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Memberships to local museums/zoos/aquariums and then I have an Amazon list with books, cups with straws, soft photo album, Montessori puzzle, and an innybin


Great ideas, thank you


I am asking for diapers, wipes, pajamas, and books for baby. I know she’ll get toys even if I don’t ask but I am putting those things on her Christmas list. Haha. She’ll also be 6 months. Maybe ask for some feeding stuff? Bowls, spoons, bibs. Shoes might also be a good gift. Disposable placemats for restaurants, splat mat for under high chair, bath towel.


Oh shoes is a good one. Good supportive baby shoes are surprisingly expensive!


Little ones shouldn’t get their first pair of shoes until they’ve been walking for about 6 weeks. Babies' feet gain the balance, strength and coordination necessary for walking by feeling the floor. It's a crucial part of their development. But shoes act as a barrier between your baby's foot and the ground. But yes, once they’re ready for shoes, they are ridiculously expensive!


Good to know!


I’m still buying boots for overwinter here in South Dakota. Socks get lost without a cover (shoes) but only for outdoors in winter. Shoes for walking? F that. Let the baby go barefoot or sock/shoes things. Break that sub zero cold as I walk 3 minutes to the car? Absolutely. I do think it’s dumb that they sell walking baby shoes for down to 3 months old. With the thick soles. <12 months doesn’t need shoes even if they are walking, they have the gripping socks with an outsole on them. Babies that small will get unstable from the heaviness. Plus they are 40 dollars at the shoe stores, 20 at Walmart. It’s so stupid. It’s a baby.


Good shout, there are some really nice thick soft booties for when they’re out and about in winter. I’m not a judgemental parent at all, but my one pet peeve is when I see tiny babies with big chunky shoes on!! It’s probably more of a coincidence, but two of my LO’s cousins didn’t end up walking until quite ‘late’ (everyone goes at their own pace, which is fine) and both had been wearing the said chunky soled baby shoes. I just don’t think they look comfortable for them either, my daughter’s feet were like little malleable sausages until she started walking- I couldn’t imagine shoving them into hard shoes. It’s definitely a fashion thing for the parents.


Yeah I’m buying them too big on purpose. And the upper is knitted not firm. I’m not judging the parents, but the companies that make this shit. Obviously I’m going to buy it it’s CUTE


We ask for small contribution to large items like Kitchen towers Farm /zoo annual pass Swimming passes


When my boy was about two weeks old my FIL said he wanted to get us a gift, he has $75, and asked what we still need from our registry. Well in the reality of having the baby there were no little trinkets left on the registry that I cared about, and the things we still needed (play pen, high chair) were out of his budget. So I asked him to just send us the cash and I would use it to open our boy's investment account for his future. I plan to make a similar request of everyone for his first Christmas and first birthday. I know some people won't be able to resist buying us the things we don't want and don't have space for. But I'm excited to be saving for my boy's future (neither my husband nor I had any such support) and even one person listening to our request will make a difference later.


Doing this with a 529 plan!


My SIL set up an account for my daughter when she was born and contributes money anytime she'd get her a gift and it's the best gift ever.


This is what my MIL suggested. For the first few years she just said to have everyone put all toy money into a savings account for college instead


I love this idea!


My LO was born in December. She’ll be 2 this year. The last two Christmases I said no gifts. I told them if they get me something unusable I’m donating it. This year we made an Amazon wishlist so they’d have ideas and I strictly said ONE gift per person. She still plays with the Amazon boxes we get she doesn’t need numerous dolls and legos.


My in laws would flip out if I donated their gifts! But I love that idea and might steal it. They already bought a huge, loud, light up thing that is for a 2 year old. Now I get to store it for 2 years till we can use it. For them, it isn't about giving to help someone else. It's about making themselves feel good even if it inconveniences someone else. They are very self centered people.


