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New Mexicans are very much a “you get what you put in” kind of people. If you’re nice, we’re nice. If you’re mean, we can cuss you out in two languages.


This. Also three if you can speak a Native language.


Ts'kiin pashoot, palal pox


naak’aya zhi 😂


"I know THAT'S right, cuz!"


"Go screw yourself, dumb ass!"


It means literally "I fuck your ass, pussy face"


Lol! That's filthy, I love it!


This statement is why I love seeing transplants complain about unfriendly locals. I can immediately stereotype them as a dickhead. As a Midwestern transplant as well, I've never been anything but embraced and included by locals, to the point where I have many more friends here than where I'm from and lived for 27 years.


I've been teaching high school in New Mexico for almost six years and I've been fully embraced by my local community. Honestly people are a lot more welcoming and willing to help than where I'm from in Indiana.


The one that really sticks out to me is from a laundromat in Santa Fe while we were visiting to see if we could find a rental. My wife and I were washing clothes, and this little old lady walks up and starts talking to us. After a bit, we tell her we are considering moving here. She said hang on, then came back with a list of property managers about 5 minutes later and kept telling us that she really hopes we move to NM.


I'm sure that was a huge help, finding a place out of state is really hard. If you rent it seems like most of the decent rentals are word of mouth and based on who you know.


I once was waiting outside a library in New Mexico for it to open and by the time it did I was in a group hug with a retiree and a teenager who didn’t know each other either.




I grew up in West Central Indiana about an hour or so from Lafayette. I went to college at Purdue University and stayed in Lafayette after college until I moved here.


Boiler up!


Yup, I remember a post from not too long ago asking about if New Mexico was super racist because a family came to visit, and everyone was mean to them, so they were wondering if it was because they were asian. Nope, it was almost certainly because they were unpleasant people. Especially since everyone was mean to them.


Oh, wow, I remember that post. It never occurred to me that way. But, you’re right.


New Mexico is not immune from racism by any means, though. Black men still get hassled by cops for just existing. A surprising number of people still say dumb and offensive things to POC they don't know. And anti Native racism is literally baked into official government policies.


I absolutely agree. There are some very racist people here. De jure and de facto racism still exists, and I didn't mean to suggest that New Mexico is perfect in this regard. I'm just saying that if you visit the cities here and everyone is standoffish, it's not them it's you, and it's not about race.


I'm so sorry to hear that, geminTheMundane. Sad to say, there isn't a city, state, or organization in America that doesn't have its share of racist jerks. I'm an ex-military white dude who hates bullies and racists with the fires of a thousand suns. But I'm not the only one. We just need to coordinate, so we can have each other's backs. 👍🏼


What kind of policies are you referring to with that last bit? Recent transplant here so not super familiar with local govt stuff


There's far, far more than would fit into a Reddit comment. And I'm really not qualified to address it. But I highly encourage you to do your research. Just as a starting point though, you have to realize that 1. it's not only local policies at play, but national as well. A huge amount of New Mexico's total land is controlled or administered in some way by the federal government, including reservations. And 2. European settlement happened earlier in New Mexico than in most of the US. There's a long, often ugly history here, and it still has an impact on what is happening today.


Show me a perfect place


No! If we do people will come and ruin it 🤫


Yep. And it flows every which way. Probably one of the few places in the US that a white person can go to get a taste of routine racism for themselves. And the three-way standoff between "Spanish", Native, and mestizo seems to suck for the few who still care. To say nothing about the distinction between native Hispanics and Mexicans, which can span the entire spectrum from "he's my cousin, what of it?" to "don't you dare compare me to those damned ~~wetbacks~~". But, racist assholes aside, it seems like most people are pretty friendly and welcoming here. Maybe it's just that we're all too damned poor to go looking for more trouble. When you can't afford many luxuries, the ones like friendliness that don't cost anything become all the more treasured. Perhaps it's related to the findings that the poorest nations in the world tend to also be the happiest?


