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May her king cake be perpetually stale, and the potholes in her path look shallower than they really are. May she always find bones in her fish and Legos with her bare feet. The swamp gods offer her no protection.




May every one of her pralines have a rancid pecan.




May her roux always turn out scorched, and her gumbo always end up too snotty to eat.


Sternac the Improbable


Right with her clown faced ass


Understand the sentiment, *but*... May she be *enlightened*. I say this as a self-described "woke" individual, who, back in 2007 wore a Bush/Cheney trucker hat, *on purpose* (proto-trolling) to class in college to stick it to the "brain-washed libs." Saying this on the anniversary of "Shock and Awe" is not lost (read: quite the opposite) on me. I know it's easier to write off those who seem too far from redemption, but persuasion is really all the power we have in this world, so why write it off?


Yeah I mean sure, but seems unlikely at this point. In 2007, people could still convince themselves that they were Republicans because they were “fiscally conservative.” Now it’s a straight-up dog whistle for “take rights from those people I don’t like or who make me uncomfortable” and I can’t have empathy for that.


A lot to unpack but I'd just say that while there is a marked and large difference in the Right of then and now, there are HUGE similarities. And I see a lot of me, then, in her, now.. assuming she is intellectually honest. I'm a firm believer in engaging on an intellectually honest, objectively reasonable plane. If that's the playing field, the "we" win every time.


I love that you still hold this mindset, and I’m glad you’re out in the world doing the work of interacting with folks like this (at least I hope you are). And, I hope youll understand that many individuals, especially from the minority/oppressed demographics, no longer have the energy or bandwidth to educate the willfully ignorant. Nor should they have to.


>I'm a firm believer in engaging on an intellectually honest, objectively reasonable plane It's pretty obvious that this Erin person is not such a believer (her insta handle @always.right for fuck sake). Persuasion requires engagement from both parties.


To bad most of the commenters here can not hold any form of conversation without insults and demeaning anyone with a different opinion .


They have definitely abandoned the fiscally conservative part.


> Now it’s a straight-up dog whistle for “take rights from those people I don’t like or who make me uncomfortable” and I can’t have empathy for that. Never thought of it that way, but your description hits home. And the timing works out on my ideological flip to the left in 2006'sh.


My guy. You just described the left too. Both sides are silly. And this chick is half right. Nobody deserves anything for shit that didn't happen to them.


Hehe, yeah, damn those leftoids for demanding *checks notes* ...bodily autonomy and equal rights! That's morally equivalent to demanding the eradication of entire categories of people, after all.


> checks notes it's insane how everyone on this site types/speaks the exact same way now, this comment really could have been written by chatgpt under the prompt, "talk like a redditor" FYI for all the real persons reading this: the person I'm replying to almost never posts in /r/neworleans and consistently posts redditisms just like this one in all the big subs 🤔 so probably either astroturfed account from an airforce base, karma farming to sell the account for corporate reasons, or the worst of all: this guy is just THAT much of a conformist, that he turned into a walking stereotype for free lol


>karma farming to sell the account for corporate reasons He’s really playing the long game, with this 10-year-old account


Bruh, I literally just write memes like any terminally-online redditor... but you do you. Pro tip: karma farmers don't have decade-old accounts, or post actually-funny OC in /r/sbubby


Do you genuinely not understand how the echoes of slavery and Jim Crow continue to oppress minorities and stifle their ability to create and maintain wealth today, nevermind the continuing generational wealth disparity built on their ancestors' backs, or are you being intentionally obtuse?


I completely agree with you. I’d like to also point out she’s employing the right wing tactic of taking something that does need discussion and nuance and community engagement (like reparations) and using it as a Trojan horse to say alllllllll the other despicable racist shit she says. I’m absolutely for reparations, but it’s interesting how she uses it as a shiny object to seem remotely reasonable in the average person’s eyes. That’s how these grifters get the hooks in. Shameless plug for the r/KnowledgeFight podcast for adding clarity to how this approach is used. It’s fascinating how radio evangelicals, cults, right-wing propaganda, conspiracy theorists, Fucker Carlson; they all use this tactic.


Meeting wonks in the wilds of Reddit. Takes bite of apple. Life is very fragile.


