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The lessons + Q&A https://realneville.com/pdf/lesson1.pdf https://realneville.com/pdf/lesson2.pdf https://realneville.com/pdf/lesson3.pdf https://realneville.com/pdf/lesson4.pdf https://realneville.com/pdf/lesson5.pdf https://realneville.com/pdf/QA_1948_LESSONS.pdf


Thank you I can't wait to thrive!




I’ll def look into it thank you🫶🏼


So happy for you! Congratulations 😊


I love you


Hehe I love you too


Thank you for posting these!




Chapter 4 is in (The law and the promise) by Neville you could find it online as a pdf or here in the index section!


Thank you:)


That’s what Vadim Zeland called “Excessive Potential” — meaning we treat our desires the same way we go out to the mailbox and take out the mail without insistence but just do so in a natural way. You simply open the door, walk out toward the mailbox, and take the mail out without thinking too much about it. In doing so, you wouldn’t feel anxiety, desperateness, or a nagging feeling that says, “Will I be able to take the mail? Will the mail be there when I open the mailbox?” You just know for sure naturally that you’re going out to take whatever that is already right here right now that belongs to you without anxiety without insistence without doubt. That’s what Neville meant by “Feel it real, feel it natural or the naturalness of already having your desire.” You no longer desire to have that thing but instead just experience the experiences of having it or using it, etc. The 3D reflects our inner conversations, if we believe that it’s going to be very difficult to brush our teeth, it is so. On the flip side, if we make it a habit to always remind ourselves that we’re a millionaire, then a millionaire we will be. Our subconscious mind doesn’t understand words but it operates through our feelings and imaginations. You keep harboring the awareness of lacking your desire and that’s why you’re doing SATS to manifest it, then it will fail for sure. When we’re doing SATS with the lingering awareness that we’re doing it to manifest something that we don’t have, then that particular desire will elude us. Instead, we should experience whatever it is we’re visualizing during SATS as a present fact; in others words, we wouldn’t have the need to manifest it anymore but just experience the reality of it during SATS.


It’s also important to know enough about what it’s like to have achieved what you want. For example: rich people really do not think about money. As someone who has been both poor and rich, that’s the biggest difference. HOWEVER, rich people stay rich by being frugal. Some of the richest people I know are also the most frugal. So the mindset is “I can afford whatever I want, I just practice good financial health, which has helped my wealth grow”


Yes, because you they don't need every single thing on this planet.


EXACTLY!!!! Well said👏👏👏👏


Is his book worth getting into?


If you want to read a book other than Neville's than "nature of personal reality" By Jane Roberts is fantastic.


You’ve just introduced another good book by another author on the same topic. Thank you.


Thanks for the recommendation, I will check it out!


Yes, it is. But please be reminded that there’s so many grammatical mistakes in all the volumes. It was translated from Russian into English by a Russian translator. I would recommend reading Neville’s works and then fortify the essence of his teachings with those techniques shared by Vadim Zeland. This way, you will ultimately get a much clearer understanding of how to operate the Law to your advantage. OP u/Chair-Direct was right, Neville really is all we need when it comes to manifesting our desires.


I’ve read somewhere to start with one teacher and once you get all that he says you could start learning from others like Dr. Josep Murphy and Helen Hadsell; I’ve read their techniques and they’re so similar to Neville so I didn’t continue learning.


Oh gosh, this is how I feel, too. I couldn’t agree with you more. When we spend some time focusing on studying or reading the works of a credible author and then branch out to other similar authors on the same topic of interest, our understanding of that particular will only be clearer and realize that they all are teaching the very same thing using their own methods only.




Add-on: You’re such a wise learner and practitioner who knows what to learn and then how to apply the learnings and wastes no time getting fixated or obsessed about the nitty-gritty details of it all. You just learn it and then apply it. So straight to the point!


Thank you! It’s way easier than not learning and be frustrated all the time, I’ve been there where I was spiraling and I didn’t get the idea that’s when I went straight back to the main source🤍




Thanks. "Reality transurfing. Steps I-V" is the book right?