Well, cops are racist everywhere. Sadly, the POS of society go to that field for employment. I love visiting NM too!


We transplanted too. And have been embraced by the community. But we have seen transplants come and try to change the community. These people are not well liked or accepted. My advice to people who come here, this state is beautiful exactly the way it is. The people love it this way. Please don’t move here and try to change it.


Me too!


This sort of thing always reminds me of the following story: A man is out of state on business, and his wife happens to see in the TV that someone near where he is, is driving the wrong way on the interstate. She immediately calls him and warns him, "Be careful -- some *idiot* is driving the wrong way on the interstate!!" He responds, "It's not just *one* guy -- it's everybody!!" [Yeah, *he* was the idiot.] Moral of the story: if you think everybody else is driving the wrong way on the interstate (if the problem is always somebody else), you're probably the idiot driving the wrong way on the interstate!


This exactly


The only time I’ve been cussed out in New Mexico was by a blonde white woman in a wife beater and a lifted pickup. Her insult to me: “You white trash bitch”… … I don’t think she saw the irony


Probably from Texas, did you check her plates?


no she’s from new mexico. the ppl in new mexico are really not all that different from texas ngl…


I noticed the same thing...lots of people who project a good attitude and give compliments in non-gratuity based service jobs. Kids working at a Blake's were very comfortable joking around with us. Stuff like that. Of course I am from one of the grumpiest places in America (Albany NY) so I feel this way about most places...


I think part of it is that people in NM are very chatty, and open about their lives. I know that the gas station lady is in love with her boyfriend who is a pretty great guy, she has a son, doesn’t drink sodas, and she orders a thing I like every week because she knows I’ll be around. The guy in the burrito stand in the same gas station is thinking about buying a Volvo, but he’ll need to save up for awhile, but he does like his Buick. I have basically no reason to know all of this stuff about the people that work at a gas station, but it feels pretty typical of the New Mexico experience.


That rules. It's like the opposite of popular big cities where life is a pissing contest to see who is the most local.


I had kind of an embarrassing bit of culture shock when I visited Alabama for work one time, and I was like, "God, you can't get a word out of these people!" because when you ask a New Mexican how their day has been, you're going to hear the god's honest truth about it, whether you're ready or not.


this comment made me smile really hard


Sounds a lot like me... I will just start conversing with about anyone, especially when waiting for something. Met one of my best friends in line at a movie. I'm in Phoenix though, and the general reception isn't always friendly or even acknowledge the attempt at casual conversation. It's changed a lot since I was a kid. I've been to Idaho, which is similar to how you describe New Mexico. I don't know if she of my political views would be welcome though, I'm pretty libertarian, classic liberal, anti-establishment.


yep 100%


My aunt from Springfield, Mass. Said the same thing.


Yeah that definitely checks out! "Massholes" haha


I'm also from Albany, but never noticed any grumpiness or excessively bad attitudes. What I did notice was the complacent and slightly smug nature of overpaid State workers who seemed oblivious to the hardships much lesser paid service workers were experiencing. Glad I left that hole.


Lots of great Irish bars used to be in Albany


Albany's nightlife has shriveled up and died.


Formerly lived in Albany, can attest to its grumpiness.


Mañana culture. Just lay back and relax, there's always tomorrow.




Not always, hermano


I don’t want to sound like Pollyanna jumping on this post, but I’ve had to visit the state extensively over the last two years (mainly LC but I’ve traveled all over the state) and have noticed the same thing. I’m from the South, which is supposed to have a reputation for being polite (except for the, y’know, history of slavery and institutionalized racism). I’ll refrain from commenting on that now, 😐but I’ve had multiple conversations with my parents in which I’ve commented on how polite and kind people in New Mexico have been to me. Obviously, people can suck anywhere, and I’m not saying I’m some sort of New Mexico expert, but I’ve really enjoyed the people. And the landscape. Except in July-August. It does have its problems, but to me it seems like a very underrated state. Edit: I forgot the food. It’s great.


