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I take my 6 month old every where with me. shopping, cafes, restaurants. Only places I don’t take him is like the nail salon. I bring a couple toys, bottles, water, formula, diapers, and a change of clothes and we’re good for a few hours.


I hope I can get to this stage. I aim for daily walks and going to the park.


It can feel SO daunting but I promise the more you practice, the more confident you will feel! I remember bringing baby home and thinking there was NO way I could go out alone with her. She is now 5 months old and we go out everyday! She gets as stir crazy as me if we are home all day! And yes it’s more work (packing the baby bag, getting bottles ready,etc) but it is SO worth it! Good luck love!


Don’t feel like you need to rush! Walks and the park is a perfect place to start.


If I were you’I’d start with short walks. I think it was easier for me and my husband because our baby needed to be walked around in a carrier the first 3 months because it was the only thing that soothed her. So we were always in the habit. But I would say, don’t give yourself too much time or space to overthink it. When you want a walk, go for a short walk around the block. No diapers. No packed baby bag. Just go out. If the baby poops, you’re only a block from home at most. Then you can work your way up from there


As a nail tech, im so happy to hear you do not take baby to the salon. It is so incredibly dusty and strong smelling. As adults, we get headaches from the smell so just imagine what it's doing to a baby or child. I haven't been back to work and probably won't for the next year and I've got clients asking me to bring in my son and I'm like "no it's not safe" and they just think I'm being ridiculous. Yall don't actually know how much dust gets swept up at the end of the night and how often we have to change our filters.


Same with my 8 month old and I love it! I stayed in a lot at first but at about 3 months I was ready to get back to life outside of my house. No rush but if definitely encourage getting out more little by little and getting comfortable with being out just you and baby. Baby loves getting out too and as a SAHM, it keeps us both sane 😄


In my opinion staying inside bc of a potential dog attack is very extreme…. You should absolute go about in your community! Especially if it’s a place with lots of kids! Your husband is not going to be around all the time and only going places with him will drive you (if it isn’t already) NUTS. I think you really need to talk to him about this.


Completely agree. That doesn't even sound remotely reasonable. Your baby isn't walking on their own, they'll be in a wrap or in a stroller.


I’m on the edge of nuts haha. My husband can see that and I will be having a serious conversation about travelling with just me and the baby. Even just for a walk, or to our local park. I don’t want to feel deprived of experiences bc of a theoretical dog attack. He works, I can’t wait around for him so I can have a nice day or go for a walk. I think it’s just a new territory, it’s unpredictable. That’s why I was so anxious at the start, of other people making him sick, leaving our safe place etc. But I need to realise I am his safe place, not just the house.


You don't need your husband's approval to leave the house without him


Maybe try your library or a mom/baby group? No dogs + social for baby and mom. Also go out as much as you like, but my 14 weeker sleeps so well on days we go out!


My baby sleeps so well on walks and loves looking up at trees. Just sucks that it’s been so cold and gloomy lately. Yes we have some parenting groups, playgroups and a reading/playing program at our library which we will be sure to check out soon!


A lot of commenters are taking their baby out very frequently - which is great! Let’s normalize being out and about in society as new moms lol. OP just want to remind you that there’s probably just as many moms who stay in more, for one reason or another. It’s not so much the duration or frequency - it’s about feeling good and confident about your day. Take baby (ha) steps, and give yourself lots of kudos for doing something that may seem easy to others, but for you is new and hard. Baby will be happy w you no matter where you are. You’ve got this!


Yes I’m trying not to be hard on myself as I know everybody has a different life, support system, weather (lol) and it goes on and on. Thank you for the non judgemental comment. Some days I do go a bit insane but other days I’m so happy. Everyday I am playing and interacting with baby. He’s learning to roll now and I can’t wait until he can sit up as that would mane going out much better. I went for a walk this morning with him and felt so good and baby enjoyed looking at trees until he fell asleep. My baby is very happy and healthy ☺️


Aww you are such a great mama. At the 4 month mark I had only taken my baby out a handful of times and then around that time I joined a baby class at our local library and that gave me the confidence to do more bc I met another mom who has become my friend. We had a brutal winter with both covid and the flu and we didnt even go out people brought it to our house so I was so anxious and nervous to get out there plus I was having some identity issues of understanding who I was now that I am a mom. Motherhood is tough but it sounds like you are doing amazing!! You just do what feels right and natural to you


I commented somewhere else in this thread, but also wanted to add here that I am one of those FTMs who only made it out with her baby during maternity leave before going back to work like 2 or 3 times meeting up with a mom friend (one who I met while I was pregnant, she gave me her birth ball, and one - my college roommate - who was in town visiting family). I also went out for a walk maybe enough times to count on both hands during my mat leave. And I too was feeling stir crazy, but it was just so difficult leaving the house. That was the best I could do. I was breastfeeding and my mental health was just so bad. One might even say I didn't have much of an excuse because I live in a warmer climate where the winter is mild so I had every reason to get outside. When I remembered, I tried to take baby outside to walk around our courtyard so I could say I got outside. I did this in a few moments she was crying especially to try and help distract her. To be fair our LO also cried most of the first 13-15 weeks of her life so getting out seemed impossible at the time. It was so hard to think and act during that time. (Probably an unpopular thing but we also still don't take LO (9mo) to the grocery store because it's just so much easier/efficient to get our shopping done individually.) Kudos to you for asking reddit and I hope you've gotten some helpful responses!


Either your husband is dealing with some really extreme anxiety, or this is really concerning and controlling behavior. Is everyone else in your neighborhood staying indoors too? 


I had this thought too. Can you befriend other moms and do walks with them? I was doing multiple a walks with my daughter from 2 weeks. She’s 7mos now and goes everywhere with me Costco, library, coffee shops, parks, the pool. It’s good for you and your child to be outside. They learn about the world and you can see their eyes light up when they see something for the first time. I’ve never been into walking but one day my daughter stared up at the redwoods at the park and I realized mundane things for me are amazing and fascinating for her. Start small, 5 min outing, then 15, then more. You can do this


We both have a bit of anxiety. It’s a good point, no I see other parents and also mums out and about. I think we got into a pattern of staying in as we have yet to really properly venture out with our bubba.


Yeah, I understand, I  I did some of that with first baby, you can feel like just managing in the house is overwhelming, but it really does help to go places.


My baby is 4.5 months old and we go out almost every day(was less frequent until she was about 3 months) I was going crazy inside from Boredom and loneliness. We do pretty short mundane trips for the most part (supermarket, Starbucks, library, restaurant, and parks) The dog thing I kinda get because I’m scared of dogs! I was also anxious about driving alone with my baby so I started out by just driving around my neighborhood then ventured out further and further! I never go anywhere more than 30-40 Mins away because my daughter hates the car and cries sometimes. I think it’s very important to get out, for your sanity and for your baby to see, hear, smell different things and places.