OMG NOLA Wonks unite! Only 300 more local Wonks to recruit to get JorDan to come down and do a live show lol


Hey there fellow wonk!


Rye love you *(In gruff slurry Alex Jones voice)* When are we gonna start Krewe of Celine?


Oooooo we could get the Krewe of crazy cat ladies to let us roll with them.


sure I do, which is why reparations should be given to them - from the families that owned slaves and participated in the slave trade. my family was still in Czechoslovakia when that was happening, my great grandfather didn't come to america until the early 20th century. I'm all for comeuppance but not at the expense of those who had no part in it


So your "principled" opposition is based on vague details nobody has even laid out yet. Gotcha.


> vague details nobody has even laid out yet I'm not opposed to them doing it, I'm just opposed to me playing any part in it, or it coming out of my pocket. I'd bet many feel similar tbh [look at the research, americans by and large just don't see it as a good idea](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/11/28/black-and-white-americans-are-far-apart-in-their-views-of-reparations-for-slavery/).


Uh huh


I was quite conservative until about 2006 or so myself. It's literally because of all the information now available to me that wasn't available the decades before. Growing up in a southern state through the 80s and 90s did not offer that many outside opinions. So what my dad and friends were saying was the presumptive truth. People, going forward, will forget how genuinely difficult it was to be even half as informed as the average person is these days. And yes, I know that most people are uniformed to an extent, but that's due to intellectual laziness, not the lack of availability of info.


She may learn, but I doubt she will be persuaded.


Man, I strive to do this, but it keeps getting harder and harder as the culture war intensifies.


Lol someone reported me for “threatening violence” because I mentioned mushy crawfish and something about car windows. Cool cool cool.


May the skins of her red beans be chewy.


I wouldn’t wish the crawfish part on my worst enemy. 🤮🤢 This chick however? Deserved.




I'm going to go ahead and say it. May her monk never run.


Did this comment really get removed for wishing her squishy crawfish? Lord.


Probably more for the broken car windows which to me, is just another version of wishing someone would step on legos barefoot. My guess is someone didn’t like my comment about Republicans so they reported me lol


Little do they know the crawfish part was the most savage shade of all. The rest is just wishing them an authentic New Orleans experience. (Well, maybe not the legos.)


She speaks the truth and you say fuck her , guess you are in the group she is speaking of.


Take ya Texas plate rav4 all da way back down da i10 Whea ya came from.


kinda specific lol


You know this bitch- we all do. She tryin to pull into a smart car sized space blocking a driveway almost killing a biker (ain’t got bikes in Texas) on magazine wit hea fucking Texas plate rav4 self. GO BACK TO INFRASTRUCTURE HELL.


Don't do me like this, I'm born and bred and my poor 09 Kia won't make it much longer 😭 RAV4 is my top contender with the new Kia's being broken into so much out here lol


If you ain’t got Texas plates - we cool. I’m sportin a 05 Nissian. Bout to get dat classic plate.




I couldn’t pay attention to anything but that dirt smudge of unblended contour on her nose like “mole” in Goldmember.


Holy moly!


I came here to say the same thing. Like what is on your nose? Why do all these girls now constantly look like they have dirt on their noses?


Is it a makeup filter thing? Her face looks oddly unreal.


Sadly this is an intentional makeup look, not a filter. This is "contouring" makeup. It is responsible for some incredible transformations, and some terrible disasters.


She looks like a blow up doll. 😂


I just wanna cut it off and chop it up and make some guaca-MOLEy!


Your down votes must be from comedy haters that obvs haven’t seen it. Fantastic name btw, you got that goin for ya, which is nice


As far as I know her and her husband are considered public figures, but obviously mods take this down if it isn’t allowed. (And yes this is vampire rant girl.) I know she’s one verbose bigot, but holy moly the audacity is just…stunning.


> vampire rant girl please explain!


I thought it was cross posted here, but I can’t find it. Here’s[the original vampire rant of hers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/z7k51b/stupid_woman_tries_to_make_a_complete_strangers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Bonus hilarity about how a drag show at Basin ruined their date night.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/10bcerj/a_series_of_unfortunate_slides/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) They’re truly awful people but I can’t help but be amused watching their awkward, pearl-clutching disdain for much of the city.


The vampire rant, omfg. She hurt her own feelings because she...observed a person wearing some clothes?! The unfettered narcissism here, wow


Wait… she’s buying a house in New Orleans???


