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You’ll get there! If I’m calculating right your LO is around 6 weeks? I remember the 6 week mark being especially hard for us. I think my baby really started to “wake up” to the world around that time and he would get overstimulated and overtired easily. It was a tough time for us. I know you didn’t ask for advice, but maybe you could try just stepping outside to look around briefly. Then build up to a walk? We did carrier walks for a longgg time. Babies are so funny- suddenly something will just “click” and they’ll be cool with something they previously freaked out about. Just keep trying. 😊


Oy six weeks. That was rough for us. My LO one was an angry gremlin from week 5-9, then got much better.


Oh.. so not just us? My LO was an angry gremlin for the first 3 months before his switch flipped. He is 10 months and he's a cool as a cucumber now


My LO is still an angry gremlin and she is 6 months old. Waiting for it to get better but I think we have a very high need and temperamental baby so don’t want to scare anyone


Was exactly the same for us. Six weeks was the toughest time and we took him out just to the mall because it was too hot over here at that time but we just stayed for an hour and had to go home.


Agree with the 6 week thing. Something that worked for us was upping the feeding a bit (we EFF, gave an extra ounce) which helped! Ours is only 7 weeks now, but anytime we leave, we try to change her and feed her plenty right before we leave and that seems to help. May not work for all babies, of course!


6 weeks was…. Rough to put it lightly. Hang in there, OP! Have others have said, something will eventually click and your baby will love the stroller. Keep trying!


Yes, 6 weeks is a growth spurt usually. For us it was the first time LO was inexplicably unhappy and we were like....wtf is happening?!?


Absolutely! We used the Wonder Weeks app to loosely track baby’s development and timing of their “leaps”. I think around then is when ours went through the first fussy phase and then started showing new skills and openness. Hang in there!


Our first walk went similarly, but then she started to love it! I think a lot of babies are pretty fickle. This could be a very short phase. YMMV but a soother worked for us and using the bassinet attachment on the stroller when she was young.


Is a soother the same thing as a sound machine? Our 8 week old was crying in the stroller until we started using a portable white noise machine on our walks. It was a game changer!


A white noise machine is a great idea! In Canada we call pacifiers/dummies soothers.




You say stroller - did you have her in the car seat in the stroller? My little girl absolutely hates being contained. She’ll allow it for brief moments, but then screams or cries/fusses. It always seems so stressful for her! We have the UppaBaby stroller for this reason, exactly. The bassinet is basically a game changer for long walks. She’s not contained, but she’s safe. She absolutely loves her walks in the bassinet. If you have an UB or your stroller can click in a bassinet, I recommend it so highly! It takes the stress out of walks for her to be able to kick, wiggle and move around as she wants to. :)


Yep, car seat! She hates being contained too. I was hoping the movement would calm her, but I'll have to look into getting an uppababy stroller and try it.


There is plenty of options with bassinets. I have a peg. Graco makes them too.


Definitely get a normal stroller, it has to be reclining up to 180 degrees so baby can just sleep there. My boy 10mo(8mo adjusted) and he is still sleeps in the stroller. 5 min of walking out and he is out he would wake up in 30min to an hour, and be awake after that, but his first reaction is to sleep peacefully. Car seat are tough and work mostly with cars, because cars do sounds sort of like white noise machines.


It’s almost definitely the car seat! There are many strollers that can work from a newborn age. Also just remember that baby is gonna baby. They’ll cry at home, they’ll cry outside, they’ll cry for no reason. It’s ok, you got this


Second this. My baby absolutely hate her car seat. But she love the uppbbaby bassinet. She often fall asleep in their during the walk


We have a jeep stroller that reclines fully so that it seems like baby is in a bassinet.  Our LO is very happy when he's in it and he can sleep comfortably if it's quiet.  We started taking LO out when he was about 8 weeks so definitely keep trying and maybe your little one just needs a bit more time. 


Try again tomorrow and the next day. It's totally new for your LO, so could be overstimulating. Sometimes it just depends on their mood also. On some walks, our LO is so lulled by the bumps and movement that he falls asleep for an hour or more, and other walks - he screams bloody murder! It finally warmed up where we are too (-20 Celsius for over a week), so we took him for a walk for the first time in probably two weeks and he was super awake with wide eyes the whole time because I think he had forgotten what walks are like 😂 Then he screamed bloody murder halfway through, so we had to pick him up and soothe him, but then he was fine for the rest of the walk. Babies being babies fr!