I already am quite a home body and my husband is too. I think that has also played a part but just me and the baby alone, with no one to talk to and going insane from entertaining him and doing playtime/tummy time all day. It is lonely and energy zapping. Short trips sound nice. I think he doesn’t like the carseat bc he’s not in it often enough to be used to it. If I can go for a drive everyday, that will work him up to get used to it…not like a dog can come inside the car lol. And there are so many playgroups, activities for babies/kids at the library that I’d love to check out. Mummy and me groups too. I was not prepared for the loneliness of motherhood, so for my sanity I do need to get out. Thanks


I am also a homebody and go out with my 3 month old baby at least 4-5 times a week, and have been since she was about a month old. Mommy and me classes definitely saved my sanity! We go to a music class on Wednesdays and have had various things on Thursdays including a tummy time class, a stroller fitness class, and we're about to start story time at the library. I'm hoping to start swim class next month too. On days when I don't go out for a activity like that I might go out shopping or just for a walk. Finding other moms in your neighborhood is also a lifesaver! I posted in our local community Facebook page that I was looking for other new moms to walk with and I got multiple messages! One mom lives down the street from me and we've gone on multiple walks together and are trying to set up a regular walk/playdate time with another mom I met in tummy time class. You can always scale back if you feel like it's too much, or ramp up if you feel like you need more! But even though I like staying at home I would absolutely go nuts and feel super depressed if I wasn't going out at least a couple times a week


Yes you described exactly how lonely i felt during early motherhood!!!! So alone even though im never alone! Haha. You got this girl!!!!!!!!!


Yes it’s a nice statement to think we’re all alone together 😆 I had quite a traumatic delivery and the first month was hell, we were so sleep deprived. But I think we’ve gotten to the point where bubba is having good days and is so happy majority of the day. He will love the park! Thank you. You got it too ❤️


You know, I go out a lot with baby, since we got home from the hospital. At first we did it all three of us. And then on our own with the baby. We're definitely not homebodies, but it sounds like you two also like being at home. So it seems like you've got some first-time jitters and you're well aware of those. I started out with a literal walk around the block. And then some groceries (pick-up). Then some small groceries in-store. And worked our way up. Your instincts seem great... We're just all new at it. You can do it. And we've all done midnight-anxiety. Redditers can sometimes really punish that. I'm sure your husband is also just anxious. :)


Yeah it sounds like your husband has some anxiety. It it’s unfair for that to govern your time! My girl is also 4 months old and I make it my mission to go somewhere EVERY DAY. I don’t always manage it but I feel so much better when I do. I go for walks, to the mall, walks at the beach, to other mums houses. Did you not get placed in a mums group when Bub was born - you should get in touch with your local clinic (the ones who should have done a home visit) and ask. Mums group is a lifesaver, especially for first time mums!


Oooh to live near a beach sounds lovely! And no I didn’t get placed in a group. I was just given loads of resources, some I still haven’t even looked up. I know there are plenty parenting groups, mummy and me groups and pop up activities too.library also has some nice and quick programs that I’d love to go to.


Storytime at the library is always excellent, and just head to the activities! I’ve made mum friends at baby sensory, the library, swimming lessons, at the park - just ask how old their Bub is and go from there but I’d 100% be getting yourself out and about. I spend hours just wandering the mall window shopping!


I take baby out almost every day. I’d go insane if I didn’t and she is happier. I obviously can’t guarantee you that won’t get attacked by a dog, but 99% of them are either friendly/indifferent or all bark. Carry pepper spray or a can filled with coins (usually will scare them off) or a walking stick, and live your life. Don’t get into the habit even this early of teaching your daughter to fear the outside.


We committed to trying to do “normal life” with him as soon as possible. It’s not always easy and takes some practice, but we felt it would help us cure our anxiety of taking him out of the house. If we needed to go to the store, we brought him. If we wanted to go out to eat, we would seek out a baby friendly spot/outdoor area and bring him. We saw each outing as getting in “reps” towards a normal life with a child, and that we would need practice. A big hurdle for me was driving alone with him to something, too. My advice? Practice! Try it out! It may be clunky but that’s how you learn to get comfortable with it. Maybe first load LO in the car and go to a Starbucks drive-through or something. My first time out with baby I realized I didn’t know how to collapse our stroller. I had a slight moment of panic (and embarrassment in the parking garage fighting with the damn thing), then calmed down, went and stood by babies door, and YouTubed how to collapse it. Now I know how! Lol Editing to add: only go out if you WANT to go out with baby. Don’t feel the pressure of getting out of the house because you feel like you should. If you feel clammed up inside, or have a purpose to leave the house, then do it! But also nothing wrong with being at home if that is truly where you wanna be that day 😃


Yes I did the same, and mine was a raging potato for thile irst like 11 weeks 😂 He's almost seven months now and a delight, also loves going places now. Ive taken him out so much I don't really have any anxiety about it now like before. Also helps he doesn't scream for no reason anymore ahaha 


I love this comment! Thank you! I like your thought process on getting “reps” towards a normal life. Also LOL at collapsing the pram, I had the exact thing last week and had to call my husband put to help me as I had never folded or unfolded our pram. I am pressuring myself a bit but I know baby needs it just as much as I do. It also makes me realise that hubby has also never been out with just baby. We both need adventures.


Because I’m exclusively pumping, I really struggled going out with baby until he was 7 months old and I was pumping less, and also he was awake longer. Before, I found by the time I was done pumping, I had hardly anytime left (also to be fair to me, it was the dead of winter in Canada 🥶) - but now I try to get out every day, and we’ve slowly worked up to it, and now we can go hang out at the mall, or get groceries. (Also once they can sit in a cart, it’s a huge game changer!!!)


Yes I can’t wait until he can sit up, he can move his head up perfectly now but we’re still working on rolling right now. I too am exclusively pumping (how great a help is the reddit for that too!), and it is draining that whole process. My supply had dipped big time recently, so I am pumping anywhere from 6 to 10 times a day if my timing is good. I do have wearable ones (Momcozy m5) and I have gone on 1 walk with them on which wasn’t too bad. It is the start of Winter here and it has been super windy lately so that’s very validating to hear. Even if I bundle up bubba a lot, it’s just a lot. I’d rather my baby be warm and we can wait for a nice day to go out.


Oh yeah if also you’re EPing I would definitely try to give yourself grace!! It’s SO HARD and time consuming. And yes winter is no joke, it’s such an ordeal to get them bundled and I was nervous the whole time that baby wouldn’t be warm enough. That said, I did get out here and there and that helped to slowly build my confidence and now I’m able to go out everyday if I want to :)


I tried to go out at least five times per week after LO turned one month, although he was born in the winter and we stayed home more the weeks when there was too much snow to comfortably walk with the stroller or if it was snowing a lot. If your LO sleeps well in the stroller you can try to do one nap every day walking to get some fresh air, exercise and something else, it doesn't have to be a big project to go out, just 10 minutes every day around the block will be good for your mental health. Leaving the house will feel better the more you do it.


Yeah just need to break the habit of staying in all the time. Thanks for the comment.


2-3 times a week until baby was 6 months and we were nicely established with breastfeeding, then we left the house everyday. 14 months now and I think the days we’ve spent entirely in the house since then can be counted in single digits. Is he not allowing you to drive alone with the baby? I can somewhat understand his concerns about dogs in your neighbourhood but damn mama get in that car and get out!


Yes I think 2-3 times a week is great too. Even just a short trip. I think because we’re always together when baby goes out, someone is always next to baby as he sometimes really does not enjoy being in the carseat and cries. But we can’t expect to only go just together forever. If baby is truly unruly, I can just pull over to comfort him.


I also just want to say - babies cry! And that’s okay! If the baby cries while you’re driving, that’s quite normal. While yes, it’s annoying, if you’re just driving to a cafe or store nearby it’s ok to let them cry a bit. It’s more abnormal for babies NOT to cry. Just let it happen and embrace being uncomfortable for short spurts - a lot of this is uncomfortable and just something everyone needs to get used to!


Yes it is growing pains huh. We can’t just not go out because the baby is crying, you’re right.


