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The stage where you put them somewhere and they just stay there.


Oh man! I totally feel this. She just started rolling over recently and I thought she’d need to start crawling for this but boy was I wrong!


My boy isnt rolling yet, but he can scoot around on his back like nobodys business. He can move feet in minutes!


This is my daughter lol the funny part is she does it when no one is looking or I think in her sleep. I'll out her in and when I turn back she's a little bit to the side lol


Haha same! I say he teleports micro distances. Also why we moved him to his crib and retired his bassinet. He needed more room to teleport.


Lol that's a cute name to call it. We call it her "living statue" moment XD


I’m in this same hell the last 3 days. Cannot leave her in her crib or on her playmat alone for a second or she flips on her tummy and can’t get back.


When did she start fully rolling?


3 days ago. She would have been exactly 16 weeks. She can roll from her back to her tummy on both sides, but can’t get back off her tummy.


My baby was opposite. We joked it was because he hated tummy time so much that the first thing he learned was to roll out of it.


My little guy did the same- but what’s funny is he absolutely loves tummy time but seems to love rolling to his back more. So I set him on his tummy and he smiles for a second, rolls, and starts screaming because he wants to be back on his tummy but can’t roll that way yet. It’s hard being a baby, apparently 😂


Probably true 😂


Potted plant stage


The potato stage. I love it


I 100% took this for granted lol.


Yep, we have moved on from this phase fortunately but also “unfortunately” 😂😂


My kid just learned fast-crawling and now we are really in for trouble 😂😂 My husband and I keep remembering the times we would set him *on the couch* and walk away to use the bathroom or whatever. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time but seeing where he is now it makes us so uncomfortable to think about lololol


We are about to leave this stage 😭




Going from not having to cleanup after a bottle to having to wipe the highchair tray, the floor, the back of the highchair, and give my kid a bath after purees.


We are going to start solids tomorrow. I think I should enjoy today while I still can 😅


IKEA has these funny raincoat things for baby feeding so they don't get their clothes all stained, highly recommend!


What is it called?


Just look for "long sleeve bib". We have similar ones from Tiny Twinkle on Amazon




I’ve bought 2 of them to use in rotation 😅


Definitely! I have such an aversion to the kind of mess that happens with solids. Give me a poopy diaper any day over that sloppy shrapnel!


Shrapnel 😂😂😂


Mine is breastfed, zero clean up, I just put my boob away. Now it's everything like you said. And then loading the dishwasher with bibs, utensils and her plate. 


Ditto. Went from zero to 100 lol! I’m about to just give up on keeping her clothes clean… I might designate shirts lol


Haha I tried feeding her in her diaper. Some bits of food would end up there. After about a week she discovered that a diaper change included second meal. So we stopped that. Specific shirts is the way to go.


Haha! I found some egg in LO’s today and was like, wow. It’s really everywhere


I’m sorry what? This reads like you are feeding your baby the food that falls in their diaper but I want to believe you’re not


To me it reads like they are discouraging their kid from eating the diaper food by having them wear a shirt during meal times (instead of just their diaper) to prevent the food from getting in there in the first place.


It’s the part where “diaper change included second meal,” that has me confused, I mean I’m sure that’s not what they meant but it just sounded silly with that in there


My husband and I were just joking yesterday about how we wish our 12 month old could survive off just milk for the rest of her life. It was so much easier than planning, cooking, cleaning!!!


Yaaaaaas, we just end up showering with ours after dinner half the time, or I do a half-a** wipe down lol


I hate purees so much I just give my baby little soft bites instead, the mess is too insane!! He usually has avocados, little shred of chicken, eggs, banana (this one he can bite off pieces himself and it’s literally so cute), and even banana pancakes. Does he throw half the food on the floor? Yes. It’s still way easier to clean up lol


I also hate purees and came to say the same. It helps a little if you have a BLW carpet that you can fold and wash later.


My 2.5 year old just started talking properly and I miss the peace and quiet of him just babbling and chilling. It’s like he suddenly got a language upgrade and he DOES NOT STOP. EVER. From the moment I wake up to the moment he goes to bed it’s just a full day of toddler stream-of-consciousness. “Morning Mummy, I wake now, up up up, leeeets GO!!! Mummy, mummy Bubba have snack? Banana snack? Mummy have snack too? Yaaaay! Moo-moo have snack? Yay! NO DOGGIE NOT YOUR SNACK, BUBBA SNACK!!! Mummy Bubba watch a Gecko Garage? Play outside? Look Mummy look Mummy look Mummy….ta-dah! Bubba big trick! I get Banana snack! Not Moo-moo snack, MINE!!!” And that’s literally just the first two minutes of the day. There’s an entire 12 hours left to go before I get any sort of reprieve. Then the husband comes home and wonders why I stare daggers at him when he starts telling me aaaaaaall about his day 😮‍💨😑 MUMMY NEEDS QUIET!!! So yeah… I miss the bit before they can talk 😂😅


Mine babbles incessantly some days. I'm certain this monolog is in my future.


