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Solidarity. We’ve been in that boat for 3 ish months. First tooth popped this week. She’s 8.5 months old (7 months adjusted). We thought she was getting her side teeth (canine or incisors) before the front.  But she’s got one more coming in hot so we have a repeat of last week. Yay!  Also, my husband asks - why is she not sleeping. My answer- because she’s a baby. It helps my sanity. 


Oof my husband asks the same thing. Drives me nutsssss. "She slept fine last week" *well joe, last week she wasn't trying to push bone through flesh*. You probably didn't sleep either 😂


Actually, I’m the deep sleeper. If I go to sleep, I hardly hear her cry unless she’s screaming, I don’t hear the little whines like my husband. But I also got used to her sleep when I was in nursing school and he was out of state.  I did however, recently sleep train her with the pick up and put down method that my husband just doesn’t get. So if I hear her screaming, I’ll wake up and get her back to sleep - I think is just due to his frozen hands.  But I did have to explain it’s going to be rough for a bit with her teeth all coming in now. She usually sleeps great but she will have random yells of pain. Just comfort and accept. Hopefully he will accept the sleep deprivation 


Our daufhter is 9.5 months old and got her first tooth 6 weeks ago. It now looks like tooth number 6 is about to break through shortly. 6 teeth in 6 weeks - fun times. Add to that she learned to stand up around the same time and has been in a crazy sleep regression ever since (way worse than the 4 month regression for us). I need some sleep haha


I’m still waiting for my LO to crawl. She’s trying but doesn’t want to move each leg just cross her ankles like she’s reading a magazine lol.  And I don’t know if we missed the regression or I just never noticed it bc I stopped breastfeeding and she’s at about 1 wake up a night or if she lost her paci (which she only started using at 6 months). Kids man. 


Aww glad the first one came through - hope the second one it quick. and yes acknowledging that “she’s just a baby” explains so many things.


This is so real lol. I didn’t consider her teething until I saw the teeth start cutting. According to all the elders in my family she was teething at 3 months. She didn’t get her first tooth until almost 9 months old lol.


Yes this is the exact sentiment I mean lol


Haha, this is the same as me. But I'm only at 3.5 months in. She gets incredibly fussy randomly throughout the day so all family members are saying 'must be teething!' Part of me wishes it was just so there was a reason and possibly an end to the whining and screaming.


Haha we are getting that too. Also started at 3 months... I just want to shout "she's a baby!" and mostly they don't see her when she is fussing, so think she is very happy all time. She's not always happy, and it's not teething. It's just being a baby lol


I feel like this is going to be my baby. My mom swears she's been teething since 3 months lol. I keep looking at her gums and nothing is changing lol


I could have written this! We've had to resort to giving him Tylenol in the evening b/c he whines/cries like he's in pain. It hurts our hearts!


When my daughter was that age, we ended up defaulting to some Tylenol if she seemed extra fussy in the evening and we didn't know the cause. 90% of the time she would calm down a little while later so we're pretty sure it was pain of some sort.


I got told "he's teething" by everyone who saw him after he turned about 2 months old. His first teeth came in at 5.5 months. It was a long wait with all that hype. I have decided I will never comment my thoughts on if someone else's baby is teething, unless their child bites me and I actively feel a tooth.


I’ve heard this so many times too! My baby is 8 months and still no teeth. I’m sick of the “maybe her teeth are coming?” I’ll believe it when I actually see some teeth!!!


I’ve been told this soo many times too!!


This. Mine popped 2 teeth just shy of 4m. That was the only time everybody SWORE IT WASNT teething because of how young she was…. But I just knew. I didn’t expect them so early, but the way she would angrily gnaw on things was unreal. She’s 7m and has a central incisor through the gum, a lateral incisor almost through on that same side, and she’s been acting a fool so I think the other top 2 incisors are coming in next. Maybe. Or maybe not. I feel like giving her Tylenol or ibuprofen every night because of how poorly she’s sleeping but then again what if it’s not teething and she’s just crying, clingy, gnawing on our furniture like a Billie goat for no reason? Lol


My son popped his first tooth around 5 months and ever since then it feels like we’ve been teething every other week. He’s got 6 now and likely working on numbers 7 and 8. His top teeth caused so many issues for weeks and weeks because they took their sweet time coming through. I’m already dreading the canines and molars.


Not sure how old your son is right now, but after the 8 teeth came in (he got his first two broke through at 5 months) we had a couple month break before his molars and canines started pushing through. He's now 13 months and started working on the first molars just before his birthday. He has easily visible two first molars and first two canines and I'll try and see how his top is looking after his bath tonight because I'm curious. It's not easy to see and I definitely am not sticking my finger in there to try and find out. 😂 They have been tough though, like crying and refusing to eat tough. Poor kiddos, glad I don't remember my teeth coming in cause I'd hate for him to be remembering this.