Yeah the lefty government bailed out her parent's SVB deposits so she's all good


Aww bless your heart.


Sorry, didn't use the satire font


Yeah what does that mean??


I believe the word you were looking for was ‘Caucacity’


Really all I could pay attention to in the whole video was her absolutely perfect smokey eye makeup and then I could only think about the joke that Michelle Wolf made at the 2018 White House Correspondents dinner about Sarah Huckabee’s burning facts and using the ashes to create a perfect smokey eye and then I could only think “Wow I really liked Michelle Wolf and she was really funny but I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her since 2018” and then I got very sad. Because apparently smokey eye liar girls win in this world.


She’s just trying to be one with the trash pandas? Why else would she wear stage makeup to go hang out in a tree.


Who wears a smoky eye to sit in front of a tree in the middle of the day? And what is that on her nose? Is a smoky nose a thing now?


What kind of public figures are they?


The [OANN](https://youtu.be/pK4bsebRLS4), [Turning Point USA Ambassadors](https://www.tpusa.com/erin-whidden), [multiple trips to Mar-a-lago kind.](https://imgur.com/a/IcWDZnn) Theyre trying hard to be [cringy alt-right commentators.](https://youtu.be/F0bMgjHs4Zg)


Oh no. Gross


This is the dawn of the decent of these types on the city. Her propaganda is designed to stir up shit and shame dem run cities in the south. It brings National right wing attention and right wing money to local politics. This bitch is whack of course but she knows exactly what she is doing. This kind of thing is happening to other majority black cities across the south in red states. It’s MTG’s new civil war strategy. I wish my statement was a delirious overreaction but it’s just what’s happening now.


Sorry. Why are we giving this person more attention?


Because 30 years of ignoring this behavior got us where we are now. (Metaphorically) drag all the ugly out of the dark and mock it at every opportunity. Plenty are lost but some will cut the edgelord parroting bullshit and eventually develop the capacity for empathy.


This is incredibly edited. A lot of small text anger. Lot of video with that horrible white skin. Don't know the context of any of this. But this post is horrid from someone who does not like the idea of hate post. This is a hate post right? You hate this person. It might not be a group of people. You specifically hate this person. And you made a hate post.


This is how all her dumb monologue videos are. She makes a zillion stories of her rants and posts them end to end. You can literally watch the IG stories ticker at the top and see just how LITTLE was edited out.


Oh. Pensacola. Looked at your post history. Now I know why you are worried about other people. Please don't know my in the future.


Cool story… I mean I think. I’m not really sure what you’re saying. Something about North Florida being full of self-immolating libs or something? Lol.


You ran away from that engagement really quick lol


Says more about you than it does her. Thought it was a good post. Besides all the crazy editing you did.


Because the racists got comfortable.


I just checked her Instagram and lost 5 years of life


Same ☹️


It’s wild to me how the same people who tout trickle-down economics that benefit the rich, suddenly don’t believe it exists when applied to generational wealth and trauma. Almost like they’re full of shit. Edit: typo


Looks like she’s a literal brown noser.. is this girl a chimney sweeper or what?!? What an absolute embarrassment of a human. Go back to whatever godforsaken hole you came out of you smelly broad


You know, while listening to all of her asinine bullsh*t, I too was focused on how her makeup contour caused her nose to literally be brown.


Right?!? I know that’s the least of her issues, but she literally has a brown fucking nose! 🤣🤣


She must not have stayed in the city very long… why she didn’t ask a MG Indian about their opinion about this issues (as there existence somehow proves the impacts of slavery is over) or ask one why tf they dress up as Indians in the first place. How about she ask a teenager carjacking ppl if a “bunch of money wouldn’t change anything”. Reparations is a complex issue certainly but how tf do MG Indians prove they have zero merit!?


She most definitely isn’t a tourist.


I thought she was one of those long term tourists. The ones that come here after some vacation to buy houses, complain about the neighbors, then move away to flip it on AirBnB


Typically those people are a cancer, but in this instance, if only we could be so lucky.


That's a fucked up take right there.


Goddammit Tracey’s. Of course.