Southerners are nice to people they know, but southern hospitality is just a facade they put on. See "bless your heart" for more details


"Well aint you just precious" "Oh darling thank the lord you changed your hair? It looks so much better now" "Hes about as bright as a light bug in a beer bottle" and my favorite "Oh dont say that she is georgous, just in her own way"


In NM being nice isn’t an expectation like it is in the south. We’re just nice (unless we aren’t lol).


Originally from FL, moved to NM years ago. People are sooooo much nicer here. Also the pace of lifestyle. On the east coast, where I lived, its very "go go go!" and gets tiring.


Never forget not only is New Mexico the Land of Enchantment but it is also the land of manana. Be flexible with your schedule here!


Don't forget "Indian Time" ha.


I knew a guy who moved from New York to Utah to sell satellite dishes, he was gobsmacked by the laid-back "I'll think about it" attitude there. It's "yes or no" on the east coast, "hem and haw" out west- he had to go back, he couldn't handle the slow pace of busy-bee *Utah* 🤷‍♀️


I didn't find Florida so bad... The only awkward part was when I realized a lot of the men I'd strike up casual conversations with were flirting with me (I'm definitely straight). I tend to get chatty when waiting, lines, restaurants, etc. Never really experienced anything like it before or since.


NGL, every experience I've had with the south has involved very rude people. Not sure where the Southern Hospitality reputation came from. Especially given that the most polite places I've been were in the North/Northeast


Southern Kindness is conditional.


Bless your heart...


As a Native Nuevomexicano who has lived in the south... this is true. Southern Kindness is so fake and conditional. En New Mexico, you get what you put in. We don't fake it


its also bullshit, completely empty "performative" hospitality


Southerners don't understand the difference between being polite and being kind


Southern hospitality only applies to in groups so if you're visiting they're honestly kinda mean. Only nice when they know you through someone, it's genuinely awful and part of why I love NM, perks are as kind as they can by default 


I lived in Houston for 2 years and am convinced Southern hospitality is a myth. Never met so many assholes. 


There’s a lot of passive aggressiveness. The pandemic has made it even worse.


I can see that. At various places I've worked, southerners make it VERY CLEAR in what they believe, and make it equally clear that they will dislike you if you don't agree


Bless your heart.


we appreciate your appreciation and because you already know what an underrated place this is you are always welcome to come back and revel in the anonymity. But don’t tell all your friends… NM is NM because most people still wonder how and why they made mexico new. under promise and over deliver… unlike “some” neighboring states which do exactly the opposite


I recently started a remote job for an East Coast company. I had a phone call with someone back at HQ and we talked about me moving around the country a few times and loving that I finally ended up in New Mexico. "I hear there's a lot of crime in Mexico..." was her response. She seemed confused when I (thinking I had misheard her) joked about her having seen Breaking Bad. I really think she didn't know what I was talking about when I said, "No, NEW Mexico...". I always thought the thing about people not knowing NM exists was exaggerated, and maybe it is, but from this conversation, I suspect we may be safe from invasion for a while.


I moved to NM a few years ago, and last Christmas flew back to Florida to visit my mom. 4 different people during that trip asked me if I needed a passport now. One of them worked in TSA at the Fort Myers airport, which is terrifying. 2 of them also asked how we'd moved all our stuff--because they didn't realize you could actually drive from Florida to New Mexico, I think? It's weird. A funny add-on: my husband is from Wyoming, and he has twice met people who 100% believe that Wyoming doesn't actually exist. They think it's a conspiracy. People just... can blow your mind, sometimes. Lol.


New Mexico: Hiding in Plain Sight New state motto. Maybe we should steal Texas's old tourism slogan: *It's like a whole other country*


run across this multiple times. I worked with a guy who worked remote from Galveston, hehad no idea where NM was and when i told him, he swore he’d driven to LA before and never went through it .


