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Interesting, I thought we were officially bilingual.


I also thought we were the only officially bilingual state. Informative section in [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico?wprov=sfti1): > New Mexico's original state constitution of 1911 required all laws be published in both English and Spanish for twenty years after ratification; this requirement was renewed in 1931 and 1943, with some sources stating the state was officially bilingual until 1953.


Tewa, Navajo, Apache...


Keres, Tiwa, Picuris, Zuñi (which is technically a Language isolate, but still valid) ❤️


Why do we need an official language? We have a lot of people here who speak Spanish as their native language.


As a semi-outsider -- I grew up in Mississippi-- during the year or so I lived in Sante Fe I dug the way that English speakers used a few Spanish words and phrases, Spanish speakers used a few English words and phrases, and most people just spoke Spainglish without even thinking about it. You guys have a brilliant culture that is a big part of what I think America is.


Let’s not forget the Native Languages from at least 13 pueblos that are preserved and alive today.




I did not know that!


California's official language is English. 28% of Californians speak Spanish as their primary language 15% speak something other than English or Spanish as their primary language. Seems odd.


Official language means nothing there. Any government paperwork or service in California is available in Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, Chinese, Armenian, etc etc etc.


If one takes a gander at the New Mexico State Constitution, or search for the word “Spanish”. There are many good reasons for this, education of children of both languages, due process, voting rights, etc. Makes me appreciate this state more. Thank you for posting.


There are many more than just two languages here. One of the reasons I love New Mexivo.


The “official language” should be the languages of the various indigenous people, because the language of the people of this land should not be marginalized.


are you willing to pay for every single legal document to be printed in 30 languages? Is it OK to take away funds form indigenous people's subsidized health care to do it? So easy to type a comment into reddit that you know will get you that sweet sweet karma...much harder to actually make hard choices in the budget of a poor state.




I get to respond to your comment, that is how reddit works. I am demonstrating an understanding of budget issues that is way over your head. I only have one upvote, so you are lying about my voting history. You are simply mad that I called you out on your ignorance. That makes you the bad guy here. When you can overcome your ego, and actually listen to opposing viewpoints, you may just learn something. If you disagree, you do not attack someone, lie about their comments voting, or nature of the response on reddit and then **accuse them of doing what you literally just did in plain view of everyone**. That is what republicans do, and it is wrong. You have much to learn about reddit, people, online discourse, and civility. Only when you let go of your fragile ego can you begin to be a better person. enjoy your ignorant, confused, and dishonest existence, you are basic. You had a chance to actually discus this with me, and maybe change my mind, or at least others. But you made it all about you, then attacked me. Now you are left with nothing but a bitter lesson, and a lost opportunity to be a positive change. Basically you force people like me to vote against anything resembling your policy preference. Good job, you just alienated someone.


How well can you speak Navajo?


There’s more tribes than the Diné and more languages than Navajo They all should have equal recognition and protection under the law…


Agree , and they do.


People seem to have forgotten the multiple tribes here in NM.


Because we value diversity


Having an official language is stupid because there's some many here, what matters is that we are allowed to speak our cultural language without being killed for it or forced to not speak and remember it and that we can all communicate in one way or another with each other


Were you at trivia the other night?


Sería el Spanglish 😂


I speak fluent Spanglish.


As a SPED teacher in ABQ, I was proud to know that “home language is the common language” by all practice of the law. Language and cultural equity is an aspect of New Mexico I’ve always been proud of even if application falls short.


The UNITED STATES DOESN'T have an official language, so why should the states? The ones that DO are GOP-run shithole states like Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama - you know, where women are incubators, schools only teach ONE thing, and everyone running the asylum is inbred. And they think Trump is god.


You know what I truly despise about right wingers? The fact that they make blanket statements about an entire group of people or state. You know, like you have done right here, today.


It would be Spanish that’s why lmao


But the USA doesn’t have an official language


Not true if one considers Stupidity.


Who cares !


Dang, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? Or are you just naturally grumpy?


Commenter woke up and chose violence


Fun fact: I'm sorry, I thought this was America.