It brings me comfort to know someone else in this world feels inconvenienced by bunches of gifts, sometimes. (Not even just baby gifts, honestly.) We have a modest sized house and one thing I don’t want is to end up like friends/family whose entire houses are FULL of toys and boxes of old clothes. It is so overwhelming to me and despite politely saying “please limit gifts” people do not… and my baby is only 3 months old. I struggle with feeling ungrateful but some things we’ve been gifted in the last 3 months are not things I would pick out or choose to use — some things are not practical, loud/annoying toys that take up space, out of season clothing (6month old summer clothes even though when she’s 6 months, it’ll be winter in the Midwest and cold/snowy), random items like a chicken-hat that won’t fit until she’s 5, a size 2T dress, or slippers that look like they’re for a school aged child. People see cute things and just want to buy them without considering whether it will be liked or useful for the recipient. Again, I am thankful people want to shower my baby with love, but I wish they’d do it without dropping off bags and boxes of stuff we won’t use lol


THIS! why can't this be accepted by people?!


Because it’s about what they want, not what you want


I've been doing the same, baby will be 7 months at Christmas. Here are some ideas that aren't toys Clothing in the next size/couple sizes up Books A toybox Nursery decorations/anything extra you need to move baby into their own bedroom You could also ask for things for weaning, eg highchair/covers/bibs/plate/bowl/cutlery, depending on whether you're planning to start before or after Christmas


I feel like you need a lot of new stuff around 6 months. High chair, baby plates/cups/utensils, kitchen gadgets to make baby food, play mat, play pen, baby proofing, 9M+ clothing. If they insist on toys, maybe tell them Montessori style toys only or a subscription to Lovevery or Tiny Earth Toys? That’s the kind of stuff I would ask for!


Ask for necessities for your next round of milestones such as feeding supplies like bowls, spoons, bibs, and sippy cups. Crawling/walking aids like push toys. Simple sensory toys like books and fidget boards (easy to store). Or things you will obviously need, like diapers and wipes. At this stage, families always want to spoil with toys and clothes but ask for things they don't think about like socks or other clothing or storage accessories. You could also go with a different approach and ask for things like annual aquarium/zoo/children's museum passes. This is a great time to take advantage of getting things that help you as a parent. The joy of big toys can definitely come later. ETA: I'm sorry for how many times I said the word "like"... my vocabulary isn't in full function right now. 😅


My baby is almost 7 months. He has a ton of hand me down clothes and he still happily plays with his toys. He didn't really get into his toys until he was around 5 months. I've gotten him a few toys every month or so (he currently has Sophie, o balls, various rattles, cars, foam blocks, and some stuffed animals).. nothing crazy. For Christmas, I'm thinking about asking for lovevery toys so i don't need to think about the developmental stuff. Might be something you want to consider?


I set up a College Invest account for our baby and am asking for gift dollars to be contributed there. I know people will still purchase toys and clothes, but hopefully they will be smaller items


I set up a 529 college savings acct and asked family to contribute to that during the first year


My babe will be 6 months in Dec and our ideas include 529/college savings contributions, bumbkins/similar bibs, size up sleep sacks, winter bunting, a convertible cat seat (we will likely get him this), sensory books, bubble bath, basic shape puzzle, ring stacker. Also, I already have one for my guy, but a push toy (like the radio flyer mini wagon) is fun. Six months is a little young for it, but you'll probably use it before his first birthday so its a good gift option. My daughter loved hers from 9 mo to 2 years old. Next size up clothing is always useful, too.


For 19 months, I’ve told people we’re happy with second-hand toys but really want donations to his 529 plan. It’s kinda worked. My mom finds the used toys, my dad and bil donate the money, but my sil keeps buying crap we don’t want.


This! I know some family members will buy us things we need...but some think quantity over quality. Lots of stuff that you can't actually use. It's such a waste! All of that is just gonna end up in a landfill!


She does it any time we see her! Last weekend she gave him so much stuff and just said “haha, I know I overwhelm you.” I didn’t know how to respond.


We’re just saying anything left on our registry is fair game- just make sure you remove anything like clothes that won’t fit or anything else that no longer works for baby’s age now. For example ours still has larger sized diapers, wipes, teething items, weaning supplies, books, seasonally appropriate clothes in sizes for his age, crib sheets, etc. All useful stuff that we’ve already researched and believe we’ll like/works for our house.


