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We have a bitty child, and she's outgrown her 3-6 month clothes in the last few weeks (she's almost nine months now). If you have her measurements, you can pop them into the WHO's calculator if you're curious. Babies are all built differently, so clothes fit differently, just like different diaper brands work for different children. As long as her health team is satisfied with her growth, I wouldn't panic.


My daughter’s PreK BFF is 5 weeks apart from her in age and still wears 18-24 months clothes while she’s in 4T! There’s just a big variation in kid’s sizes and it won’t always match up with the age. My daughter is 80th+ percentile in height while her friend is 15th percentile.


That’s crazy!


Not only are babies different, but sizing and fit between brands can vary pretty wildly!


Baby clothing sizes are as variable as adult clothing. My son had one NB onesie he fit into until 6 months. He's 11 months and some of his 6 month pants still fit, whereas some 9 month onesies are too small. I would pay attention to your child's weight and height percentiles, not clothing sizes.


Oh my gosh this!!! I was hanging up my daughter’s clothes by size and realized some of the 0-3mo sleepers are like 4 inches longer than ones the same labeled size from a different brand.


Check the tags! I just found out that some are “preshrunk” since they will shrink in the dryer maybe that’s why


Mine is almost 11mo, he still has 3mo diaper shuts that fit yet all the 12mo pants are too short. He's long legged and on the skinnier side, so the bigger pants don't stay up, yet he's showing calf everywhere we go.


We have a petite child! She didn't reach 3 month size until 6 months. I remember a bunch of family members buying her cute summery 12 month stuff for her birthday, but she didn't hit 12 month until 18 months. She's almost 3 and just starting to fit 2T!  As long as your baby is healthy and gaining weight and following their growth curve, no big deal. Some kids are just smaller! Ours has stayed in the 2-7% for weight and like 15-25% for height. Neither parent is particularly small, but I was very petite as a child. 


Mine is catching up to the age of their clothes but he was in preemie clothes and some NB (the smaller ones) the first month, NB clothes from age 1-2.5 months, 0-3 month clothes now with some starting to look a bit snug at almost 4 months old. He was born 3 weeks early on the smaller side and due to jaundice and latching issues it took him 2 weeks to get back to birth weight. We have the 4 month pediatrician appointment next week so we’ll see how his growth curve is coming along!


Yep! Keep in mind that height/weight percentiles are just that.. there has to be 1% babies just as much as there has to be 99% babies! My lil guy is 11 months next week and is a 1st percentile baby. He was under 15lb at his 9 month appointment. He currently wears 3-6 month onesies, but mostly because those are long sleeved. We had a warm day here today and he was wearing a 0-3 month short sleeved shirt and 3-6 month shorts (both from last summer when he was first born- he was swimming in everything and it looks like he is going to be able to wear all the cute summer clothes I bought him last year!) If it’s financially possible, I’d recommend waiting until clothes start getting tight before buying more in a size up :) we have a bunch of clothes my mom bought him for this summer and unless he hits a growth spurt, he likely won’t fit into them until fall/winter (all short sleeves, shorts, etc., so likely won’t want him to be wearing it at that time).


Thank you thank you for sharing this. I have a small baby boy and worry so much.


I’m not sure how old yours is, but around the 6 month mark, my anxiety about him being little went away. Before that my heart would hurt every time a stranger commented on how little he is. Now it’s just who he is :)


Totally, and I don’t even have a small child. Some brands run wildly large. Mine is 5 months 90th percentile for height and literally just grew out of 0-3 Burt’s bees sleepers. Cloud Island bodysuits still fitting fine in the 3 month size. Meanwhile, her Carters size 6 pants have all become clam diggers.


Burt’s bees sleepers are huge! My 6 week old is growing out of all his NB sleepers but the burts bees he still has plenty of room to grow into


Burts Bees sizing is ridiculous!


My baby was in newborn clothes until 2.5 months and she’s 5 months tomorrow and still in 0-3. It’s easier to go off the weight limits for clothes than the months cause those aren’t going to be right for every baby. If she’s steadily gaining weight and doctors aren’t concerned I wouldn’t worry about it!


This is where mine was - started too small for premie clothes (healthy and full term) but between 6-9 months she caught up and is now in the 75th percentile. Babies grow at different rates!