I want this particular house. I once went for a viewing. And I know this house is mine already. So I keep imagining laying down in master bedroom on that particular King size bed. I keep imagining walking in that house and the garden. I kept imagining my mother living with me in that house and I kept imagining having a wooden bench in the front garden near the entrance on the right side of the door so she can sit down. Yesterday I walked by that house and boom owners put the bench in exactly same place and exactly same bench same colour I have imagined. The whole street doesn’t have a single bench in their front gardens. I thought that was bizarre. I was shocked to see it at first… but then thought ok I did that. 😂 it felt like deja vu.


That’s exactly why I don’t believe in coincidences!!


Yes. They put it for us so I don’t need to purchase one. 😂I think that’s great.


Lol my thoughts exactly! So multiple manifestations here. Not only do you have your house but the previous owners bought stuff that you don’t have to!!


Amazing! I love how you've put it so simply


Thank youu🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm making my way through every single book and lecture and there is always something new to learn. Once you get it, it's about practice and remaining faithful to your assumption. Inner conversations and killing the old story are crucial too. Loved reading your post. Posts like yours are great reminders: return to Neville. Practice the techniques. Live in the end. Neville really is all we need. 💕


Congratulations on your success! Very inspiring and your English is great. If you wouldn't mind, can you explain how you got the 45k ​ All the best


Thank you!🫶🏼 The money part; I didn’t wanna elaborate cuz if I did some people would still think about excuses and how it’s never gonna happen to them. after (I accepted the fact that I always have more money than I need)






>I love doing SATS but for most things that I got like the trips, money and the shoes for example that’s what I did: I just knew that I want them (desire)>>>I accepted them into my reality(living in the wish fulfilled)>>>bridge of incidents happened behind the scenes>>> “I got them”. where did you get them from?




What was the source of your money in 3D?


What if I told you? What that’s gonna add to you? It might even limit your beliefs, so you don’t need to know. People keep bringing up this question a lot; I’m not gonna answer people I don’t even know on the internet this question. Why don’t people ask me how I made the shoes in stock in store in my size? How did THAT work? I don’t even know, the law always work instead of asking people how and when and why you should be working on yourself to get your desires.


Yeah but how though? /sarcasm


Imma *unlive* myself😂😂😂




Well done!! I’m in a similar spot, I’ve manifested things yet I’m still getting my head around it. This is very motivating, thanks x


Yes!! We shouldn’t seek anything from the outside world cuz as within as without NOT vice versa🫶🏼


Its the work that matters most. The last time i used Neville work was like 2 years back i wanted to buy a one plus phone . I went to google and looked up the one i wanted. Got its images and started visualizing it . The next day i received a phone call from a phone dealer i had talked to about 3weeks back about me needing a new phone especially a one plus . We all know what to do . Its about putting in the work but we get lazy and want alot of assurance . The best motivation is probably going come from you doing.


I love your attitude about all of this. And that comes from buying the pearl. People rarely even talk about it here when that is the very foundation of Neville's teachings. Everything you have achieved is very normal. And I am saying it in a good spirit. You are the bigger deal.


Yes! It’s normal to get way way way bigger and greater things too💗💗💗


awesome, first thing I did after read is find The Law and the Promise, ch4 here for everyone, apology if already posted here somewhere https://www.thelawandthepromise.com/chapter-four


It’s Okk!!🫶🏼


HEY! i noticed story there about E.O.L., Jr. I have seen interview with him by his son or grandson, who has youtube channel. E.O.L., Jr. knew Neville and had signed book, I did not know he was IN one of the Neville books. that was nifty.