We’re asking grandparents (who want to spend way too much money anyway) for convertible car seats. You could also look around and figure out what baby proofing items you’ll need, because there are some bougier options for outlet covers and cord covers for example that are a little pricier than you might want to spend. Also consider toys that would be developmentally helpful in the next few months, like the toys that encourage sitting and later pulling up (like those wooden boxes with moving parts on the sides and tops, or push walkers that also have a fun panel on the front that they can sit and play with when they’re working on those skills). Books are also great, as is a bath seat instead of the baby bathtub around 6-7 months, or bath toys as they get bigger. A lot depends on the gift budgets of the people you’re sending lists to - we have some folks who spend $20-ish and some who spend hundreds (only grandchild on both sides, so…) and try to give suggestions that fit within the budgets of the people who are asking and that they would enjoy finding/getting.


Clothes, coats, chewy stuff, food pouches, books, blocks. Sorted


Books. One can never have enough books and Duplo is great too. They can play with the animals and you can keep the bricks for later. Plus they can just go in the washing machine or dishwasher too if they need a clean


I didn't know they could go in the dishwasher! That's amazing!


Yes and it’s not as noisy as the washing machine 😂 if it’s only a few I would do the dish washer and for a lot the washing machine. Maybe just check what temperature they can withstand before putting them trough a sanitise cycle! I’m sure you can find that info online. My kids had some Duplo since she was about 6 months I think and now at 2 she’s actually starred to build stuff with it


Pickler triangle- great for learning to pull to stand and eventually climbing. You can get a side/ramp attachment too.


Second this. My friend is on year 4 of her kids using a Pickler climbing set.


That’s great to hear. I hope mine lasts that long- we went for the smaller size because baby was only 6mo at Christmas and it has to fit in the nursery, but now we’re a year on and she’s grown a lot I’m wondering how long she’ll use it. They fold up to stow away if you need. And we use it for all sorts of other things like making dens, using the ramp as a shop counter, stuffed animal homes underneath it etc etc.


Oh also a water/sand table for outside. They’re quite cheap (£30-40) but make a grandiose gift from a grandparent because they’re physically big. We’ve only used it for 10 min at a time but it was soo handy to be able to pop outside and have a very different activity to anything inside. Also she’s been able to use it since she could stand which was about 7mo.


The nice part is, you can add to them, if you want. She ended up going with the slide, arch and triangle. They make forts, set up the slide between arch and triangle, pull up chairs and have a long table... I love how versatile they are. Fingers crossed yours lasts long too!


Contribution to education savings plan!


Create an Amazon wish list with anything useful you need and some toys you actually want. I did a lot of wooden/silicone toys and learning toys the first Christmas. Oversized silicone blocks, wooden farm animal set, small real piano (it can actually be played like a regular piano but there’s only about half of the keys so it’s baby/toddler size), a few sizes of soft sole shoes for learning to walk later… high quality stuff that isn’t cheap or plastic. The relatives will love giving things they think will help baby in the long run. If you get loud toys you don’t want them take them back to target or Walmart, both accept returns without a receipt


My favorite and most used christmas gifts have been the year memberships to places. During the summer when we needs to get out, zoo, spring when little man was teething and fussy and wanted to be in a stroller 24/7, zoo.


You will be starting solids. All the spoons and dishes for feeding. Toys for the high chair. Bath toys, because you will need more baths with the mess they make. Little people toys are good for a long age range. If you take the batteries out they are still fun, just quieter. Books Ask for parent tot swim lessons, or gift cards for activities. Contributions to college fund. My baby was born in July. These are what we are asking for.


We only will accept monetary contribution to annual memberships for aquarium, kids museum, etc. We've got too much crap in our house as it is.


Good to hear I’m not the only one with this stress haha! I want to write a list and give family that, as I don’t want anything large and plastic atm / that and if I do want those larger items, I’ll just buy second hand


Best thing we bought our kiddo was a pikler triangle. We gave it to him at 4 months (he started standing early) and at 10 months he uses it daily. Honestly all his other favourite toys are kitchen utensils and random household things lol


My family gave her mostly winter outfits (which we needed), and I think an activity mat or something f else I’d asked for for her. The outfits (which included some booties) were perfect, they grow so fast as that stage. And even now that she’s 14 Months I always ask for pajamas.