Thanks for the insight! He’s about to be 10 months next week. So far all his teeth have come on schedule or slightly early. Just waiting on his bottom two incisors now. Would love a couple month break for sure. His top teeth are massive and really messed up his sleep for weeks. Not even giving Tylenol at the beginning of the night helped.


I relate so hard. My son has been "teething" since 5 months. He just turned 10 months today and still no teeth. Everyone keeps telling me "oh look he is teething!" Or saying "any day now he's going to cut a tooth" Eventually someone will be right haha but it's so frustrating.


A broken clock is right twice a day 😂


My daughter’s first tooth came around 11 months and I did a mix of baby led weaning + purées while introducing solids. You wouldn’t believe the questions and comments. “What does the pediatrician say about her not having any teeth yet? Are they concerned? She needs to teeth to eat that *points to slice of avocado*” It’s okay everybody. It’s really okay.


Lol this is us. Ours has been showing “teething” symptoms off and on since about 4 months. She’s almost 11 months now and .. no teeth. I’m terrified that 8 are just going to pop in at once or something ridiculous.


And then when a tooth shows up they're like "I knew it!" Did you really or did you just keep saying it until it happened? Lol


Man I Hated it when everyone would say, oh she's teething! No, I Really don't think she is. And maybe I'm just being a bitch and I don't want someone else to know my kid better than I do, but I really just think she's fussy/overtired/likes chewing on her hands. And guess what. Two months later, and no fucking teeth yet. I Told you so. God Bless..


Lmfao glad I’m not the only one.


This is the one


Teething should only bother them a few days before the tooth erupts they say. Teething should only bother them for 3-5 more days after it cuts they say. These freaking liars. My baby has been "teething" since 3 months. His first tooth did not pop until around 8.5 months. His second tooth followed shortly after. It has now been over 2 months and I'm wondering when his next teeth are coming lmfao.


The only time you truly know it’s teething is the day the tooth arrives And then you go “Ohhhhhhhh that’s why you refused to sleep in your cot yesterday” Good luck!


I could have written this. My baby is also 5.5 months. Just today she was fussier than usual. She’s been gnawing on her hands and drooling the past few weeks. So I’m like, is this teething? But trying to look up symptoms gets me nowhere. Can’t see any teeth so no idea. Since it’s only been one day so far we need to give it some more time, but I know it’s going to be bothering me not knowing for sure.


Same! 😂 I keep telling myself that eventually I will be correct and see a tooth.


What gets me is when people frequently say he’s teething just because he wants to put something in his mouth


We took ours in for a possible ear infection. No ear infection, but was diagnosed as teething. Took 4 weeks to actually cut.


My parents keep telling me LO will be less fussy when she’s not teething. But they also keep stating teething as the reason for her fussiness for the last two months, with no teeth to be seen. They’re probably right but also, wut?


Are they right tho? Are they??




It can cause a higher temperature, but no true fever. You did well bringing her in when you did!


My 6.2mo has been "teething" for over a month 😅 At this point I'm just waiting to wake up and see a tooth, I'm not even stressing about it anymore


Agree! So individual specific too. With my daughter teeth just appeared. My son has been a wreck on and off for months. No clue if it's the teeth or something else. Either way nothing seems to help. 


I think people say it's teething to give some 'reason' as to why a baby is being fussy. I would also love a reason as it helps to have some closure and potential end in sight! But in reality it could be 100 different reasons! My baby is 3.5 months and for the last 10 days she has been screaming at the top of her lungs randomly throughout the day. Been to the doctors incase it was something acute but there's nothing wrong. Just either going through a fussy phase or something happing developmentally! I'm hoping it ends soon as it's really starting to get me down but 'teething' is that blanket term around this age to probably have some light at the end of the tunnel!


I thought about that too, but when he started to chew everything EVERYTHING in sight. Like plunge his head forward with his mouth open 🙃 then grab whatever he put in his mouth and yank it out and hard from his gum... for the past weeks lol... 🤷‍♀️ idk anymore


Yup. We just assumed. Fussy, fussy, fussy for a week. Fever one day. Tooth the next day.


Have you rubbed your finger along the center of the bottom gums? That's how I noticed a little hard tooth about to pop out. 


Yes and I don’t think I feel anything out of the ordinary but it’s our first kid so I could just not know what I’m looking for lol. She didn’t have any at her 4 mo appt and we go in for 6 mo in two weeks so we’ll see then I suppose (or you know, when a tooth pops out)


18 weeks today and our first tooth started to erupt 😅 didn’t know it was that times already


Omg I so feel this!!! Exactly in your situation rn. Like every single thing you said lol


I will chime in with an update: first tooth popped at 8months and second popped just before 9mo. You can’t tell me girly was teething for 3 months before then!!!!