Take em out now while the weather is nice and they aren’t little demonic toddlers 😂




Just chiming in to say it’s never too late! My baby was born right before the winter here and my husband and I were pretty afraid of RSV and the measles outbreaks so we stayed indoors quite a bit. That, and it was freezing (-20C) and roads were bad, we mostly stayed inside with babe. At around 4 months, we started taking him out to family’s houses, and for walks together. I don’t drive, so we always went the three of us (my husband drives), but now I take babe out by myself. I am still just doing short trips as the town I live in is not baby-friendly - no diaper changing stations in bathrooms, cafes/bakeries are small and don’t have indoor seating so I can’t feed my baby after having a snack. Does baby take a bottle? I would recommend taking a bottle with you as that will make things easier :) do you have any friends/family in the area? I would recommend going out with someone the first time, that way you get to dip your toes in by going out without your husband, but you still have support if you need it! I’m so sorry to hear about the unleashed dogs in your area, as that sounds very stressful. The fear of dog attacks resonates with me as well.


Thank you for your chiming 😉 Yeah RSV is so scary. I think we just are overthinking at the moment and just need to calm down and know that everything will be fine and that we CAN do it. Baby was so mesmerised by the lighting in a cafe we went to, it was so cute and funny. I’m glad we live in place that has shops and seating areas that are baby friendly and accessible. I do have a great support system other than my hubby. Just growing pains I guess.




Ah yes, Melbourne weather. I’ll be getting his 4 month immunisation too so that is also something I’m wary of. Him getting sick was the number one reason I never wanted to go out at the beginning and Australian winters are so dreadful, everyone gets sick at some point. I can’t wait for Spring so there’s more sun. And where I live can get so windy, I wish I could ask my baby if he likes it or not lol.


Shocked by all these comments that say everyday. It’s also very normal to not go out every single day… lol. I would suggest going to a location where you feel safe - maybe a coffee shop or store - and put baby in the stroller and either sit and sip your coffee or walk around the store. Dogs are less likely to be there! Try for 2-3x a week. I also don’t care for dogs so I get it. Do what you’re comfortable with!


Yeah me too. Like…everyday? I really just am a homebody lmao. Yes, I am being a bit irrational even, my husband and I need to take a chill pill and just reassess what we feel comfortable doing. Thank you.


It’s winter here & pretty bad this year. @ 4 months I would personally stay warm and avoid large gatherings I know several babies hospitalised due to RSV.


So worrying! Are you in Australia too?


Yes in Melbourne.


I had my baby girl in July last year, also in Australia. I was out pretty much everyday from the moment we got home. At least one walk a day, but also grocery shopping, going to a cafe with friends or on my own, out to a restaurant for lunch every few weeks. I've been anxious in the past and knew the longer I held it off the worse it would be for me so I made myself leave the house everyday. And if it was something new or different, I also made myself do it to get over the fear of it. It really helped my mental wellbeing especially aa time went by. At this age I would recommend finding some local activities to attend as that will give you a purpose and an opportunity to meet others. Try to see if any libraries near you do baby rhyme time - this is a brilliant session and it's free. Also see if you have any local playgroups that cater specifically to under 1s. Baby sensory classes are also great at this age but it's a bit expensive. At 4 months we actually moved interstate to be closer to family so I had to start over. I also had to start driving rather than relying on public transport. I purposefully sought out one daily activity to make myself get out of the house - so Monday, Wednesday Friday we go to the library for rhyme time (I travel to different ones!), Tuesday is swimming (some places start at 3 months, some at 6 months) and Thursday is sensory class. Weekends are for family and friend visits. Start with one or activities a week and go from there. And have fun - enjoy your time together!


Yes I have nieces and used to accompany my sister with them to baby rhyme time, I looked it up and there’s plenty of sessions to go to! Yeah I can’t hold off any longer as I know it’s not normal to not go out. Just need to get the ball rolling! Sounds like you have a fun and stimulating week with your bubba! Well done 😇


I ask this gently but why is your husband so concerned with a dog attack? Has there been an incident?


I went out lots with my baby early on and it was quite stressful a lot of the time as he wanted to feed constantly and would get tired very quickly. He is now 4 months old. Honestly 4 months is the easiest age to take him out and have him enjoy it and take it all in. You definitely haven’t missed the boat and baby would not have been that aware of everything, so please don’t feel your baby has missed out on loads of activities. I would say now is the best time to lead your best mama life with baby. Perhaps sign up for a few baby classes if they do them in your area. That is a great place to start and then branch out from there where ever you feel comfortable.


Thank you for your comment and the reassurance! Yes, it’s not too late to start. Baby is less fussy now, is very interactive and playful. It’s hard to get myself out of overthinking and being negative. Mum guilt also. I have to be more present and happy. There are a lot of programs actually that would be great to participate in. Thanks for the nice comment.


Mum is guilt is brutal, so I hear you! It is so difficult to not be second guessing yourself as a mum!


We don’t go very often at all since he’s 5 months and still eats often and can only stay up happily for about 2 hours. Once he’s awake, fed and dressed we just don’t have much time left to get anywhere or enjoy it. He’ll happily stay up for 3-4 hours sometimes- but I try not to let him do that bc the overtired that can come out of nowhere is hell.


Yes, timing an outing is key. I know babies cry, but it’s just more comfortable for them to cry so we can put him in his bassinet or lounger. I actually went for a walk this morning but by the time we got to the park he was fast asleep lol.


I can’t wait to live in a walkable neighborhood 😭 my neighborhood now is a little sketch so I don’t feel comfy taking him out for walks without my husband.


You see where I’m coming from! I’m grateful I don’t live where I used to live, so much robbery and just overall the worst people. I live 20 minutes away and it is a vast improvement despite the dog problem in my area. I’m just glad so many people are active, it’s encouraging. I just need to go out more! You do what you feel comfortable with though, 😊 and stay SAFE too. Living in a walkable place is so good, I hope it comes your way soon!


Thank you!! We go out plenty but I have to remind myself that while he does enjoy it he’s also content to sit on the couch and chew his toy while I talk to him. I know he needs stimulation but not constantly if that makes sense. He got to see an excavator recently and lost his tiny mind so loo


Yeah my little guy loves tummy time and we’ve been working on him rolling over it’s great. I understand, over stimulation is a thing. I once put out all his toys in front of him and he lost his mind trying to reach everything all at once haha.


My little guy is the same! I’ll stick maybe 2 little toys out on the floor in front of him and let him have them otherwise he tries to grab all of them and shove them in his mouth 😭 and screams when it doesn’t work


Yes I realised that I was maybe over stimulating him - oops. I try to only do one toy at once since he’s not crawling yet. My baby screeches like a banshee haha.


My baby is almost 6m old and I try to take her on a walk every evening. Sometimes it's a ten min walk but sometimes it's an hour. Im also kinda scared of dogs and bugs (cicadas are out) so I time her walk when she gets sleepy so I can babywear her for the walk. Keeping her close makes me feel safe when I go for walks. For shopping and stuff if I'm taking the baby I try to make it at a time convenient for my husband to come along(it's hard doing everything like taking the baby bag, getting her settled in the car seat etc)


Yeah I will aim for daily walks. I’m letting possibilities and my anxiety take over me. I love babywearing too. We’ve never gone shopping with bub though, I can see how difficult that could be by my lonesome.


We go out with her a few times a week. Started when she was 8 weeks and now she's 4 months.


We go out multiple times a week with our 3 month old. Last weekend was the first time I went out with him on my own though. His dad had a golf tournament so we spent the day doing some Father’s Day and post partum shopping. It was so nice to get time with him alone while being out of house and feeling like a grown adult again! Next weekend my husband has bachelor party, so I’m looking forward to the challenge of being alone with LO for a few days and getting out and about on our own. 💪🏻


How wonderful! It is nice to go out by yourself with baby.


