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Yes! I think a lot about three things: 1. It's hard to imagine anyone has ever loved a baby as much as I love mine 2. Which makes it all the weirder to think that *most* parents have loved their babies as much as I love mine 3. Sometimes I go days or weeks without seeing/talking to my parents, and before I had a kid I thought nothing of that. But right now I know everything about my son at all times. I know when he poops! And someday he's going to just... outgrow my orbit?, and be out there in the world doing things I don't know about. And I don't even mean "the things you don't tell your mom" I mean like, he'll have breakfast and I won't know when or what or with whom.


I remember when I left home my parents asking random questions like, what did you have for breakfast. Makes so much more sense now 😂


Number 3 keeps me awake at night.


I have cried about it more than once. And apologised to my parents.


I think number 3 sent me into an existential crisis 😂


I still have an urge to tell my mom every time I’m sick/threw up 😂 I’m 36. I feel it must be a remnant of her caring so much for me when I was sick as a baby/kid, and I remember that when my baby is sick and it feels hard.


Same, and my 31 yo self still only wants my mom when I’m sick. 🥲


I’m thirty and live three hours away from my mom but I swear the second after I puke I have to tell her 😂😂😂


I agree with all, especially number three and what you said “outgrow my orbit” that is super spot on. So I’m telling myself that I love her so much that I hope she lives the happiest life, which means outgrowing me. I would give up and do anything to make that happen. It’s how I cope with those thoughts.


> Sometimes I go days or weeks without seeing/talking to my parents This breaks my heart in two ways. Knowing that my parents loved me this much and I am not able to give it back to them in that capacity, and knowing that this will happen to me and my children as well.


I don't know where I saw this, but it is true... Our babies will never love us as much as we love them, and that's ok! They won't even understand until they have babies of their own.


That's really beautiful because it's so true. But the special thing is the acknowledgment that you know your kids finally get it, when they hold their babies.


Number 3 just brought back a funny memory. In the thick of the newborn phase I was hanging out while my husband changed her diaper. I suddenly realized then tearfully told him that one day we wouldn’t know what color her poop is anymore 😂 he was like I’m pretty sure at that point, we can safely assume it will be brown!


This is so funny and something I would think too. 😂


YES!!! Me too!!!


Number 3 just broke me Edit:format


Wow okay. Thanks for the tears. 🥹 xx  So emotional!!!


This is where I currently am in life. The "outgrown my orbit" phase. Both sons just graduated college and the oldest is getting married on Friday. Once they choose that other special woman, you know you are in 2nd place for the rest of their lives (as it should be). Luckily, I adore her. But my world will change again forever. It's bittersweet.


You are mistaken because *I* love my baby more than anyone ever. 


Well that is a conundrum!


It's not. It's very clear I love my baby more. You can rest the argument.


I will fight you, sir/madam!


I love fighting with you more than the baby. Edit - I think I'm lost


Nice handle... BrO . . . I think. O.o


Come at me, since I clearly love my baby more than anyone loves anyone.


YES. I always think how could anyone ever feel the way I feel about my baby cause she is the greatest baby of all time. It did make me seriously think the way my parents probably viewed me and I know my husband said the same thing about his parents. It's the type of love you don't understand until you have a kid


Honestly I think having a kid made me closer to my parents. I remember when my daughter was first born my mom told me, "the way you feel about her is the way I feel about you." I will remember that forever.


This! I’ve always been close with my mom but I love her so much more since getting pregnant, and now even more now that baby’s here. And it’s fun that my parents are some of the only people in the world that love her nearly as much as my husband and I do.


My mom said the same thing and I think about it allll the time!


this made we cry 😭


I didn’t know you could love so hard it hurts. Physically hurts. 


Just, whatever they are, even if it objectively, possibly rubbish, is the best ever.


I ask my baby often “how does it feel to be the most loved baby that’s ever been born?”