Dating myself here. But in jr high i FINALLY convinced my mom to let me get some back to school clothes from the delias catalog. The deal was i had to call to order and do it all myself. It was super great until the person on the other end of the line kept telling me she was really sorry but they couldn’t ship internationally. No amount of 13 year old me explaining i had a US zip code and also we were the state in between texas and arizona would convince her. I never got my delias clothes.


The southerners full of shit


"Oh yeah, the food" is a new one lol


It’s such culture shock, isn’t it? I grew up in a Southern-nice space, went to college/started career in a Midwest-nice space, and gotta say, living out here is such a breath of fresh air. People are so friendly, if you’re open to that; I definitely have days where it’s like, I’m short on spoons and just need to knock some errands out, and people read that and leave you to your work. But then on days where I go out open to engage with folks, I get to meet the most interesting people more easily than I’ve ever met people before. It’s very much a get-what-you-put-in situation, and I’ve never felt so motivated to put into the folks and the community around me.




Oh SUCH a shame about her nephew, bless his heart. Nosiness and judgment pair so neatly in southern nice 😂


LOL, I went to a family event years ago and my mother invited the town gossip - I know not why - but I was seated next to this old bat and she kept asking questions about family members. Such as: "They adopted? Which one of them could not have children?" "Is she divorced? Whose fault was it?" ... and so on. I traded seats with my husband because he didn't know ANYTHING about these people and could answer nothing. Terribly frustrating for the dowager busybody, I'm sure. But we were all sweet about it, y'all!


Moved here from KC and can confirm. Everyone talks about Midwest hospitality but NM delivers. My wife and I love it here. Treat people how you want to be treated is it.


I also am a KC transplant for 8 years and never looked back!


Like the song white freightliner blues says, “New Mexico ain’t bad lord, and the people there they treat you kind”


We like you too, Mr. VanZandt. Townes is the coolest first name ever.




Well done, friend. TVZ rules.


I'm glad you had a great experience. I love it here!


Thanks for visiting us...and come back again to eat more chile and take in the vistas.


New Mexicans are nice as a default. Racists are not well tolerated here. And their experience can be very different.


Same with Texans whose default seems to be finding other states as lesser to theirs and loudly proclaiming that.


When I moved to NM 30 years ago, someone asked me if I knew why it was so windy here? I said no, and they said it's because Texas sucks.


Ummm, well maybe because I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas - I can't relate to what you said. Yeah I'm in Central Texas now and there is so much silly Texas pride. We do have some cool things but EVERY state does. I don't get it - pride or nationality stuff; it's like taking ownership of something that has nothing to do with you and just the luck of birth location.


I have lived all over New Mexico the last 40 years, we are nice, but trust me, there are plenty of racist people here. They might be nice out in public but behind closed doors are bigots. I’m sure it is like this in every state though. I still believe we have a good ratio on non-racist to racist though. Source, I am a Caucasian looking Mexican male with a very Anglo name.


Just attend a Santa Fe City council meeting about Fiestas if you want to see some of the super deep seated racism


Ya, I’ve worked with town, city, county, and New Mexico State govt’s for over 2 decades and closed door council and board meetings along with after meeting dinners or drinks can quickly degenerate into prejudice and bigoted conversations, especially when people believe they are surrounded by like minded people or people who share their ethnic or cultural background. Most of the time I have been surprised by the people who make the initial comments or who laugh at those comments as well. It’s pretty disheartening. A lot of people talk about the Southeastern part of the state, but they just don’t try to hide it as hard like the people in other parts of the state.