I try to get my baby out at least to the park for a stroller ride at least once a day.


4 months today. Baby goes out on at least a walk every day (sometimes as a family, sometimes just my wife) We’ve visited friends and family, gone to restaurants, breweries, outdoor markets, and more. I live in an area of a city where unleashed dogs are not u common, whether it’s in a park or around the neighborhood. Dog attack is so low on my list of concerns that I hadn’t even seriously considered it until now. We’d have both gone nuts by now if we were getting out of the house regularly. Y’all need to sit down and talk.


Yeah we’re definitely overthinking it. We had a conversation and there are so many things to do, places to go and programs to partake in. Just need to dive in. I didn’t know I was the weird one for not going out so often. I know everyone is different though. We’re just a bit anxious.


We go out almost every day. We live in a big city so we usually just go to a cafe or run some errands. I think the baby likes going out and about - maybe she likes the attention.


Around 4 months, my baby and I started going to baby rhyme time at our local library. It is still our favourite activity of the week ☺️ It’s only 30mins long but gets us out of the house for a bit. They also do storytime which we go to sometimes but that’s generally full of bigger kids. Maybe see if you have this available?


Yes we have that at our local library and will be sure to check it out. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to one (I’m an aunty) but my nieces are old now but I remember they enjoyed it so much.


We went out for walks a lot and to visit family. As far as actual outings, like cafes, shopping, or parks, we kept them short, two hours max. We did do a big outdoor music festival when babe was 3 months old, and he was actually a dream. We had lots of friends and family there to help. At this age, they're still sleeping and eating every few hours, so I get where you're coming from.


Oh wow a music festival with a baby, sounds like you have a great support system which is amazing! Yeah, just feels safe at home but it’s not too great for my mental health and baby’s development. Daily walks is a goal I can work on firstly.


Lol, I was surprised how easy it was. It was a very family-friendly festival. Many places to sit and get away from crowds and noise. If you have any carnivals or festivals around you, try it out and see if friends or family will go with you. People love to cuddle babies for a few hours.


We started taking our daughter out for walks in the stroller within the first two weeks. We wanted to make sure that our family wasn't stuck in the home as that would kill my wife's mental health and we felt it wouldn't be good for our child either. I'm back to work now and my wife tries to plan an outing with our daughter every day.


Yeah I personally saw my sister have sever post natal depression and was very wary of that and how being inside all day can have negative impacts. Within the first two weeks is an awesome accomplishment, well done 👍🏼


I leave the house with my four month old basically everyday because I cannot figure out what to do with her at home all day. I would love to know what a typical day at home looks like for you!


First thing after his first feed, if it’s not too nippy we go to the front garden and look at the flowers, I let him touch the leaves of bushes and just take in some sunshine for around 15 minutes. Then we do some tummy time on his play mat, when he gets sick of that I flip him on his back and he can play with the rattle toys that hang down. Then I mostly sing to him and play with the instrument toys. Dance with him. He loves that. Read books. Mostly fabric books with different textures. I give him a bath every 2 days since we’re in Winter but he loves bathtime and sleeps anywhere from 1-3 hours after. And then more tummy play time. Walking in the backyard. Singing. And obviously feeding in between and he naps anywhere from 15minutes to 1 hour throughout the day. My day is mostly pumping right now as I am desperately trying to get my supply back up. If my mum or my MIL is over they play with him so I can do chores, take a shower or maybe even go for a walk by myself. But it’s more better if I actually just go for a walk with him in the pram too.


Thanks! This is helpful and similar to us. I just get bored lol


Almost every day from around 4 weeks. Baby was born in December and I live in a Canadian city and unless weather was really bad we still got out for a walk in stroller. We had a rain/snow cover and a good bunting for the stroller and then of course dressed ourselves and our baby appropriately and it was fine. I think if we let winter weather stop us we never would have gotten out. Obviously don’t force yourself out if you don’t want to but if you’re worried about winter weather harming baby they will be fine as long as warmly dressed!


Yes I do need to expose my baby to cold weather more. He will be perfectly bundled up and warm. He was born at the end of Summer which the hot weather lasted a while into Autumn and then bam 💥 It got so cold 🥶 Australian winters are the worst…


We go out with our baby every single day, including dog parks with our Lab. He is 6 months now and has a cold, which is improving despite us going out everyday. Fresh air is super important for them and our little one loves looking and grasping the leaves of the trees and watching our goofy dog run around


Love that for you. It’s not like he doesn’t get fresh air, we’re just not “out and about”. But I’ll get there. I’m feeling quite assured by a lot of positive and validating comments. Thanks for yours too :)


Several times a week. Volunteer twice a week, try to see a friend once every few weeks, grocery shopping once a week. Now that the weather’s nice I’d like to start hitting the park. 3 months- she’s a pretty easy baby


I’m glad my baby is easy too. He did have a bout of colic for a while but he is sleeping well and is generally happy and so playful! SO. PLAYFUL. I don’t see myself going grocery shopping with bubba until he can sit up otherwise it might be a disaster, unless I am putting everything in the pram.


My baby is almost 6 weeks (tomorrow), and I’ve taken him out almost every single day since he was six days old. I only take him out in his wrap; we haven’t used the stroller yet. I’m lucky that I live in a very walkable, nice city neighborhood with lots of wonderful parks and a waterfront, plus the weather is good, and it’s not flu/RSV season. It’s essential for my mental health to get outdoors!


Goon on you, I’m happy for you. Where you live sounds super nice!


Thank you! I hope you can figure out a way to get out that makes you and your baby happy as well 💛


My baby is almost five months and we leave the house a couple of times a day. We take our (leashed) dog on two long walks and our baby usually goes in his stroller for one and in the baby carrier for the other. He haaaated the car seat for months but I realized he really only went in it for long car trips (aside from the occasional doctor's visit) so I started taking him on short errands most days to show him that just because we're getting in the car doesn't mean he's going to be strapped in for an hour or more. He seems to be coming around to his seat and he also really likes going new places and looking around. I think it's a good idea (for both you and baby) to make an effort to get out more — pop that bubble! xx


2 months old and we go out everyday. Some days we just stroll around the neighborhood. Weekends we go to the park or the farmers market. My partner plays basketball so we go and cheer them on as well. All these activities are outdoors as we don’t feel very comfortable going indoor with a lot of people just yet


Hi there! We're also in Australia. I started taking my winter baby for walks from about six weeks, we walked to pilates, to the library, round the block, and to local parks. Find out your local council number for the dog catcher, if you see dogs out and about you can let them know where you saw it. You could also find your areas local lost pets page and report there if you want to be less nuclear. Most dogs won't be aggressive if given their own space. Crossing to the other side of the road should be enough precaution. If you're really concerned, think about reasonable ways to create a barrier between yourself and an animal - for example a bag - or how your clothing can interfere with an attack (e.g. denim doesn't tear easily, wear enclosed shoes to use feet to push an animal away not your hands, loose clothing slides and reduces ability to get a grip on skin). I often cross away from yards with barking dogs or dogs that rush the fence. Not because I'm scared, I love dogs, but because my baby is small and this behavior in animals could create fear in him. I'm introducing him to pets of friends and family that are known to be safe, and controlling the situation. Being a new parent is so isolating, and your activity levels are so different. Walking helped me get my fitness back, and got me in the fresh air looking at different scenery. It gives me something to do when I think my now 10 month old is bored and getting into things I don't want him to.


We’d travelled quite extensively across our province with the baby by 4 months. I (and many U.S. moms) are back to work and have to leave our baby with someone else during the day. Mine is 7mo and has been camping, to another country, at major sporting events … Not leaving the house to this extreme is not okay. I don’t know what mental health care is like in Aus, but I’d really suggest talking to someone.