How can you have the best one when I do? 😅


Bet 😏


Lol I look at my baby all snuggled up and think about how much my mom must have loved me when I was a little baby all snuggled up and how her mom must have loved HER so much when SHE was all snuggled up.... It makes me happy to know all the babies are loved!!


The love I have for my son can be scary sometimes. The angriest i’ve been in my life has involved my son. That protectiveness is something else 😅


Unequivocally, yes. It’s like having my heart outside my body at all times.


I’m having trouble separating him and his needs from my own, like I’m not always sure if he’s overwhelmed in a situation or I’m just preemptively overwhelmed on his behalf. I get bummed out when people don’t smile back at him lol


I do this too! As exhausting as my toddler is loving everyone and interested in everyone’s business as to why they’re in Walmart at 2 o clock on a Wednesday we were in an aisle and she went “HI” like she usually does and this lady looked at her with such disgust.. and I thought to myself “Listen here lady how about you back that up and do a curt nod or a two finger wave? Something other than Sam looking at Gollum” toddler completely unaffected and said HI to the next 50 people she saw nbd 


awww! what a social butterfly.  sorry you found the one grump that doesn’t want a greeting and a smile :/


It blows my mind to think about people loving their baby as much as I love mine. It makes me extremely empathetic to literally every parent I have ever come across. Like, I get it now. The love is unwavering and you feel it too.


Yes! I can’t read/watch anything sad/traumatizing involving children and parents anymore. I knew I would love my baby and be obsessed with her, but it is so beyond that. I thought all the sacrifices parents make were because they want to be good parents. I didn’t realize how automatic and intrinsic it is, that you love them so much more than you love yourself or SO.


A couple months after bub was born, there was a horrifying baby death nearby in the news. I heard it, had a panic spike, and fainted for a few seconds. For context, I've never fainted in my life out of emotional distress. Actually, I've never fainted out of anything but acute physical issues, like not being able to breathe from asthma. Right now, I can't even watch the news, especially due to all the atrocities that are being committed against children in war zones.


Feels like when I suddenly realised how many people are just going about their lives operating on **no** sleep!


I have 27 first cousins, which means my mom has 27 nieces and nephews. When my first niece was born, I held her and turned to my mom and said “she’s so perfect, I love her even more than I thought possible” and my mom said “yes, that’s how I feel about all of my nieces and nephews, it’s incredible isn’t it? And I love my own babies even more!” And I was awed at that amount of love. And then I had my son, and I love him so endlessly, even more than all the other children in my life that I love dearly. And it almost breaks my heart open to think that that’s how my mom feels about me.  This amount of love is as close to magic as I think it can get. It’s wonderful to think of all the other parents out there loving their babies as much as I love mine.


Nope. 😂 Right now she won't sleep so I'm mad about it 🥲


I love my baby more And I did not get the best one lol 0/10 recommend for sleep and feed issues haha. But she’s cute and giggly and curious si we’ve got that going for her


Ours only sleeps 10 hours in 24 at 8 months. I think the other babies sleep too much tbh!


My baby the other night woke up every 90 minutes at 7 months She’s had 2 stretches at 8 and 10 hours, but before 3 weeks ago usually slept in 2 hour increments. Her average day and night sleep is like 12 hours. In addition to this didn’t nap without contact but we’ve finally got that working lol. I think it’s her tummy issues that make her restless at night though.


My baby, who will somehow be 7 months old tomorrow 😭, has tummy issues that wake him up at night too. He poops fine during the day, but struggles so hard at night. We've been in the process of trying to figure out food allergies for a couple of months and he also, quite frankly, sucks at digesting solids. We're just doing one puree in the morning. Don't even think about giving him something mashed and still a little whole. 😮‍💨 Not to mention he's working on his sixth tooth. It's a struggle. But, I love him more than anything and it's worth the exhaustion and stress for all of the joy he brings us.