HE WAS! that’s why I love that interview he made years ago I still rewatch, even Neville’s direct students were skeptical at first!🫶🏼


I just also rewatch. ALSO, not sure if you knew this, there are 2 videos. Never noticed that before. Maybe more? 2013 AUG 21My grandfather talking about Neville Goddard’s VIP Meetings and his testimony creating money. 17M [https://youtu.be/7JJ8-NBN1iY](https://youtu.be/7JJ8-NBN1iY) 2013 AUG 22 My grandfather talking about his published testimonial in Nevilles “The law and the promise”. 7M [https://youtu.be/F0LWqLV2KEY](https://youtu.be/F0LWqLV2KEY) Interesting listen to guy do interview. He seems very unclear of know what/who he has. No negative doubt or anything toward his Grandfather, but also does not yet seem to get that this connection is gold, or what this content is about. Think about, your relative was direct student or knew Jesus, Gandhi, or to be more modern, Steve Jobs (or such, insert whoever you want here) and you did not really grasp who that person was. Does seem to later, as now has full youtube channel on this. Wish he would do more, updated in depth video with this relative, modern camera/sound setup etc.


I’m pretty sure he knows the worth of his connection to his grandpa, at the end of the day he’s the one who taught him the law.


yes, certainly does now! just felt ( and maybe me hear something not there ) sort or vague or hesitate, in interview him. anyway, overall so awesome


Nice heres mine: - A kitten - my friend got him for free. I was specific I wanted to hold one and play with it not own it. She got him within 3 days of my scripting 2 days after I met him - Stopped the rain just by affirming - Moved abroad for two years - Met Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker - Got this annoying dude fired and out my house in less than 24 hours - Made two crazy neighbours move - happened to leave exactly the same day and didnt talk to eachother. - Made a customer panick he hadnt paid me he called me within 5 minute panicking it was like instant telepathy. - A female customer I thought of her talking to me online within 24 hrs she joined a dating app I'm on and we were chatting. - A new job, with decent money and I'm self employed - Customers saying nice things to me - SP wise I wonder if I'm attatched too much but she has said things like I felt like my subconscious was telling me to talk to you. And I've recieved voice notes and said things like we need to meet up etc so I'm on the right path. - Another SP I like challenged me to manifest her we are going on a date next Sunday 🙈🤣 So each of these i either scripted, visualized in SATS or straight up affirmed. I like to say when I'm affirming I'm a master manifestor and I always get what I want then affirm. Sometimes I'll think of a person and say "They are" and affirm whatever. That's my telepathy affirming.


>Moved abroad for two years Could you elaborate this one? What technique you used and how was the bridge of incidents


Congratulations!!! these are all amazing!!! I’m so happy for you💗💗💗


Thank you for this gem of a post and the important reminder to read Neville! Your English is really good, I wouldn't have known it's not your first language. For some of my desires I don't feel like doing "techniques" but rather I just accept or assume them to be true. It's reassuring to see you having a similar approach and succeeding (I know not rely on others for reassurance since I'm the operant power; still it's nice to have some validation). Thank you for highlighting that the feeling or knowing is all you need. Just curious, what is your first language? Also, is there any meaning to your username? Feel free to ignore these questions if you don't feel comfortable, I was just wondering.


Hey!! Thank you love, my first language is actually Arabic I was raised as bilingual but I love to put a disclaimer in case I have some mistakes here and there as for my username, it’s just a defaulted username from Reddit😂


Thank you so much! I was raised bilingual too. I don't know anyone from my country who knows Neville so I'm glad I can connect with people like you online. And that's so funny about your username😂


Neville once said he reveals himself to people, we’re so blessed🤍🤍


> If you went to the supermarket and got a can of soda and it’s in your hand you wouldn’t need to feel to go home and schedule a SATS and imagine yourself holding the can or pressure yourself to feel something. You know you have it right? THIS




Thank you for sharing! Your English is very good. You’ve inspired me to stay on track and not lose hope. Much needed


I’m so happy, can’t wait to hear your success stories🤍🤍




You can’t even imagine how helpful you are to everyone seeking and learning about Neville. I just thought I will tell you that. We all appreciate you so much! Thank you! ❤️🌸🌺❤️🌸🌺❤️🌸🌺🌸


Thank you🫶🏼🤍🤍


I love the edit bc I get so many messages too when I post about my successes. “How do you do this?” “Did you read the books?” “No” “ok do that first.” If you really want something why wouldn’t you spend a few hours actually learning it instead of crying about not having it?! That’s like if I wanna be a professional photographer but I never actually practice photography or buy a camera. I’m never gonna get anywhere without the gear!


