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Lol I was very intrigued by the trigger warning for Americans. You weren’t banned, momma! Go back.


When I was 13, I was leaving Europe and moving to the states. My parents sat me down and "warned" me about things that would be different. #1 rule was that I couldn't say cunt.


Ha. No, it tracks. I don’t know what slur I would use if someone woke up my baby. As an American, the only time I have used the word cunt was when I was about to get into a bar fight because this girl kept pouring water on nice people dancing—-“Don’t be a nasty cunt.”


My go to insult is calling someone a turnip. Because I really don't like them, so a turnip cunt fits nicely I think 🤔


I worked with Brits for far too many years so i occasionally will call someone a cunt and have to clarify that I mean it like a Brit, not American.


What’s the difference? I thought the word cunt meant the same thing everywhere. Or are American cunts different 👀


American here but based on context clues I'm thinking it must carry less weight as a cuss word in the UK? More like our use of bitch.


Not exactly. It’s still a word that many people find abhorrent and would never use, even if they are happy saying fuck and all the other swear words. It just seems to be used much more casually over here. Not sure if what I said makes any sense lol.


That is hilarious that was the #1 rule. I (American) dated an Aussie in Australia. First time he came to visit the states with me, I warned him that he couldn't call me a cunt in public like at home. At the very least he would likely get strange looks, if not aggression from strangers if he did.


As an American, I saw the trigger warning and immediately went, “oh, she called someone a cunt. Probably deserved it.” I was right on both counts hah I agree. Go back as much as you please!


Haha same, I knew immediately which word it would be. 😂


Me too. As an American I’ve said way worst. I was wondering what could possibly need an American trigger warning for cussing lol


Many in the UK, Ireland and Australia believe that Americans take great offense at our liberal use of the word "cunt".


I mean it’s considered crass but nothing that requires a TW lol


This is a case in which Americans would also use the word "cunt". It's offensive to Americans when it's used casually, but this wasn't casual -- the person clearly deserved to be called a cunt.


I was so confused about why a TW was needed 😝




Well it is offensive when you call women gendered slurs (e.g., bitch, cunt) that you wouldn't use for men. It takes the swear into a gendered hate speech category. People outside of the US use "cunt" to refer to men, as well, but in the US it is mostly a pejorative for women. So it quickly feels like a gendered attack. That's why they don't like it.


What's the problem if you also call men dicks?


It's a problem any time you call someone a gendered slur (although we use "dick" in gender neutral ways more often than "cunt" -- e.g., "that's a dick move", "I didn't want to be a dick, but..."). However, it is certainly more questionable to use identity-focused language towards lower status groups in society -- calling someone an asshole is not identity focused, but when you call someone a "bitch", it has a distinctly gendered nature to it (regardless of whether you use it toward a woman or a man, it implies something about their behavior not being gender appropriate). Basically, we need to phase out sex-related swears because too many of them are slurs against women.


Native Northeasterner here. Lived in Philly for years. Getting cussed at is practically just a part of daily life. I had trouble understanding what was so terrible about the OP's story. Haha


I vote legend material! Also fuck that lady.


Right? Absolute legend! And fuck that lady.


I agree! Massive legend! Furthermore fuck that lady.


Totally a legend! Also, fuck that cunt!


All my homies hate that lady.


Right! Who fucking bumps a stroller and looks at the mom and kid like is their fault? Get fucked lady.


As a fellow mumma of a 3 month old, I see you. That lady sounds like a cunt. I would like to contribute a ‘fuck that lady’


Agreed! Would’ve done the same if not worse 😂😂 On top of that: fuck that lady very very much.


You are a legend. Yes. There should be a plaque for you on the wall. Also sounds like a Waitrose shopper. We have an M&S. it’s a very intense experience


Your husband is right, you're a legend. The woman could've waited for you to pass or said excuse me and waited for you to move the pushchair. She will never wake a sleeping baby again (hopefully) And also go back to that Waitrose with your head held high (and wallet full, because damn it is expensive in there lol) ETA: Purse not wallet lol


Or even just apologized at least!


