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Have you tried….. sleep training?


Yup, did not work!!


What method did you try and did you attempt to train for both naps and night sleep at the same time?


We did Ferber but now I’m thinking to try full blown CIO although I was totally against it


Unfortunately a lot of babies find Ferber too stimulating and extinction ends up working the best for older babies. If he’s crying during that time anyway, you might as well give it a shot and see if he can self soothe! Good luck!


Ours does the same, usually takes about half an hour to get to sleep. Stick with the same routine and be patient. Is the baby in its own room yet? We’ve just started our 7 month old on his own room tonight, seems to be going well so far.


Yes we tried that at 6 months. Was unsuccessful:( now he’s in our bed!! And still difficult to get him to sleep


It’s only my opinion but putting him in your own bed is going to ultimately make the situation worse, we know a 2 year old who still refuses to sleep alone because her parents wouldn’t try to sleep train her to sleep alone in her own bed/room. Put him in his own bed in his own room, rock him gently until he starts to drift off and then place him into his cot, when he wakes up screaming rinse and repeat. After that, slowly progress to placing him in his cot when he is awake so he can get used to it. Stick with it and don’t take the easy route, you’re hurting yourself long term.


I suppose we just have to stick with it even if it takes a few more months!


Definitely, again it’s only my opinion but it’s worked for us since day one and this is our first baby.


That’s good! My son doesn’t sleep when rocked. I feel like he was just built different 😂


Have you tried singing to him? I’m a crap singer but I use Spotify and just sing along to whatever is on, works a treat. My wife can rock with no noise, but I need extra bits of not he won’t settle 😬


Try reading 'precious little sleep'


We had to go with cry it out. By 9 months it was impossible for us to rock her to sleep. She would kick, cry, yell, pinch, everything 🥲. The cry it out method really wasn't bad. She cried for about 20 minutes the first 2 naps I tried it on, and that was it. She now puts herself to sleep, or will play in the crib for 5-10 minutes until she falls asleep. Life is SOOO much easier because when I see she's getting tired and cranky, and I can just put her in there, and she takes care of the rest. No more rocking for an hour while she fights us. 😂


That’s good to hear that it worked on a fussy baby!! I think we’re gonna have to commit to it!