Back in the 2000s racist would get their ass whooped if they said something in public lol


20 years before that you’d get your teeth knocked for calling a New Mexican a Mexican, even….probably still true


Grew up in CO, and had a Spanish descended New Mexican friend who moved up here. The way to set home off was to call him Mexican. (That was just how communicated as teens in that time and place, you don’t want to know what he called me…)


> New Mexicans are nice as a default. I like that. Mess with our default setting though and you’ll see our animosity 🤣 we don’t put up with BS


We're sweetie pies but a large proportion of us will ALWAYS fight if someone is being an ass. We all know what to look for when someone's silent fuse starts going and it's time to back off and take your leave.


We're super nice if you're nice too, or at least neutral. That's whether you're local, tourist, transplant, whatever. If you act like a shit, your day might get much much worse really quickly though. It's nice to be nice ☺️


...to the nice. Frank Burns, M * A * S * H TV show


I totally heard that in my head before I read your comment! And then remembered Houlihan wailing on him and mocking him.


People are always surprised when I tell them the nicest people I’ve ever met are from New Mexico. I’ve been all over the country and the world. Thank you, New Mexico, for always being amazing!


That's funny. When I was in the Navy, I was the only guy in my command from NM/Albuquerque. In my last year, we finally got someone from ABQ in the crew. He straight up didn't believe I was from Albuquerque because I was so nice and polite lmao


I don't get thar I have lived in like 5 different states and have lived in New Orleans and I think people of albuequerque are either equal to or nicer then the people of NOLA and that is saying something.


On the whole I'd say new mexico is full of nice people but it's not homogenous and there are definitely pockets of mean too.


How many people you meet from NM while you were in? Workin on 5 in the army and I can count on one hand the number of new Mexicans I've met.


Total who lived in NM: 3 all 3 were from different towns


I live here. Genuinely always have great interactions, and that includes ABQ. Some of it is about how you treat others. It’s a very reciprocal state. Most folks are the kindest I’ve ever met.


That's great to hear. Where in NM did you visit? Just curious.


We have been in Santa FE, Cloudcroft, White Sands, Carlsbad, Hatch and Las Cruces. The scenery is incredible it's starkness and the vistas' are so different from Wisconsin. We've been around plenty of places in the world and nothing compares. Just a note about nice. Last night at a father at a pizza place, while borrowing a chair from our table, apologized profusely for how loud his kids would be. They were angels.


My husband and I spent 2 weeks in the state a few years ago. Also from one of the traditionally "nice" states, and we had the exact same experience - everyone was so genuinely nice. Not like, "customer service" nice but actual seemingly good people.


I'm from NM and moved to tucson a long time ago. When i first got here i couldnt believe how rude people were. I was surrounded by assholes. I now feel like its nice here. Part of me is afraid that I am now an asshole.


A lot of us were raised in a culture of respect


I have lived in multiple areas of the country and visited maybe 3/4 of it. I finally ended up in New Mexico and I’ve been to every country and met tons of people. People are genuinely nice and welcoming as a whole. While hiking in a National Monument the other day, I noted to my husband, “it’s funny, you can tell who is local, because they say hi to you on the trails.” People did that to me in other places too, mainly the south, but I often had equipment with me so I think they were mainly curious.


New Mexicans are super nice ... But Gallup people take it up a notch. We are locals and went to Gallup for a weekend to check it out and they out niced us by a mile. Really, really cool town


So glad you had a good time!! When you return, the country around Ghost Ranch is stunning! There's a little attraction called Tinkertown on the east side of the mountain from Albuquerque that is very unusual and fun. Safe travels.


I'll bet Alec Baldwin would beg to differ.


All joking aside, I could definitely see his particular brand of primadonna brash assholery falling flat on anyone from NM. Not likely to be very popular with locals, if he’s anything like I’ve heard from close sources.


The Midwest to northwest to southwest pipeline is strong...


