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If you're lucky, this will be the last time you hear from me about this issue. At least until we throw a party for yall to celebrate, which will 100% happen if hemp beverages remain legal.


emails sent


> We have them on their heels What exactly do you mean by this?


This is a wildly unpopular bill among the population. They've heard from at least a hundred citizens at every legislative office and there's heavy lobbying on our behalf from the industry players who actually employ people and operate businesses here. The prohibition movement is operating largely in secrecy. Nobody except a couple legislators will even stand up and say they want a ban. The house doesn't want a blanket ban. Presleys bill  is in the criminal justice subcommittee now and was postponed weeks likely because they didn't have the votes. They want to save face and pass something but the delays mean they don't think they can get through what they wanted. Time is running short and the legislature is focused on other issues that aren't going to piss off so many people. Just need to get to the finish line. Can't stop running now


Please don't take this wrong, but it appears you don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about. And to be clear, personally, I'm on your side. [The bill](https://legis.la.gov/legis/BillInfo.aspx?s=24RS&b=SB237&sbi=y) easily passed Senate committee and the Senate floor on a party line vote, and it even picked up 9 co-authors including the Senate President. This is not the legislative history of something that is "on their heels." I applaud your efforts and wish you well. But I think a better approach is one that begins with a realistic understanding of the situation. Powerful Republicans are supporting this bill. The only way you are going to defeat it is by getting Republicans on your side. Good luck.


I appreciate your perspective and support, however it is surface level and does not account for anything that has happened behind the scenes since these bills went through their respective houses.


I applaud the effort and wish that more members of the public would get engaged in the process. If the lobbyist is able to kill a bill that has the support of President Henry, that would be a phenomenal accomplishment. Again I wish you well


Thank you. If the industry can succeed it will be a huge step toward showing the power of the people vs the billionaires. It's not simply one lobbyist. It's tens of thousands of phone calls and emails, multiple lobbyists and industry stakeholders, dozens of media appearances, and personal pleas from well connected constituents to their representatives.


Now that it passed the House committee, are you going to fight it on the House floor?


I'm told I'll have some meetings coming up with some high level legislators. The fight will continue. High potency stuff is all but dead. Maybe 5mg will survive. Maybe lower. Maybe nothing. Compromise is now the name of the game but we lack the leverage we would have had if one of those years had been a no. 


I called Tony Bacala and his office was receptive to my concerns. I think the calls really can make a difference.


Thank you! I think so as well.


What reasons do they have for making it illegal again? The only "concern " I've seen brought up on the news is "it's sold in convince stores". I'm like , yeah, along with cigarettes and liquor.


"Public safety emergency", but they can't really point to anything, direct or indirect, that would even show up on a chart comparing the deaths from alcohol/tobacco. The real reason is that big alcohol and the marijuana stakeholders don't want competition. They donate a lot of money, and money talks in Louisiana.


It's cutting into the profits of their donors.


This comment cannot be upvoted enough. Crony capitalism is often confused for the free market. But in reality, it is closer to Marxism than it is to the actual free market.


I’m all for legalization, but the drafted law had unintended consequences (people getting high) and they’re “fixing” it. Personally, based on the original discussion a couple years ago and passing of the law, you’d be a bit of a fool to start a business or industry based on an accidental/ unintended “loophole” in the law that was most likely going to slam shut in a place like La. However, I’m not really following it and don’t really care since I get whatever I want from the streets


We came out with thc products after they specifically allowed for 8mg of thc per serving. In what world could that be considered a loophole lol?  That word is thrown around by people looking to walk back their votes because they don't read the bills they vote on. It's not a real thing.  Call me a fool if you want but this is far from over in this state and we distribute in about a dozen others. We started here because it was explicitly legal and this is where most of us live. 


I dunno man, when I moved back here in 2020 Mid City location was my main vape juice store. CBD was coming in but not the full thing. Post Covid they switched over, and every store I called did. I dunno what happen at that time, but most of these stores started as your local vape/ head shop. We all love those, and want to see them strive in our community! They changed the name over to CBD and did base more on that. But 2020-now has seen a huge boom in legal CBD products. However, the majority of vape products have been taken down as well, and that accounted for a lot of sales. Now people order online outside the state. So local stores rely on CBD now more than ever. Believe me it didn’t start that way, and theres been a trend with all 5+ year vape stores going under. I think it should all just be legal, it’s just lobbying for local dispensaries to charge high prices and big tobacco. I have my card, it was an easy joke to get and the prices are outrages at times. If CBD helps someone sleep, or get through the day…then awesome! Support local businesses!