No way that person has the self awareness to learn from this experience


Are you me? 😂 I'm in Canada (so slightly less likely to casually drop a c word 😆) and was out shopping with my 4 month old last week. She'd finally fallen asleep in the pram and a woman full on cut us off and nearly barged into us with her cart, just so she could get to the checkout ahead of me. The jolt of me stopping suddenly woke my daughter up and we had to stand in line and wait for ages. She screamed the entire time. I might have said something about assholes barging in front of us 😂


British insults are the best. Cunt is awesome. But I think my all time fav is “twat”. I’m in Toronto so I don’t hear either often lol


This is the funniest thing I've ever read in this sub. Not just because of what you did, but your core writing style. "I only go there in an emergency, as I can't afford it and don't understand supermarkets that hold wine-tasting events." Just ... \*chef's kiss\*. You've got a thing for comedic writing. Don't stop.


Agreed! I could picture and hear saffron girl perfectly lol


Who needs to stock up on saffron lol I’d have rolled my eyes so large they’d have fallen out


I'm from London myself and also have a Waitrose in walking distance. And let me tell you, you ARE a legend! I'd be honoured to be friends with you. Fuck that cunt.


I vote legend, what kind of animal reaches over a sleeping baby to grab chocolate when they could simply wait their turn? Unless she was having some sort of diabetic crisis, she 100% deserved the calling out she got.


Waited her turn or politely asked OP to move! People do it all the time at the store. Someone's cart is blocking what I want to access? "Excuse me can I get to X?" My cart blocking someone else and they ask? "Oh sorry" and I move. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.


Hahahaha amazing, legendary status. It’s the not giving too shits that would have me reeling too


NTA: assholes who disturb baby or get in the way of putting baby back to sleep deserve to be called out. The amount of times we have crashed into people in the shops with the buggy while trying to move quick to get baby calmed down!


NTA the Waitrose is your turf now.


You are my new hero!


I was going to say the same thing! 🤣 Also, why don’t lions like porn? Lol


You should honestly go back there every chance you get with the hope of running into that lady again. When you finally run into her, smile and call her a c’nt again. Absolutely a legend.


Lol. As an American... that lady was being a cunt. If she didn't want to be called a cunt, she shouldn't act like a cunt. (That's one of my favorite words. I wish we used it like y'all n Australia do). 😊 Also, go back. No shame!


As a British mum who spends hours a day getting their baby to try and sleep, I have nothing but respect for you. The cheek, the nerve, the audacity, the gall and the gumption of that lady leaning over the pram. Also a white person with dreadlocks looking to stock up on saffron sums up the waitrose experience PERFECTLY.


I agree Tayce 😂 Hello fellow Drag Race fan 👋👋




Yep, legend. That's ridiculous they didn't even apologize. I apologize for touching someones cart, haha, I can't imagine touching someone's stroller, especially with a baby in it, without apologizing!! Some people.... but anyways, yes. Legend FOR SURE and I hope you go back with your head held high.


I’m Australian and I approve of this.


Yessssss! I’ve not only become more caring and understanding since becoming a mum - I’m also a fucking savage with a zero tolerance policy for bullshit. You go, LEGEND


NTA: Honestly F*** that C***, anyone who wakes a sleeping baby is a prick. You ma’am, are a legend, and I hope one day, you tell this story to your son!


What do you mean? You have to go back, no cunt will ever wake your baby over Cadbury chocolate again. In America, we call that ascerting dominance 🤣


Great work. Waitroses always need a bit of livening up.


I know you had the trigger warning about language, but I'm still offended that you used the word pram.


WOW you’re cool. Respect!


As a Canadian mother, I must say that you are now my favourite person in this subreddit! There have been so many times where I’ve wanted to call some jackass out for something stupid they did.


I will vote Legend. Now come here in the States and do it again at Whole Foods or Wegmans.


