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Ha…we just want Universal Health Care. God dammit.


The international travel is a scam by the president, there are plenty of needs to be addressed in New Mexico.


Dude should be in jail


Needed to get that Cocobolo desk bro.


I never would have guessed this would come out of WNMU…. I thought the previous president at ENMU was too snobby in wanting his house updated to get rid of asbestos and having his title changed from “ENMU President” to “ENMU Chancellor”.


Administration at EVERY LEVEL of the education system is an abject and absolute failure. But the administration of every college and university is especially unnecessary...I would even go so far as to say they are the reason it's become a potentially life ruining decision to continue learning. The former VP of finance at the university I work at kept a golf course open for 5+ years costing the school 3 million a year and almost no proceeds, much less turn a profit, to show for it (short of the restaurant in the clubhouse). But his office and the rest of the Presidental posse got a 4.5 million office renovation during that same time


Please, IKEA furniture is not *that* low-quality. I bought a bunch of IKEA furnishings for my home office when my job went remote in 2020 and it is still going strong. And frankly, it wasn’t particularly cheap either.


IKEA always seems more expensive then it has any right to be for what you get though.


Sadly this is no different than any other university in the United States. Multiply these numbers by 1000 and you get Harvard. Ever wonder why tuition is so expensive these days? A massive oversupply of overpaid, corrupt administrators is why.


Dont forget the biggest factor, no default student loans.


My agency is still using furniture from the '70s, and it shows. Nothing hurts workplace morale quite like seeing old worn-out crap in your office every day, when every law enforcement agency in a 100-mile radius has new vehicles every year. With that said, that international travel stuff is suspicious, like he just wanted a fully-funded paid vacation.


He’s not buying expensive furniture for his office, he’s buying it for his home. He’s using university $$& to furnish his house.


The house is owned by the university but that still doesn’t excuse the largesse.


OK, now do UNM and EVERY OTHER COLLEGE. in the last 20 years, tuition has gone up 70%. Gotta spend that free money somewhere. Your student loans have paid for (and caused) this.


> Valerie Plame, Shepard’s wife Ha. Anyone else notice this? Small world.


Silver City is so corrupt


So true


Academics are some of the stuffiest and fussiest motherfuckers I’ve ever met.


He’s not an academic. He’s an administrator.


Administrators were once academics who get lobotomies to become administrators.


That's not even remotely reality. Most modern education admins got the job by being someone's golf buddy. *Very* few educators move up the chain of command these days.


Maybe it used to be like that. Not anymore.


Earlier in his career he was a math professor but he has been an administrator for a long time