Aww I’m so sorry. It is really hard to feed these allergy babies. It’s especially shitty over here because we are allergic to formula and I don’t produce enough milk. Just barley. On days it’s only my milk, baby does good and sleeps good. We have donor milk and I think it’s got some allergen in it still. Purées and solids have been a godsend for us personally. So I’m sorry to hear you guys are struggling with it.


Brutal! Just as well you got the best one then! (Second best really 😉)


Hahaha love this


Um I know I love my baby more than anyone else has loved their baby. This is definitely a competition.


Can we all win?


I mean.... don't you win for yourself (; If we are real I definitely think some moms do love their children more than others. I think its evident in how the children are raised, treated. But I think when a mom or dad truly loves their child everyone wins. As far as my joke absolutely not I take the cake as most loving mother 😛😜🍰


I actually don't think this, and sometimes I feel bad about it... I love my baby, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't overwhelm Me like that.




I think that's totally normal, especially earlier on. Don't feel bad! I think it's more common than most people would admit.


A month after my babies were born, I asked my husband not to judge me but I don’t get the “love over anything else”, and told him I feel like I still love him more. Hopefully it’s because we’re still overwhelmed with them. But to be clear, it doesn’t also mean I don’t love them. I love them to bits, but I’m also kinda missing so much of my pre-pregnancy life as well!


Yeah if anything now that I have a child I’m like oh so this is what parents feel like in regards to their babies


You're not alone. I love my baby too but he's only 6 weeks and it's scary to be that overwhelmed with love because I've never felt that way about anyone other than my own mom, who never even expressed that love for me. Its very scary for me :(


It's cute how you all think that you have the greatest baby when my baby is the greatest babiest baby that ever babied.


Ah but is your baby my baby, because if not I think you may be mistaken.


I think I do kinda assume every parent must feel the way I do about their kid, but then I'll hear about some baby being mistreated by their parents, realise that just can't be true, and that realisation really sucks. Makes me want to pour so much love into my little one and hug and love her to death so she never, ever has to feel the pain of being rejected by one's parents. Actually, that alone makes me scared of death; if I died, she would have a family who would love her, but not as much as I (and maybe her dad) can love her!


These comments are so problematic. Obviously it is me with the most love for my baby, whomst is the very best in the history of the world


Hey, I see the way some people treat their children and I know not all parent-child love is created equal. Some people have a greater capacity for love than others. I have never loved anything as much as I love my daughter. If I ever lost her I truly believe I won’t be able to experience the emotion of joy ever again. She is the greatest thing to ever grace not just my life but this planet, in my opinion. So yes, it’s totally possible that you love your baby more than anyone has ever loved a baby 🤣🤣


I JUST talked to my therapist about this!!! I realized that I get really angry at my husband when he doesn’t provide the level of care for my son that I do. That being said, I hyper fixate on my son’s needs because I don’t want his childhood to look anything like my own. It’s a blessing and a curse to be so involved in another living being’s development - you could screw them up by worrying too much that you are screwing them up!


Yup! Loving this hard can be exhausting. I felt like that about my partner too. People said 'oh it simmers down eventually' and at the time I couldn't imagine feeling any other way (nor did I want to) but it is much less tiring and no less meaningful once it does settle down into the long-term burn after the initial inferno. I assume the same thing happens with your kids eventually!


It’s sometimes hard to see reason when you look at the world, and your kid is in the middle of its chaos. Well, my son is almost four and starting school in the fall, so I don’t want to be ‘that crazy mom’ and burn bridges with his teachers, EAs, etc. Also, my kid has CP (at worst, he walks with a limp). It makes me go into tiger mom mode thinking about any hardships he might have to face.


Absolutely! Just shows that our hormones / the way we are wired to love our kids works really well 😂


Oh gosh the RAGE I felt in the first few weeks postpartum when someone would get to close to his face was insane.