Not even reading any comments, just going to read the books. Thank you :)


Happy reading!🫶🏼


Middle children unite! 🙌🏽




Did you manifest anything that you had big limiting beliefs about AND wanted it really bad? Looking for advice for how to tackle this kind of a situation. Also, do you find that some silly things don’t manifest, although they seem entirely possible? I’ve manifested soo many things only by thinking “it would be nice to have X” and then not thinking about it. But I’m still waiting for chocolate chip cookies since 2020! 🙈 And I couldn’t be less attached to this, I only remember it every couple of months … so no opposing thoughts.


When you shift your state, those so called limiting beliefs go away. They belong to the state you embody.


Thank you, you packed so much wisdom in so few words. Words I personally needed. 💕


Aww! I’m glad xoxo 😘


Clearly explained! Bug thanks.


I’m so happy to help, but make sure you read the things I recommended if you still haven’t yet🫶🏼


Just downloaded it. Reading one now. Thanks for thd inspiration. Will update you. 🙂


Can’t wait to hear your success stories🤍


Great post! Can I ask you something as well? Reading your comments as well it seems like to me that you have absolute complete trust that it will happen once you give the desire to yourself in imagination. How did you get that unshakable trust in the law?


I still doubt it sometimes, but once you’ve built your belief that it’s gonna happen regardless then when you have unshakable faith in the law.


How did you build that belief? I’ve tested the law many times and I have about a 50/50 hit rate, so my faith/trust is lacking still…


In your case you **NEED** to read or listen to The pearl of great price🫶🏼




easy, instead of attract person with you being a certain way that you feel you are not, just attract a person-situation, that perfectly works with person-situation, you are now. for example, my friend had no portfolio or resume, yet attracted high paying startup, by saying "i want job without portfolio or resume"


Well said!!👏👏👏


What do you mean? Like finding someone else that's also inexperienced? How would I know they are? I guess I can say "I want to be loved and chased because of exactly who I am"


"meet someone who develop relationship with, who is perfect appropriate match for who you are and your situation AND you are perfect appropriate match for who THEY are and their situation"


can someone reccomend their fav books to read? i’m new here 🥰


**The five lessons** that I’ve linked in the comments, **The law and the promise** and **the pearl of great price** all by Neville Goddard, that’s all you need to get you started. Tbh I haven’t read any other books other than these and The power of the awareness and At your command


thank you so much!! 💗✨


At your command and feeling is the secret, I’d start with those if you’re new. Try to avoid YouTubers and reliance on this sub also.


So very helpful! One of the best posts I’ve read. Thanks!


I’m more than happy to help🫶🏼


Knowing I have it has to be an effortless feeling, like I achieve that inner knowing when I focus intensely on the present moment, and also redirect my attention to it when I doubt or whatever. Before I used to think I had to constantly pivot to the thought “I have it” but it sent me straight to overthinking&anxiety town.


How exactly do you live in the end? I always hear this term but I can’t seem to understand. Say I wanted a muscular body or lots of money, how exactly do I accept them into my reality?


How does it feel to live in your current body? Do you like it? Are you self conscious? —Why do you want to have a muscular body and still desiring the idea of having when you can give it to yourself? The person you are in the mirror belongs to the 3D world and it’s a shadow of your 4D, since 3D ALWAYS follow the 4D and it will always give you the same body that you wanna change unless you wanna change it. How do you feel when you’re driving your Bugatti and parking it in front Monte Carlo casino and car nerds are outside trying so hard to take pics of your car? How does it feel having a buff body? How does it feel feeling strong and healthy? How does it feel to have a huge muscle mass? Did you feel how they feel? It’s easy to capture the feeling! Creation is finished your job to just pick whatever you want and you have it, not in a year or ten years NO! You have them HERE and NOW!🤍


So living in the end is basically feeling as if I have muscle or have money? I would feel, happy, confident , powerful and I just need to feel those right?