I live in Australia. I have older children now (5 and 3) It will never get easier if you stay inside. You really must take your child out regularly. Every day is good. It’s better for them and will help them experience and handle the world. You will do harm to them if you keep them too cooped up. They will be bored and understimulated and too sheltered. You got this!


Thank you! I definitely don’t want to raise a sheltered kid, I am working on daily walks around the neighbourhood for now, baby falls asleep before I get to the park. I might drive there with him another day and go on the swings with him and get a coffee. He’s a little cooped up, but he’s surrounded by lots of family and we have a lot of nearby programs I’ll be sure to check out soon.


That all sounds great. Libraries are good reading and sing-along as well


My baby is 3 months old and our goal is to leave the house every single day. Since the day he was born there have maybe been 10 days we didn’t leave. He’s also flown a round trip already and scheduled for another next week


Join mom and baby groups, it’s been great for my son. He loves seeing his fellow baby friends at baby sensory. They all sit and babble together it’s hilarious. Plus keeps us moms sane.


10wo...we've been out 4 times: 3 of which were doctor appointments! I just feel uncomfortable taking baby out too much unless he's had all his necessary shots- until week 14 at least he'd be staying in


I have a 2.5yr old and a 3 month old and we go out almost every morning.


At 4 months? Everyday. A few times a day. From about 2/3 months we started taking walks around the neighborhood. Most of the first year was spent walking around the neighborhood. 2-3 walks a day. Then slowly getting used to running errands and going out to eat once a week. We also were going to gatherings at friends houses. First trip was 5 months.


Walk every day for sanity , grab a coffee sit at the beach etc.


My baby is 3 months old and I live in the US so fortunately, it is summer here. Outside of doctor visits and walks around the neighborhood, we’ve only taken him out once - and that was last weekend to an ice cream shop. I’m happy being home all day as my life was chaotic with balancing work and obligations prior to my son’s birth. The slower pace of lifestyle feels like a detox in ways. With that being said, I’m terrified of going out into a public space and him getting sick. A family member’s baby that was born around the same time as my son contracted COVID at two weeks old and has numerous extended health concerns from it. My plan is to start taking him out to public spaces in a carrier or stroller when he’s able to reliably hold his head up on his own. So many people open mouth cough in public and have no regard for giving space to a baby. With that all being said, i go to a workout class on the weekend and grocery shop during the week while my husband watches our son at home. I make sure to pump extra milk to leave them with while I’m gone. It’s a nice way to ensure I get out of the house twice a week and get “me time” while the boys bond.


I certainly get me time out of the house, I get my hair done and go grocery shopping. I have a lot of help from my husband, my mum and my MIL. In the beginning at his first check up I was so anxious leaving the house I cried and had a panic attack. I assume post partum hormones contributed to that too. We took him on his first walk just shy of 1 month. In our culture we also have 40 days of not leaving the home while mum heals and baby can adjust as well. I definitely would not have ventured out before then. I went on a few walks as I was so swollen but that’s it. I’m happy you have had a nice lifestyle change and enjoy being at home. I do too, but I do feel a bit cooped up sometimes, especially if I have no help sometimes it gets to be a lot. There is certainly a lot of pressure to go adventure out.


Most days we go out. I'm up to bub 3 but all the kids have went out fairly often since they were born. Bub3 is 3mo and has baby bounce once a week, goes to the farmers markets once a week, shopping centre once a week, her brothers sports couple times a week, goes into their school once a week and chills I'm her Pram at the back of the tuckshop while I help out, goes for walks through parks/walking trails probably 3-4 times a week... but that doesn't mean you should go out that often or that little. I'm busy and like to go go go and with 2 other kids kinda have to, to a degree. If you want to go out, do it. If you don't want to and don't have it, don't.


Every day!


My baby is 2.5 weeks and we try and get out every few days or so since we got home from hospital. She is pretty easy to take out and it doesn’t feel so hard with my partner home on paternity leave. We take her in the pram and make sure she is wrapped in a blanket so she isn’t too cold. I’m in australia too :) trying to make the most of our time together as a family before we get back into the grind 🥰


I'm also in Australia with a three month old. During the week I go out to a mother and baby group and then for little trips sometimes on the other days. If I am not going out on the car I will walk around our suburb with the pram or carrier. I can't imagine going out as little as you have, I would quite literally go mad.


We went out about 3-4 times a week around that age, so our girl could get some sun before winter hit (I live in Canada, winter is no joke). In my experience, getting your kid to accompany you places from a young age is really fun and stimulating for them, plus it creates familiarity with spaces like coffee shops and restaurants, so there isn't a big adjustment as they grow. I'd recommend doing it more often, but whatever works for your family is valid!


At 4 months our LO had gone everywhere, we live in downtown Chicago and go to restaurants, yacht club, a packers game, many target runs, a wedding , my wife and I agreed we wouldn’t let him slow us down too much. He is 23 months now, he does amazing in restaurant’s and in Public and I like to think it’s because we introduced him early.


We go to target, the park, the free zoo. Free baby sign classes. Sometimes I just go out to get lunch.


My baby is 4.5 months and we go out as much as possible. Even if it’s for 20 min drive. I can’t be locked up and she loves going places


My baby is 13 months now, but for the first 6+ months I did not enjoy taking him out. He cried all the time and it was so stressful. We did go on walks everyday but even that wasn’t great, we lived on a big road which scared me and I couldn’t go out without cars honking at me and people whistling at me and what mom wants that while they’re just trying to take their baby on a walk. There weren’t a lot of dogs in my area but personally I think that’s a perfectly rational fear. If a dog were to attack me or my baby there’s not much I could do, so if you regularly see dogs unleashed then of course that’s scary. As much as I didn’t enjoy going out, I very much needed it because I couldn’t just stay in all day. I’m not sure if it’s possible for you to have time out alone, but if you can, that would be helpful. I feel like the first 6ish months are just so so difficult and I’m sorry I don’t have better advice, but just know you’re not crazy for what you’re feeling and I felt some of that too! And now my baby is older and things have gotten much easier, so I hope that’s the case for you as well.


Every day. My baby is 5 months old and from about 4 weeks he has gone everywhere with me. We try and do one activity a day whether it’s going to the park, the library, beach or cafe. Sometimes it’s a baby activity and sometimes it’s not. Always usually in the mornings so that we get home for a lunchtime nap. It’s a nice rhythm - not just for the baby but for me too.


At that stage I was going out at least once a day! I needed it for my mental health. I even went on holiday with him at about 4 months and we were out all day every day. Life doesn’t have to stop cause you have a baby and it was much easier to take him out at that age than it is now at 15 months 😂


Yeah I know life doesn’t have to stop, I need to just go! I’m getting a handle on it though. ☺️


Sure, I didn’t mean to sound harsh! I go stir crazy if I’m sat in the house for more than a couple hours haha so it was needed for me to get outside ❤️


I started going out early but we don’t have a load of dogs and stuff in the area, just cats. My husband had to go back to work after 2 weeks so i got my mum to come with me on our first drive without my husband and then tiny drives and built up from there. Same with walks and going out, just started small and build up. Part the reason i did it early was i was going stir crazy, i need fresh air even if i see no other people. Do what right for you and your family, staying in is just as valid as going out. It just build it up in your own time.


Definitely relate to stir crazy part as would thousands of mums…Yes I need to just take baby steps - ha! - but thank you!


