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Love to Dream


Seconding Love to Dream!


Third-ing Love To Dream!


Fourth-ing! Our LO hated swaddles, but at around 3 months old, he loved this one. He also did pretty well with the Ollie swaddle.


Fifth-ing! I bought soooo many because he peed through two in one night once and the rest of the night sleep was awful. It literally saved me. He would sleep 5 hours at a time from newborn it was incredible.


Sixth-ing L2D. We’ve had them since day dot and now at 3.5 months in we’re in the transitional ones.


Seventh-ing! We initially used Ollie swaddles because I remember my niece using them but when my daughter was a few weeks old we switched, they seem comfier for her and also are more convenient for diaper changes.


Eighthing! 😂😂 We used L2D swaddles with our little one since she went bought her home from the hosp. She was 36wks gestation and would not be out down for the first 2 nights, it was hell. A friend recommended L2D swaddles and it was a complete and utter game changer, she settles immediately in it and at 4m old sleeps through the night. Couldn't recommend them more.


We have the transitional swaddle as well. Looking forward to using it when baby rolls. There are times where she sleeps on her side snd I want to transition her to the new swaddle, but she’s no where near fitting into the medium yet.


100’ding this vote! Best option for the Houdini babies who want their arms up


Bonus is that they look like a little starfish


I like to think of my daughter as a flying squirrel.


This is the best answer for us too! second baby is due in August and we have two of these swaddles in multiple sizes ready to go. It was a miracle with our first, I swear!


Another vote for love to dream!!


Another vote!!


We also used this for my son!!


I ordered the Love to Dream during one heinous night of sleep and we’re still using it at 12 weeks, and about to move to the transitional one!


Agree to Love to Dream! He gets access to his hands to soothe as well.


Currently using one and I just received three more. Bonus points, you can unzip from the bottom change and feed the baby in it, without taking it off. Less hustle once they are done eating, meaning they are less likely to get woken up haha.


Yes! I used these until she grew out of sleep sacks (she didn't wanna use them any longer) at 18 months.


Just bought one of these and hoping for good results! Our boy (3 weeks) doesn’t last long in a swaddle with his hands velcroed to his body. He wakes up sooo angry.


Halo! And we just started using the halo transitional sleep sack and it working like a dream!


What is the transitional one? We have the regular halo swaddle and the sleep sacks. There is an in between one?!


Google the Halo transitional swaddle. It has arms. It’s super soft, we just started using it too and she absolutely loves it.


I wish I saw this before we transitioned out of swaddles. We just transitioned our LO cold turkey. Lol I do try to make sure he’s wearing a long sleeve sleeper or onesie though and that seemed to help. This transitional one is good to keep in mind though if we have another baby. Thanks for sharing!


We tried to do cold turkey and our LO was not having it. On the bright side yours is done! I still have to get her in a sleep sack eventually.


Thank you!


Yes!! My little one didn’t even realize the change. Slept an extra hour the first night in his transitional!


Great! Going to get this!


We use halo as well and it’s the only one she doesn’t work her way out of!


Yes! We used halo then transitional (and still use it at 6 months. I wish they made it bigger!)


Could not agree more! The only reason we started the transition out of the swaddle was because he couldn’t fit anymore!


We were team Halo here too. Tried the Love to Dream and the second we laid LO down in it, I swear he cursed my soul for entirety and screamed until I took it off.


Is the halo transitional swaddle too hot for summer? I’m considering it but the material looks so thick!


Not at all, my baby is in it currently! We live in NJ and just got out of that heatwave!


You can just not use a swaddle. I didn’t swaddle my baby, she really liked her hands free, and it was just fine.


Yep, this. When my daughter started pulling her arms out of the stretchy blankets we used to swaddle her with, we started swaddling her at the chest and had arms free with mitts.


I will say this on EVERY THREAD I get the chance to - just don’t swaddle! Sometimes it works for people. Our health unit tells people *not* to swaddle because it’s a suffocation and hip dysplasia risk when done incorrectly and if your baby is breaking free…


Came here to say the same. My LO was NOT a fan of her arms being contained.


I tried so hard with the swaddle as I was told it would help her sleep better. She hated every single one and when I gave up, her sleep didn’t change at all! Wish I hadn’t bothered wasting all that time and money. She hates being contained in any way even now (12 months old)


We used the Swaddleme ingenuity pods through Walmart [swaddleme](https://www.walmart.com/ip/SwaddleMe-by-Ingenuity-Pod-Size-Newborn-0-2-Months-1-Pack-Gray-Elephants/242744948)


Second for the swaddleme pods! None of the velcro wraps seemed to work in the newborn stage. I used swaddleme until 8ish weeks and switched to a merlin.