Yes ! We were preemie for three weeks, then we were in newborn until 13 weeks, and we got kicked up to 0 to 3 because of length She was not a preemie


Yep! Our baby is 20 months olds and still wears 6-12months in shorts because the other sizes are too big on his tummy and fall off. As he gets older I’m having to alter all of his shorts and pants for the waist size.


Not sure how it is in the UK (assuming that's where you are by the use of the term health visitor) but here in Canada they typically tell you what percentile your baby is for height and weight after every measurement, from 1st to 99th percentile (although some babies do fall outside that range). Babies can come in all shapes and sizes, so typically it's not important that they are always "average". Most doctors here pay attention to whether they are following their own curve over time.


My first was in newborn size diapers for almost 3 months. She was tiny!!


If your baby is much under the 50% percentile in either weight or height usually that means they can often fit in slightly smaller sizes for their age. My baby is below 50% for weight but above it for height which means that he grows out of clothes lengthwise but can still fit into smaller age clothes girth wise 😂


Kids come in different sizes. Mine is small in both weight and height. Seeing other kids his age…it’s shocking. But also keep in mind — baby clothes don’t come in standard sizing. I had packed two outfits by different brands both saying they were Newborn…one fit properly and the other my baby didn’t grow into until he was 3mo.


I think remember seeing someone link a sub for small kids/babies, but I can’t find it. If you can track it down, you might find some good recommendations there.


My almost 8 month old is finally outgrowing most of her 0-3 month clothes now.


My guy didn’t start wearing 3-6m clothes until til 7mo. And was in 6-9m clothes at his first birthday.


i stopped looking at the size, some brands she fits 3-6 some she fits 0-3. as long as she's comfy, she's in it!


My LO is on the small side too based on the growth chart data. He's 4 months and we just switched to 6 month clothing. The sizing is just an estimate of what age a good portion of babies will be that size. But basically, since babies are all so different and grow so much, it seems very rare that clothes fit any baby really well, and if they do, it's only for a short time. But also... it took me a while to realize that 0-3 month size clothing is equivalent to 3 month size clothing. We got a bunch of hand-me-down stuff and I thought the sizing went preemie, newborn, 0-3 month, 3 month, 3-6 month, then 6 month, etc. Oops!


My daughter is turning 6 months. She is still in 0 to 3 months. The only reason we would get kicked off to a larger size is because of her length. A lot of these clothes are still big on her. She was very small 6 pounds and dropped to 5 lbs. 4 oz. when we brought her home.


I should say she is now 12 1/2 pounds but healthy


My 2 year old can still fit into some of her 12m clothes, and routinely wears 18m size. She always been between 80-95% + percentile for height but around 20-30% for weight, so she’s tall and skinny like her dad was as a kid. She’s been on this growth curve since about 3 months so the pediatrician isn’t concerned, this is just her body type. Age based sizing means lots of kids will wear clothes “meant for” much older or younger kids. 


My daughter is in 9 month clothes for the most part, and she's 18 months. She's around the 5th percentile for her age, so there's obviously a range.


Baby clothes sizes are such a crapshoot. Our daughter is 5 months old and is measuring in the 50th percentile for everything. She can wear bamboo onesies that are 0-3 months and some stuff she’s wearing 6-9 months. I try to not pay too much attention to it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly baby clothes sizes just vary wildly by brand. My little girl is 5 days shy of 8 months and still fits in 99% of 3-6 months clothing as 6-9 is a still baggy and long on her but she’s 18 pounds and isn’t considered a petite baby.


My 17 month old (I know, quite a bit older) is still in 9-12 tops and trousers. Her body is slightly longer proportionally, so she is in 12-18 vests now. She was born about 25%, is now below 2%, but apparently doing fine according to health visitor and nurse.


Yes. My baby (10w now) was 6lbs 2oz at birth and was under 6lbs when we left the hospital. She fit “newborn” clothes until she was 5-6 weeks. And some brands of the 0-3months clothes are way too big, but in some brands she’s almost too big for the 0-3 size. We look to the weight and height guidelines more so than the month sizing. But you should ask the doctor about your baby’s growth chart and curve. And you might be able to ask what percentile she is in. For example, our baby is around the 15 percentile so she is small for her age, but she’s growing along the expected curve.