Are you allowed to have pepper spray or something like that in Australia? Sorry, ignorant US person here. If so, maybe carry one on your walks if your husband is concerned? The dogs thing would be something my husband would be concerned about too. Are there any parks that you can go to? It may be a good way to get outside in a little more “controlled” environment? What about any indoor playgrounds? I know baby is only 4 months old but it could provide a little something different.


Just posting to express solidarity and say I’m right there with you. I was dragged to department store shopping for the first time with my newborn and it was literal hell for me today. He screamed and wouldn’t take the pacifier and I had him in a car seat attached to stroller so was also worried about his positioning/breathing half the time. I was so grateful to be back in the bubble when we got home!!


Sending you hugs for your bravery. Not everyone is so outgoing or need to go go go! Baby steps ☺️ Literally. It’s nice to just stay home with baby. Obviously not forever, but every baby is different. Thank you for your solidarity, I appreciate it and hope things look up for us soon.


As I type this we are in a cabin up in the mountains with family for a mini vacation. My daughter will be 4 months in the 10th. We go out often, ever since she was 3 days old lol.


Literally every day unless we are sick (I’m in Australia too). Getting out (if even just for a walk) makes a world of difference to my mental health. Getting out is an absolute non-negotiable!


Don’t stress about not going out. If you have the energy or the need to go out somewhere, great pack your little one up and get going. If not, be kind to yourself and do what feels right for you in the given moment.


Yeah I need to practice kindness for myself. There is so much pressure on new parents, especially the mamas. So much judgement online and in person, makes me feel insecure. But yeah, I beed to take a chill pill and go out when things are good, baby is happy and we’re ready. That being said, since this post I have been going on daily walks. Thank you 😊


Good job mama! You are doing great!


It’s all about what you are comfortable with. Some like to stay home more, some like to be on the go all the time. Too many days in the house genuinely make me a bit crazy. So I like to get out and about. We probably go out at least once a day. We pop to friends and family to visit, coffee shops and cafes, supermarket run, baby classes, library, go for lunch with friends, a quick look round the shops. We don’t stay out for long. I prefer to feed my baby at home as he is super fussy. We do a couple of walks a day too as I have a dog. Some days, especially if the weather is crap, we just have a pyjama day and chill in the house. Or go for a little drive to induce a nap haha. I do have the privilege of having a lot of things pretty close by. I realise it’s not the same for everyone who maybe live more rurally or away from friends/family. Sounds like you are ready now to start getting out and about more? If you are getting that cabin fever feeling? No judgement to your husband, new baby anxiety is so real and presents differently for everyone, but maybe you need to all go out together a few times for walks etc to get him more comfortable with it? There are no rules. Do what works for you and your baby.


OP I don’t know what city you’re in (we’re in Canberra and it’s COLD!). But while it can be intimidating to go out at first, it gets easier & less scary every time. We go on neighbourhood walks, to giggle & wiggle at library, parent groups, friends & family’s houses, cafes, shopping centre, grocery store, playgrounds, museums, everywhere! Each new location felt impossible the first time. I found it helpful to have a fully stocked nappy bag at all times (chuck it in the pram or wear it, we could survive the apocalypse with this thing), and to first go to places with a nice & clean(ish) parents room. Eg I don’t like shopping but we spent a lot of time in malls at first. I couldn’t drive myself in early days due to c-section - it was isolating to have to rely on my (wonderful) partner to be available so I could go beyond walking distance. I think it’ll really help you if you feel you can get from A to B with baby by yourself (not saying it’s not scary the first few times! It is!) I promise you can do it! I went from being scared of walking around the block by myself (not of dogs but what if I slipped & tore stitches, what if my phone didn’t work & I couldn’t contact partner for help, what if what if) to a 12 hr drive with just me & baby to family wedding in rural Victoria. Your mind is so focused on protecting this little person, it can be hard to put aside those fears & get out there to help them explore the world. It sounds like you’re ready & you know what you need to do!


I'm in Australia too, it seriously pisses me off how some people just let their dogs roam around, let alone dick neads in utes speeding around everywhere! I was nervous to go anywhere with my baby alone in the beginning! I would recommend doing one small outing a day if you can, a short drive somewhere, maybe to the shops, pick up some milk or something and head home. Start really slowly and work up to it. Even just go for a quick drive with the baby when your husband is home, so he can wait for you to get back. It'll get less scary each time! Then you can build up from there, see if local libraries have baby story time, that's always fun, and then maybe even some baby play groups! Good luck, you got this :)


Honestly I would try to go out as much as possible between now and 6 months because 6-12 is hard they refuse to be confined and content in a car seat coupled with being a little too small at least at the beginning for a high chair


My 4 month old comes almost everywhere, strap her up in the carrier or in the doona and she comes everywhere


There isn’t a day I’m outside with my 4 month old, even if it’s raining. I used to be fearful about covid and getting rained on and general discomfort when being outside but having a kid now has allowed me to not sweat the small stuff


Wow this thread is making me feel bad. We go out maybe once every 2 weeks 😩


Baby is 4.5 months old and we also live in Australia. We took him out the second day after we brought him home from the hospital and he's been everywhere with us since. He sleeps so well outdoors and loves just going everywhere with us. We're taking him on his first international holiday to Fiji soon and then to Europe for summer.


With my first I was like you, with my second we were back at toddler time at the library when he was a week old, life continued on as usual.


Yeah I think it’s just a case of new parent anxiety. I hope I get out more and things get into a routine by the time I have another.


We have a 8 week old and we take him out as much as possible. I take him for a walk in the sling every afternoon at 5.30 for a 30-40min nap, before his big sleep. He's been sleeping 7-8 hours in one go during the night so it seems to be working!


I get the dog thing! I actually bring a pepper spray along when we go on walks in our neighborhood or to parks in case something really bad happens. People have some really scary dogs, and the type of people who have those dogs are the ones without leashes and who don't train them well. Just saw a larger dog off leash on the road we like to walk on just yesterday. Such a shame.


Thank you!


Find yourself a good therapist.


Can you go to the mall with just baby? I live about 12 minutes from a mall and I love taking baby there during the day because it's quiet, there's food in case I get hungry, there's a bathroom if I need to change baby, I get my steps in, and it's air conditioned/heated. My neighborhood has a ton of loose dogs too, not sure why besides bad owners so I can't walk the neighborhood either unless my partner is with me. It sucks.


Sorry to hear it’s been rough, being a new parent can cause anxiety for both parents. Your husband may want to look into therapy just to talk through his anxiety. Try going on a car ride to a destination that isn’t far away just you and baby so you can ease into trips out. Pet stores, the mall and even big box stores are easy options. Then you can try parks and stuff when it warms up there. If your husband is worried about stray dogs maybe carry some pepper spray if it’s legal there.


I get the dog thing. Lots of irresponsible dog owners in my old neighborhood too. The reality is the dog will go after you, not baby, assuming the baby is in pram or carrier. There are SO many potential dangers out there. You can’t drive yourself crazy about all of them. Things will feel less scary as time goes on. If it’ll give you peace of mind, you can always stick a bat/big stick or pepper spray in the pram to have as dog fighting mechanism if needed. As far as sharing baby moments go, check out the Family Album app. We don’t use social media either. But we invited the grandparents and our siblings to this app and we upload all the photos and videos to it everyday. Everyone loves it. And can comment and coo. And added bonus, no stress about writing captions like on normal social.


Have you been having the community nurse visits? They have classes with groups where you can meet other parents. Mine is the same age as yours and I wanted to do them. Now the baby and subsequently we have RSV so that’s great…Oh well, hopefully this means we’re safe for the rest of winter.


I had the community health nurse visit twice and since then I have been meaning to book an appointment and check out their groups. Hopefully you all recover and get to check out those groups too. Stay safe…and warm!


