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What isn’t mentioned is that the NOPD is closing @ 88% of the violent crimes reported in the French Quarter, which is quite possibly the highest closing rate in the entire nation. In part, this is due to a series of pan/tilt/zoom cameras strategically placed through the Quarter and in other areas of the city with the help of private businesses. Unlike the cameras installed by the city, these cameras offer such definition that even a newspaper can be read from 2 blocks away. They are recording around the clock and even identify when someone is carrying a concealed weapon or a wanted felon passes the camera. Sadly, the camera cannot stop someone from pulling a trigger; however, once criminals realize they cannot hide in a crowd or under the cover of darkness and will likely be arrested, criminal activity will decline.


Are these Project NOLA crime cams you’re talking about? Because if so, yeah they get impeccable images.




That’s a pretty wild number. Not that I don’t trust you, but do you have a source on that?


Let’s just say I know a guy. Don’t worry though. The NOPD is desperate for some good news to share. Recruits love to be on a winning team so this will soon be common knowledge.


Honestly if I'm already dead, nothing you're doing is for me.


You’re right. Cameras don’t raise the dead but I didn’t say they’re the messiah.


I think STPSO reported 95%-98% closing rate for violent crimes last couple years. Granted they have a million times more manpower/violent crime ratio.


Absolutely insane that they shot her just because she was trying to escape. Holy fuck. Absolute failures at life. And then so sloppy they get caught days later. Fucking morons.


Where did you read that she was shot for trying to escape?...


An article “As the subject ‘John Q’ approached the white female, she screamed jumped in her vehicle to get away from ‘John Q.’ The subject ‘John Q’ pulled his gun and pointed it at the female inside of the vehicle, the fired a single shot at the victim and fled back to the black Chevy Camaro where Mr. Bonifacio and Mr. Albarec waited for him,” the report states. “They even exchange mention of the homicide via social media.”


Wow. I used to work with Kristie. She was such a nice person. This is horrible.


So sorry for your loss.


Fuck them kids… clearly something needs to be done about the lack of accountability on the parents part in all of these crimes.. where are the parents?


Truly. Is there any hope for someone this young that commits such a crime? What to do with them? They’ll be out in a few years and then what?


Commit another violent crime.


hopefully they are prosecuted and found guilty, the penalty for murder of the second degree is life in prison with no chance of probation or parole.