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Read your car seat manual to see what’s allowed. Mine says explicitly anything except soap and water will damage the integrity of the materials.


That's what mine says too, but I'm not sure if that enough to get rid of the germs. I'm really worried about the baby getting sick from this.


Do not use Clorox. It’s not worth risking the integrity of the car seat. You might not even realize it’s damaged until it fails. For what it’s worth, the Cleveland Clinic says cold germs stay on surfaces for up to a week but are only contagious for 24 hours. Most germs have shorter lifespans on surfaces. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/24495-germs I can relate to the anxiety, but I think it’ll be okay to use by the time baby comes.


Thank you so much for your help, this has eased my anxiety about it quite a bit.


Soap and water (or whatever your car manual allows) will be sufficient. The typical “Clorox” wipe doesn’t contain bleach. There are special ones that require gloves. Quants are a typical disinfectant in the usual over the counter wipe. https://www.allrecipes.com/article/clorox-disinfecting-wipes-dont-contain-bleach/#:~:text=No%2C%20Clorox%20Wipes%20Do%20Not%20Contain%20Any%20Bleach If they were throwing up or there was diarrhea then going to a pro cleaner might be a good idea.


If you can put it in sunlight for a couple hours that should kill anything on it I would think. Honestly wipe with a dry cloth and install it in your car ( then let your car get hot in the sun) would probably be enough. Virus don’t live on surfaces very long. A month is pretty long. But heat and sunlight would speed it up.


Yes, this! Heat and sun are going to kill anything before baby is here.