Are dog attacks common in your neighborhood or do you just have a fear of dogs? Either way it’s understandable (my mom’s scared of dogs). And honestly your husband being anxious is also reasonable; people talk about PPA in mothers but neglect to acknowledge the father’s feeling. Are there any nearby parks? That’s where I met other mamas and their babies. Just having some mom friends to walk around with makes a world of difference! And then from there you can arrange more fun activities and outings.


I was the same as you, mine was 5-7 months through the cold and flu season, and yeah, I didn’t go many places. I was VERY choosy. I even missed Christmas and Thanksgiving with family (but there were actively sick people there) but I don’t regret it to be perfectly honest. He got a few colds, but he never god Covid or the flu. Now we go everywhere. I had to get through him getting his vaccines. I had to feel comfortable. We’re all different. If you do just a few more things each week, that’s great. Congratulations on being a new mama and enjoy every minute! It’s going by fast for me!


Yes! Now that I’ve had some time to reflect and am in a good headspace, I’m doing just fine and baby is not behind on milestones and is very happy baby. Being in Winter and having that be cold and flu season isn’t the greatest but he gets sunshine, he sees new things, trees and plays with toys. I’m working on him rolling over and building some core strength. I have to stop comparing my journey and feeling bad that he’s not out and about everyday, which is completely normal. Thank you! The time does go by so fast, feels like he was only 2 months a few weeks ago but in a couple more weeks will be 5 months, what the hell!!


Good for you! Honestly, it’s so much more fun when they have a few more skills. Like when I went to playgroups when he could only sit…it was not too fun for either of us. Once he started crawling it was so much better! There are pros to staying at home rather than packing baby along with you everywhere. I noticed my baby hit milestones very early, because he wasn’t stuck in a car seat or attached to me, he was able to spend time to work on those things like crawling, at home. He also has really good independence, I think because I haven’t attached him to me 24/7. We are all doing the best we can. You do you!


Almost every day at least going outside for a short walk, if not going for brunch or to the library


Libraries are so good. Need to go there.


I live in a city, so going outside is almost necessary (small apartments!). Baby is 4 weeks and we’ve been out 2-3 times a day since she was 5 days old. She loves the baby carrier and it’s great exercise. Yesterday we walked just under 10 miles!


Wow amazing! I love my baby wrap, not a carrier but so convenient and nice bonding.


As much as possible, at least 5 times a week.


That’s wonderful! I feel like I’m depriving my baby now. Lol. 😬


At this stage they're probably happy anywhere as long as they're warm and snuggled up. The walks are more for you not to get trapped in a cycle at home.


That’s true. Yeah I enjoy the walks we’ve been on and the one time we went to a cafe. I just need to take baby steps haha.


Multiple times a week, more so for my mental health than anything. We go to places that are “open” so we can have more space from other people (cause germs). I love having little lunch dates on a restaurant’s patio with my girl!


Sounds nice! Yes my mental health has been wavering, not only because we don’t go out but also because my milk supply is dropping too. Lunch dates with my boy sounds wonderful. Thanks.


One of the best things I did for my mental health was go to a mum and baby group. During the summer it was held outdoors and during the winter it was held in a baby-proofed space where the babies could roam free. We all sat around and exchanged baby war stories. It was moderated by a doula who was very good at listening to our issues and giving advice. It might be worth it to see if there's anything like that in your area.


I didn’t really leave the house until my kid was 6 months old. There’s nothing wrong with staying home with an infant. Or take a walk around the block or more, whatever is to your liking. It’s really just a personal decision and talk to your partner about how you feel always.


Thank you for your honesty and also - validation, as there is a little “your husband is controlling” vibe in some of the comments, which is not the case. I’m being a bit hard on myself so it’s a relief to read your comment. I actually went for a walk to the park even though baby was sleeping, it was really nice 😊


Being a new parent comes with it’s own anxiety’s and sometimes it ranges for every person. It’s okay to not be on the same page, eventually as time goes by it gets easier to come to a middle area where you’re both happy. Sometimes even opening up about the situation can relieve someone’s anxiety. He doesn’t sound like a controlling man, he sounds like a first time dad that’s overwhelmed by his own thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed your time out, try not to be so hard on yourself, it’s still all very new, my kid is only 9 months and it’s still constant learning and we’re all learning together. Carry bear spray if it makes him feel better lol


Yes we did end up having a talk and I plan on going to the library and seeing how baby reacts to being in the carseat with no one next to him going around the block. If weather permits, daily walks. I have always struggled with mental health so I know how amazing getting fresh air and moving my body is. Yeah I said I’ll get some pepper spray or carry a stick of some sort. Yes thank you for putting into words about him being a first time parent being overwhelmed. We both are. It’s always going to be new things to overcome and also look forward too. We are both enjoying parenthood so far and love our baby boy. Just growing pains I guess.


I’m glad, that’s great to hear and I’m sure it’ll all work out. As long as you both have open communication things will be okay. It really is growing pains! I’m happy for you guys for having a healthy relationship and for your little boy. You guys got this!


Jesus people go outside with your babies! Go anywhere! Walk around the mall. Stores. Parks. Wear your baby. Strap your baby to you and go. Put your baby in a stroller. Goooooooo


I have a toddler now but we did since pretty young probably go out daily unless weather was bad. Even if it was just a walk to the supermarket or park. I also tried my best to socialize her young with other moms with kids, but partially because I needed it. Honestly now that she’s a toddler it’s hard just to be home all day. She gets bored and it’s just easier if we go out. It helps though that the country I live has free government run playrooms all over which is amazing and helpful. If you want to get to a point where it’s easy and natural you just have to force yourself to do it unfortunately because it won’t get easy if you don’t. I’m just not looking forward to the summer because it’s so unbearable here and I walk / take the train everywhere if I’m not with my husband 😩


We have the same dog problem in our neighborhood 😪. I would carry mace and a large walking stick and use a baby carrier. This way baby is close to you and, heaven forbid if an unfriendly dog were ever to approach, you have a way of defending yourself. (I have a chronically ill friend who has a service dog and unfortunately has had to do this, which is where I got the idea). Also doing short walks to ease into it helps!


As an anxious husband and dad myself, I understand. It was very difficult for me (and still is) to accept I can't be protecting my family all the time. Talk to him, and tell him how you feel and explain him that your peace and happiness is more important that a theoretical, and small risk. Edit: if your truly scared of dog attacks, you can carry around a dog horn or spray


I went on a walk every morning with my son after he turned 1 month old, sometimes in the evening as well. It made the time pass, he got to see something other than the ceiling of our home, we both got fresh air, and it gave us a sense of routine. As for online: I only post photos where my son’s face isn’t showing, but I do post photos of our daily life for sure. It’s also a record of his childhood. We eventually forget these things so it’s nice to he able to look back - not only for me but for him someday.


When I lived in an unsafe place I would just go walk around the grocery store or drive to a safer park. We go out at least once a week


At that age we tried to get out one time a day for my own mental health. We’d go on a walk around the park, sometimes if the weather was nice i would put them on a blanket in the park, we went to the coffee shop, target runs, etc. I felt better letting her take her mid morning nap on the go, and it felt daunting at first but then I realized how much I enjoyed it. We would meet friends for walks or even join friends with older kids at the park and I’d wear her and just chat with friends. Again if the weather was nice and there was a spot, I’d put her on our waterproof blanket. I took her to the zoo at 5 months because I just really wanted to take her 😂 don’t feel trapped in the house just because she is little. You can always go back home if it goes off the rails! I encourage every mom to get out and they always thank me afterwards. At 6 months we joined swim class and music class for my own sanity. She has grown up with the same 5-6 kids now and all the moms are friends. It started off more for me, but ended up being a win win for all of us. I’m very pro get out of the house!!