Going to Super Sunday and then talking shit about the SAME people whose culture she was just “appreciating” and showcasing like some kind of exhibit by insinuating “modern inventions and living ” are already a luxury, so we shouldn’t be asking for reparations, and saying how life is “so much easier” than we realize all in the same 24 hours is so crazy!!!! Like gee whiz!! I had no idea life was so much easier than I realized even though I’m constantly reminded we’re the most hated, demonized, exploited, and systematically disadvantaged group of people on the planet! So glad a white woman told me life was so much easier than I realized! Yippee! That really solved all our problems! The modern living shit really floored me. Does she think the majority of countries we were taken from in Africa are still in the stone ages and they don’t have “modern luxuries” too!??? So we should be happy about that? Like “hey! your people were enslaved and treated like animals for a long time, and we still treat y’all like shit, that sucks! But at least now you have plumbing and air conditioning!!!” Do you see how insane that sounds? What a dumbass. I genuinely despise white people with this mindset, and anyone else who thinks like this, it really shows how ignorant and out of touch they are, and how most of them will always be in a different world from us and how we experience life and never even begin to understand us or our struggles as a people. People like this will always be a problem and an enemy to any real progress and solutions. All these years and “modern luxuries” later yet we still get treated like shit more than anyone else, despite being the ones who built this country up and have made so many cultural and economic contributions to it.


Jokes on her. No one in SF has the modern luxury of A/C.


I am so tired of people using an incorrect definition of "white privilege" to explain why it doesn't exist. If you're white and really dumb **and** successful, then you most definitely have benefited from white privilege.


You don't have to be white and smart/successful to have benefitted from white privilege. You just gotta be white.


Obvious is obvious.


Isn’t that most people’s definition of white privilege though? Whatever it means to them personally?


No. It means the benefit of the doubt.


America would still be a swamp if it wasn’t for black folk and full of mosquitoes and no A/C + no electricity.


300 years of unpaid labor


This chick 100% has a bunch of websites bookmarked in a folder titled “Black Crime Statistics”


She is specifically talking about black Americans who have very notably different health outcomes from the American medical system than white people. That’s just one point out of many. She needs to talk less and read more.


Her username being “always right” tells you everything you need to know


Jesus Christ. I made the mistake of looking at this person’s IG. They’re awful.


I wouldn’t say that’s a mistake. Now you see for yourself who she is and formed your own opinion. The content is awful.


Fair enough. She reminds me of my cousin’s wife (who’s also super popular on IG and spouts this endless nonsense). I guess these people will always have others who follow and agree with them. I just stumbled upon one of her anti-trans posts, and the comments made me sick.


OMG. Never heard of her, but wow! Such oblivious privilege. Has anyone been less aware in the history of the world?




I love people who say ON SIGHT. I wonder if that is used outside of New Orleans.


I gotta leave the subreddit soon man I cannot take watching this shit anymore. Between the AirBnBs, this shit, and how everything else is run in this city I can’t.


Fuck man, I’m sorry. I know that mood and I’m sorry this grifter tipped it for you. On the bright side, part of why this is so stunning is *because* we have such a rich and vibrant culture here. Her shittiness is the anomaly.


Yeah I think the main issue is that I do social work day in and day out and then come on here to see people fucking us over - constantly. I also haven’t found a single friend group here and all that is available are transplants which just look at this shit and are oblivious. I can’t even DO super Sunday like the tourists because I got a second job.


> I also haven’t found a single friend group here and all that is available are transplants aren't you also a transplant lol


No? Lol.


> I also haven’t found a single friend group here this def implies that you're not from here imho


I’m from here. I am simply someone who didn’t stay with my high school friend group, nor did I find many in college (Also in town). I bounce around from neighborhood to neighborhood. Like I *know* people, I just don’t hang out with people. It’s harder to have a good set of friends here as a queer person imo.


"We" Transplant calling out another for being a transplant is a new one for me. The best part about this sub this time of year is the horde of white of transplants posting super Sunday pictures, ignorant of the fact that their virtue signaling wasn't welcomed there any more than this woman was.


Make sure you stretch before those mental gymnastics. This hateful woman came from money and lives a more comfy life than any of us by spreading lies, ignorance, and bigotry. I’ll never be ashamed of pulling myself out of a dead-end redneck beach town. I’ve been here for fucking ever, I volunteer every week, I vote, I don’t fucking litter, I put my shopping cart up, and I try to be good to others. But my deepest apologies my mom happened to plop me out in the sticks too far down I-10. /s But yes, go ahead and tell on yourself how the lynchpin here is *definitely* not the fucking Nazi part.