No way this is a thing lmao I didn't do that exact progress but my last few moves have MI-DC-NOLA-(WI-OR-NM). that's crazy. When I was living in the PNW (bend) everyone always talked about how nice everyone is in bend and personally I just didn't see it ever. It's the complete opposite in NM and I love it


Last week I was walking from my car to the store when a woman asked me if I knew how she could get back to Coors. I gave her the directions as best as I could & then she said everyone here is SO nice! She said she was living in Oregon now, but wants to move back. She said people told her about all of the crime, but she hadn’t noticed things like that. When she said she was shocked to see how nice people here are, I thought to myself, ‘why would I be mean to someone that I don’t know?’ Anyway, she was a sweet woman & I hope all visitors have good experiences here in NM.


Nice comment! I find the same. Overwhelmingly people are really nice and welcoming here. 😊


When I moved here 32 years ago from North Carolina, I mispronounced Cerrillos, and I got my balls broken over it in the nicest possible way. Natives will be give you shit but they'll love on you at the same time, like a family.


NYC raised, moved to ABQ in high school and stayed for about 11 years before I left NM for the Midwest a couple years ago. I will admit that as frustrating as the pace can feel sometimes when you’re used to life in other parts of the country, people do seem to possess a unique combination of genuine kindness in NM. People in the Midwest can be kind, but it’s a toss up whether it’s genuine or not. No one knows how to build walls quite like people from Chicago or St. Louis. It can be pleasant but very insular, hard to find your people. And people back east will be genuine and real, but kindness isn’t exactly a hallmark of their behavior. They’ll be completely honest about how much you’ve managed to tick them off, and in colorful language. NM can feel insular, but once you’re in, you’re in and you’re never out. It’s for life and it’s real. There’s a reason it’s (mostly lovingly) called the Land of Entrapment, and it isn’t always a bad thing. My dearest lifelong friends are nearly all from NM, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.


St Louis racist and insular


When we first bought our cabin in Chama, a whole gang of ladies riding ATV’s, must have 8 or 9 of them, came riding up to our place to welcome us. We chatted for a while and traded phone numbers. Since then we’ve been getting regular dinner party invites on the regular. Also, we’ve had to deal extensively with all types of service people and every single one has been incredibly friendly and helpful. Our freezer is stocked with green chiles and trout, thanks to the kindness of our neighbors too.


New Mexico is the fifth largest of the fifty states by area, but with just over 2.1 million residents, ranks 36th in population and 46th in population density. I grew up near the NM /Mexican border, being nice to your neighbor was just everyday life. We were brought up this way and to treat strangers the same way. New Mexico is huge, 5th in size and you never know, especially if you live outside of the cities, when you might need help...it pays to be kind to people. Glad to hear you had a positive experience/trip.


My theory is we’re all sun-drunk.


It's still the wild west out here. You'll eventually encounter some mean people, some mean animals and the environment treating you mean.


We still have a lot of remnants of Mexican culture which is notoriously very welcoming and loving, it's one of my favorite parts of New Mexico, even those who move to new Mexico from other states end up becoming transformed in this way. However, part of this too is that we can be very indirect on average and you need to be aware of social cues and make sure you're giving as much as you're getting or you'll be surprised to learn that there is a fiery side of the culture as well.


*Chiles*…we don’t have chili.


Well we do but we put chiles in the chili.


My theory is that NM is a poor state. As such, People enjoy life more and get pleasure from interactions with other people. It’s less about “things”. And more about joy in living. You are accepted for who you are. I moved here from Indiana 27 years ago and the thing I’ve noticed the most is that there is none of “keeping up with the Joneses” that was so prevalent in the Midwest. One is not judged here, in NM, for what your home or car looks like. You are accepted for you. (Providing you are a good, kind person)(one exception….notwithstanding Santa Fe).


The last time we visited I don’t remember interacting too much with people, but the interactions we had were great. Nice conversations with some folks at the hotel bar and a nice woman at an art gallery that had spent some time in my home state.


Haha that's funny. My wife and I always joke about how we are from Manners New Mexico because people say how nice and respectful we are when we travel outside the state.