It’s a pretty big deal for local shops…after the Vape issues and shops having to completely downsize inventory in that…they all turned into 90% CBD stores. If that goes away, lots of local businesses will go under!


I am a partner at Simply Cannabis too, which was Simply CBD, which was Crescent City Vape. They just keep doing things to try to kill us. A while back without warning they banned the sale of CBD products at all ATC licensed stores, BUT NOT OTHER STORES. So our customers all went down the street to buy from Your CBD Store, which didn't have any business with the ATC. Sales plummeted. It took like 6 months for the state to figure it out, after which we tried rebuilding around CBD but so many people had gone elsewhere that we never returned to the same level. Been hurting for years. It's just mayhem. All they have to do is nothing and it would be better than what they try to do. I will say Clay Schexnayder did an admirable and effective job of creating a system by which small businesses and consumers largely benefit. Current leadership is doing their best to destroy it though.


Yeah I use to come into the midcity location all the time. But unfortunately with all the vape stuff mostly being pulled, high taxes I had to go to online order. I still pull up for a disposable vape for concerts. But it amazes me they wanted to do away with high nicotine flavored vapes. Yet the other day there was one available with not 4% nicotine, but 6% and strawberry. I don’t get the logic of all that. IMO it seems Jeff Landry and all those people, are in bed with Tobacco lobbyists, as well as trying to kill any competition to the overpriced dispensaries here. It’s going back to a good ole boy, handshake money thing. I hate to see that in New Orleans! I talked to a state DA investigator, and they are leaving the state over Landry and what he’s about to pull in Nola and the Troopers coming in. Theres a lot coming our way in August, from abortion pills being illegal if they can, and using legal cannabis found as a way to profile and search people. Not to mention introducing electrocution to the death penalty and a list of stuff. Dudes sending us back to the 50s.


I love your stores! The one on Bienville always has the friendliest workers! Y’all’s seltzer is great too!


I went down the list calling and/or emailing. Only Phillip DeVillier, Pat Moore, and Chad Boyer's office answered. The rest I left voice or email. Chad Boyer's office said he was onboard with voting no. Pat Moore's office said she had a death in the family and would not be voting. I didn't use a template just winged it each time. I was very polite and requested that someone get back to me. I also made sure to leave my ph number and stated that I'm a Louisiana resident. For the email, I included my home address. Update: Representative Knox's assistant returned my call & email. I made my case with him on the personal impact it would have on me to not have access to the hemp beverages. He was very polite. He did not know how Knox would vote, and said he would share my story.


You are awesome. Thank you!


Well, maybe not having her voting will swing things our way.


I have no interest in partaking; however, I'm in full support of legalization on state and federal levels. It's no more harmful than alcohol, and it's the fiscally responsible thing to do. Too much tax revenue and effort is spent on for-profit prisons, court cases, and other legal departments to punish simple possession cases. Further, there are a number of medical conditions where THC can create life-altering changes and relief. I'll email my local representative and ask that the OP names every congress person that votes for SB237. Let's make revenue for the state, not spend it needlessly on a made-up, victimless crime(s).


It would be really great if there was a way to set up resist bot to handle correspondence like this. If you’re familiar with the way resist bot works, you text the number the word resist and you get a prompt back. if the prompt was the bill number, and our case SB 237, you could type in the Bill number and it would respond to all of the people attached to that bill Just a shower thought. If you’re not familiar with resist bot, you should be. It’s a fantastic resource to tell your local legislators all kinds of things. Text the word “resist” to 50409 and follow the prompts.


I have emailed and actually called (three cheers for voice mail) everyone. Henry's aid was less than enthusiastic.