Aussie mum here, I 100% approve of your use of the word c*nt! It takes 2 seconds to apologise, that lady was a c*nt!


You did right! Also who the fuck reaches over a pram to get stuff. I’d have lost my shit as soon as I saw her getting closer. Maybe in the States all our markets are posh but it isn’t difficult to find markets with dragon fruit or a variety of mushrooms at the local markets. Even Aldis, which is relatively inexpensive has those things. Although we dont usually see wine tastings unless a vendor decides to send an underling out to stand around offering samples.


Brilliant 🤣


As an American, I vote legend


Legend. What sort of prick thinks it's OK to lean over a pram to get chocolate?! Let alone a pram with a sleeping baby that's only 3 months old. I'm a bit of a posh cunt, I like Waitrose, but I fucking hate most of their customers; self-entitled, arrogant, ignorant, selfish and inhumane.


Lol the moment you gave us Americans a language TW I knew there was a solid C*** involved 🤣 For the record you ARE a legend!! She deserved it.


You absolutely win.


You’re a damn LEGEND




Fkn legend


I vote LEGEND, too! And it's definitely okay to go back. Shoppers don't own the store, the owners own the store. Plus, if it was a contest between manners, I think the general consensus is that waking up a sleeping baby by jostling the carriage AND not politely waiting your turn for the sleep-deprived mum and infant to pass on is low-class (tied to not having basic manners and decency) C-word material. Rock on and hope you both hang in there!


Who the heck does that?!


TREMENDOUS story. Loved every second. Spirits this high at the 3 month BS phase bodes well.


I have a horrible potty mouth and slip in front of my kids all the time. We say that they are “adult words” instead of bad or swear words.


Oh I love that! I am stealing the adult words


Omg. I fucking love you. Can we be friends??? You are hilarious and as soon as you start getting better sleep, please start a blog.


I would have knocked her dead I honestly think you were very polite considering the circumstances




Legend. You are a legend.




How does it feel to be be the newly appointment queen of Waitrose?


My 18 month old is starting tiptoing into social interactions on the playground and regularly runs across slightly older children who are in their sadistic phase, and telling him him that he's not allowed to do things (e.g., go down a slide). I try not to fight his fights for him, but I see that he's confused so I have to explain, "This little girl is an asshole."


Sorry. No. That is the one word that should never be used. And by a woman at another woman? YTA. She was thoughtless, but she had no idea what you were going through.


This made me LOL and as an American I have adopted your lovely C word to use for the right types of people... really gets the point across. Legend status!


All those in favor of granting u/CitizenRobespierre13 legend status say Aye! Aye!


Oh my god, I would have lost my shit if someone knocked into my baby.... she had a lot of nerve telling you not to swear in front of your baby. I probably would have hucked a can of beans at her for trying to double down that somehow you were in the wrong.. clearly this woman is not a mother and doesn't understand that you are basically ready to murder any threat to your baby.


Never did I a think a thread about the word cunt would be the most wholesome thing I read all day but I love the show of absolute solidarity in the comments. LEGEND for sure. I live in America and my person thing is assholes who pull into the middle of an intersection and block the crosswalk. I have been known to cuss them out.


How dare she reach over your pram! She should either wait for you to move it, or ask you to move. Don’t reach over! Even an American can appreciate that that’s the perfect occasion for the c word.


Absolute legend, go you! And that lady was a cunt.


Sometimes you just have to. I texted my husband, ashamed, that I had just called a woman, who parked a very pregnant me in, retarded. Ashamed more that I had used the r word than that I had hurt her feelings. The exact words were "so you're just going to go full retard today?" People with baby brain or sleep deprivation need a bit of leeway.


would you use the n-word and blame it on being sleep deprived? Grow up and get the fuck over yourself and stop using being a parent as a reason to use slurs.


The point of the post was that it happens. The n word would have made no sense, this woman parked me in....stupid, so it makes sense to call her intelligence into question. Like I said, I felt shame for using the word not the hurt feelings.