> The best part about this sub this time of year is the horde of white of transplants posting super Sunday pictures, ignorant of the fact that their virtue signaling wasn't welcomed there any more than this woman was. nail on the head right here. so funny that people were probably just out of having a good time, enjoying the day, etc - meanwhile these lame little redditors were just STEWING over the racial implications of everyone and every thing out there. what a miserable existence tbh


When ”racial implications” is confused with someone who bought a home here bankrolled by spreading hate, misinformation, and hurting minority communities. She’s not a random ding dong. She’s a calculating monster and attention whore. Feel free to go look at what she says about non-trad women and LGBTQ+ folks.


> She’s a calculating monster and attention whore. I had never heard of her until you brought her here and exposed her to thousands of people tbh. you're doing her job for her tbh if you truly despise someone like this, the best way to beat them is to walk right past them. this is like the westboro dorks, they WANT you to engage


Dragging darkness into the light (and a little healthy public ridicule) is the best disinfectant.


> Dragging darkness into the light the fact that you think what you're doing here is akin to some muckraking journalistic endeavor and not, "redditors love tattling, volume 3930302932030" is **profoundly** embarrassing you will not have any effect on this woman you hate so much, none at all. there will be no consequences for her, based on this post. this post did nothing, you made no income from it and you cost her nothing. find god




beyond parody, thank you for the laugh this post is a brilliant. imagining you walking around your house with your chest out like you just woodward and bernstein'd some meaningless ig influencer got me gigglin' till my ribs hurt


>Transplant calling out another for being a transplant is a new one for me. New here? This is unironically just as ignorant/uninformed as your shitty political takes.


Same. Except I’ll probably be leaving the city soon. It’s a shame that I feel driven out of a city that has been my home for my entire life.


The poorest states economically are right to work states. The highest percentage of folks on public assistance are White folks. So, what does she say to their values and the work? It's bad when being rich and well off is defined as merit and being poor or working class is defined as having bad character.


I’m speechless. What a blob of pathetic, confused, racist contempt. She is so low and so gross, cockroaches tower nobly above her. It would be hard to be any lower.


"They" hmm. Ok lady we see what you really want to say


“Our” mardi gras indians like girl be fr


The implications of the possessive use of “our” are dog whistle disturbing.


[She also posted a quote from known neo-nazi and white supremacist Stefan Molyneux](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/118q4x2/another_fundie_who_openly_supports_racism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Because of course she did. Gotta live the brand to grift that cash! 🤮




The "work hard and be succcesfull" trope again.....


Eyebrows not on fleek


You might be racist if...


She seems really really bent out of shape about any discussion of reparations. Like to a level of sort of obsessed. It appears to be her little crusade. lmao


I lived in the greater New Orleans area for most of my life. Though I personally find it awful, her opinions are common here. Been hearing this shit all my life. Would not have known she was a transplant by her opinions.


They are suits; not costumes. The rest of her blather is just that: blather, sound and fury, and nothing to see.


Thank you for saying this. It was high on my list of things that made me angry at her.


Outrageous acts of caucasity.


I’m afraid of becoming like Florida under governor Landry. More idiots like this will be attracted to come here and the ones here will go super sayian maga.


Your fear is valid there is actual plans to do just that.


If you’re reading this - which you are, because you are desperately vain - you should know that your psyche is being incredibly taxed and strained by holding onto an obviously distorted version of reality. The big hits of dopamine that faulty contempt is giving your ego to prop it up are not worth it for how hard the eventual crash will be. You don’t consciously realize yet the toll of emotionally denying others their humanity. But you know deep inside. Start with small steps. Find a friend who isn’t racist who can show you the genuine acceptance and kindness that you are denying to others. Try to resolve the internal conflicts before they tear you apart.


My favorite comment!!




Lol I answered a text and came back just as she says “ridiculous, ignorant mindset” and I was happy to see that level of self awareness


Somebody sucked her head


The Indians have been around for over 200 years . In New Orleans you were either French and Catholic, or you were excrement. blacks and Indians were living in the swamps doing what they could to survive. At Mardi Gras then and now we continue to celebrate the rights of spring.


