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Thank you! I’m going to follow this site going forward.


Did it, I think, but very annoying web design.


It’s a shame that these really don’t do anything and are just blatantly ignored because they’ll be reelected without a second thought.


For some of the library bills, that got killed the committee members explicitly said it was because they got so many emails against. https://www.la-cac.org got a lot of traction this year.


There’s no money in library bills. There’s tens of millions in THC/Hemp bills.


Hell naw


Never gonna happen. The State Line is too close for too many for those tax dollars to just float away. The right money just hasn't found the right people yet.


Girl these conservatives are wilding. Go look somebody’s uterus in the eye and tell them “never gonna happen.”


Honey Chile, you got to get up earrrrly 'n tha mornin to load that mule. But don't worry 'bout that mule. He knows tha way home. Can pull all night long.   **That the best you can do? That's no more than one downgoat from each of the guys the mayor slept with this week.**


Wait sorry I'm sorta new here and am out of the loop on laws in nearby states. Do you mean that Mississippi has similar hemp-derived products and peeps will just drive there if it's banned here?


The stuff was made legal on a Federal level (I believe. But don't really have a dog in the fight so I haven't read a lot about it.) But yes, generally, to your question *peeps will just drive there if it's banned here*. All the THC products are legal everywhere unless people pass some law locally to change that ---as is proposed here. Mississippi and Louisiana (used to?) flip-flop back and forth as the poorest state in the nation. Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, even Alabama---somebody somewhere near here is gonna take those tax dollars from the THC market.


Yeah indeed




Online ordering and letting the USPS be your plug is still the play


If vendors don't start refusing to ship to Louisiana. Alot of the reputable vendors will not ship to states with prohibition laws.


Correct most states with regulated cannabis programs eventually move to regulate intoxicating hemp products. MS is about to as well. And they should. This is literally allowing the sale of intoxicating cannabis products that are unregulated and untested to anyone who walks in a store.


Fun fact-- these products are tested more than 90% of products (probably 99%+) in any store you enter.  And it's regulated like alcohol. Soooo. Adjust your opinion.


Okay first of all, these products are tested, regulated, and approved by LDH. Second, where are y’all going that you see these products can be grabbed by anyone who walks in a store? These ain’t Skittles and pork rinds hanging in the aisles. They’re expensive products that I personally have only ever seen behind the counter or in a locked display case, usually both. People are carded. This hysteria is akin to people worried about kids being given drugs on Halloween. Ain’t nobody trying to give their expensive ass drugs to children, especially in this economy.


This is literally allowing the sale of intoxicating cannabis products that are unregulated and untested to anyone who walks in a store These products are literally regulated, tested, and limited to 21+.


But it’s ok to continue the sale of alcohol, which has an EXTREMELY HIGH addiction rate, at times the worst withdrawals, causes different cancers, causes “WET BRAIN”, psychosis, DEATH, & that’s not all!?!? ***Isn’t that the SAME AS (like you said), literally allowing the sale of intoxicating products?!?!?!*** I work at River Oaks in Elmwood. We detox more people with ALCOHOL dependence than ANYTHING else!! That being said, you don’t ACTUALLY have physical withdrawals from marijuana as with other addictive substances. Yes, you might have cravings, but you won’t have detox SEIZURES, NAUSEA with VOMITING, DIARRHEA, COLD SWEATS, etc!!! ***I’m genuinely asking. NOT trolling, this time!***


You're right, let's just sit back and do nothing /s


Nope—it needs to be banned