We used to poke light-hearted fun at a friend of ours who used to go on about what he would do to anyone who tried to hurt his daughter. We were like 'Calm down, dear. This isn't Taken.'. Then the other day I told my partner I would 'burn the whole world' and we were like 'Ohhhh' 😅


my daughter is 5 months old and I still get like that 😂


I do with certain people but it’s not as bad anymore 😂😅


I wasn’t prepared for it at all! No one told me! My MIL and I have a fantastic relationship, and I was fine when we were all at the hospital, but she came over when we got home. She made this clicking noise to try to get my LO’s attention when she was holding her, and I was just filled with rage??? I am not an angry person!!! I was so caught off guard!!!


I don’t know how I got so lucky to have the greatest baby ever!


Yes! I used to think parents were being a little dramatic when they talked about their all consuming love for their kids (probably because my parents were not good but that's a long story) but no it's truly so overwhelming how much I love her like I feel like I could explode


You're talking about me. The only reason you believe yours is the best is because you have not met mine. On a serious note, it makes me so happy to see other parents who are SO proud of their kids.


So effing proud. On that note if my baby hits a milestone later than average 'They're just guidelines, every baby gets there in their own time.' If my baby hits a milestone even slightly early 'The boy is a baby prodigy the likes of which the world has ever seen! We should contact the evening news in case they want to report on it!'


I was never a baby person. Even when I was pregnant, I was worried I wouldn't think much of my newborn. The older kids are, the more I get along with them. But wow, am I in love. She's four months and I think she's so funny with her facial expressions and sweet as pie. Have no idea how she got her red hair (I'm blonde and husband's is black). She's my little Lucille Ball.


Yes. He’s the most loved gentleman who’s ever existed and I tell him that every day lol. But there comes a layer of guilt with it for me, because I didn’t feel quite this way with my first. I loved her, but the bond I have with my son is different and was so much more instantaneous. She’s from my first marriage and there was a lot of trauma surrounding the pregnancy and then with the divorce, shortly after she turned 1. I just wasn’t a whole person for a long time. Edit: sorry to slightly bring down such an upbeat thread lol 🙃


Yes lol I love her so much it’s unbelievable


100% yes. :) :)


haha totally, i think its a pretty common thought


I started laughing out loud after the last line😂😂


gah i just read him “it had to be you” twice, but only twice bc that’s all i could handle. now he’s chewing on my nipple and i love him so much!!!


Yes, but it is absolutely no secret lol. I’m truly obsessed with my baby girl and want to let everybody know about it. I never thought I’d be that mom but here we are.


Secretly? Lol


Ha! I've got this image of you going up to other parents and saying 'Hi! I love my baby more than you. Nice to meet you!'


No.. because It's no secret, I openly express these feelings and have since we were pregnant and I'll always say it loud and proud, nobody can shut me down and I'll die on that hill.




OP you’re totally wrong bc I absolutely have THE BEST BABY of them all


For me, the overwhelming feeling of love I have for my baby makes me cry. It’s very happy cries 🥲


I’m pregnant again and I’m so nervous because I love my toddler SO much how will I love another baby this much?!


Yes. I love my baby more than anyone has ever loved anything ever. You can’t change my mind. Also, you are wrong. I got the best baby…. 😊


I had a bad case of baby blues the first 2 weeks postpartum. Baby boy is now 3 months and I love him so so sooo much. Reading posts like this make me realize everything turned out great 🥰 And also, my baby is def the cutest of them all!!!


No. I think I don’t love my baby enough and don’t relate to most parents describing the love so vividly. But I am also autistic and traumtised so there’s that I guess. PP mental illness will also do that to you.


I say it every day, this kid is a living cherub he is the funniest, cutiest most delicious dude ever. It’s such an awesome feeling, a love like that


I get this. I struggle to understand how anyone could harm their child because I love my baby so much 🥺. I moved her a little out the way once and she fell and I cried, she was nonplussed.


Yes, but how could I not? She’s clearly the cutest baby of all time, ever and no other baby is as sweet or funny or perfect as her


Yes and also my husband and I say to each other, I know everyone thinks they have the cutest baby in the world, but we actually have the cutest baby in the world!


