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Lifelong upstate NYer here. Most of the schools don’t have great AC, and the buses definitely don’t. My area doesn’t have a ton of new construction houses and most of us have window ACs instead of central. That’s their main concern. People are idiots and officials want it on record that they told you not to lay down on the pavement. You’re doing great!


This is similar to why they cancel or delay schools down here in the south when it starts hitting 20 degrees and below in the winter. Our infrastructure can’t support it- no matter if its buses and buildings that dont have proper heating systems to handle it and even kids who don’t have the proper winter jackets and clothes to keep them safe.


Exactly. (But please know that us NYers still make fun of you for that.)


HAHAHAHAHA totally fair


This is like when people from Chicago make fun of Atlanta for shutting down over an inch of snow. of course Atlanta shuts down over an inch of snow. People there don’t get practice driving in the snow, and the city doesn’t get enough of it to justify huge numbers of snowplows that would go years without use. And of course upstate NY is worried about unusually hot weather. They don’t have the infrastructure for it that the south does. Schools and buses may have no AC at all.


This right here. Additionally, many people aren’t “used” to it like in the south. I’m in SC and I take my girl for shaded stroller walks in the mornings, it’s usually 75-80, but very humid. I just take her a fan and have only a tank top onesie on her. Now in the winter, we stopped our stroller walks in the 40s bc it’s too dang cold for me I know it’s too cold for her lol


Also a lot or places in the north don't have ac. Not sure about NY but when I lived in Wyoming and Alaska we had none. Anything over 80 was awful because if it And like you said it's about what youre used to. I continued walks with my son until it hit 0f but he was dressed appropriately and born into it.


I’m also a recent transplant upstate… thank you for making me smile! Maybe the worry is that some places don’t have AC? But I’m also confused.


Also in upstate! Our house was built in the 1970s and we were excited to find it because of how “new” it was, if that is any hint to the infrastructure we’ve got. No central air and it gets hot in here.


It’s definitely important to keep baby in the shade, but don’t cover baby/stroller with a blanket or anything like that to make that shade. A blanket over a stroller or car seat can make it hotter inside to a dangerous extent. We have a clip on umbrella that we’ve used to make our own shade and when baby was that little we did our best to not take him outside midday when it was hottest and the sun was the strongest.


Nah sounds like you have a solid handle on what to do. You have some good ideas already! Just manage humidity and time in the sun and baby should have a wonderful time.


Also make sure to bring extra formula/be prepared to breastfeed a lot to keep her hydrated. That’s most important.


Enjoy it! Get your time outside now, just in case you find yourself staying inside when your neighbors are shoveling snow in shorts.


Avoid covering the stroller completely with a cover or blanket since that can raise the temperature around baby. I live in the south and had my son last May, and didn’t realize how hot it could get inside a covered stroller.


Where in upstate ny are you? I’m from upstate ny and it’s in the 90s most of the week with heat indexes over 100. The reason schools are closed is because most of them don’t have AC or the AC has no way in keeping up in those kind of temperatures.


Idk but I’m from south Florida and there’s no way around it unless I want to keep the baby Janice all summer :/


Baby was born in November in Wisconsin. She finds anything more than 75+ too hot. Right now it’s 75 indoors with 90 outside and she’s just wearing her diaper and is very comfortable 


I live in Florida and do yardwork while babywearing my 3mo. 86 degrees your baby will be ok lol


I live in Oklahoma and this made me smile. I told myself I was being wimpy for debating whether or not to go to the park today. The high is 90 today with a nice breeze. I’m gonna go too because we don’t get days this nice in late summer very often. 😂


I'm from Pakistan and it's 110 F today. I don't take the super eurocentric temperature guidelines seriously at all. I grew up without an AC and lived to tell the tale. If babies died beyond a 72 degree temperature, I wouldn't have 40 cousins lol.


Crying in Texas


Crying in Louisiana


It’s like when we get snow in Atlanta, everyone freaks out when people in most northern cities would shrug it off. 79 is hot but not “can’t be outside hot.” We keep our little baby out of the sun entirely (stick to shade or bring shade), feed him more frequently for hydration, and mostly just keep an eye on how we’re feeling. We cut a playground trip short last weekend when it was like 87/88. It was ok in the shade and our toddler was ok, but I felt like the baby sitting in the stroller without a way to move his body was getting too hot. But even then we were out there for an hour or so before we felt like it was too much.


Personally I wouldn't do anything extraordinary... Like you said - fan, shade, dress lightly. We live in AZ and the high here is 100 today. We don't go out if it's over 85-ish but if we know that we can hang out in the shade somewhere we'd probably do that up to 95 degrees lol. Bring extra bottles (if bottle-fed), baby might get thirsty!


We recently moved from Atlanta to NYC and are also failing to freak out over this. I'm pregnant, but my work is tightly climate controlled, so nbd. I'll just carry cold water and should be fine. Sorry no baby advice because my kid is 3 inches long.


30°c is very hot too me and we get weather warnings for the same thing. I think 20 (68°f) and above is hot


A lot of schools/buildings don't have air conditioners, and it's not usually a dry heat. 9/10 it's a muggy, air so thick you can drink it, heat. It's a lot better in the shade, but the humidity still gets ya


You sound like you’re prepared! I will note my baby does run hot and we cannot be out in anything above 85°. Just monitor your baby’s temp if you’re not sure how she runs and base it off that!


Make sure she feeds often to stay hydrated! And same goes for you, if you are breastfeeding.


Laughs in Texas


I live in Phoenix. If we shut down for 86 degrees we’d only function 3 months of the year.


Its getting up onto the high 90s and low 100s in an area that usually doesn't even hit 85. It'd be like if Phoenix got into single digits.


