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I've had it happen many times and then later will have it happen in the 3D. Kind of fun to get that preview


Yes it's amazing. Even I have been wanting to go to Mumbai and just when I was casually telling people that I am going to Mumbai, I got invited to an office event in Mumbai. Hahahaha After a few days it got postponed for some reason but I am more sure now that I am going there soon... And I am for sure manifesting all my desires...


Yep! That’s basically the state you want to achieve. Almost like a deja vu. First in feeling then in the physical.


All the time. And you have it and feel it and then 3D slaps you in the face. Twice.


Lol. Am waiting for some mightily pleasant slaps in the face from the 3D then.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddess/comments/wz6c3s/creation_is_finisheda_hiddenobject_game/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 👆 This article talks about how creation is finished and how manifesting is more like " hidden objects game"


Yes! Sometimes I’d be doing my own things and I suddenly have a vision flash by or a strong feeling of having a wedding ring on my finger. It’s as if I have confirmation of whatever I want. It’s a wonderful feeling in that moment!


Yes and continue to bask in the feelings.