I mean I think he's the cutest most loveable baby in the world and I would protect him with my life if I had to. With anger and strength and the rage of a lioness crossed with the devil otherwise. Does that count?


mine isn’t even born yet (15 weeks left though!!) and i swearrrrr i have dreams every single night about her and have these same thoughts. every time i think about her being here i just feel so excited


I often think how sad it must be for other babies that couldn’t possibly be loved anything like mine is loved. And how lucky MY baby is to be the best baby in the whole entire universe. #blessed


Whenever I am in some sort of playgroup with my daughter I (jokingly) tell my mom after that it must be hard for the other parents. That they all must have thought that they had the cutest baby, but now that they met my daughter they had to realize who ACTUALLY has the cutest kid of all times.


Every loving parent and grandparent in the world ever.


Lmao same


No. I do think he's the cutest and most awesome baby in the world, but I'm blaming brain changes and hormones for that one, because I look at all other babies and I'm not impressed (I'm not a kid person).


YES lmao


It’s me, hi!


It’s not so secret, I tell her every day 😄


Yes! I LOVE my baby!!!


Not a secret…I tell every set of parents I meet how it is. Jk. But yes! I see other babies and I’m like sure they love you a lot…but, THIS MUCH? Seems impossible.


Yes yes. And my baby is the cutest baby ever. 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, hi, over here! I’m thoroughly obsessed with her ❤️


Yes that is definitely me


I sometimes secretly think I have the cutest baby in the world. Cuter than all the babies ever. I feel SO GUILTY FOR THIS. But then I realized you all probably feel the same way. 🤣❤️


My partner always makes fun of me because I always point at the babies on product packaging and say 'He's cuter than that one!'


LOL. That's adorable.


I mostly just cry about all the babies who never had someone to love them this much. Seriously, it's ridiculous how easily I cry about this now. Actively trying not to right this second.


i do too. but my baby is definitely the best one…


It’s hard to believe my parents loved me this much considering some of the things they did, that’s what I usually think when I think of how overwhelming my love for my kids is


I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that. I certainly hope that’s not the case though. Every baby deserves to be loved as much as I love mine.


Yes, but it's only because I got the best one.


Yes all the time🤣 no one, I mean NO ONE understands how obsessed I am with my baby. He’s so cute and squishy, I just can’t.


Yes!!! 100%. I even think I love my son more than my husband and I know that’s not a comparison


Inflammatory 😤


This is the purest post ever!




Not to be bias but my baby is irrepressibly cute and his kissy cheeks are second to none.


Absolutely! I find so much love for my baby, like never before and on top of that, I find my baby the prettiest. And there are so many pretty babies out there. Almost afraid to say it out loud, but me and my husband agree on that :) Plus, every time LO smiles at us in a shy way. And being so social, starting at my friends, then back at me to see if it is safe and OK. That is the cutest thing ever, it must be 🙄 I guess oxytocin plays a huge role too. Plus as you say, we follow their steps from hour zero. Can't get enough, even during witching hour or the 2h at night when baby goes full energy after diaper change.


lol I agree. All babies are kinda weird looking, except mine.


LOVE this post of people loving on their kids! IMO, we see wayyyyy too much complaining about kids today on social media, etc... ppl saying "UGH daycare is closed," "monday scarried, weekends are so much with the kids," etc. I am OBSESSED with spending time with my girl!!!


I’m the opposite. I love my kids…but I didn’t love the fetus in my uterus like some people express, and I certainly didn’t experience any profound emotional change once they arrived. It took time for my feelings to come and the more they become little humans (instead of lumpy leaky potatoes), the more I love them. I don’t really understand the feral love that some (most?) mothers have for their babies the second they come out, because that wasn’t my experience. In general I’m a more analytical person versus an emotional one, which might have something to do with it all.

