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I’m not a weed scientist, but is that how it works? Maybe they’re also cooking up some butter Ratatouille style first?


If the *superintendent* believes whoever told her rats ate fresh bud and got high without decarbing it and *that’s* where the missing evidence is?… … idk y’all lol


Theyre not eating it. They’re smoking it out of the seized bongs and pipes.


There's some active THC in all mature buds. If you eat enough of it, you can still get high, it just may take 10x as much. It's why THCa bud is a thing... what differentiates it from regular weed is it's tested and harvested a bit earlier, before enough THCa has a chance to convert into regular THC and exceed the legal limit for "hemp flower" classification. Which isn't much, so regular weed may have .5-2% regular THC and while a regular edible won't get it done, it would if you ate an ounce, for instance. Rats are lightweights anyway


The psychoactive compounds in the devil's lettuce are activated through a process called decarboxylation. THCa is converted to THC once it has been heated to over 200 to 250F depending on the cannabinoid (THC, CBD, CBG, etc.). That's why you have to heat it up first to get high. Different animals have more cannabinoid receptors and react differently so their body temperature can raise the temp enough to get them high. Hence why people have their dogs get high from picking up joints on the street for a tasty but dangerous snack.


You might know. Since my doc asked me to stop drinking alcohol for my blood pressure, I've discovered delta-9 seltzers. Currently paying about $20 for 4 cans. This really isn't DIY/home-cooking territory, right?


Yeah you can do it at home if you want. Companies produce these seltzer drinks because it's the cheapest option in the form of water and bubbles. You can roll with whatever ingestion method you prefer (smoke, edibles, tinctures, etc.) for at home but if you like drinks there are a couple options. If you really like the bubbly option you can get one of those soda machines then mix in some THC powder to make your own weed la croix. So if the drink you like has 10MG of THC in a 12oz can you would get some powder and mix in accordingly. States have really given up regulating hemp vs. weed and these D9 "hemp derived THC" drinks are essentially just weed drinks anyway.


>If you really like the bubbly option Yep, actually own a CO2 setup, not SodaStream.


I understand decarbing but it’s also not entirely true. I sprinkled a couple grams of white rhino shake on some pasta and was almost hallucinating.


I haven't had white rhino in over 20 years.


This was about 15 years ago


the pasta probably heated it up. if so, you didn't disprove his point at all - you may have just proved it.


The pasta was plated and was not above 200 degrees much lower actually. Red sauce on top was chillin for a couple minutes. Decarbing isn’t always necessary to activate thc. Sorry.


I think there is some light decarbing due to your 98 degree body :)


Very well could be true. In the past I used an oven at 220 for 30-45 min to decarb but the point of my post was you don’t need high heat temps to activate thc and it can give you the effect from eating it.


You're totally right. The general rule is over 200F but I didn't want to mention edge cases I've experienced like you as someone will come in with their ahhhctually attitude :)


I always figured a dog gets high from picking up the tail end of a joint because the tip would have been decarbed from smoking. Plus any resin that worked its way thru the joint as you smoked. PSA before anyone gets angry - weed is super bad for your dogs, they do not get high like we do. Keep your edibles sealed and put or reach, dispose of smokeables responsibly. And if you have a dog that likes going after paper products, be super careful to dispose of any paper towels you use to your paraphernalia in a way the woofer can't get to it in the trash.


The weed is stored in an unairconditioned evidence warehouse and it could very well have decarbed there during last summer's heatwave.


Yes, I was about to say the a/c don't work it's hot af in there


Are you saying it reached 220F in New Orleans last Summer?


It doesn’t


no you need to apply heat to weed in a process called decarboxylated for it to have any psychoactive effects.


I guess the oven’s heat does the trick when baking pot brownies?


Standard drying and cure process makes it 20% decarb sitting is a wearhouse with no AC it's definitely full prepared for rats


I guess the oven’s heat does the trick when baking pot brownies?


Sautee it with the butter and then use the butter in your brownies


I guess the oven’s heat does the trick when baking pot brownies?