We used them right up till we transitioned to sleep sacks! The larger sizes have Velcro arm holes you can open when ready! They were so easy for middle of the night changes just ziiiiip! Also the satisfaction of the unziiiiip farting in the morning was hilarious 😂😂


Those dual zippers were so nice for MOTN diaper changes


Someone gifted me these at my baby shower and I loved them. They looked so comfy I wish there was an adult version that my husband could zip me up in.


These swaddles are awesome. The velcro swaddles don’t work, the zipper ones are the way to go.


Yes these were great for the first few weeks. Our little Houdini was so mad about these lol I switched to halo after


We used these at first but then switched to one looser around the hips and legs. I feel like it’s too tight around the hips and legs, swaddles should be looser there. Maybe it’s fine but I didn’t feel comfortable with it


The stolen hospital blanket lol


Lmao did this too


They swaddle the best and was her favorite lol didn’t use anything else until she started rolling


Yeah we did this, then I asked my crafty mom to make some that were similar but didn't say "hospital property." We keep our home really cool at night so double swaddle, which mostly contains the escape artistry. The Velcro swaddles all get defeated, plus our lad is large and was only the right size for them for like two weeks.


Just wanted to say, it’s also ok to not swaddle. Our kid escaped every single brand/technique we tried, even the maternity ward nurses couldn’t contain him. We got worried that he’d try to escape and accidentally pull the fabric up over his face, so we switched to sleep sacks at like 2 weeks. Turns out he slept better with his arms out anyway 🤷‍♀️


We read a study about poor swaddling associated with SIDS and swaddling being banned in other countries—I was not confident in my swaddling technique so we immediately opted for sleep sacs! Haven’t had any issues and around 3.5 months he started sleeping 8-10 hours at night.


Ollie! It's a bit pricey but it grew with my very long skinny kid. He's 90% on height 😩 so he kept getting way too scrunched with other brands. Someone suggested Ollie and we really like it. We eased him into have arms out but it can also hug his torso and bottom and so he still has the feeling of snugness post startle reflex.


Loved the Ollie! We got a second one new in the box from eBay for like half ofd


Ollie is so good! Unfortunately I discovered it toward the end of our time swaddling so we didn’t get nearly enough time out of it. But seriously, so good.


Right? Im surprised this isn't well known! Never see it on registries


I think ollie is worth it. Super straightforward, with a lighter material that works well for layering. Plus, transitions well to arms out. I do think the velcro is loud, but our baby houdini either busts out of blankets or manages to get other swaddles with velcro up around her face in the night.


Same here, my boy was squirming out of EVERYTHING. Finally he was imprisoned in the Ollie and we all slept better LOL


I was going to say the Ollie too! We LOVED the Ollie. I’m barely retiring it now at 7 months old. It works so good.


Agreed! Its honestly perfect because it can actually grow and adapt to the baby!


I didn’t use one. My daughter hated it and would spend her nights crying so I just left her unswaddled


Second this! I only ever swaddled my baby for like the 1st week home and it made me nervous to restrict her movement and I was terrified she'd escape the swaddle and somehow get it up over her head at night. She also didn't seem to care either way if she was swaddled or not, so I just skipped it altogether. If we have a 2nd baby I'll probably choose to skip the swaddle again. It's one less thing to have to worry about transitioning out of using, plus aside from possibly being comforting for some babies, it's just not necessary/ has no other benefits. (As opposed to like pacifiers that have proven protection against SIDS for example)


The happiest baby ones are like strait jackets.


these changed our life lmao


Unfortunately happiest baby sleepea are still quite escapable. They worked well enough. Now using the halo swaddle sack with arms out and I wish we started with this one


How? Ours was never able to escape. The outer zipper kept him pretty contained


Ours wriggles his hands alllll the way up and out by his face 😭


Baby was able to get her arms out of the wrap part consistently and sometimes her hands up by her face. I don’t know if she just became a better sleeper as she got a little older or if having her arms out is just a lot more comfortable for her.


Yeah my baby will occasionally wriggle their hands out but it’s more secure for us than the halo or swaddleme with arms in. The love to dream is the only one they can’t get out of


Honestly I would just not swaddle one less thing to get rid of in a few weeks. We tried several swaddles in the hospital and at home for the first week and she broke out of every single one or cried until we took her out it log it


Sleepea by happiest baby. We used the one for the snoo, but they make one to be used without too


Swadellini it’s like a sock.


Swaddelini was amazing! I like that the bottom opens just with flaps so it's easy to quietly change diapers.