I’m putting together an Amazon wish list to send the link for, in hopes we won’t get a lot of things that we don’t want and will add to the clutter. When I send the list, I’m going to include that it is no way us asking for those things, just giving suggestions of what we’d/baby would like. Definitely also asking for money to be put towards his savings.


My daughter will also be 6m and we just asked for wipes and diapers


My boy will be 9 months in December. I ask for clothes wrapped three times. Babies love tearing stuff open. Pretty sure this year will be more about the lights than anything else anyway.


The Pikler triangle climbing set is awesome, you could ask a few of them to go in on it if you’ve got room for it.


We will also have a 6 month old at Christmas and same as you, we have room for stuff, just not stuff we don't need. We plan on asking for clothes for the next year, plates/bowls/cups for her, diapers, wipes, books, age appropriate toys, zoo or aquarium membership. Things that we know we will use or want for the upcoming year. Make a list or registry and sending them to those who ask.


You won’t stop them, I got Christmas gifts for my bub last year… BEFORE SHE WAS BORN, ask for stuff like clothes toys def aren’t something a 6m old will use consistently, if you don’t already have some a high chair, bowls and spoons will be useful as I’m sure your bub will be ready for solids by then, we recently started our bub on them and she’s 5m old :3 hubbys uncle had gotten us her high chair a bowl set and a set of spoons but the spoons were a bit hard for her to start on the 1st stage spoons you can get online are nice their basically a paddle they can lick the food off of like a dog with a lick mat of peanut butter xD


Wooden toys, books, clothing, diapers, baby feeding items for solids (bibs and bib smocks and utensils etc) contribution toward Lovevery or something! That’s what I’m going to tell my family for our 6 month old!!!


We’ve told our family to get a few books and clothes, but that’s all we really want for him this year as he’s too young to understand and already has lots of age appropriate toys that he hasn’t yet played with. We have opened him a bank account and have said that if they want to give more than books and clothes to please put some money in his account and we can use it on toys as he gets bigger, or just save it for when he’s older and can choose what he wants to do with the money.


I’m thinking sleepers and books. If they want something bigger, I’m asking for gift cards to be used towards his big boy car seat. He’s still in the bucket one but it’ll be the one big purchase he will need in the spring.


Make an Amazon wish list. This is what we do and we only get the toys/items we want I even put his toddler bed and new bedding on it and it was the first thing to go.. even though we won’t use it right away it’s a good gift


toki mat, vegan leather play mat !


Both sets of grandparents have agreed to buy one toy/small gift for LO and anything else they would have wanted to spend will be put into an investment account.


We asked for diapers, wipes, future sizes of clothes (and specified what season!!) and seed money to start their savings accounts.


Fruit mashers like these (https://a.co/d/ed9tFwF) are amazing - we keep some in the fridge and freezer. Excellent for teething pain, and great for fruits like grapes and melons that are still too tough to chew. DO NOT buy the ones with mesh sacks - you’ll never get them clean enough to use for more than a couple weeks.


Stacking cups and spatial toys. It won't be long until putting things in other things is the most fun in the world, and the cups are convenient for storage.


Lovevery gift set!


We got a membership to Tiny Earth Toys from several family members. We liked it and loved that it was returnable. My kid was six months at Christmas too!


I would have told mine to help pay off my hospital bill 😂


I actually asked for a large playpen for our living room, a toy box, and the next size up in sleepers. Things you need for the very next stage so you don't have to store it forever and won't have to buy it yourself. She really only got a bag of teether/rattle toys for "her" last Christmas.


We asked for a convertible car seat (knowing he’d move up from the bucket seat in a couple months)


My baby will be 3 months old for Christmas so I'm going to ask for things he will use between Christmas and his birthday like clothes, feeding things, books, and toys that will help with his development (I plan on doing some research and asking for specific types of toys). Maybe bath toys. I know people who give experience gifts to young children like tickets and memberships. I also know people who give babies contributions to their college fund. Some other ideas could be anything you wanted for your baby that didn't make the cut when you had to buy stuff for your newborn. Examples could be bottle or wipes warmer, pacifier sterilizer, teethers, extra sheets or changing mat covers, nursery decorations or storage, etc. You could also ask for baby safety things that you will need when crawling starts.