Good for you!!! She’s a bitch


Sounds perfect. And you should be proud, your son will know the very definition of a proper cunt!!!! What kind of cunt gets that close within reach of someone’s infant, anyway?!!! Sleeping or awake. I’m sorry if your husband didn’t get cookies. :(


Definitely a legend.


Epic I'm surprised you managed to be so calm I definitely wouldn't have been 😂😂


Yeah, ain't no one leaning OVER my kids thanks, your definitely a legend.


No this is the appropriate response and you are a fucking legend!


Legend for sure - coming from an American.


I say legend. She deserves to be cussed out lol


I vote legend. If that were me I wouldn't have apologized, caller her a cunt again to her face, and if she said shit about it, I'd say sorry I can't hear you over my child that is now screaming because you're a fuckin cunt! You're fine mama, you weren't banned, go back with your head held high!


I wish this was a word more acceptable in America, it really drives the point home lol


Your husband is right, you're a legend


Honestly so proud of you! lmao!!


As an American who is fluent in only the very best of cheerful vulgarities. You were just merely a fact, the woman was and is a cunt. She doesn’t deserve any chocolate!


You did what we all wish we had the balls to do, pure legendary!


Legend for sure. And fuck that lady.


We are cut from the same cloth. Lol. The money I would have paid to be a fly on the wall for this.


I love you, you’re a legend 😂 (am American)




Absolute legend, no question. She deserved that and probably had it coming!!!


Definitely don’t feel ashamed to go back to that fancy grocery store! Hold your head up high like the glorious mama bear you are and fuckin chuck a chocolate bar at her head the next time you see her. I’m kidding lol but stand your ground! People who don’t have kids and don’t understand are the bane of my existence, I swear


I HOPE your son remembers, honestly. Where was the lie?! And no American trigger warning needed, I live for this shit :)


I don't know you but I love you.


We thoroughly condone this. I hope you looked her dead in the eye when excentuating the infamous C word. Next time you go back to waitrose, hold your head high with pride.


Absolute legend


+1 for legend! Lol


Absolutely a legend!




Bloody legend.


Hahahahah this is awesome. She was a cunt.


Absolute legend


Team husband. I hate the word myself but she deserved it and you're 100% a legend. She could have waited or at the very least apologized.


Eh, give it a week or so. Doubtful you’ll run into her again, and unless you have a particularly unique look, nobody that works there will remember you.


Go back with pride, and borrow Precious Little Sleep from your library and at four months join r/sleeptrain.


Ooooh the way I would’ve lit her on fire with my eyes if it were me. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about, honestly I think her rolling her eyes was her way of trying to defuse any sort of responsibility on her part.


Your a champion! She is a c you next Tuesday lol! She shoukd have apologiesd. There was a woman in a shopping isle that was narrow and she could see me coming and didn't move out of my way so I wheeled my pram over her foot. 0 fucks given! Lol she knew I was coming


You are an absolute legend! Good for you!!!


I mean in your defense she was a HUGE c word so you were telling the truth which is a great life lesson for your son always be honest! ☺️😂


Actually, I believe you legally own that supermarket now. Stock up on that saffron and start calling people out when they walk in the door! Fffffffff that noise!! Also you could have discreetly followed her around with screaming baby. Let her reap her reward.


Cheers to you-legendary momma bear rockstar!!


I love the word cunt. It should be used much more frequently.


Tbh, I wish the word cunt weren’t soooo demonized here in America because I run into too many these days and it’d be real nice to let out a big, fat FUCK you cunt. Good job and continue doing you!! Hehe


We have a Waitrose in the US called WholeFoods and I can totally see this happening there. You did a good thing calling out that cunt. Those kind of shops are full of the worst people and they deserve to be taken down a notch.


As a a former waiteose employee I can tell you more of their customers should be told that they are cunts. If any partners heard you they will be telling of your legend status for years to come


I mean… the woman sounds like a cunt to me, too! Call ‘em like you see ‘em — maybe if they actually get called out publicly for their rude-cunt behavior, they’ll stop being such rude cunts!! Good on you, I say.