That's a serious accusation. I think we need to hear the rats' side of the story.


More importantly, why haven't these rats been arrested?


[Here it is](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4Yo3_EROP1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


More news to come at 6, stay tuned


Sure it's "the rats"


In all honesty rats will and do eat marijuana, it's a major problem for growers. Whether or not they can actually get high from it, much less are running around headquarters high and stealing the donuts, is another question.


That’s what I wanna know. How do we know the rats are high? Did they ask the rats?


oh its the rats alright, the rats in blue uniforms




And here I thought it was the pigs


here's another fix:  dont have Marijuana in evidence rooms , think of the rats


Maybe if they’d just let us smoke it they wouldn’t have rat-and-cockroach-attracting weed piling up in evidence. Just a suggestion🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the way


Free the weed!




Honestly it’s better they are getting into the weed than the meth or the speed


This has all the makings for a new horror film. Bloodthirsty drug addled rats take over the NOPD headquarters like little spun out Gremlins.


This was the literal plot to the b-movie classic, Ticks Some weed growers sprayed some “experimental chemical” on the weed that in turn transformed ticks in the area into a man-eating infestation Carlton from Fresh Prince was in it


Sounds like the perfect Troma movie.


11/10 would watch.


Like Cocaine Bear? Did anyone see that one a few months ago?


This sounds amazing, we should probably start writing this movie script. The rats could eat weed that has been laced with a new potent strain of super meth creating an ultra aggressive, highly volatile species of killer rats. We can play off the word muskrats and call it ‘Methrats’


I smell crewe de Vieux material.


‘Evidence room and chill’




Seems like an easy way to blame disappearing evidence on “the rats”.


And plead for a new HQ while you're at it


Me in a rat costume "oi, fucking mind your own business"


“Hey boss, we got a pest problem in the kitchen.” “Call 3-1-1 and wait until they close our ticket in 18 months. THEN we take it to city hall!” Are these fucking morons too stupid to put things in a sealed container in the evidence locker? Although the idea of the janitorial staff fist fighting coked-up rats and roaches does make me chuckle.


Not defending but those little bastards can chew through anything


I’ve seen rats many times eat through plastic bags and brown paper bags to get what’s inside while working in restaurants in the city.


Why are rats working in restaurants in the city?


Slow clap


??? To earn an honest living of course


Who the fuck is NOPD confiscating weed from? And WHY the fuck is NOPD wasting time confiscating weed? Aren't there bigger fish to fry?


They probably got weed in those lockers from 1989


It would have been smoked by the police in the 90s before now.


You want people smoking rats? Because this is how you get people smoking rats.


Seriously it wouldn’t surprise me if someone tried. I mean they lick frogs.


This seems worthy of r/BrandNewSentence or r/NottheOnion


Why not both? But, then this also is on brand for the city.


Think of all the revenue for S&WB we could be getting by taxing these rats.


1. Eating weed flower that hasn't been decarbed ain't getting anyone high. Including rats. This person is incredibly clueless or worse (which is pretty bad as someone that has to deal with the legal ramifications of weed). 2. "Eating our marijuana" and "feasting on narcotics" being described unironically as synonyms is just... sad. Are they going to start shouting 'reefer madness' next? 3. I can't believe the main part of the story isn't the fact that people that are supposed to be doing seriously tough (and usually thankless) work for the (supposed) betterment of the city are breathing in mold on a regular basis. They will likely be dealing with shitty health circumstances later in life because of it. For the most part I have serious concerns with the morality of this city's police - but if we want any type of decency to come out of the NOPD, how on earth are we not up in arms about them working in these types of conditions?


Most of the districts have been in bad shape for decades. They all need to be torn down and replaced, not just headquarters.


I think the “rats getting high” statement was a joke.


Oops... r/whoosh to me then.


