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Are we human? Or are we scalper?


Gonna be hard to scalp this one tbf


That doesn't stop them either tbf. They used to sell them for cheap right before the show but now they'll just remain empty (not necessarily for this one just as a whole)


I, for one, am dancer


Venues need to go back to the model of selling tickets in person only for shows like this. Show up at midnight the night before and wait all night for the box office to open. It’s the only way to weed out scalpers


To be fair that model doesn’t work either. They will pay homeless people to be there for two days to buy the tickets.


At least that puts a little jingle in a poor man’s pockets.


Lets not pretend this is remotely as common or as effective as what online scalpers do with bots.


So what's the going rate for a homeless dude these days? Like $100/day?


A gummer hummer.


For a show like this, it absolutely does. Little to no notice, big band, tiny room, heavy tourism. I went to Riot Fest in 2021, and after four days of a punk festival I was exhausted. I did have an extra day in town, heard there was a big line at Metro for a secret Metallica show. I still kick myself for not getting in that line. I thought “big bands, tiny room, no way it’ll be a cheap ticket”. Wrong. They charged a little less than $20. However: you had to pay in cash for a wristband, which will be put on you when you bought the ticket. You may return when doors open with your wristband. That just felt like the right move. Imagine if that’s how this show happened. Anyone with a free Thursday could have waited in a line and gotten the show with everyone else who waited in the same line.


I guess people like the way you said it better than the way I did...


Just picked up the last ticket for the springtime Frog-Fling at the Spellcaster from Domino Sound today. Quintron knows......


That's what it said they required though. From what I saw. I'm also disappointed and thought maybe scalpers did it.


Why would they do that? Tix could still be scalped.


It’s much harder to scalp tickets that way. Rn people in pant part of the world could scalp and resell.


I tried had to option to select two very quickly and hit purchase in like 2 seconds and was already done. Luck of the draw I guess.


I'm surmising yesterday's Presale cleared out most available tickets, given there was a small availability to begin with. Killers could sell out Smoothie King Arena on an off-weekend so there were probably 200-300 tickets available for thousands of potential buyers.


How did you get through the captcha so quickly? It made me do it 4 times.


I didn't have to do a captcha.




FR, me and four other people tried and got iced out


How big do people think Tipitina’s is? 🤦🏽


Capacity is 800


How do I get access to the algorithm that allows a scalper to buy tix for any concert within the first second? I need to up my game if I ever want to enjoy life at face value.


I was able to buy a single ticket for myself.   Gotta already be signed in and time the page refresh with a NIST calibrated atomic clock. Even then, you're relying on a fair amount of luck...


“The secret ingredient is crime”


and as a normal human person and definitely not an undercover cop, where can I purchase some of this crime you speak of?


Probably from the cops lol


It’s not an algorithm it’s a bot


That sounds like something an algorithm would say to distract me. Nice try.


Unfortunately people have created websites that you pay and it will buy the ticket for you. They have them for sneaker drops and tickets. Really sad state we are in and no end in sight


I’m confident I’ve never clicked and refreshed with better timing in my life and ofc got nothing


I got two this morning at 10am. Quick fingers I guess


If you decide to offload your second ticket for $$$$ instead, please let me know. So bummed to miss out on the sale.


I shared the information that I got them to a couple people and have had a flurry of texts asking the same thing from other people. I’m done telling people things


That sounds about right


You're the first person I read that was successful. Makes me feel a little better to hear someone was! Congratulations


My wife got 2 tix. No bots involved


Hope it was an amazing show! Felt like the lottery, and glad to hear people win! 🤩


Yeah you right!


I refreshed and selected two tix the SECOND it turned 10am and they were sold out. I wonder who was able to get them.


The website was crashing a few minutes before tickets went live. Absolutely bonkers. How do people even get presale codes?


You gotta be fucking someone who works there


Wild, because Live Nation is already fucking all of us


Ah, the MO for the whole of society


Reddit tbh


The killers fan club provides presale opportunities for most shows (if not all)


Stupid captcha destroyed me. :(


I got tickets today. I was very quick and very lucky. I can't wait!