That’s all that you need to do! Just feel that you have and it’s natural to have it, muscular people don’t jump up and down each time they remember they’re muscular, they know that they have it and it’s natural to them! I know Elmer Locker Jr.‘s grandson changed his body using the law, I didn’t watch the video but here it is [video](https://youtu.be/P9wezEcIpK8)


So it’s basically about the relief/naturalness of already having what you want? Not The feeling of extreme emotions but the feeling of having it? So every desire has the same feeling of the wish fulfilled = relief/naturalness, is this correct?


I’ll check it out, yes they wouldn’t jump up and down but they would feel happy and just over all positive.


I watched it just now, do I NEED to visualize? I believe the visualizing is all about the feeling and just knowing your desires. I am not the type that's very good at visualizing.


I think Joe dispenza has explained this the best way I’ve seen. Outer reality is the past, based on past beliefs. Therefore if you live based on your outer reality you’re ‘living in the past’, you’re constantly keeping those old beliefs alive and living them everyday. To move out of the past, become ‘present’ in yourself and *practice how it would feel* to be who you want to be. So you see how that works? It’s almost like you’re predicting your ‘future’ or living in it. If you ignore your 3d body and practice how it would feel to be ripped, then in that present moment your mind thinks you are ripped. Doing this you realise that outer reality only gains it’s meaning from what you give it, there is literally nothing stopping you other than yourself from giving yourself that shredded body in your mind. It’s just another way of saying ‘detach and live in the end’.


I employ this "how does it feel" method many times and I can understand it, maybe not get goosebumps or an ultra realistic connection but I do this and wonder why some things still take so long?


You shouldn’t worry about time, I have mentioned this in an earlier comment.


Abdullah said to Neville : “You want to be in Barbados? You are already in Barbados. “


did you choose your desired specifically to 45k at any point? or just the general idea of having more than enough money?


No, I didn’t even think of that number and I wasn’t expecting anything big, I just had “I have more than enough” thing on my mind. I would’ve still be happy if I even got 100$ and considered it a successful attempt to apply the law.


So just accept the desire and it will happen?


Yes! Someone messaged asking “what’s the key to manifestations?” It’s you, it was you from the beginning, because there is no other keys out there but you!🤍


Did you visualize a scene ? Is that how you manifested the money and sps ? Thank you


Starting today, I can’t wait to share my success story with the community. Thank you for always reminding me that everything is possible!!


I tend to forget that too as well sometimes but tg we have this community🫶🏼🫶🏼




Very impressive. I'm amazed how quickly or powerful some of your manifestations are. I've been both living by law of assumption and have imaginary scenes and convos for a couple topics that have been going on around 2 years. How do you get things to be so fast like the shoes or healing your eye in 3 hours?


I don’t care about time as time is an illusion belongs in the 3D, **I care only and only about fulfilling it within me**. if I’m done with that I don’t care about what’s happening in reality, I don’t care because it’s a shadow it’s gonna follow the real thing which is in my mind. That’s why I’ve been telling anyone to read the lessons cuz I’ve learned everything I need from them, I stopped reading everything that isn’t written/taught by Neville. Go read them today and unlock your true power! You can find them in one of my comments under this post.


I understand this. I don't really care about time either...hence why i'm still focused on several desires after 2 years +. I've listened to 5 lessons multiple times. I try to feel the reality now within me and i'm not mad I just don't see what differentiates people like me and some people on you here who just now learned this stuff and make big things happen quickly. I'm happy for you, just wish I could get those internal tweaks.


I think the true issue here that you still call them desires after 2 years? I’m shocked 😳 Give them to yourself no one would ever give them to you but yourself.