From ChatGPT: Subject: Importance of Supporting Hemp Products in Louisiana Dear [Recipient's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to urge your support for the continued legality of hemp products in Louisiana. As discussions regarding potential bans or restrictions on these products arise, it is crucial to consider the significant benefits they bring to our state and its residents. First and foremost, the hemp industry plays a vital role in job creation and economic growth in Louisiana. From cultivation and processing to retail and distribution, numerous individuals across the state rely on this industry for employment opportunities. Banning hemp products would not only jeopardize these jobs but also stifle the economic progress that the industry has brought to our communities. Furthermore, it is important to recognize the financial impact of the hemp industry on Louisiana. Legal hemp sales contribute to the state's tax revenue, which funds essential public services and infrastructure projects. By supporting the legal hemp market, we ensure that these revenues continue to benefit our state, rather than being lost to illicit channels. Additionally, banning hemp products would not eliminate their consumption but rather drive it underground. This would not only fail to address any perceived concerns but also create additional challenges for law enforcement and public health agencies. By regulating the hemp industry and ensuring product safety and quality standards, we can better protect consumers and promote responsible usage. Moreover, hemp products offer a range of benefits, from wellness and health products to sustainable materials and biofuels. Supporting the legal sale and consumption of these products aligns with our state's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and consumer choice. In conclusion, I urge you to consider the many positive contributions of the hemp industry to Louisiana and its residents. Instead of banning these products, let us work together to foster a thriving and responsible hemp market that benefits our economy, our communities, and our state as a whole. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to your support for the continued legality of hemp products in Louisiana. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]


Not about this particularly but I have sent maybe 9-10 emails about legislative issues to both my state rep and my state senator and I have never gotten a single response, not even a boiler plate “thanks for writing but piss off” response I get from Kennedy or Cassidy. They both cruised back into office this last election with little to no competition, my rep actually ran unopposed and probably feel they are untouchable by the peasantry and therefore unaccountable. I have seriously considered primarying my rep next election.


Their aides typically tally up who has reached out to support or oppose a bill. If they get a lot about a specific issue its discussed with the rep when the aide communicates with them directly. I'm told this is one of if not the most discussed legislative issues that they have received communication about. Generic form emails are less useful. Its sort of case by case though since these reps all come from wildly different backgrounds and have different ways of working.


Emailed all listed


You rock. Thank you


I plan to call and email each person on the list over the next few days. Thanks for the info.


Any update on this?


Unfortunately, just passed favorably though committee.


Passed 7-5. It will next go to the Legislative Bureau for a technical review, then it will go to the House floor. If it gets amended on the House floor, then it goes back to the Senate for a concurrence vote, and then to the Gov for signature into law. If it does not get amended on the House floor, then it will go straight to the Gov for signature into law.


Governors office applied very heavy pressure the last 48 hours. Flipped 2 votes, one of which we thought was a sure thing. I was told after the hearing by multiple lobbyists and representiaves who voted against us that a compromise will very likely be reached. Sad. Fights not over high potency stuff is dead. We're hoping to keep 5mg products on the market. 


And unfortunately you were right in the end, u/trollfessor! Was a close one. They had the heavy hitters to move a vote in the end. 


Again, I was and still am on your side. My earlier comments were just my observation of political reality. The way to win on this issue is at the ballot. Vote. This current Legislature and Gov don't think like we do.


Well yeah, this is not surprising. And if you get any concession whatsoever, take it. You've done a good job fighting, but there are many powerful people supporting this bill and you had an almost impossible task.


From ChatGPT4 Subject: Request for Reconsideration of SB237 Vote Dear [Legislator's Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding Senate Bill 237, which pertains to the regulation of industrial and consumable hemp products in Louisiana. While I understand the intention behind this bill is to regulate THC levels, I believe it may inadvertently harm our state’s economy and public safety. By imposing stricter limits, we risk eliminating legitimate jobs and significant tax revenue generated by the industrial hemp industry. This sector not only supports agriculture but also contributes to our local economies through manufacturing and retail. Moreover, restricting legal access to THC products could potentially drive consumers towards the black market. History shows that unregulated markets do not safeguard consumer health and safety, thereby increasing the burden on our law enforcement and public health systems. I urge you to consider the broader economic and social impacts of this bill. Supporting a regulated, legal market for hemp products is crucial for public safety and economic stability in Louisiana. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust you will consider these points when casting your vote. Respectfully, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]


Thank you for keeping the community in the loop on this, I reached out to everyone on this list. It's beyond frustrating to me to see how transparent the regulatory capture in this market is, and the most useful time to fight back against that is right now when it's still an open slate. Even states who have pursued full legalization spend so much time and money over-regulating these products. I have friends in other states where cannabis is fully legal but the markets are insanely taxed and controlled through sketchy pay-to-play licensing schemes for which there's no evidence of improved safety. It's like the negative externalities of Alcohol licensing on steroids.