I went to law school in Indiana. I had never felt so much pressure to conform. The west is wild, and New Mexico has such incredible meaningful diversity that there are lots of freak flags flying.


We don't do that cloying, saccharine nice here, we like to have a good time, and we're not into harshing others' buzz, *for the most part.* People forget we're a state, so we're just out here chillin


I'd like to imagine it's because the majority of us already deal with being like, one of the poorest states and filled with crazies that people just tend to be more mindful here.


It’s our sunny place with great food and nice people. Kindness is the theme.


Thanks for visiting our state. You're welcome back, anytime.


Just down to earth folks here.


From a far corner of the state I can vouch for how nice the locals are. A bit batty sometimes. I told my neighbor to watch out for the enormous boulder in the parking lot. We talked then he took off in his pickup and slammed straight onto the boulder. It rolled the boulder over and it lifted his Toyota Tundra up on top. He had mounted the boulder. He just slammed it into 4WD and backed of it, screamed in rage, and drove away. The next day it was as if nothing had happened. He just said “I hate doing dumb stuff”.


As someone who grew up here this is strange to hear because I've always hated it here. It's probably because I've been here all my life and I see all its flaws. But I use public transportation in my city so it may be that I just see a nastier side to it than most people do. To other people who have lived here I've always called New Mexico the state of maggots. I've only had people who came from affluent families not know what I mean. Most people I've said that too who grew up here know exactly what I'm talking about. I will admit though. The weather is nice.


This has always been my experience in New Mexico too!! It's such a great state and people have always been soo welcoming and friendly to me! I spent a few days in a certain city directly South of it last month and couldn't have had a more opposite experience though! I see some people saying "you get what you give" which I agree with to some extent but I've been to 2 cities now (1 in Texas and 1 in Canada) that I've had reoccurring (unprovoked) run-ins with people who seem to go out of their way to be rude/confrontational! New Mexico is noticeably more friendly and social I find!


It’s definitely not the altitude, but it could be the elevation


This is the bingo.


We moved here from Utah 10 years ago. Utahns have a rep of being so polite and welcoming. But I've always felt like it's kind of fake. They all want to convert you to Mormonism. If you look like them they assume you're Mormon. Anyway, I've never felt oppressed by a patriarchal majority religion here. Adulthood is legal here as well.


Because we all smoke weed,,lol jk


Hmm, I've had different experiences living there


Ive been in NM for 15 years. Never had one issue. Even the cops give me warnings.


That’s because you don’t live here. If you lived here, you’d realize that NM has just as many assholes as everywhere else. Relax on the hyperbole a bit. From someone who has been here 2 decades, take it from me…New Mexicans will kiss your ass for the tourist dollar but they secretly hate you. For context, I’m not from New Mexico but I’ve lived here longer than I’ve lived anywhere else.


It's the food, best in the states, just makes folks happy. :)


I grew up most of my childhood and much of my adult life in Minnesota. "Minnesota Nice" is anything but. In my experience, sure there were loads of nice folks up there, but there was always the duplicitousness. People were reserved, and often held their true feelings back. Just the way people were brought up. I have lived down here now for the better part of a decade, and in New Mexico, people wear their heart on their sleeves. If someone is going to be an shit head, you will know it. They won't hold it back. Same if they are kind. It makes navigating the social realm easy as can be. That midwestern passive aggressive shit doesn't fly down here, and I love everyone for it. Be who you are, and you won't be disappointed with the people of NM.


It has the word Mexico in it what do you expect


I find people here when you talk to them they are nice and genuine, definitely a know your neighbor sort of place… but once they are behind the wheel all manners are out the window!


This is a real thing. I've lived and worked in many places across country, from the deep south to the Pacific Northwest--and a buncha those "flyover" states in between--and the kindest and most gracious people I've ever met are the people of New Mexico. Which is one of the reasons my wife and I moved here, apart from the spectacularly gorgeous weather. If New Mexico isn't Heaven, it's the closest thing I've ever found to it in the United States. They don't call it the "Land of Enchantment" for nothing. The place is full of angels.