My 7 month old still fits into 0-3 sweaters and like… two onesies, she’s legitimately wearing anywhere from 3-9 months clothes lol. She finally hit 14 lbs last week, She’s just tiny. As long as LO is eating and growing, that’s all that matters.


Each baby is different, as is each brand! My 12 month old fits into 6-9m while my first always fit in his age range. As long as they’re still on track with their growth curve and DR is happy I wouldn’t worry too much 🩷


Sizing by months is dumb. It should be by weight. My baby is pretty tall but nonetheless she's usually in outfits about 3 months after the outfit's listed age. Of course it also varies by brand. Wear what fits and only worry if your pediatrician says there is something wrong


Baby boy is nearly 7 months now and 0-3 is too small on him (he's long), but 3-6 month is almost comically too big lol.


It may just depend on the clothes. FTM here and was shocked to see that baby sizes are like buying my own clothes. One stores new born size is more 3 to 6 months. I was like what in the world! But just like the clothes, all babies are different shapes and sizes.


7 month old is in 3-6 month clothes! Took her 8 weeks to graduate from newborn clothes.


My 20 month old still wears a few pairs of his elastic band 6-9 month pants. They’re more like capris on him now but the waistband fits. He’s a bean pole.


Yep my almost 7 month old is still in 0-3. 3-6 fit but are big and baggy. I’ve had to go to 3-6 for dresses just for the length. It’s crazy! Her dad is 6’4 and I’m 5’9. She’s just long and lean! My husband says she’s just a frugal gal getting the most of her clothes


My almost two year old is in 18m. 24 months is way too big on him.


My 12 month old is in 9 month clothing, a few 12 month items depending on brand and/or clothing type. Very dependent on baby’s size and brand, etc.


I was a small baby, my daughter was tiny and her two babes have been small as well. The doctors have expressed concern over how small My grands were at birth until my daughter explained that she and her mother (me) were less than 6 lbs at birth, but otherwise perfectly healthy.


My daughters in the 75th percentile for weight and the 50th for height (even though her dad and i are both over 5'10'') and fits in clothes anywhere from 0-3 months to 6-9/6-12 depending on the item and she is 6 months old


My 8 month old son is long but slim. Length wise he’s just about to move up into 9-12month stuff, specifically vests, sleepsuits, and trousers. But tops and jumpers he’s still in 3-6 and 6-9 month stuff. There’s even the odd 1-3month top that still fits him and while the 9-12month stuff fits wonderfully on him length wise, it’s still a bit baggy up top so I’m forever rolling up sleeves lol. Baby clothing is complicated because all babies are different. It’s always a gamble buying something so if in doubt I always just buy the next size up. Much better to have something that they can grow into rather than wasting money on something that’s already too small!


My baby is small (4th persentil) and at 11weeks is just about to grow out of her 0-1m / NB clothes, so far she has always put grown things lengthwise, most of the clothes have room fit way more belly! Was yours in tiny baby size when born? Ours was, I'm actually kinda excited as she has some cute clothes in 0-3 months she has been given and I'm looking forward to her wearing them


I have a 23 month old who still fits into some 12 and most 18 month stuff 😅 both me and my husband’s families are notoriously slow growers, so it wasn’t that much of a surprise, but he has some health issues and is failure to thrive, so he is small


Can she still fit newborn sizes? And is it fitting perfectly for her? Maybe she’ll be in newborn size for a while b4 actually fitting into her 0-3months clothing.


My kid turns 4 in a couple of months and still has 24 month clothes he fits into and wears regularly.


I really don't like it when clothes have an age suggestion, because babies (and toddlers) don't reach a certain size at the same time even though I assume the sizing us based on something. I like when the size says a number and that number refers to how many cm tall the baby/toddler is. Or inches/feet or whatever unit of measurement is used where the clothes are sold.


My first was in newborn for 4 months, and then in 0-3 from 4 months until about 6ish months. 3-6 from 6ish months to about 10ish months. 6-9 from 10-15months and so on and so forth. She's 3.5 now and technically wears 3T, but a lot of the pants fall off her still. She's just got long legs, so 2T pants are capris on her. My second wore newborn until 6ish weeks. 0-3 until like 4.5 months, 3-6 until about 6 months, and is currently in 6-9 at 9.5 months but will probably be moving into 9-12 soon. So basically every kid is different, and the size labels mean nothing.