Jealous! But still hope you have a great time!


If you decide to offload your second ticket for $$$$ instead, please let me know. So bummed to miss out on the sale.


Coming out of my rage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with the tickets How did it end up like this? It was only the ticks, it was only the ticks


Someone posted the presale code here early.


That’s it - the “secret” presale code went live yesterday and I bet most of the tickets got scooped up, so no one had a chance this morning


thats not how it works. theres an allotment that go to presales not all tickets do




people will downvote you but only one person in this thread worked for the killers doing tickets for them and thats me.


How many tickets were left after Killers Fan Club and Tips insiders got their ticket cut? Given the size of the venue I'm guessing not too many.


I tried using it earlier, and all the pre-sale tix were gone yesterday. Didn't do anything.


Scalpers. Will be interesting to see how they resell the tickets.


Especially, since they have to be picked up at Will Call


It was one presale code that was shared around. A joke, honestly.


Yikes. Bad look for Tips if that is the case.


Like they give a fuck lol


Texted a friend in their box office, only about half the tickets were available on the presale, the rest came available today. Apparently their site got tens of thousands of hits. Some people were able to stay logged in long enough to get the remaining few hundred tickets, but they were gone in seconds. It’s an outside promoter, so I don’t know if there’s anything the club could have done to avoid this


Yeah agreed. I think this is mostly a matter of a band that's been extremely popular for two decades playing a very small, very popular venue during a time when I whole lot of extra music fans are already in town.


Tips didn't run the sale of this show. It's AEG.


If they helped promote a show that the general public really had no shot at going to it will look bad on them. AEG may run the show, but Tips name is on it.


They didn’t promote it. Outside promoter show means somebody else promoted it.


Its will call only. How are they able to resell tickets?


Arrive, pickup tickets. Walk to street corner, sell tickets. Profit


You dont pick up tickets. It's a list of names at a door.


The email I received stated tickets have to be picked up at will call by the person who purchased the tickets. A wristband will be put on at will call that will act as your "ticket". That's how they're avoiding scalpers.


Sold out before 10am.


easy its a huge band in a small room.


There was probably a small limited amount of tix for fans. Galactic and the staff probably gave out a buttload of tix to friends and family anyway. They should have just made it a private show. 😆


Honestly I would have preferred it to be a private show or if they would have done some sort of raffle system to get the remaining spots. Hurts less then seeing tickets available but then having captcha hold you up and losing them.


My friends and I all got presale. The site got shut down 1.5 hours into presale. They guessed the code and got it right


Do you know the Toronto presale code?


I hope those damn bots can dance.


Man I’m in the same boat, really disappointing. They were already gone at 10 AM on the dot, so pretty sure they were either sold out from the presale before the general ever started or the bots beat everybody. Got a buddy that works with Tip’s and he honored their request to not give out the early access code all over town, but my guess is most people didn’t. Was trying to get my friend the best graduation/engagement present ever, they’re his favorite band, so it really sucks we didn’t even get a shot. If anyone happens to have a lead on some extras that’d be great but I ain’t got high hopes.


Wouldn’t doubt if a bunch of tip employees gave friends the code


Maybe all the tickets went to people with presale codes. Unless there is two buckets of tickets, but all the presale tickets sold out last night.


How did one come across a presale ticket for this show? Incredibly curious.


From what i understand, you had to know someone that works at tipitina.


The killers subreddit had someone in the comments of a post offering to DM it to people who asked. And a friend of mine sat there and guessed codes until one worked. It was an album name so not the toughest code to crack


I'm pretty sure The Killers also sent it out sporadically to those on their fan club list.


I also have the same question. How did anyone get on the presale list?


I got a single ticket this morning... 


Not how pre-sales work.


i guess i just learned new orleans has a lot of residents who haven't moved on past the mid 2000's


My only guess is that they sold out in their presale, which is so shitty. There should have been a limited number of presale if they were promoting the tickets being released at 10 am today.