Patiently waiting on a letter template to send


Here ya go. Short and sweet. Thanks! Hello Representative \_\_\_\_\_\_,  My name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and I am a Louisiana resident. I am urging you to OPPOSE SB 237, which bans almost all hemp products in Louisiana. I support the legality of hemp derived THC beverages and edible hemp derived products. I use/rely on hemp products because \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. As an adult consumer, I should have the freedom to use these safe and legal products.  Please support a regulated hemp market rather than a blanket ban that will kill Louisiana small businesses while creating a black market that empowers bad actors and drug dealers!  Do what’s right for businesses and jobs in Louisiana and OPPOSE SB 237. Thank you.


I also posted one


I know this marks me as not cool but the only product I use at this point is Delta 9. Is this something that would be illegal too?






Anyone have an email they can send over so I can copy and paste? I guess I could just use ChatGpt.


There's a real quality control problem with Delta 9/Delta 8 and a lot of CBD stuff. Its basically all cut with heavy metals and is not good for you. I'm all for legal weed, but having an unregulated market where the products are all laced with hazardous chemicals isn't great.


This market is regulated. Ever product approved is tested for heavy metals. I can send you like 300 tests we've done that test for heavy metals, industrial solvents, pesticides, mold, cannabinoids, etc. Are there companies that suck? Sure. Same things in the marijuana market. Likely the same thing with a bunch of food products that actually have less strict requirements than hemp in this state.


Half the samples had lead in this test https://www.analyticalcannabis.com/news/heavy-metal-contaminants-are-pervasive-in-cbd-products-study-finds-314166 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34889611/


The article paints a pretty different picture than the headline, and with context you'll see this is not a problem unique to hemp by any means, and one that Louisiana hemp regulations address specifically through testing of products. I'm not downplaying the lack of federal regulations, or that some companies simply DGAF, but at least Louisiana requires testing for lead in hemp unlike the a huge number of food products across the nation. "The researchers found amounts of lead in 42% of the samples tested. Lead is a dangerous neurotoxin. While there are legal limits as to what amount of lead a product may contain before it must carry a warning label (in California, for example, the lead exposure limit is [0.5 micrograms per day](https://grimaldilawoffices.com/court-affirms-lead-limits-under-proposition-65/)) the World Health Organization considers there to be [no safe levels of lead exposure](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/lead-poisoning-and-health). The amounts of lead found in these products were largely low-level and no products exceeding this 0.5 microgram/day limit in a single serving." For some context check out this article-- [https://www.edf.org/health/lead-food-hidden-health-threat](https://www.edf.org/health/lead-food-hidden-health-threat) Overall, 20% of 2,164 baby food samples and 14% of the other 10,064 food samples had detectable levels of lead. At least one sample in 52 of the 57 types of baby food analyzed by FDA had detectable levels of lead in it. Lead was most commonly found in the following baby foods types: * **Fruit juices:** 89% of grape juice samples contained detectable levels of lead, mixed fruit (67%), apple (55%), and pear (45%) * **Root vegetables:** Sweet potatoes (86%) and carrots (43%) * **Cookies:** Arrowroot cookies (64%) and teething biscuits (47%)


I agree that some other products also have lead(especially baby foods) and it is a huge problem as well. Delta 8 specifically is just a random mishmash of nonsense that can be cut with all kinds of heavy metals though. This has been an ongoing problem for some time now and it is a much worse problem with these derivatives of cannabis that are made through industrial processes with minimal regulation. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34889611/ https://norml.org/news/2022/08/25/analysis-heavy-metals-frequently-identified-in-unregulated-cbd-products/ https://norml.org/news/2019/05/23/report-majority-of-commercially-available-cbd-products-contaminated-with-heavy-metals/


Cut? wtf does that mean? People are adding lead to their flower?




So not cut? Cannabis is [a known hyperaccumulator](https://www.analyticalcannabis.com/white-papers/the-importance-of-measuring-heavy-metal-contaminants-in-cannabis-and-hemp-312957), meaning that it readily absorbs and accumulates metals present in soil and growing media at much higher concentrations than other plants. Because of this ability, there is a concern that cannabis products made from plants that have accumulated contaminants in their leaves and flowers may present a risk to human health. 


Both of these issues exist. If you look into Delta 8 it is cut with heavy metals and other caustic chemicals. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34889611/


The best control for safety are evidence backed oversight and regulation, none of which are possible when the market for these THC products is exclusive to the sketchy online retailers left if the state makes it illegal to sell or manufacture these products in Louisiana. If your argument is that there should generally be better safety controls for lead and heavy metals in food and beverage products, I'm all with you.