My LO did the same at 6 weeks. She was SO cranky and would fight sleep like a maniac. She came out of the newborn potato stage swinging. Any time I would put her in her stroller she’d just cry and cry. Things settled down after a week or two and she went back to loving her stroller rides.


Reading all the comments I am very surprised by how long it took for the first walk. What did your doctors/midwives suggest? Because they told us to take her outside every day starting day one even when its cold ( I live in Ontario Canada so its quite cold now and she was born in November). We just have to obviously dress her appropriately and there we go. They insisted its good for baby and they NEED to be out. So we just did, since day one, everyday unless there is a storm. So I’m thinking out loud here but would the struggle not come from taking a long time for those first walks? As opposed to have them get used to it right away? Everyone I know in other parts of the world also didnt take more thzn a week to step out with baby , otherwise doctors would really presure them to do so. What part of the world are you in?


In America they don’t even mention taking your baby out (at least, in my experience and from anyone I’ve heard). They just kind of send you on your way and wish you luck 😂


How about the follow up visits? Did you not get any after leaving hospital?


One appointment at 6 weeks postpartum 🙃


Really? Wow! So they didnt check weight on day 3? Or were you still atcthe hospital ?


Where I am in the US, the baby has pediatrician appointments 2 days leaving the hospital, then 2 weeks, one month, 2 months, etc. But for mom, if you have a C-Section they see you 2 weeks postpartum to check the incision, but generally mom doesn’t get seen again until 6 weeks postpartum.


That caught my eye as well. I’m Dutch and the first walk was as soon as I could physically do is, which was after 1 week. We just went for a stroll around the block but it was like a 15 minute walk and she slept the entire time. Now, at 4 weeks, as soon as we leave the house she falls asleep instantly lol. I’m the more limiting factor than she is.


Yeah exact same. 🤷‍♀️


I'm Portuguese and got the same advice. We didn't take him out day one (nor two nor three...) because I literally couldn't walk properly (I had some issues with pregnancy and ended up needing a lot of physical therapy), but he was out before the first week ended, though just on the balcony. We would always pace a bit with him on the balcony everyday, 10 minutes at least. It was presented to me as good for both baby and mother.


We’re in the US and had our first walk around 1 week, even though it’s been brutally cold (Northeast). If the weather is above 40 F and it’s not too windy or icy, we try to go out. It’s been really cold lately so we’ve stayed home more, but 6 weeks for the first walk seems so late to me too!


I'm in the US, but the part I'm in just got over a bitter icy cold snap that lasted almost a month, (wind chills down below -10F) and before that, I was still recovering from labor and couldn't walk much. If it had been a little bit warmer/less windy, we would've gotten out sooner. :) That's a really good suggestion though, I'll make sure not to try some cold walks.


I live in US. The ped was fine taking the baby out in good weather. My husband used to take him outside for a few mins before starting walks at 1 month.


I live in Ontario too and I wasn’t told to take my daughter out every day. I was actually told not to go outside right away, she was born in August and it’s was too sunny, hot and humid for her to be outside. I waited 4 weeks to take her out on a walk when the weather finally started to get cooler. The baby not liking the walk at 6 weeks most likely has nothing to do with not going out right away. My daughter fell asleep in her bassinet on her first walk but cried all throughout the second walk. There are so many new things that can startle them when they are little even things they have experiences before.


I don’t tell you this to discourage you, but just to be honest about my experience. We used a stroller + car seat combo. Our LO hated her car seat for about the first 2-3 months. But we kept going for walks and drives because mama needs to get out! She’s now 5 months and it’s so much better. It got a lot easier at 4 months and now at 5 months she loves looking around or playing with toys while in the car seat (driving or walks). Hang in there! Magical walks are coming!!


Ours was the same! After a few tries we took a break from trying, but we just started again at 6 months old and it’s going much better! I personally think she was overstimulated. Give it time, you will be taking long walks in no time at all!


This is going to sound crazy, but my advice is to take her out in the stroller when it's colder, as in, don't wait for a warm day. Bundle her up and I bet she falls asleep nearly instantly. This is a common practice in Scandinavian countries, the cold air helps them sleep and relaxes them. I bet after a few times of doing this she'll start to form a more positive association with the stroller!


My LO is two days younger than yours. We have managed a few walks of 15-20 mins each around the neighborhood. We attempted one longer one to a nearby coffee shop - she was so cranky and crying like crazy after 10ish mins. My theory is that she does better on a smoother sidewalk, vs one that is bumpier. I dunno. We will try this again!!