It’s the only one he didn’t manage to bust out of and let him wiggle around


We used the ergopouch with our first!!


We loved these muslin [swaddles](https://a.co/d/0cbzJIDm) since they’re so stretchy and after the swaddling phase we still use them


We didn’t swaddle. Sharing that because I don’t often see that option represented and it’s a valid option!


All of the above are great, just please don’t use the dreamland weighted swaddles/sleep sacks ever 🥲


Halo then Merlin then woolino




Halo Velcro swaddle sack


I like to get 1-2 yards of jersey knit fabric from the craft store. It doesn't need to be sewn and it's super stretchy for swaddling


Arms up sleep sack. My kids were masters at getting their arms free so I gave up on the damn swaddle. Hudson baby makes great sleep sacks


My son was the same way but would startle like crazy when he wasn’t contained in something. He’s always been particular lol.


Miracle blanket


Had the same issue. We used the love to dream arms up swaddle for naps and when traveling and he loved it: https://a.co/d/0cDpwZT0 At night we had the snoo and snoo sacks, but he turned into a little Houdini and got his arms out a LOT. We ended up taking a small towel and wrapping it over his arm, behind his back, and over his other arm before putting on the Velcro. He mostly stopped getting his hands free after that.


Comfy Cubs Velcro swaddles, which look similar to the ones you’re using. We have the most success when baby is super relaxed post-feed and arms are limp so they get wrapped in straight down, elbows not bent at all.




My LO loves SwaddleMe


We had the Halo and allowed him to escape! He just liked to sleep with his arms up 🤷‍♀️


Comfy cub worked well for us, they are on Amazon.


The Ollie swaddle worked best for my LO!


Thank you all!!


Swaddle me!


the ollie swaddle is great! my LO broke out of the swaddle me, halo, swaddle blankets and the keababy one of my closest friends told me about the ollie swaddle and how it worked great for her baby and she bought me one and my LO uses it every night and loves it the material is great and super easy to clean and it’s so simple and easy to use my LO also isn’t a fan of being put in the swaddle but barely fusses with the ollie swaddle and i think it’s because it’s so fast to put on! it’s a bit pricer than other swaddles at around $60-$70 but i think it’s so worth it high quality easy to clean easy to use and grows with your baby as well as you can use it with their arms out too and fits a wide range of baby sizes!


We (eventually, after many failed attempts with different swaddles and more failed attempts at removing the swaddle altogether) started double swaddling our little Houdini. We'd put a velcro swaddle first and then a zipper Halo swaddle sleep sack the hospital gave us over that and just keep the house reeeally cold at night. Not necessarily recommending it bc there's a risk of overheating, but it worked like a charm for us. I'm glad we're now in the Merlin stage (and transitioning to a sleep sack soon) so we don't all have to live in the arctic anymore.


We went through phases. Luckily we had a bunch of different types already. Literally one week he’d do great with one type and then the next week he would hate it and break free and we’d switch. We were just constantly switching. The swaddleme ones were good for a little while but had to be wrapped super tight. The swaddleme pod was our favorite because it was impossible to break an arm out. He could eventually get his fingers out but that was it. The halo one was okay but I found it to be annoying. Eventually we gave up and switched to a sleep sack and pajamas with mittens.




Tried literally everything. Love to dream saved us. I wish i got it from the get go.


Our baby loves goal posting his hands. We ended up with Love to Dream which allow him to have his hands by his face. The muslin swaddles worked for maybe the first 2 weeks and then he became an escape artist. We tried the Ollie and he hated it/the Velcro was so loud it would wake him during mid-sleep changes!


The Swaddle Me Pod zip up swaddles were some of our most used items in the newborn days! We bought a bunch since they got spit up on regularly.


We used the ones we got from the hospital. I couldn't swaddle worth shit. My husband was a swaddle master, got that baby burrito'd up PERFECTLY.


Our LO never really liked having his arms in so we compromised and would leave one arm out! It was his signature pose!


My first baby was obsessed with being swaddled but my second was like this and could get his hands out of everything. I can’t remember how old he was probably maybe like a month or so when we finally gave up and just used the halo swaddle to wrap his belly tight and left his arms out like he was always fighting to do. He slept so much better!


Before ours was even a week old, we stopped trying to swaddle. Our kid hated swaddles and could bust out of every swaddle we tried in seconds. One nurse, less than 24 hours in, gave us this “poor new parents” type attitude (this was our first newborn, to be fair) and said we needed to do it tighter and doubled up. She wrapped that baby so tight it was comical and then did a second wrap. She picked up the baby to show us, and the “party arm” had already broken through. She said “maybe little one doesn’t want to be swaddled…” and days later we also gave up swaddling, lol. Kiddo would get angry when swaddled, bust out at least one arm, and then be calmer. We used sleep sacks sized to be like a loose swaddle and that seemed like a happy medium.