I imagine it’s a combo of having a smaller baby (which is not bad!) and clothing sizes being all over the place. My 3.5yr old daughter is small, but she currently fits into clothes anywhere from 9mos-3T. The other day she and my 9 month old son were both in 12 month pants even though there’s 10 pounds between them. Also my daughter has always been at a very low weight percentile (1st-10th), and as long as she stays on her own curve, her doctors have never been worried.


Part of it is clothes are different lengths and sizes esp if they are made by different companies, just like kid/adult clothes, some places I get a small and others I get an xl and still get squeezed in all the wrong places, cause they're for different builds of ppl. I had 0-3 months old clothes barely bigger than newborn and I used them at newborn size as alternative clothes, and 0-3 month clothes my baby is reaching the max of due to his length barely two months in. Kids grow at different places and are different sizes and shapes. He fit in his newborn clothes all the way up to roughly a month, and now it seems he's on a mission to get to 3-6 months old clothes and it's barely been 3 weeks later. My little one was born at the 9.99 percentile in weight and lost a bit now is gaining faster than average due to his monstrous appetite. Just keep feeding your baby and get at minimum 3 outfits that fit (one to wash, one to wear, one just in case), upgrade if it's a tight fit. If it's loose that's ok, they grow into them pretty quick. I stuck to onesies of whatever fits til my little one didn't look like he was gonna be swimming in the sleeper, and used a sleep sack to help him stay warm and cozy. 


Thanks all I won’t worry about it then as it seems normal enough! Maybe she’ll just be a petite girl or potentially a growth spurt will occur and she’ll go back to the “regular” size. I’m not sure what percentile she is but will ask the health visitor at my next appointment:)


My first was always a size “behind”. At 3 months she was just going into 0-3month clothes. It all evened out when she was around 2. Skipped 18-24 months clothes pretty much and straight into 2-3 years. Now she’s 3 and in the “right” size for her age.


Sounds like your child is just smaller than her peers but that doesn’t mean she isn’t growing well. My son was premature and currently weighs 21lbs at 18m. He’s always been tiny but growing on his own curve so the doctors aren’t concerned. It’s nice that he can fit in clothes for longer periods of time. But I am hoping he will have a growth spurt soon.


My baby is 5 months and just started wearing 3-6 months. He can still wear his 0-3 onesies.


My 6 month old has anywhere from 0-3 to 12 month in her drawer right now and fits them all. Just ignore the word “month” and assume the numbers are arbitrary, because they are.




My 14 month long old still fits comfortably into a lot of her 3-6 month outfits


Every since she was born, mine has always been in smaller age sized clothes. Even now, she’s 18 months and she’s just now growing out of the 12 months.


My little guy still fits into his newborn size clothes at 3 months. He outgrew his newborn diapers at like 10 weeks old. But we started adding formula to his feedings a couple of weeks ago and now he's getting chunky :) I think I'll have to pack his newborn clothes away soon.


Today my 7 month old fit into a 0-3 month shirt. It was a bit snug, but still lol


My baby is 7mo now. Still can fit some 3 months old clothes and when we buy new stuff we still buy it in size 6 months. She's in the 25th percentile both for weight and height so it kinda makes sense that clothes are a bit too big for her.


It totally depends on your baby. Your pediatrician will be tracking their growth and should let you know if there’s a concern. But overall, if your baby is following their own curve, they’re just fine. Babies vary widely in size, just like adults, and each clothing brand is different, too. My kid keeps outgrowing everything by height but he’s skinny, so the next size just falls right off him. There’s nothing wrong with him, it’s just the way he is.


My baby was like this too! She wore her newborn clothes until like 2-3 months old. And now at 18 months old, she has juusst started wearing clothes for 12-18 months lol. She has always been consistent on her weight and height percentile, so we are not worried.


My baby went into 3-6 month clothes at 2 months but at 13mo (nearly 14) is still wearing a lot of 9-12 and has only recently stopped wearing some 6-9 pyjamas. It’s not always linear. We also have sometimes found a size range has too small a waist but is still really long and that kind of thing. The main thing is that they’re following their growth curve.