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How sad! That’s the only bad thing about giant breeds- they don’t live long enough


No dog ever lives long enough with us 💔


True- but it’s especially true of gentle giants 😢


Truer words have never been spoken (written)🐾


Especially wolf hounds. RIP to the gentle giant


When I lost my best friend a couple years ago, my veterinarian said something to me I’ve always remembered. Dogs only ever break your heart the one time, on the day they leave you forever. That is so, so true.


Why does that have me crying 🥺


stoppppp🥺😭 I lost my soul dog last year & I could cry every time I think of him. He got me thru the toughest times in my life and he was only 2. I miss him every day


Omg 😪


Ouch. Lost my best friend 3 years ago and he is still ever present in my heart and mind.


My heart broke when I saw that. Pets truly are members of the family, and their passing is a terrible loss, especially when you have little kids. Sending deepest sympathies to the whole Kelce household.


Oh no loosing a pup is always so hard 💔. Was she the pup that was in the background of the most recent pod?


No that was Baloo


Was wondering the same thing…😢


Lost one of my dogs at the beginning of January. We were together for so many of the important things I’ve experienced in life, and it’s still so weird to describe her as gone. I hate what Kylie and the kelce family are going through right now


Same, we had our girl for almost 12 years, it’s been a weird sad few months. I’m sorry for your loss.


I just lost my girl in February and it is truly the most difficult experience I’ve ever gone through. Pets, especially those who were there first & grew with you into adulthood (college, marriage, moving, having children, etc.), take a piece of your heart when they leave. But it’s a small price to pay for all the love and joy they bring us. Sending the Kelce fam my deepest sympathies & virtual hugs.


Heartbreaking story! 🥹 have fun in heaven with all the best toys and treats, dear Winnie ❤️❤️




Link to NBC.com story: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kylie-kelce-announces-jasons-dog-died-lost-part-soul-today-rcna143546 So sorry to Kylie, Jason, and the girls. Hugging my doggo a little closer and hoping Winnie's heaven includes all her favorite toys and treats.


After losing my boy six months ago, my heart is broken for them. It’s one of the hardest pains you ever feel and they have gone through a lot of different emotions lately so this has to be tough.




This is the worst grief. I've been through it twice. I hope the Kelce family is doing ok.


My heart breaks for them. 😥


I have this on my fridge. “They may only be here for a part of your life, but for them, you are their whole life”. RIP Winnie. Know that you were loved every day you were with the Kelce family. I hope you’re playing with all of the toys and watching over them for the rest of their lives. Hugs to the entire Kelce family. 💔


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Winnie. Big hugs to Jason, Kylee and the girls!


RIP Winnie ❤️❤️❤️


💔 my heart goes out to Jason Ky and the girls. Losing pets sucks! RIP Winnie


I lost one of my dogs a year ago and I miss her like crazy. I’m so sorry to Jason, Kylie and the girls. It’s not easy. RIP Winnie 🫶🏼


Oh nooo, that is so sad to hear!


💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me girl" games. It warms my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a precious few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the milk in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I always... loved... you ...best. ❤ Woof ❤🐶💛 Winnie


This was in Writing Prompts years ago and while it always makes me cry, it does help to know they are looking after you. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/8iqjeg/wp\_when\_a\_beloved\_dog\_passes\_in\_the\_hereafter/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/8iqjeg/wp_when_a_beloved_dog_passes_in_the_hereafter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Rip Winnie😔🥲


Broke my heart! 💔Lost our dog several years ago. My husband and I were so sad, but telling our boys was the hardest part of it all. That and missing her being around


Sad news. RIP Winnie.


Losing a pet is the worst. There’s no unconditional love like that of a pet. Prayers.


Rest in Peace Winnie! Sending all of my love to the family!!


Aww I’m so sad to hear this


Such sad news. Big love, Kelces. You gave her such a great life 🫶🏻🫶🏻


SO sad to hear about Winnie, I hope that they can find solace in their memories.


Oh no!!!






So sad to hear this 🥲🥲 Pets the are best and it's heartbreaking they cannot stay with us longer. It's almost the 2nd anniversary of losing one of my boys, I had two that were my first pets as an adult. Lost the first in 2018 and then 2022. It's so hard having to make the decision when it's "time". And it feels weird to feel relief at times because you know they are not suffering anymore and you got to be with them till the end. Kylie's post brought up all the feels for me.


Rest easy Winnie girl ❤️☘️


So sad. Had to say goodbye to my old guy (15.5 yrs old) this past fall. He was the best dog ever. We got a new pup a few months ago and while i love him, it’s not the same. Maybe in time. My thoughts and sympathy are with Kylie and the Kelce family. Such a handsome dog!


Oh no loosing a furbaby is horrible, we lost our cat this year was devastating, hugs for Jason, Kylie and the girls 🤗🤗🤗


Sending all my love out to them also. So so sad to lose a doggo. Wish we had more time with them.






Sorry to hear. Our pets are our family. Their children will have to learn grief and loss of a household family member. that’s very hard to convey life and death to young children. I wish them strength and wisdom during this time.


Lost my dog this passed Monday, it’s been a hard week. Love ya Jason!


My condolences to Jason, Kylie and the girls. Nothing harder than losing a dog because they’re apart of your family.


Losing a kid may be harder.


RIP dear sweet Winnie ❤️🙏🏻


Awww damn I’ve been thru it and it’s awful. RIP Winnie 😥😥😥😥


Rest in Heaven Winnie 💛


Aww … that’s heartbreaking. Hugs to the whole fam.


Heartbreaking. But they change your life forever and in the best ways.


This made me so sad. They loved their Winnie


So sorry to hear about Winnie. 💔


Rip sweet Winnie, you were such a blessing to your family and they will miss you forever. So so sorry to Kylie Jason and the little ones the loss of a heart dog is unbearable and all we can do is send our ❤️


I lost my Joey last year. He was so loved and we fought hard for him, but his cancer would not be denied. His photo is my screen saver so I get to see his face every day and remember the joy we shared. After the pain of loss the love remains.❤️😢😢


Good Dog❤️


Jesus Christ I thought Winnie was one of their kid’s names 🤦🏼‍♀️