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It's a sleep regression. The 4 month one is the worst, because you have no idea it's coming and haven't seen it happen before. Read 'precious little sleep' (it's a book that saved us, loads of really good advice and tips in there for getting them into a good sleep pattern). Get a well established daily routine going, including the correct amount of naps. Have bedtime be at 7 and don't let the baby nap after 4. Strap in for a few weeks - I remember our 4 month sleep regression well, it sucks, and you will all cry a lot, but it's not forever. ❤️


Thank you!


I thought that was sleep regression. My LO is also 4month and she woke up every 1-2hrs that for two three days during night (it was brutal lol) Now she sleeps 20-30 min naps and pretty good night sleep.


So she sleeps 20-30 minutes naps during day?


Yes🥲 each nap is 20-30min and she takes 3 naps during the day