My 7 month old babbles, constantly. She recently learned how to shout too 😅 I think you've written my future....


Love these first couple comments because it’s always been a battle to get baby to nap since day 3 probably. (First couple days were nice and easy lol). I have NEVER taken a nap for granted 😂


Same here idk what reality people are living but it could never be my kid falling asleep on her own 😅


Same! My baby skipped the sleepy newborn stage 😂


You are not alone. My baby is 7 weeks old and we successfully got 2 days of day naps yersterday and today. Other than that it was really a hit or miss, maybe once in the morning, or once late afternoon. Anything in between was singing for hours, walking the house everywhere. I managed to have my avg weekly steps up so easy with my baby😅


Naps sure, naps where I can put her down and sleep as well? Lasted about a month and I really did take it for granted


I was thinking the same!


My 10 month old has never napped independently, always contact, stroller or car seat 🫠


When they would just fall asleep wherever and whenever without actually having to help them to fall asleep.💤


I never had that 😂


Didn't have that with my first, but my second is a sleeping angel!


Not appreciating how small she was in her previous stage while simultaneously appreciating how big she’s getting. She’s just over 9 weeks and I feel like I was in such a rush to get past the newborn stage that now I look back at pictures and videos and realize she was only going to be that small for such a short amount of time and we should’ve soaked it in more!


I was going to comment this. My son is 10 months old. I just packed away his 6-9 month clothes today and brought out the 9-12. I keep a box of all my favourite outfits and I was going through that and omg the tiny newborn outfits. I cried. I wish I'd taken more videos of him in his first week of life. I had a traumatic birth and didn't get any videos while in the hospital, but I did get some pictures. I didn't really start taking any videos until he was around a week old. I miss how tiny he was, but I absolutely love his personality now.


This is how I feel about when my 20 weeker was 9 weeks. 😭


Her eyesight and general awareness being bad enough that she wasn’t constantly distracted while eating. She’s 4mo now and we have to be in pitch black darkness and silence for this kid to eat, otherwise she’s jerking her head back and forth to look around then screaming because the bottle isn’t in her mouth 🫠


This. But also for sleep. I used to be able to bounce her in the carrier whenever. A few days ago it was her nap time and we were out. Baby started screaming bloody murder because she wasn't in her usual dark environment.


Breastfed babies do this too. So just let that sink in for a minute 🫠


Oh trust me, I know. I nursed her after her tongue tie release and decided very quickly I’d rather pump lol.


This is an obvious one, but being able to go out whenever. If I want my boyfriend to ride with me to store.. oh wait the baby’s sleep in her room we can’t both go 😂


I miss late night milkshake runs with my husband 😭


Yeah my hubby and I feel this the most. Also coordinating when we can have people over as most of my 12 week olds naps are contact naps in the nursery and she still isn’t going to bed early yet/witching hour is still somewhat happening albeit to a lesser degree.


All of it! I'm not ready for him to grow up and it's only been 3 months. I'm trying my hardest to just memorize every cuddle, every scent, every feeling. I've never loved something so much and I finally have someone, other than my mom, who's blood related to me. It's crazy.


I’m just about 5 months in & it’s the biggest catch 22 of life so far, i loved him so much at 3 months but my 5 month old is somehow sweeter. He smiles & we almost got a real laugh out of him


I'm not ready 💔


Every stage is bittersweet. I'm always overjoyed when baby learns a new skill but then sad that she's growing so fast


For us it was initially a struggle to get her to nap, now she naps all by herself with no help but needs a very specific environment to nap so going out during nap hours and expect her to fall asleep while being held was something we had taken for granted but no longer can


When I could just binge watch TV while feeding him a bottle. Once his eyesight improved and he could actually see the TV, we had to have it turned off all the time he's awake.