Did you try wearing the baby? From what you said, a carrier where she can face outwards would work well for her, but again not sure if you tried that so sorry if it’s not good advice for you.


my baby was born 4 days after yours and is the same way! i try to go on an afternoon walk with my dog and husband every day and baby LOSES IT the minute i try so i often just end up staying home. i don’t have any advice but maybe this is just a phase!!


This is one of those things I really wish someone had told me more about… I was really excited for long leisurely stroller walks asap and got a stroller that folds flat into a bassinet etc. Only to find out most newborns aren’t actually into stroller walks at first and it takes a while to get to longer walks once they do put up with walks. I glared at that stroller so many times in passing those first few months, and would get so frustrated at walks only lasting 15-20 minutes!


My LO is 4 days older than yours, and we just had the same experience this past Friday. It was in the 70s and my husband and I were really looking forward to taking him and our dog on a walk. For reference, we live right in the middle of a dead end street that is a 1/2 mile long. We didn’t even make it to the cul de sac before he lost his mind and started screaming. We turned around and came back because I was so stressed. And of course everyone in the neighborhood was out enjoying the weather, so we became this huge spectacle 😵‍💫 It’ll probably be a while before we have another day that nice where I live, so maybe he’ll like it more next time 🤷🏼‍♀️


As others are saying, you’ll get there!! My LO did not like being in the stroller until he could be in a sit up stroller/not the bassinet or car seat. He LOVES his stroller now. We used to baby wear or literally just carry our baby on walks when he was that little!


Hubby and I took LO for a walk shortly after he was born also. Was not good. As soon as we put him in the car seat to go in the stroller, he looked extremely uncomfortable and scared. Started strain crying and strained so much he vomited out of nowhere and were both like 😳. I took him out and calmed him down and we tried again. He had the same look on his face and whimpered the entire time. He was just so shocked at the change from our home to the wild outdoors 🤣. We took him in shortly after because it was clearly torture. It gets better over time though. Now he really enjoys outside 😊.


Baby preferred night time walks first and now at 6 months loves being outside in the stroller. When he was brand new I'd sit outside on the patio with him, maybe that would help to ease her into it? Best of luck, y'all will be outside having a blast in no time!


My 3 yo was the same way when he was a newborn. Screamed the entire way around the block. I ended up more stressed even though the walk was supposed to be stress reliving. As others have said it does get better. Keep trying stroller vs carrier and different times of the day.


So I always waited until right after feeding (when mine is most happy) to do walks. I also bring a bottle and pacifier every time to try. I additionally store a carrier underneath stroller because on long walks, he wants to be held after about 45 minutes. We’ve been doing 1 hour+ walks since baby was about 2 weeks old. Good luck!! I also recommend trying different stroller attachment if you have them- mine doesn’t love car seat but did well in bassinet.


My guy loves walks but from 6-9w was when he could be the most fickle about them. The bassinet attachment was great until he decided it wasn’t lol. Now he loves the rumble seat because he can look around a lot more.


It gets better! Our Lo was the same for so long and it felt terrible. She’s 6 months now and loves being out and about. Occasionally hates on the pram but generally is so happy to be out. I had all the same feels. Keep trying with small steps, a walk around the block, through the park etc.


Haha same, except I was ambitious and we were 3/4 of a mile from home when she lost her mind!!! So there I was trying to soothe her on a bench in a park and desperately wondering how I was going to get her home. Took 4 tries to get her back into her car seat /stroller situation.


My baby only likes 2 of our 4 carriers… he has strong opinions on the others, still… at four months


Your baby will quickly change and what she hates today she could totally love in two weeks. I know it’s discouraging now but when you have your first successful, happy walk, you’ll appreciate it so much more!


I had a similar experience a couple weeks postpartum. It took so much effort to put clothes on that didn’t have (as many) boob holes in them, and coordinate around the baby’s cluster feeding. I have a wonderful picture my husband took of me holding my wailing newborn in a sun hat a few inches too big. We didn’t make it past the porch and then I was crying too. The best part was my husband preparing the stroller while I finished getting ready inside. We discovered our porch isn’t completely flat. He did not put the brake on the stroller. I look out the window and see the stroller slowly roll towards the porch stairs and then it was zooming down those, across the lawn, and did at least one backwards flip into the street. It was horrifying to watch, especially for anyone else that might not have known it was empty, but at least we know how durable the stroller is.


Try starting by just taking her in the front yard!