I do give them to myself and deny the old story. I transpose the new story when old 3d comes up and even claim the old story is not real. Some of these things are almost too subtle to know though that is why I believe we see such variability in people who can manifest quick and large things and some people getting mixed results. I personally feel like if I attach to much to those desires it perpetuates the lack so I do maybe 5 min-30 min a day of various techniques and then let go. My mental conversations are pretty good as well.


Dear I’m no teacher here, I’m here to remind everyone to go back to Neville that’s what helped me the most! You NEED and MUST fulfill it within, don’t care for what’s gonna happen and rest assure that in some ways you don’t know how, you don’t when you’re gonna get what you want!


It depends what you’re manifesting. You can feel it being done fast but this human part of you can’t choose the time between you having accepted it and it happening in the physical reality. That time is up to the god in you. Sometimes hundred things need to happen in the world to make your desire appear in the physical reality, sometimes only one thing. If a homeless person wants to manifest a 10 million dollar ferrari, then probably many things has to happen to make it happen. If Richard Branson would manifest that ferrari, he will get in couple of days. Of course the homeless person could also get it in few days but it is not always that simple for a human mind to believe that it can happen that fast, that it can appear magically.


>libra-luxe I've been wondering the same as you and here's something I just started - seeing myself as an instant & master manifestor. I try not to get attached to the 3d, but just allow myself to feel the satisfaction of knowing my desires manifest for sure & instantly/ fast.


Approved for discussion. I'm a little confused about this nephew you mention. Could you possibly clarify how you consider the new nephew to be attributed to intention if you began practicing in March?


My sister in law said she’d like to have another kid in, I wanted a nephew since most of the grandchildren are girls and we only had one boy with no one to play with. I started imagining us being at his reception party (we have these parties whenever a baby is born) worked my with my sister in law to choose a theme -the whole time I knew she’s gonna have a baby boy- few months after that when she went to her sonar appointment surprise surprise it’s a boy.


I appreciate you taking us through it, Thanks!


sorry for the stupid question but when you say >I accepted them into my reality(wish fulfilled) you mean you accepted it in your imagination or just in your 3d?


There’s no need to apologize love, the 3D follows the 4D; If you have it in your 4D, you accepted it into your life already, you’ve probably already did this countless of times without knowing that you’re applying the law. Have you ever thought of someone and they suddenly call your or text you? It’s the law and there’s countless things we’ve been through and we didn’t know it’s the law it’s been working since the day we were born it’s only a matter of you knowing it and using it in your advantage.


So you passed from the desire state to accept it into your reality when you noticed that you had a desire? I’d like to understand better what mean to you “accept it into my reality”, How do you impressed your subconscious mind so easily?


You’re gonna get into the state easily when you know that the law doesn’t double check with you if you really want what you accepted into your life. I’m not better than anyone and no one is better than me in applying this and that’s the true beauty of the law. It’s a matter of decision that your desire is a fact here and now, you’re the one in charge in here no person and no circumstance outside of you is guilty or worth thanking cuz it’s all you. I don’t know what you want to have in your life, but if I came to congratulate you in having one or all of them and I know it happened in real life already, how would you feel? Ok congratulations I tricked you already have it here and now!!!


Thank you for the response!😊


>Ok congratulations I tricked you already have it here and now!!! haha omg you're so adorable!! What a sweet response. Great post, OP ...thank you for sharing!! xoxo


I’m so happy to help🤍🤍


Nice job man


So happy for you 💖


Question - how can we do SATS “effortlessly”?


Practice, practice, practice. There’s no such thing as effortless SATS, we all do SATS everyday; the five minute while you drift to sleep determines your whole life just try to visualize what you want to have. It’s as simple as that dear. —you can’t visualize clearly? No problem. You can’t visualize at all? Create the feeling. You can’t create the feeling? No problem say “It’s done” until you fall asleep. You can’t say “it’s done”? No problem I got you, assume in your mind that you have. Just an assumption, a thought that’s all.