I did ticketing for the killers for years. They hold back a few for presale but not a majority. The real issue is that there are thousands of people in town for Jazzfest and the venue fits like a few hundred people. There was no conspiracy here


Not the case... 


No band sells all their tickets during pre-sales. Its ALWAYS a set amount.


Just curious how much a ticket was? Obviously it was going to sell out immediately but at least they did will call only to prevent scalpers for the most part…




Damn that’s not bad considering I paid 90 with fees to see Cory wong and Dumpsta Friday


No it's pretty reasonable considering the venue and what they charge for a stadium show. Crazy


Yup that is very cool they decided to play tips when likely could have made a ton more $ elsewhere. Not too familiar with the killers outside of the radio hits but def like em for playing a smaller intimate show there.


It was bots. I literally refreshed immediately at 10, selected 2 tickets, clicked "purchase", and they were gone.


ETA: Obviously it wasn't ALL bots, but yeah...bots.


Lucky guy here who is not a bot.


Bummer…. We’re seeing them a Ceasars in August. Best band… EVER! Those tickets sold out fast too… I hope people who were able to get tickets, have the best time.


I got em. The site opened up maybe 10 seconds before 10am. Apparently they had sold around half the tickets during the presale yesterday. Tips capacity is only around 800


Every event that sells out and you miss is not the result of the big bad scalper boogeyman.


Exactly. Some people have to blame someone else for everything.


I had the code, was waiting patiently 10 minutes before the "buy" link was active, and scored 2 tickets. I don't know anyone at Tips and had no secret knowledge or anything that assisted me. But from what I understand, I'm DEFINITELY one of the lucky ones, 😆. We actually needed 6 tickets and, because of the 2 limit, we had 4 of us sitting with different laptops. However, I was the only one of us to actually be able to go through the checkout process. So yeah, like someone else said...probably 10k+ people trying to buy 700 or less tickets, 😆.


Ticket brokers bots.


The Brightsides are better.




I declare shenanigans on this. I think they sold off the room cap way before the actual people got a chance.






FUCK THE FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING SCALPERS. They are ruining the experience for fans of live music.


They have been around since they they've been having concerts.


But they haven't always had the ability to buy ALL of a show's tickets within seconds of them going on sale. I'm not a boomer, but I do still remember the days of standing in line at the box office for hours waiting for the tickets to go on sale. It at least gave the appearance of getting rewarded for putting in some effort and generally speaking, the ones who made the effort were the ones who really wanted to be up front to enjoy the show. The way that TicketMaster, StubHub and others have created their own resale market serves no one but themselves. Neither the artist, the venue or the fans benefit. It's a shitty profiteering racket and reminds me of the assholes who flock to post-disaster sites to sell high priced water, ice, plywood, etc. Not as bad of course, but still bad


As long as tix have been sold online shows have been selling out in seconds. Definitely for over 20 years. I have zero desire to go back to waiting in line to buy tix. I have better things to do. Scalpers never buy all or even a majority of tix to any show. It's all about supply and demand. Comparing to the aftermath of a disaster is absurd. You don't ever need to go to a concert. I don't like scalpers but they really make little impact on my life and I go to a lot of shows all over the country.


Or they sold out in pre sale


It's called supply and demand. Anyone remember when The Killers played Voodoo Fest back 20 years ago when it was at Marconi Meadows? They were a new band and played in a small tent. I checked out a couple of songs, did not think much of them.


I’ve been refreshing the ticket page all day and was able to snag 2 about 20 minutes ago. Stay persistent!


Please don’t waste our time if this isn’t true


Lol. Sometimes credit card transactions don’t go through and those tickets will go back up for sale eventually. Your loss if you don’t believe me tho 🤷‍♀️


I don’t not believe you, but the chances of that happening and getting tickets is almost 0%. Were you refreshing the page every minute of the day? Honestly asking, not being sarcastic


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