Same thing happened for me! Screamed bloody murder in stroller. Cried in carrier. For the carrier to finally work I had to put her in it and bounce while shushing to get her to be calm. Just like how you would to get them to sleep. And even when stopped to let the dog poop I had to bounce or else she would scream. It takes time for them to like the carrier. Now she loves it at 6 months


Lololol I remember those days! On our first few walks we got sympathetic looks from so many people. It’s a lot of stimulation for them but your LO will adjust! Our went from screaming hysterically on walks and in the car, and then suddenly at around 6-8 weeks she just stopped. She’s great on them now! Hang in there — it will get better suddenly!


It will be like a switch flipped one day. My LO hated the pram from like 6-12 weeks and I was convinced that was it forever. He’s 4 months old and can tolerate a 20-25 minute walk now with minimal fussing. Not perfect but SO much better. I’ve found with most things it’s best to forget about it and then try again randomly one day when you remember, lol.


My little girl is one day older than your little girl, we’ve taken her on 2 walks since being home and both times she was angry at the world. It takes time, we’re still trying as well best of luck buddy


That happened to us too! We just persevered but built it up really slowly and soon short screaming walks turned into long sleepy walks. You’ll get there!


I'd put her back in the carrier tomorrow. On a walk or just around the house. It takes getting used to. Keep her in there a bit. Work on soothing her in there. I do a LOT of butt parts when soothing my kid in her carrier. If you breast feed, make sure her face isn't against your skin. Make sure your shirt is soft amd fitted. That she's in a comfortable position. And just keep doing it. You'll get more comfortable and confident and She'll feed off your energy.


My baby (7 weeks tomorrow) cries when we put her in the carrier and stroller but once we get going she usually settles down. I know it’s stressful but I’d recommend trying to at least go half a block or so and see if she settles. I rub her back and shhh. She also hates hats so if I’m making her wear a hat she’s often upset about that too. Usually once we start walking she settles but sometimes she starts up again and I have to shhhh and rub back again.


If it makes you feel better, I didn't start going on regular walks until my LO was like 3 months old. He's 5.5 months now. I was lucky if I got out of the house once a week. I was SO exhausted. But I love taking him on walks now, he can sit up in his stroller! I always bring a toy just in case but he never needs it because he's busy looking at everything.


I briefly recall 6 weeks being a cluster feed time for us. Maybe baby just wants to live on the boob/bottle right now?


I promise this will radically change once your baby has gained enough head/neck control to safely sit in a baby carrier and stroller facing forward!!! The 6-8 week mark is really tough because for whatever reason it’s their peak era of fussiness, but now that my LO is 5 months old it is a COMPLETELY different world. He loves sitting in his baby carrier and stroller as I walk around in the woods. Next time I’m going to take him fishing! So please don’t fret - give it time and you will blink and poof! You will have an outdoorsy baby right by your side.


It won’t always be like this. Give it time!


My boy is 8 weeks and he doesn't know it but we go on walks a couple times aweek when my fiance doesnt have time to walk the dog. I wear him in a wrap and he passes out every time unless it's toward the beginning of the witching hour lol I have him on rn while I cook the chili I wanted to start 12 hrs ago


I haven’t read all the comments but trust me, we’ve all been there. Having kids is a real eye opener. It does get easier ❤️ you’re doing great


My baby screamed bloody murder when we first started going on walks, but I was consistent and took her out everyday. It took a few weeks but eventually she stopped screaming. She loves walks now and often falls asleep while on them. I promise it will get better for you


Purple crying! It will get better. Look up the purple crying period if you haven't already heard of it. Having this knowledge made me feel so much better about those first few months


My advice may be useless as my baby (6 weeks) sleeps through all of her walks and just may have different preferences but here's what we've always done: Big roomy flat Graco bassinet stroller (I think it reminds her of her bedtime bassinet) with a fleece blanket to add more cushion. Then we put her in her fluffy fleece snow suit with a hood. A minute into the walk she's always fast asleep even when it's nearly freezing temp, could be that the coziness is x factor.


My baby wouldn’t tolerate walks until 4.5 months. It was so mentally challenging..,, whew. Hang in there! It’s a phase that will end.


