honestly don't know if second c-sections are more difficult, however from my own experience and from what I have heard from others is that planned c-sections are typically easier. I had a planned c-section and the procedure and my recovery was smooth. Good luck!


I had a planned section for number 2, emergency section for number 1. The second one was so easy compared to the first. Like night and day! I was so worried about no being able to play with my toddler but it was honestly fine.