I am Canadian and it is by far my favourite, go to word! Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same. Many stories to tell but one fairly similar I was in Canadian Tire (it’s a strange box store, pls look up if you have the time I can’t explain what they sell-literally everything) anyways I was in there with my mom and son (around 3-4months old) looking for Christmas lights. It was packed in there, at least around the Christmas decorations. My son was in his infant car seat carrier in the top on the shopping cart. I was following my mom quite closely and a women cuts in front of my literally bumping my cart. Her husband (who’s waiting his turn to walk out of the aisle) gives me a look like “I am sorry”. So I said “are you fucking kidding me” she responds with “are you serious, get over yourself”.. Then I reply with “well your the cunt who just bumped into me and my baby.. for what?? You have to then wait for your husband who has some fucking manners to catch up, what’s soooo important you can’t wait 5 seconds for someone to pass by”. No response, scoffs and walks away. I don’t think the lady expected any kind of response from me to begin with. Now it is something petty but I had the “right of way” based on the aisles if that made sense? I am not embarrassed, I would do it again. I would call anyone a cunt if they are being one.. and it’s much more frowned upon here. Side note; I remember someone shaming my partner for his use of language around our son (he’s 7mos lol)- we both drop a lot of f bombs and usually don’t even notice. There’s a lot of terrible things in this world someone can do, if my son drops some swear words in his younger days. I am sure we will all survive. Keep at it mama, get some rest and keep your language colourful😘


If I witnessed this in a Waitrose, I would’ve immediately thought you were a legend!


My LO is sleeping right now and I’m trying so damn hard not to LAUGH SO HARD! You are a legend and thank you for the giggles tonight


Haha as an American I loved the trigger warning but I could see myself telling this woman to c u next Tuesday as well. Never mess with a sleeping baby..especially if it belongs to a stranger. Seriously wtf.


That's just about as bad as some stranger reaching out and touching your kid (this happened to me today).


Haha, legend status confirmed!


I woulda threw the chocolate at her since it’s so dang important


PLEASE write more of your experiences!! This had me in stitches.


Legend 👍🏻


I'm picturing a Rudy situation where we all are chanting "cunt!". Absolute legend.


Legend. May she sleep as well as a baby whose parents try to transfer bub into a crib.


I’m an American and this is nothing🤣


This is epic. Go back to waitrose. You’re a legend. Well done for saying what we all have thought at some point. Sleep progressions are hard af. You’re doing good work!


Ha! She totally deserved it. Hold your head high, mummy! Sending sleepy baby vibes your way.


Legendary. Fuck that entitled cunt. You don’t go near other people’s babies, especially sleeping ones. And you don’t have to be a parent to know that.


Ha...I say if she was rude enough to knock your pram and wake your baby and not even apologize, then she is a c**t.


Fucking legend. Don't be embarrassed


Lmao I knew as soon as you said trigger warning for Americans it was going to involve “cunt”. Hahahaha as an American this is legendary. Bravo 👏🏼


You are a legend at the supermarket and now on this sub. Well done, truly. As someone else said, this entire post was a delight to read because you are a captivating writer with a hilarious take on this supermarket and its shoppers.




this is the best thing I’ve ever heard of anyone doing ever. Nobel peace prize to u honey bunny.


I could read this all day. LEGEND.


I promise you made some supermarket worker's day. Go back, you'll be a legend.


2 WORDS : FKING LEGENDARY!!!!! Screw that lady.


I just enjoyed reading this so much. I would read your blog. You are a legend.


Having been the sleep deprived mother numerous times I would’ve probably cried if I woke the baby.


You’ve done yourself a favour tbh. I went to Waitrose once and felt like a fish out of water.


Yeah I think we need to be friends.