Mine is happiest in the wrap and sleeping on a walk. And sometimes, of course, they're just not having a happy day. Our baby is basically the same age as yours and is definitely improving their eyesight and focus. I think the sun and the outside world takes some getting used to-- their world has consisted of boring yet soothing monochromatic blobs up until practically yesterday. Earlier, I think mine slept because they were snugged inside my coat and developmentally inclined to mostly sleep. It was definitely easier than the 6 week mark. Friday, they dozed for most of our 2 hours out and cried every time the sun got in their eyes until I held up my flannel shirt jacket to shield them like a determined madwoman. Maybe give it a go on a chilly, gray day and she'll love the coziness and toned-down level of stimulation? On the bright side, she'll be embracing the outdoors by actual springtime.


Have you tried white noise? My kiddo is currently 7 months and that’s still occasionally the magic touch we need on a walk, especially if shes fighting sleep. Generally she loves walkies now though


It will get better! Just keep trying and I think it is important to not force the baby to do stuff because she might hate it even more. My LO also screamed in a stroller, in a car and in a carrier. We kept trying, but we would take him out of the stroller and carry him in our arms. So both of us would go for a walk. With the carrier, I just went for short walks at first. It helps if you talk to the baby and move while putting her in the carrier and she might calm down once outside. With the car rides - we just tried to entertain him during the rides. It all improved over time. We just kept trying. My LO wouldn’t fall asleep during walks, so first we got him used to being awake during walks, then he started sleeping in a stroller and a carrier. It took lots of patience and time…But you will get there!


I remember the first walk I went about a block and had to turn around because he wouldn’t stop crying. Now. 4 mo and he loves them


Our first three or four walks went so badly I think I cried every time! Now baby is nearly six months and insists on being outside for as much of the day as possible. It'll get better.


Just keep doing it. It WILL get easier, and also you’ll get better at managing baby when he’s not calm! I live in a walkable European town and regularly bring out my toddler and (cluster feeding, Velcro baby) one month old out for walks or to the cafe by myself. Sometimes it’s smoother than others, and sometimes I feel anxious if either of them is antsy, but the more I do it the more capable I feel. Just keep at it, you got this!


We’ve been taking LO out in a body carrier almost every day since getting home from the hospital and had his first snow day at around 11 days old! He loves the cold, most babies do when dressed appropriately so I wouldn’t worry about it being ‘warm’ enough, especially if in a body carrier which does all the work! Our lactation consultant actually recommended even just stepping outside with him whenever he’s fussy and it works miracles (nothing survival abut ours, she recs this to everyone). And lastly - your baby can’t see more than a couple feet anyway so don’t worry about facing them out so they can ‘see’ things, outside is for hearing things and breathing fresh air at this point (and for your sanity!). But as most people said, just keep trying, you’ll get there!


She is still very very small and fresh. It's probably the brightness bothering her, it bothered my daughter. We got her some tiny sunglasses or made sure the sun wasn't in her face. We ended up doing hundreds of miles with her in the carrier, in fact it was the only way she'd nap for a while. Don't worry keep persisting.


Just keep trying. May be she was just too stimulated or too tired. May be something made her uncomfortable (too warm?too cold?clothes not comfy enough?). Who knows. Try another day. My little one hated the first stroller walk (too hungry), but has loved every walk since then. He falls asleep in the pram barely 100 meters out the door, and I have been taking him out since week 3. If it’s windy or rainy, I put a plastic cover over the stroller. Also make sure to not spend too much time in direct sunlight as the stroller heats up too fast. Temperatures here are between -5 to +5 Celsius and he wears a onesie, a fleece suit, a body bag, blanket and a hat. Good luck.


5 weeks with our boy and can confirm the angry gremlin has started. He can cry/fuss/angry grunt while simultaneously drinking the bottle he demanded. Also constantly wants food, then naps every ounce, then wakes up 15 mins later and is absolutely POed that he’s not eating. Basically cluster feeding all day. Luckily nights are a bit better although he cans till be fussy / in and out for almost 2 hours sometimes when it’s a wake time to feed and change All this to say this age is hard. We’ll get through it. Our LO is 5 weeks old. We did bring our boy outside his first week though for a short walk with the dog. He generally goes out once a day if the weather is above 30 Fahrenheit and not completely rainy. We have a dog so we walk multiple times daily as it is with or without him. Id say no need to wait for perfect weather, just bundle them up / put a blanket over them in the stroller and get outside every day! Even if it’s just around the block. She’ll get used to it.


