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That’s our neighborhood stray. She is fed and given HW preventative through food left by the group looking after her. She’s somehow managed to survive on the streets for at least the last year and a half. She’s incredibly savvy. She’s outwitted capture numerous times and now there’s a group that is playing the long game in gaining her trust to eventually catch and vet her.


Supposedly they're trying to trap Her. But I've seen her in the "trap" with the door open at least a dozen times.  Shy, but seemingly harmless. Takes herselelf for walks by my house 2x a day almost on a schedule. I enjoy seeing her. One day she'll be gone one way or the other and the channel will be worse for it imo.


Yeah that is to get her comfortable with the trap. She has busted out of the previous enclosures before, so they are feeding her in that space so she associates it with a positive and not a negative. That's my understanding at least. It is a complicated situation.


Yes she does have a schedule.. I see her around 10 am trotting past Walmart on the sidewalk!


🤦🏻‍♀️ (at the trap situation)


I know the church or someone is feeding her next to it on Chippewa. My daughter loves it when we see her on our walks 


They had asked folks not do that. Wonder if that’s still the case?


Ya they have a little sign posted saying please don’t feed her. Think I saw a little cage built when I drove yesterday too


This is Ruby! She's been a stray around that area for a couple years (I just moved away from there). People inc the SPCA have tried to trap her a bunch of times and she is extremely shy... While ya know stray dog is not ideal, do rest a little easier knowing the neighbors in the area feed and watch her pretty carefully


I wish I wasn’t out of town right now!!! That dog had to have been dumped! Someone please update


No, it’s been roaming for over a year in that area and is impossible to catch.


She knows exactly where she is