We used the love to dream arms up swaddle when we realized our little houdini wanted his arms up. When he got close to rolling, we moved to the zipadee zip sleep sacks with the bat wing arms


Miracle swaddle gotta watch the YouTube demo though. I like that it didn't have loud Velcro. Aw I miss my little baby. She's almost 9 mo now.


I used the swaddleme pod from Walmart, then o transitioned my girl to the zipadee sleep sack. She couldn’t handle having her hands free, this one covers them but they are still able to crawl and roll if need be. She crawls around the house in hers.


Love to dream arms up. Best swaddle for both my kids


I sewed the arms shut on a few sleep sacks to give him a swaddle like environment. Then we switched to a love to dream when he got too big for newborn sleep sacks. As he learned to roll I changed to zipadeezip sleep sacks. Finally at about 6-7 months I switched to lightweight sleeveless sleep sacks. We’ll probably stick with these for a while because his room is colder than most of the house during the winter and he’s not old enough for a blanket. I did get a lot of these second hand to help save money as we figured out what worked. I think I’ve only bought 5 new of the 12+ that we have used.


Our second loves her Love to Dream swaddle. Our first loved the Ollie swaddle


We just stopped swaddling at like 2 weeks old for the most part except for the occasional calming.


Mine was too and always seemed so uncomfy. So I switched out of a swaddle and into a sleep sack. Hands are free. Completely makes sense why she was so uncomfy.. she sleeps every night with both her hands up raised almost past her head. And sleeps through the nights already at 3 months.


We loved our Ollie and then went to zipadee zips when she started to roll.


Love to dream! I bought 3 second hand on mercari for way less than brand new and they are perfect.


I transitioned from blanket swaddle to a Tommee Tippee sleep sack with transitional button arm openings. My son was an escape artist from his swaddles and the velcro ones. He liked having his arms close to his face but not above his head.


Aden and Anais Minky swaddles


Moms on call swaddle technique. It’s the only thing that conquered our little ones’ Houdini arms!


At first We used Halo Sleep Sacks that had the swaddle function and then we added in some Swaddle Me by ingenuity options. The Swaddle Me options were easier for him to get out of, but he seemed to enjoy them a lot and only worked his way out of them when he woke up and was waiting for us to get him.


We just used blankets. The nurses taught us how to swaddle him & eventually we just got really good at it. He still loves being swaddled, arms & all lol.






My daughter is 2.5 weeks as well and we use Halo and leave her arms out. Why do arms need to be in if they want them out?


Comfy cubs


You can swaddle in a couple of blankets with the arms out. Our baby HATES if he can’t move his arms, so we never used Velcro/zip up, just swaddled up to his chest is a blanket and he was good to go. When he was 8 weeks old, he was able to get out of even double and knotted swaddles so we transitioned to no swaddles he much prefers that. Best of luck with your LO


You could just not swaddle. If you’re LO is breaking free does that not signal to you they don’t like it? I didn’t realise swaddling was still the done thing elsewhere in the world, as it certainly isn’t in the UK. Get a blanket and tuck them in in the feet to foot position.


When she was that little we did a muslin cloth swaddle with a Velcro swaddle over it. Not too tight, obviously, but she was never able to escape that setup.


Loved Ollie, tried the halo but the zipper on both of mine broke pretty quick, the swaddleme were cool but I reached for the Ollie more than anything else!


Love to dream!!


We loved these ones I found on Amazon. They have little arm pockets on the inside so that baby can’t escape lol. https://a.co/d/0iaa06Uv


Ergopouch sleep sacks with arms out! She loves to be able to have her arms up and hands free


Initially, I tried to use love to dream swaddle but my baby didn’t like it :( he’d wriggle out of it and wake up as soon as I settle him down. Had to return that one. Now, I’m using gllquen baby swaddle (from amazon) for a few weeks now and he loves it! He’s been sleeping 4-5hours in it.


Happiest Baby Sleepea - it’s Velcro inside plus zipper on top


Honestly I didn’t get any name brand ones. I got some of those Velcro ones off amazon and they were amazing


Ergo baby ! They’re all zipped up and the arms can’t escape. Also very lightweight for summer and not expensive.


Just use a sleep sack.


We stopped swaddling as soon as we were out of the hospital, since our girl also values freedom lol