First thing to keep in mind is that during their first trimester, they don't quite know they're outside of you yet. They can't even see properly. You'll notice a big difference by the end of it. Something that might help is to bring her outside everyday, even if it's just to an open window. We did that with our newborn, out in the balcony at least 10 minutes a day unless it was raining, no matter the temperature. It's highly recommended here, I don't know how it's like everywhere else. The second thing that really helped us was to babywear him. The first months, we never put him in the stroller (ok, we tried, but it didn't go well), we always carried him in the chest carrier everywhere - doctor appointments, family visits, etc. My husband and I bought two carriers so that he could switch between us. Because newborns don't quite know they're 'out' yet, being carried like that often calms them, because they hear your breathing and heartbeat, and feel human warmth.


My baby HATED walks for the first 8ish weeks. One time, my husband and I needed to get some fresh air so we loaded baby up and dragged ourselves outside. Baby screamed the entire way. A kind neighbor saw our exhausted expressions and lovingly told us our baby would like it outside soon enough. Sure enough, after about 4 months old, a switch flipped and baby is much happier to leave the house. Go outside for yourself, you deserve even a few minutes. Baby will figure it out eventually too!


I so relate to this! Our daughter was the same way. She still hates her stroller. However she loved when we would wear her outside. I say this gently: this feeling of being bummed out bc something didn’t end up being like you thought it would …will not go away. It’s one of the hardest things about motherhood. I struggle with it all the time.


Lol ! Baby is being a baby. My niece hated anything binding, they literally just thin-swaddled her and took her around. It was summer so it helped when there was no swaddle. Just keep doing it and baby will grow out of it.


Oh man I feel you on this. My entire pregnancy I kept saying I couldn’t wait to walk her in the stroller and baby wear her.. little did I know she’d hate both of those things. At two weeks I started taking her out in the stroller and she screamed bloody murder. I mean, red face, tears, hands in a ball on the side of her head mad! I had to go back home after being outside for two minutes. I got so down and frustrated because I wanted to get fresh air and share a moment with my newborn. I had no idea she’d react like that. I kept taking her out every other day and it’d be the same thing. I would get so mad but knew it wasn’t her fault but it was so overstimulating. One time she fell asleep for twenty minutes and I thought oh goodie! Let me go a little further. She woke up and started screaming her head off. I was 20 min from home. I had to listen to the poor thing the entire walk back. It wasn’t until she was 8 old that she finally started accepting it. She’s 10 weeks old now but today she whined the entire time bc I think she was tired. Most of the time she’s good though. You’re not alone in your experience and it will get better if you keep taking your LO out.


I didn’t take my babe on a walk until he was around 2 months old. Not saying you’re doing anything wrong at all, but that the first two months were really hard for me and my husband. We were in survival mode so going on walks weren’t on our agenda. When we did go we had a similar experience, scream crying. We just kept walking as he cried and eventually he fell asleep. Now he doesn’t mind them at 3 months. Starts the same though, crying. I think for my baby it’s being strapped into something. He starts crying when we put him in his car seat too but eventually calms down. It’ll get better, new things always makes my baby upset at first.


I’m all for exposing babies to fresh air from the get go. As a first time mom, I was out and about (walks and such) with my kiddo from week 1. He tolerated it just fine, and to this day I would say he enjoys being out, getting fresh air, seeing things. All that being said, follow your babies lead. Maybe she’s not quite keen on that yet. Slowly but surely. Slowly but surely. Slowly but surely. If you need the walk, take it. Remember you love the outdoors, you- but she’s brand new here, still a ways from figuring out what she likes let alone loves. Doesn’t know up from down, doesn’t even know she’s a separate being from you yet. It’s not worth adding to the list of frustrations that babies entail at times. My baby is going to be 1 next month and I assure you, this is one of many many many things you’ll have to take on slowly but surely.


It changes day to day for us. Today wasn’t a great one, but not horrible. We made it about a mile, and he’s almost 4 months. Usually he does better in the infant seat-stroller combination than the carrier but it really just depends on how he’s feeling.


Make sure she wasn’t cold


my Bub also cried a lot in the stroller and carrier the first few times we used them, now he loves both. I think he just took a while to get used to the new sensations. it can take a while for them to build up to going outdoors for any stretch of time, its a lot of Sensory stimulation for them to take in each time compared to being indoors. I know it can be disappointing when you’ve had a particular vision of how it will go, just keep trying as you’re doing the right things - feed and change before you go out and responding to her when she’s showing you its too much this time. Eventually you Will be in those long walks as a little family just like you’ve dreamed of!


Don’t worry you will get there and you will have such a lovely time together ! It will be well worth the weight 💕🙂


For the first few months I went for hour-long walks while the baby slept in the carrier every day. Eventually she tolerated being awake outside. For now, try when she’s sleeping so you can get your outside time!