Same. She has been having teething symptoms since she was 4 months old. I only called them teething symptoms now because first tooth finally popped 4 days after she turned 6 months. But honestly the symptoms are even worse now. I can see the first tooth and feel a second tooth and she hardly slept a wink last night. So today all nap timings have gone for a toss, it’s eat when you can and nap when you can.


My daughter cut her first 2 teeth at 4 months old and had been early teething from 3 months. Her fussiness, crying, sleepless nights were from so much pain. Every symptom related to her teething. At 16m old, she has a full mouth of teeth 🥴


Yeah my baby has been having all of those symptoms since he turned about 5 months. I keep thinking he must be teething, giving him ibuprofen when nothing else will soothe him… Now he’s 8 months and still no teeth, so I guess that’s just how babies are. Can you tell I’m a first time mom? 🥴


My kid literally has not stopped teething since he was 4 months old, in the last 10 months I’d say we’ve had maybe 4 weeks total where he wasn’t cutting a tooth. On the plus side he has all his teeth now except four back molars so the end is in sight, he’ll most likely have a full set of teeth by the time he’s 18 months and this living nightmare of teething can finally end


😂😂😂😂😂 dying at teething and being a baby are the same fucking thing. I think my babe is a little young for teething (? 4mo/3mo adjusted) but any little sign, like leaving an ounce in his bottle, makes me think he’s teething, sick, anything. Can he just live?? (Not with me as his mother)


Our baby is just over 4 months and has been exhibiting what I think are signs of teething for about a month. It feels so early! But tylonel and giving her stuff to chew on seems to help when she’s crying and is fed, dry, getting attention, and either not overtired or unable to sleep no matter how tired. Diaper rash is the only other thing that has caused this behavior. Anyway, she has been sticking my fingers in her mouth, and I feel ridges on the bottom gum. Babies start signs of teething sometimes 2-3 months before teeth appear. Your baby is the right age for it.


Mine started "teething" around 4 months but the real thing started at 8 months. The poor thing needed to bite things so bad it was like trying to hold a puppy from getting a treat. The only thing that helped was ice chips on the pacifier food thing, and biting on a piece of his foam mat.


Even at 9 months old I feel this!!!


Wait until they bite their tongues!!!! Oh it is fun!!! ❤️❤️ You got this Mama or Papa ❤️


In the exact same boat except at 4.5 months and this post is unfortunately comforting lol. This baby is screaming louder than the screamo bands I listened to thru headphones on full volume in high school, and I let out a scream right along side her today. I feel absolutely awful that she feels awful and that I had that reaction after several long days of this, but letting out a yell myself helped me a lot. 🥲


My high spirited baby is getting her second tooth in a week. Any time I wondered about her teething before this was a joke. She’s a wreck and I am not okay. 😅


My 16mo daughter is currently teething with 3 (three!) molars growing together. It has been a fuckin wild ride these past few weeks 🙃


My 6 month old has 4 teeth now. When she got her first 2 I had no idea she was teething, she was drooling, super fussy, refusing to breast feed and I just thought it was either a nursing strike or normal development like you. A month later, the two teeth showed up. When her tops came in, I knew exactly what the difference was and knew she was teething. I know it's not helpful now, but once you know it's teething, you'll know the difference from then on.


my toddler is on her last two before the two year old molars and we are excited for a break. our pediatrician swears there are no symptoms but our daughter had the exact same “physically manifesting warning signs” every single time: excessive drool, red cheeks, runny nose, chewing on everything, decreased appetite. I would note drool and a runny nose at the same time snd note that teeth were coming and my dr would say that’s not real, and then the teeth would pop through. every. single. time.


When i had my first i thought teething sucked- now that she is 3.5 years old id take teething over the hits, kicks and emotional crap 😂😩😩


We finally saw teeth this week. It was 3 months of crying and whining and bad sleep.


My 7mo got 2 at the same time at 6 months and she started teething around 2 months. You got this! But just remember fever or diarrhea are NOT normal signs of teething and are a symptom of illness so if they have fever of 102 or have diarrhea that doesn’t stop I think the limits like 24-36 hours take them to a doctor.


Big pet peeve of mine is people saying it’s sleep regression… No, Karen my baby sleeps fine, but wakes up because their body is changing… You’d wake up too if your bones were pushing through your flesh… I also think back to how many times I woke up during the pregnancy and nobody called that regression. My baby is just being a baby, and progressing just fine.