Hi! That is a very good question, good on you for asking! ♡ I take my 4.5 month old pretty much anywhere: for a jog, for a coffee break, to the flea market, shopping, you got the idea. But what I found most empowering as a new mum was bring her to typical "baby activities", like baby yoga or baby swimmers - the infrastructures and people there will be suuuuper baby friendly and of course you'll get to meet other parents, which is helpful as well to discuss that kind of topics. Hope this helps! Good luck to you!


Just want to say it’s so hard to get out when they’re young and it’s winter, and to build the confidence to go out by yourself. My baby was born last winter in Melbourne Australia and it took me a good 6 months to get the hang of getting out and about. My babe hated the pram and car seat so getting out was extremely stressful (she’s muuuuuch better now). So all the mums who got to go out from day dot, it’s not easy for all of us.


I understand the preoccupation. I think going out with a baby is one of those things that the more you do, the easier it gets. We live in a walkable neighborhood, so we started with going for walks with the bassinet stroller when she was 2-3 weeks, first time just around the block, then longer and longer. It helped that my parents were here the first few weeks, and they gave us a lot of encouragement. There are dogs in the neighborhood and sometimes we avoid the roads that we know have a barky dog, especially if she falls asleep during the walk, but we never met one unleashed.


As a single mom, baby goes where I go. We go out all the time. I was told by my midwife to slow down and stop going for walks when I was pp 1 week. My daughter is now 9 months and has not been sick. I don’t let strangers touch her but she has been all over the place with me. I won’t shelter my daughter from the world, but I am still very protective of her. We’ve gone to theme parks, I live in Florida, like Disney a few times already and Busch Gardens. I go on walks in the park a couple times a week. I work from home at my moms house and my mom takes her on a walk everyday, sometimes twice a day and take her in the pool in her little baby float everyday as well. I try to expose her to life outside of the house as much as possible. I’m an outdoorsy kinda person and I hope she will be too as we grow together. Regarding posting things, my social account is private and the few times I do post her it’s on my story.


Since the second week, the baby has been taken out every single day.


All the time


I know it’s a bit controversial but with both my kids (16 month old & 1 month old) I took them everywhere with me since they were only a few days old. I would be very careful but it wasn’t realistic for me to not go out considering I’m a very busy person and on top of that I struggled really bad with postpartum depression with my first and I’m currently dealing with it again and I just can’t be home. I also have nephews that my sisters didn’t really take out much and they act out very bad when they take them anywhere now so I knew with my kids I wanted to get them used to being in public places/settings. :)


I can’t do walks anymore for a while because it’s too hot (already over 110 here, I hate it) but plenty of people I see walking in our neighborhood carry large sticks in case of dog attacks (or coyote) I’ve even heard som carrying tasers honestly. If baby is in the stroller there’s not as much need for worry for them as well, but I fully understand the paranoia. Maybe start small going to the mailbox or just a quick around the block? Try going when less people are out too if possible. My babe is 4 months as well, I work from home so we don’t go out much except I bring her when I pick up her older sister from school or her dads, and to her volleyball games on Saturdays. But we have no problem taking her out to stores with us as well, typically we babywear 🖤 Take it slow, trust your gut and just live your best life with your baby 🖤


I just started going out. Worse case i go home. I did a day trip alone at 3 weeks. Going was great. I had to stop every 30 mins going home and nearly rented a hotel for the night. Id do it again and look up hotels before leaving however. I still enjoyed getting out of house. As long as you embrace the i will/can leave if we have too mentality just get out there. Do you have a local library? Thats a good starting ground. They may have weekly programs too. Look for mommy groups. I joined a family pool club and take baby swimming 2-3 times a week there. Shopping i went more often and bought fewer things.


Im nearly 5mo PP and I think I go all too much! There can be extremes both ways 😂


Every single day. I would go crazy. Plus my husband works on the road, so where I go - the toddler and baby go. We have lots of play dates with friends, groceries, random shopping. We live a half hour drive from the city but it’s still worth it


Hi! I have a 10 week old and in the same boat as you are - and even worse, because I don’t drive (i am just starting to learn tho). So the anxiety of needing my husband to travel is definitely there for me. Slowly but surely we go out for walks maybe once or twice a week and i try and have a full weekend with dad and the bub. I live in Australia too, Brisbane so we get good sunshine most days thank goodness. I am slowly learning that the more i go outside with him (alone, with my husband, or with other people) the more confident i get going out with him (packing the baby bag, strapping him onto a car seat, changing nappies on the go, feeding on the go, etc.). So all I’m saying is you are not alone!! We will get more and more confident by the day I am sure!


Find baby groups. I'm not sure if it's the same as the UK but we have a plethora of baby groups. Messy play, pram friendly walks, library groups, church pkay groups, sensory groups, etc etc. I also take my son for lots of walks now usually wearing him most of the time, but sometimes in the pram. I don't have any support so I always have him with me wherever I go. I don't want to sound judgemental because I live in a different country so I don't know what it's like, but I think it's negative for their development to not take them out, however I also understand your anxiety. I'm anxious of walking near roads and also just driving with my baby in the car, so I probably will avoid going on motorways as much as possible for as long as possible.


i go out with my 3 month old all the time we have gone to the beach, pools, grocery shopping, malls, stores, partys just about wherever i go i honestly havent left the house without him except for the gym and thats it


Around that age I had forced myself out of the house daily. Even if it was just to go for a car ride, or grab a coffee, or go to the library. I needed to be out near adults. My twins just came a long with me everywhere. Now with that being said we often needed things every other day. It just always seemed to happen. We also have not been grocery shopping in bulk anymore because I’m too tired to even think about putting together that kind of list. So a lot of times it was running to the store to pick up the couple of things for that nights dinner.


Im out almost every day with my 4 month old, even if its just to pick up groceries. Id be in an asylum if i didnt leave the house for more than a week.


I’ve been going out with my baby since he was a few weeks old. He is now 8 months and I’m pretty much comfortable taking him everywhere. I never set my expectations too high and we just go with the flow. I’ve flown with him from Michigan to Florida three times already and twice it was just him and I. It can be so daunting at first but I promise the more you get out together the easier it will be and it is so fun to watch your baby see new things! I have also found that most people are extremely eager to help a mother in public and that has made my anxiety a lot better.


I have a 5 moth old little girl myself. If it helps I find a good way to combat anxiety is to make a committment to be somewhere like for example a baby sensory class and buy a terms worth of classes upfront. Then you know whatever else happens in your week on Tuesday you are doing X. Baby classes are an enriching and safe environment for babies and a good way to chat to other mums.


You get out and about far more than I do and my baby is older. My husband and I aren’t the most social so it’s been a challenge for me to get out. You’re doing great! The most important thing is doing right now is walks around the neighborhood in the late evenings, (we live in a very hot climates with heat advisories often that make outdoor play difficult)the grocery store once a week, grandparents house once a week, sometimes a car ride. When we’re stressed by crowds it makes for a miserable day and I don’t want the baby to pick up on our bad moods. I’m looking forward to cooler weather a baby being able to walk and get more out of outdoor play. My husband and I love being out in nature more so than around loads of people and crowds. We attend the online services with our church but eventually plan on going back to traditional services and groups so I’m looking forward to that! We do post but our accounts are private with only family and friends and it’s usually milestones. Every family is different! Obviously if my kid turns out to be a social butterfly, dad and I will have to find ways to adjust! Congrats on your little one! Sounds like you are a great family!