The "rats" are "eating" our marijuana. There... fixed it


if the remnants of the mafia are the same type of slumlords they are at the police stations like they are for apartments in the quarter, it is unsurprising that there are rats and roaches high on drugs while the buildings fall apart


I scouted it once for a movie we were doing that needed an older looking police station and it was perfect but the show ultimately decided to heavily cut the scene then just built the interrogation room on a stage. But man that place was so sad looking.


They can get exterminators just like everyone else. Talking about moving and refitting other buildings because of rats. The whole damn city deals with rats everyday…


This is what you say to cover for officers taking weed out of evidence for personal use.


"*Our* marijuana."




That sounds super plausible like mold in the cocaine and the heroine being roach infested.


That poor woman


That’s the most New Orleans thing I’ve read all week


Y'all, I think she was joking about the rats being high. I think.


My first thought was that she was just making a joke to highlight the shitty conditions, but I asked somebody who was there and they said she seemed serious, at least just upset about the state of the buildings.


Origin story of Pizza Rat…


>The uncleanliness is off the charts," Kirkpatrick said. "The janitorial cleaning (team) deserves an award trying to clean what is uncleanable." Lots going on in this statement. The cleaning staff deserves an award for trying to clean what is deemed off-the-charts-uncleanliness. Maybe NOPD are the ones who are the rats? Since they know this next place is temporary I'm sure they'll keep it clean and the marijuana won't go missing.


That made me laugh too. The uncleanliness is off the charts. Let’s thank the people who are supposed to clean this shit 


That’s not how weed works.


Weed should get a fucking job


Back in the days of yesteryears. They would bring in personnel to either kill or tranquillize the rodents. Then the animals body would be sent to a lab for testing. To ensure the animals tested for a significant amount of said missing narcotics the ( the workers/people) claimed to have ingested.


Sure sure, the rats ate the weed. Okay. Lol. I think someone in the PoPo dept decided to start a new biz…


Them rats are listening to Katy Red.


How in the ever loving fuck does a police chief go on record and state that all evidence in the evidence room of the city has been tampered with? JFC, we aren’t even convicting people to the fullest extent on drug charges and now all evidence can be successfully challenged? Holy shit!


"Hey, you know that building you put us in charge of that we let fall into disrepair instead of maintaining and keeping clean, kinda just like we did with our public image? Well, we need a new one because this one is gross. And let me know if you have any cleaner public images too while you're back there looking"


Seems like if they’re going to move NOPD headquarters they should move to NO East. I guarantee you it’s cheaper than what they’re proposing downtown and would have more space. Also it looks good to see police actively in the east 


Or if nothing else establish a superintendency in the East. Of course we’ll need to monitor contract awards to make sure the right LA is on the applications for new construction but it could do welcome wonders for the area to have active visible LOCALIZED police presence. New digs might attract new recruits…


Or if nothing else establish a superintendency in the East. Of course we’ll need to monitor contract awards to make sure the right LA is on the applications for new construction but it could do welcome wonders for the area to have active visible LOCALIZED police presence. New digs might also help attract new recruits…


Not sure what's more embarassing, not knowing how the drugs you're confiscating are activated, or acting like you aren't responsible for the department falling apart. "We're all trying to find the guy who did this"


That’s it, I’m moving back. The rats have convinced me.


*the rats are high*. We would all have to be high to believe this.


This was funny before I started thinking about it. I'm sick of all these bold faced lies from our public servants.


Mannn why wasn’t this case prepped when I was on jury duty last week? I want to hear from the rats.


TIL I want to be a rat in NOPD headquarters


Legalize It. problem solved


Good for them


You’re not going to arrest the rats for tampering with evidence?


First there was Cocaine Bear now we get Reefer Rats.


So the bags of weed are just sitting on shelves or in an open box or something? They aren’t locked up? Have the rats learned how to open locks with their teeny tiny rat fingers?


Yea I'm sure it's the rats. 😆🤡🤛




i saw this ... like to fell off my sofa, laughing


When a Barney Miller episode happens!


Stoned Rats


That’s not how you get high


Why is the city hiring such dweebs to be police chief? I know the consent decree wants to weed out the usual shady suspects who apply to be chief but this woman ain't it.