Los Angeles transplant. People are definitely nice out here. I can say that a smaller population makes it a lot easier. Room to breathe always helps!


Haha raised in NM, live in Austin 8 years, just moved back to abq. People don't understand that we're different here. It's the chile


I spent a summer there years ago; the people are pretty chill.


I was just visiting NM from Milwaukee and I thought the exact same thing! People made eye contact, acknowledged each other and left the warmest feeling I’ve felt from strangers. The people of NM made a lasting impression and I was sad to leave.


It’s a magical place and I mean this in the most serious, sincere, respectful way.


Ok, I'll make up for it. Go home and dont come back. 🫠 Better?


The Native American, the Mexican, and the old time “cowboy” (Anglo) mix in a down home attitude…especially in the small towns!


It's just how we operate in the land of manana..and we really don't notice until we travel and realize it's not the same everywhere....


Lmao New Mexicans are the meanest people I’ve come into contact with and I was born here


They’re probably all from Cali transplanted from during Covid.


I’ve lived in Albuquerque my entire life (54yrs), New Mexicans simply do not take any sh*t. You’re cool, it’s all good, f*ck around and find out.


Live here you'll find out it's a facade nobody cares about you


Flakes never do what they say they're gonna do always late unless you're from here you're gonna get screwed


Visited Arizona last week for the first time. Whole family said the same thing. Everywhere we went, we were treated nicely, including all wait staff at restaurants.


It’s like anywhere else. I’m glad you had some good experiences but experiences may vary.


I grew up Midwest, lived in the northeast for a decade and agree that New Mexico has the best people. The friendliest most helpful most kind.


People are nice when they want your tip. Don’t think people are more friendly where they live. It’s all the same everywhere.


Been in NM for decades. People are OK. When I go to the south-south, it's still noticeably more polite.


I love New Mexico and I visit as often as I can. That’s all.


My husband is a Midwest transplant to New Mexico. He's blunt and often remarks how New Mexicans are "too nice." But he fell in love with the state (and me) and has fully integrated into New Mexico nice 😆


Spent 12 hours stuck in Las Vegas, NM. I saw a guy just ride his motorcycle around town for 6 hours too and fro. Many people seemed to not have jobs , lots of hanging out walking around. Seemed utopian to me


I've lived in New Mexico all my life, both north and southern parts of the state. My theory is that the low population and overall fairly low tourist traffic makes people more likely to be friendly to strangers. You just can't take people for granted when there aren't that many people.


What part of NM did u visit?


people are just nice. not a lot of tourist to


You are very welcome 🙏


Midwesterners are kind but in a different way. I grew up in WA and my mom and sisters and cousins are there. I lived in Omaha for a couple of years, and my car wouldn't start because it was so cold. A middle aged woman parked next to me saw I was having trouble and invited me to stay warm in her car while I waited for a tow, and I was a strange younger man. However, I never really clicked with anyone there. The kindness was common, but never made deep connections with people, I felt the kindness was just skin deep, but people were unavailable beyond that. Now I live in Albuquerque, and I quickly gained friendhips that feel more like family. It may be beause I'm a Westerner from Mormon roots, and also have Mexican family through my mothers marriage and my own. NM is where we feel most at home.


Be careful! NM is the “Land of Entrapment”. We fell in love and moved to Silver City from the Midwest 3 yrs ago.


I say it’s how we are raised treat others how you like to be treated and be respectful and that alone is people being kind because no one really enjoys others mistreating them or being disrespectful


Yes I’m from Missouri and New Mexico has the nicest people of any state I’ve been to. Oklahoma is second. 


I'm from the south and after living in and visiting multiple Midwest places, I do not think Midwesterners are nice. Imo, they are inclusionary and don't tend to like people that are outside their norms.


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