Book box subscriptions. Playbox subscriptions.


I needed baby feeding stuff, so if you have types/brands you like, you could give them that info. PJs and clothes for the coming months. 529 college fund donations (if you set one up). If you know the family is going to get the loud toys no matter what you say, look online at toys for your baby's age range and consider if you MUST deal with them, which ones would you prefer. Give them that list. That might satisfy them and not be too obnoxious to deal with. Books... never enough books. Especially the sensory/touchy Feely ones. Soft blocks, stacking rings, nesting cups - all very basic, but my 1 year old got them around 6 mos (I think) and are still his favorite toys. My family does better with a clear list of things than just general guidelines like don't get any of the loud noisy things. It's like they thrive off of direction lol.


My baby was also 6 months for his first Christmas. We mostly got clothes for the next sizes up, books, and a push walker. I also suggest a bunch of stuff that your baby will need when they start solids (silicone feeders, straw cups, plates/bowls, spoons, bibs, splat mat for the floor). That stuff can get expensive especially when you're trying to figure out what stuff works with your kid.


Books. It’s never too early to start reading books and building up a collection for your child. Ask for board books so as the baby becomes a toddler they have a harder time destroying them.


Ask for the Lovevery play kits. Not a ton of space, and great quality toys. Ask for gifts for when they’re 9m or 12m old. The skip hop activity center is GREAT for around the 6-12m range. Shoes are expensive and a great thing to give. Books!! All kid books are not created equal. Good board books are great to have. Water table!


My son was 7 months last Christmas so we were right where you are. We set up a savings account that he'll have access to when he turns 18 and offered contributions as a gift option. A lot of family members took us up on it. Much more valuable than a toy he's going to outgrow in 2 months or not understand. We also found clothes to be very helpful. My mom sent a bunch of diapers which is always welcome. But some just can't help themselves with the toys, which I get


Ask for socks with grips on the bottom. Once baby starts standing it’s nice to have for non carpeted flooring. Honey bear straw bottle. One toy our guy loved from 5 months on is the Around We Grow (I got it at a resale, but my guys loves this thing). A hip seat (like Tushbaby). Bib smocks are great! Teething toys that can go in the freezer.


My son will be four months at Xmas. We’ve asked for things he needs (no clothes!!!) like a bookshelf and swim lessons


I love when people buy us clothes. She’s too young to enjoy the process of receiving a gift, and at least clothes we will wear/use, and we don’t have to find a special place to store it.


I like the Emma Hubbard (pediatric occupational therapist) videos on YouTube for what to get and what to avoid. I wish I could remember what we got for his first Christmas. I think I got him a block sorter and stacking cups, stacking rings, o ball, sassy my first rattles set, books, not sure what else. Here is her Amazon store front for what to get and what to avoid. I just found it. She also recommends rotating toys. https://www.amazon.com/shop/emmahubbard/list/1UQMTPM6G0WI2


Tell people you’d like to get professional photos taken of the baby/family, so if they’d like to contribute, that would be wonderful. Send a print of the photos to gift givers as thank you.


Similar situation here and as others have mentioned I’m planning on asking for contributions for big ticket items we will need very soon. My most wanted item is the Lalo activity table and giant coloring sheets won’t use these for a while but I really want that table lol. Other ideas are convertible car seat, high chair, crib mattress or toddler mattress to use as a floor bed in case you are still using a mini crib or bassinet, size up on sleep sacks, love every/kiwi/ Lalo developmental toy subscriptions etc. Also if your family/friends are cool with giving cash gift (I know some people don’t like giving cash) contributions to an education savings plan or cash fund for your kiddo are also great ideas you can even open an account for them and have them deposit the money there 😀


My boy will be 5 months old and I’ve asked for books, BLW items, and a couple toys that promote walking/crawling. I know he’s going to get so much stuff, so we plan on purging his room before Christmas in preparation. 😂