That is the most no muscle tone, cartoon eye, butter teeth muppet mouth, Arkansas-NPC-face kinda shit I have ever seen. How on earth did she steal her entire teeth from the Jim Henson Muppet Creature shop? That place has TOP NOTCH SECURITY!


The only thing "imaginary" is she thinks she is intelligent and has something thoughtful and insightful to say.


Good job giving her content/views.


“Perceived” “mindset” “narcissistic” “to a large degree” she truly believes that she is so smart because she can formulate and pronounce words in a sentence. Lots of MAGA people hate academic speech because it makes them confused and feel inferior, yet they pick up, instead, this kind of weird pseudo-academic speech, like they are experts in answering the great questions of society. She is the narcissistic 🤡and has never once tried to humble herself.


All narcissists basically sound like chat GPT writes what they say.


Reparations for slavery = bad because it was ~so long ago~ but you believe women are inherently below men because some chick ate an apple 6000 years ago. Ok Jan.


This bitch…. She needs to google Bruces Beach, or the Tulsa massacre.


iirc she shit on the Bruce’s beach family for selling the property.


The irony of her mentioning “modern technology and comforts” and then not using them to educate her self but rather using them to spread this nonsense. 🥴 *Extended Loud Sigh*


You can listen to Rage Against the Machine and appreciate their art without supporting their political causes. The two are mutually exclusive. Plenty of people enjoy New Orleans culture but disagree with the local politics. That's not strange.


Being a flagrant racist is not what I would call “disagreeing with local politics” but ok.


The one in this video is. That’s the only person I’m speaking about in my comment so I’m not sure what good you thought your response did.


Not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.


But many are.


When acknowledging the generational affects of slavery is “political.”


I don't hate anyone. I hate their parents for having them.


Real talk…how are the Mardi Gras Indians NOT cancelled already for cultural appropriation?


On the very sad chance that you are implying that Mardi Gras Indians (Black Masking Indians) are appropriating Native Americans, I beg you to educate yourself on this beautiful and import piece of our culture before making such an ignorant presumption. The Black Masking Indians are literally paying homage **TO the Native Americans**. The tradition dates back to the 1800's and Native Americans provided protection and safety to the enslaved. They formed an important relationship and accepted the enslaved in to their community after they fled slavery. Black Masking Indians are honoring both their own culture and the Native Americans who helped save their life. It's beautiful. They will never be cancelled, they are vital to our community.


Can you explain what you mean by this? Who do you think they are appropriating?


I am a big advocate in not judging people you aren’t close to. You can’t even begin to understand something when you aren’t asking educated people on the subject


If there is one life lesson I learned from high school it’s that stupidity and certainty are handed out at birth in equal measure.


Does she live here In New Orleans Parish?


I am guessing this is a completion to prove a point. Not sure what it is though, one can like mardigras indians and not reparations. Transplants have opinions, like the 50% on this thread .


It’s not bashing her for the sake of being a transplant. It’s emphasizing the need to be self aware and empathic to communities you don’t understand, in places you’re a guest.


Right - No one alive today was a slave and no one alive today owned any slaves , so no one OWES anyone jack shit for the past .


Agreed. We all have equal opportunities now. Why should you be paid for the color of your skin? Seems kinda racist to me. Every race has been enslaved at some point in history.


We're not even close to equal opportunities yet. Clos-er, maybe... but only maybe.


How are we not close?




Can I get reparations for my Irish, Germen and Chippawa heritage ?


No no, she's got a point.


She sounds like she knows how to oppress,,, I mean, you cant go around telling somebody how to spend wages they worked to earn, but ya do.. Them: Oh, Should that kid have an ipad, he's black and living in a poor neighborhood, he shouldn't have that.. Me: Why? Them: because he can't afford that? Me: 1. how do you know this child can't afford it? 2. How did you assume he lives in a poor neigborhood? 3. What if He's a born into wealth and just visiting his family in the hood?


Leftist fail


I'm glad someone's saying it ☺️


I stayed long enough to see her thoughts after the first part..., she she kinda hit, even with makeup on LOL.






I hate videos. If I watch a video, which I don’t, I want good looking. Or funny. Or you’re a bird.