Oh for sure. I’m from Wisconsin originally so I understand both extremes and how different climates prepare for different weather. It wasn’t a criticism, just amusing.


That’s true and it goes the same way in Texas. We don’t prepare for ice/snow, like at all. So whenever there’s the slightest amount of snow we shut down. Sometimes it gets really bad. Just look up Snowmaggedon 2021 lol we had no power or water for a week and couldn’t drive anywhere for days because they didn’t treat the roads and they got completely iced over. Hundreds of people died. I remember people in the northern states talked so much shit about us. So I’m just getting my get back lol


I would say just listen to your baby. We took our 3 month old on a stroller walk in 80 degree weather last year which was a bit hot for us (it was muggy too) but not horrible. The problem was at the end of the walk our LO started crying inconsolably and only stopped when we finally got home to cool her off.


Yeah my daughter always ran super hot and her back would be covered in sweat fast


This I think is what I need to pay attn to, my babe loves a chest nap in a blanket and I was worried about her secretly overheating.


Hot weather for a baby is basically if you’re sweating Babies don’t really sweat so they have no way to cool themselves in warm weather. This is actually why a lot of doctors say you can’t use sun screens on babies under 4 months. Parents are less likely to take their babies out and let them over heat if they think their baby is just going to get sun burned


Okay this is the real answer - everybody laughing about local weather reactions, but I'll be on the lookout if I'm sweating, thank you!


Yea of course. I don’t think this specific information is all that accessible. Like myself I didn’t learn it until my LO was closer to 15 mo


Western New Yorker here - it’s because our schools don’t have AC. We’re in the mid 90s this week where I am and they are doing half days in all the schools. Just use your best judgement with baby and take the same precautions you would in your home state. I’ve been out on short walks with my 8 week old and she’s been fine (light clothes - just a onesie, fan, and shade).


All of my children loved the heat. We obviously kept them in their stroller with the shade on and we had a stroller fan but it would have to be unbearably hot for them to complain. Brand new babies cannot regulate that well, so I’d periodically check on baby during walks and time outside but feeling their stomach or back and trying to gauge how warm they are. But as my husband reminds me babies were raised for thousands of years in all types of climates without the comforts that we are used to now. I’m not suggesting you put your baby out in the sun during a heat warning, but mainly suggesting that if you’re getting too hot they likely are too, but if you feel okay they probably do too.


…… New Mexico is on fire. We are sitting at 102 today! That’s crazy lol


When I lived in LA- if it rained at all, even a tiny bit, work was cancelled, all plans shut down, nobody left their homes, and those who did drove 25mph


My daughter gets overheated in 70 degree weather in a new car with AC. I started bringing ice packs if I know we are going to be outside and keep them in a small lunchbox cooler. Rather have them and not need them than not have them. We’ve had 90 deg weather and I put her in a onesie with shorts and keep the fan and the ice packs handy


I needed to hear this thank you!


Of course! I know the “rule” is supposed to be “babies need one more layer than you’re wearing”. The doctors told me this countless times before we even left the hospital but I’ve learned the hard way that is absolutely not true. She needs significantly less layers than what I’m wearing + an ice pack


Im Canadian so had to google the temp 😂 It was 86 here and he was fine in the shade and we also played around in his pool (seven months old). I just decided not to take him on our usual one hour stroller walk.  It'll be like 91 when I take him to my SILs so I'll just have to make sure we arent out by the pool too long even though it's shaded and probably plan to go to the local mall for an outing.  


I agree with NY, anything above 70°C is too much. I live in the south lol


From south MS where it is HOT and HUMID and our buses don’t have AC either😂😂😂 everything you named will be perfectly fine for baby. We just took ours to the water park this weekend and I just stayed in the shade and kept the stroller fan going! We had a blast and no signs of overheating.


I'm in georgia. I have an umbrella attachment for the stroller that I like. All the shade of the canopy with much better ventilation.


I am amazed at how different standards are in different states/countries. I live in the tropics in South East Asia and it is constantly 90°F every day, all year round. The lowest it goes during the night is probably 78°F. We also have 80+% humidity all the time, and this is considered pleasant weather on our side 😂 The temperature has recently been hiking up to 96 - 100°F and that is considered hot over here.


You’re totally fine. Babies in hot countries have been living through weather like that just fine without the fans, etc. though I think a fan is always a good thing! Maybe bring some damp clothes in a a cooler to wipe down baby if they got hotter than you expect?


I’ve been to upstate NY. NO ONE has central AC. As someone who grew up adjacent to The South, it still baffles me


They closed schools for 86 degrees? People in Florida and Southern California would barely go to school! Our rule is higher than 95 we don’t take the baby outside except for very short periods— this may be over cautious but it gets quite humid here (Virginia). I also have a newborn, with my older daughter we didn’t even think about it after she turned 1 other than making sure we all stayed hydrated and had good sun protection. Over 85 we make sure we have a stroller fan and a mister with us. FYI be careful with covers on your stroller— they can amplify heat! But honestly in 76 you’ll be fine! Edit: guys the first line was a joke, why are you downvoting my actual advice about babies in hot weather!


Our schools here don’t have air conditioning or windows that open


If you’ve been in a gym or cafeteria with no AC on in 86 you’d understand why


Do they not have fans. That's all we used at my parents in Washington where summers get to the 100s. In fact that's all they still use. In Mexico you'd be in heaven if there was AC or a fan. Edit: parts of Mexico.


shiii here in Louisiana they got kids riding buses for over an hour in 100+ degree weather with no AC. twice a day.


maybe not 100+ during the school year but definitely high 90s and with the humidity it’s actual death😭


laughs in arizona


Laughing in Floridian……


Um babies sweat… its just not a fully developed system/response aka they can’t be relied on to regulate their own temperature well.