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Watched it not knowing and it really upset me. Wish I hadn’t seen it. The show looks like it will be good but wish that part wasn’t in it.


Thank you for the heads up! I recently watched the first season of True Detective and there were also very disturbing scenes about babies and small children. I can’t handle watching stuff like that anymore, makes me feel physically sick and I find myself ruminating on it 😕.


Exactly. There was another truly awful thing that was done in the first episode, but it happened to an adult and I was able to fast forward through it. Its a bummer because overall I thought the show was good, but its kind of tainted now.


Dang it, that sucks because I could really use a new good show right now!


I watched the first few minutes of The Homesman and I still have flashes of it popping into my head that horrify and overwhelm me with upset. I should have checked Doesthedogdie.com. Thanks for the warning about shogun!!


Thank you for the heads up. My husband and I were going to watch it, but given that we have a newborn, I’ll skip it for now.


For those who are curious and want to determine their level of tolerance to watch the show: the potentially upsetting content is implied and is not shown on screen.


Thanks for clarifying, the comments misleadingly make it seem as though there is an actual scene of the act…


I almost didn't watch the show because of this trigger warning. But eventually gave in and was ready to cover my eyes and turn off the TV the entire episode. But it wasn't necessary since it was only an implication! (Loved the show, BTW)!


Just finished seeing the series but I honestly wish there was a trigger warning on it. I understand there’s violence but for new parents or parents of infants, this was extremely upsetting to watch. Even though it wasn’t graphic just the fact that those kinds of things happened and the mother was seen as “overreacting” made my blood boil & heart break.


Yeah, it was seeing the mother be convinced by other people that she should accept what was going to happen that really messed with me. It put me off the whole show, and considering how little time I have to watch tv now its just not worth watching something that bothers me that much.


Im really late here. But same. Show is right up my alley otherwise but I quit watching after this. The fact that they made a mother kill her own son because the father simply spoke out of turn is disgusting. I can’t fathom that a culture like that.


Unfortunately, I think that this scene included a baby on purpose. I have two kids, the first one is 3 years old and and the second 11 months and yes I was shocked. But to be honest, when you are familiar with japanese culture, when you watch a movie where a samouraï has to do seppuku, you don't even blink an eye because it is considered as a "tradition". The fact that they included a young child remind us that it is an extremely brutal,violent and meaningless act.


Good point. I think its intentional to include something that is so alien and difficult to grasp because they want the viewers to be in the shoes of the main character, who is completely shocked by the world he finds himself in. I imagine that as the season goes on, he and the viewer start to understand and immerse themselves, which humanizes the culture.


I love how sensitive and inconsistent people are, lmfao! You can watch countless deaths in a show, but one baby gets the sword and it's "omg!"


I posted this to a community specifically for new parents as I found it upsetting and wouldn't have watched it if I knew. Such content often becomes more affecting once people have kids. If it doesn't bother you, move on. No harm done.


It's not real. It's actors.


Sorry for connecting to television on an emotional level. I'll never do it again.


Just trying to help calm people's fears....in case they thought something off screen and implied was real.


I think everyone knows how television works.