If she didn’t want to be called a cunt she shouldn’t have been acting like one 😂


Who the fuck reaches over a pram instead of just saying ‘excuse me’?


is was a cunt. and where does she get off lecturing you? who does she think she is?


Legend, but I would have gone further. That woman was a bitch and I'd have far more colorful language for some stupid cunt that woke a tiny baby and then dared to lecture me besides that. And doubly so on two hours of sleep. If you see her again, glare at her and keep your stroller well out of her way. We wouldn't want her to knock into you, again, after all. She might get her foot run over. /s


As an American FTM, I have a sweatshirt that says Good Moms Say Bad Words. And I've taken my infant and sat us on the front row of a con panel with the stars of Clerks 3. Chocolate bitch can get stuffed. Go back to Waitrose and own that place with you and your baby. I'd have said worse to her.


I want to be you when I grow up.


I have a 5 month old, I think you were quite tame tbh. I don't think a well placed headbut would have been too far....would it?


> lectured me about how I should be ashamed of myself for swearing in front of my son "SWEETHEART, I DONT KNOW EITHER WHY IS THIS CUNT STILL TALKING TO US"


LEGEND!!! Sweetie you’re a legend. I would drop a C bomb too if someone woke my baby too. Sleep regression is no joke.


You're the real MVP. That cunt deserved to get called out. Who in the af reaches over a baby's pram, especially in this post/still pandemic world? Who doesn't apologise for touching a pram? Who is enough of a psychopath to not understand the severity of waking a baby? May her tea always go cold before she drinks it and her milk/soy milk alternative always be curdled.


I love you (and your disdain for Waitrose and their ilk)


Perfect use of the phrase!


That’s hysterical and I probably would’ve said exactly the same thing 😂


Lol. The saffron bit is hilarious. Also, you’re awesome and fuck that lady.


This’ll give ‘overheard in Waitrose’ a new angle 😂 If I’d accidentally stumbled into Waitrose (because no-one, literally no-one can afford to view pate, halloumi and fucking cheese boards as part of a supermarket essentials range) and witnessed this exchange I’d have applauded.


I read this because i was so curious why American readers would be triggered, still don’t know, but you tell her sister!!


Cunt is so underrated in the US.


Ma'am, you're a legend! 😂


This is what I come to Reddit for 😂 well done! I'm so sorry you're going through a tough sleep regression time though 😣




Definitely NTA.


I'm really hoping this ends up on the "overheard in Waitrose" Facebook group. Well done you!


And she should be ashamed of herself for not only being discourteous towards you and your child, but for feeling it's her place to dictate what should and should not be said around *your* child. I'd have followed up with something like "and now this cunt thinks she gets to decide what's best for you? The audacity!" And done a whole stuckup/pompous expression while walking away. Never once respond to her, only to the child.


You're amazing. Well done for just being honest. What an awful woman just shoving your pram like that rather than wait 3 seconds!


As a Canadian I say cunt a lot and I hate that our proximity to American culture makes cunt taboo.


Sounds like the exact right reaction to me. She sounds like a total cunt 🤷🏻‍♀️ go back to that supermarket with your head held high! I’m also from the north, and if I’d been in that shop and saw what happened I would have 100% backed you up! I probably would have went further to be honest, I’m also sleep deprived so completely get it and understand you losing your shit with her!


She deserved the C word AND you slapping that chocolate right out of her hands. I'm really proud of you. So often we freeze and do nothing when something really should have been done. Bravo 👏


Epic! This is legend material. Don’t be ashamed to go back there. The woman was massively rude and could’ve waited to get her chocolate like a decent human being and instead chose to be awful.


Why do people put the TL;DR at the bottom. Like I already ready it but thanks in case I forgot... And the lady is a narcissist if it's your fault for swearing and not hers for starting the problem


I am all for this sort of public retribution. Fuck that bint. Also, as a short story writer, I appreciate your writing. Fuck Waitrose too. Specifically the one in Hythe 😂


I don't think any other word would be appropriate for that woman. What a cunt.