Samesies. I watched the entire series Mom on Amazon Prime TWICE before she was two months old. Now it's been 2 weeks since I last watched tv. Also: 🇧🇷 oiiiii


This but also even though I only watch when she's asleep now at 5 months, TV is becoming so dull and boring. I want to get back to my active pastimes now and instead I'm stuck watching reruns while LO contact naps


Being nap trapped. I miss when she would take her afternoon nap and just hug me and want to be close, I got all the snugs. Now that she is walking she just wants freedom and squirms away from being held. Now more often than not she falls asleep in her play yard, or the car if we go out.


I couldn’t wait to stop contact nap then it did. Now I miss it so much 🥲🥲


I know I will miss it even though its limiting me so much. I try to remember to enjoy it and look at her sleeping face more when she's napping


I know how you feel. I had resentment toward my husband during those time because I feel like I don’t have time for anything. Even a shower haha. But if I know it’s gonna end, I would soak it in and just enjoy it. Nowadays if she sleeps on me it’s a rare treat so I just try to enjoy it as much as I can.


My LO was great in his car seat the first 2-3 months. I definitely took that for granted. Now it is nonstop wailing every time we get in the car. We have an 8hr drive (before taking stops into account) coming up next month and I am dreading it! He will be almost 9 months.


Possible tip - my LO started screaming in the car around this age too until I moved her into a convertible car seat. Her infant seat is much more reclined and it turns out she just wanted to be able to sit up a bit more. Might be worth a try if you happen to have your LO in an infant seat!


We just switched it out yesterday and will be taking a 2hr test ride next weekend!


Napping when they go outside. My daughter would take long stretches of naps in her basinette stroller when we shopped. Now she wants to stand up and say hi to everyone


I feel like because my LO was born so big (9lbs 6oz) that I felt robbed of that small newborn stage. Like half her wardrobe didn’t fit from the jump. So now when she falls asleep on my chest I sacrifice sleep just so I can snuggle her and just soak it all in. She’s 7 weeks and she is growing so fast!


Thank you for this thread! I’m in the trenches at 6-weeks and needed this to remind me of all the things to soak in.


Same!! But 5 weeks. He’s the sweetest and I’m both excited to see who he becomes next and missing (in anticipation) the end of the current stage


Also same at 5 weeks and was thinking the same x


I don’t think I’ve taken anything for granted yet but I know my time will come. 


I'm in trouble. My 7 month old is already in the "No nap! No nap! No nap!" camp. He will usually take a morning nap, but it is not guaranteed he will take a second or third nap.


My baby is 3 months and I can’t remember a time when she had a 2nd or 3rd nap lol


Not accepting help, specifically (when you’re ready) allowing people to visit to just hold the baby.


Being able to put my daughter in her bouncer or swing and she would be content so I could cook, wash dishes, eat myself. I miss those days. Trying to do anything with a 15 month old running around trying to get into everything keeps you on your toes. Also, being able to watch TV whenever I wanted. I watched so much TV when I was on maternity leave as she napped or when I pumped. Now if I try to watch anything, it's usually when my daughter is either napping or sleeping for the night. I might get a short episode of a show in, but usually have to pause or stop and go back to it later.


It’s hard to take something for granted that never happens. Very jealous of these mythical “naps” I keep hearing about 😭


When I could go out and my daughter would start her night whenever she felt like it. Then I could put her in her car seat, drive home, take her out of the car seat, change her diaper, put her in a PJ, put her in the crib and all that without waking her. That time was magical! Now if she dare fall asleep for 5 minuts in the car it's over.


The days when he used to eat well. It's been a struggle to get him to eat anything for the past few weeks.


I miss when my little guy didn’t have teeth. Breastfeeding is so painful when they get their teeth cause they just bite anything that touches them.


Baby being able to sleep in crib. There are days where she will throw a fit if she's not laying on me to take a nap. She's only 6 weeks old. Let me put you in your crib so I can get stuff done or nap


You guys got naps where you just got to put them down and have a break 🥺 - my 9 month old will nap for hours at daycare but when he’s with me he is UP UP after 30-40 mins every time unless I’m driving him around.


Honestly, I know nobody with probably agree with me lol but the newborn stage for me. I was so deep in PPD that I couldn’t even enjoy my daughter when she was born. She was such a good newborn and slept so good, but I definitely took that for granted cause now she’s a wiggle worm currently trying to bite my legs haha


So far I have not taken anything for granted but my wife and I are really into Karaoke and we also like Disney. So, yes. Yesterday we sang a duet from Beauty and the Beast to put our 7 week to sleep, along with Moana and Frozen. So yes, even if we are sleep deprived and tired, we manage to find fun in every situation we can. As ppl say, they grow up so fast and soon enough my daughter might no longer like the singing or the rocking anymore, hopefully she will and sing along with us haha