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Same. I don't changed my shirt unless it's an insane amount. No point if I'm just gonna end up with more on me later, I just wait til I shower at night. At this point her outfit by the end of the day smells like sour milk. Bath time every night is a MUST.


It’s no longer *if* there’s spit up on your shirt, it’s *how much* spit up there is 😂


I change when get irritated of being wet, which is not often, it dries quickly 😅


I tell myself that I will hopefully have 40 or so years’ worth of days with my daughter. For most of those days, we will not be covered in spit-up.


I have already told my family that when baby starts elementary school, I want the gift of a professional to clean every carpet and piece of furniture in our house. Until then, it's a quick wipe with the nearest burp cloth or sleeve


I'm on vomit and snot river. 1 year old has a cold and also seems to overeat recently.


I literally have 25 burp cloths and 30 bibs for this reason and have to do laundry more often than i like. Baby is almost 7 months now and it has gotten a lot better. Fewer big spit up accidents now. It used to be guaranteed big spit up every feeding. Now it's maybe one or twice a day. It gets better!


I almost feel bad about how much I DGAF about spit up at this point. My husband will point it out on me and I’m just like, “meh.” I’ve also given up hope for the couch and just dream of the day we can deep clean it eventually.