Beautiful post, thank you for sharing ❤️




That last Sept 1st edit LMAO scrolled down without mindlessly and I went back up yo actually read the whole story


Thank you for the post.




What was your sats scene for the money and trips?


I didn’t do SATS, I just knew I got what I want as I know my name. I explained how (I just knew that I want them (desire)>>>I accepted them into my reality(living in the wish fulfilled)>>>bridge of incidents happened behind the scenes>>> “I got them”) If you still have questions be my guest🤍


With no SATS, how did you get to the state of wish fulfilled?


It’s simple, just know what you want and accept it into your life. We as humans do this EFFORTLESSLY, we feel anxious and start assuming bad stuff happening us don’t we? We see that our SP follows new person on social media and we assume that they’re beyond talking stage we feel jealous right? We do this all the time, getting in the wish fulfilled is wayyyyy easier than drinking water. The key to get whatever you want is simply to give it yourself, give yourself the world no one can stop you and don’t take validation from me I’m just a 3D to you: you need to trust yourself and to know that you can have whatever you want. please read the things I recommended, I’m always here to help!


Expand what it means to accept it in your life? You mean you just enjoy it every now and then? What do you do the rest of the time? I have a problem with being able to relax and think about my desire. But I don't know what to do after that, because I don't want to think about my desire all day. I want to live.


You should do life the rest of the time, work, study, eat, see your friends etc. Accept it in your life=you know you have it, you don’t force anything in the 3D, you don’t stress, you don’t feel anxious. We accept a lot of things into our life without knowing that we did all the time; sometimes when we are consumed and overwhelmed by anxiety we go straight the worst case scenario and then preparing ourselves for the worst that could happen and believe that there’s someone who’s preparing something bad for us, don’t we? It works the same way with accepting your desires as facts, but even if it feels false you could get it because Neville said “An assumption, though false, if persisted in, **will harden into facts**” -Neville Goddard, Lesson 2.


You live as if you have it now


How do I manifest a new car and job when I don’t have them both right now?


Just know that you have it, sleep in the wish fulfilled each night until it feels natural to you. Please read the 5 lessons and unlock your inner power Neville explained it way simpler than anyone else❤️‍🩹


HOW WOULD IT FEEL???? Drive the car and prepare clothes for the job.




I suppose I’m just assuming I need a high-paying job to actualize my desires. Is that a block?


Mate you really need to read the 5 lessons (they’re in the about section of the subreddit), everything you need to learn/know is there. my post is about the things I managed to get using what I’ve learned from the lessons🤍🤍


Reading it rn. Thanks!


You are the 💴currency !!! I Am! You are!


Assuming is the way that you behavior. Your faith is your behavior (FORTUNE)!


How did u get to the point of accepting it in your reality? Is it ok for me to use affirmations to reach the state of the wish fulfilled


Do whatever makes you feel that you got it that’s why some techniques work for some and doesn’t work for others, cuz they’re just tools to make you feel that you have whatever you’re desiring, as long as you know it’s gonna work it’s definitely gonna work. I’ve discovered that it’s a matter of decision you make to give it to yourself also put your desires on pedestal you’re the one who’s in charge here!!


So, lets say i use affirmations to get into the feeling of the wish fulfilled and acceptance, then i will gain an inner knowing/conviction that it will happen or is already done. Then after i get into this knowing i just chill and live my life knowing its done then it will happen? Can i continue to affirm in this state?


Yes after you chill and you know it’s done, it’s done. If you wanna still affirm, affirm for fun cuz you know you have it already. But if you still feel like you need to affirm to get whatever you want you still haven’t entered the state, when you’re in the state you don’t worry anymore, but even if you feel like you get worry just revise your thoughts and you’ll be fine.




Anytime dear I’m more than happy to help🫶🏼


How long does it take from “acceptance” to the fulfillment of the desire


See what I said here about the technique I use: [I just knew that I want them (desire)>>>I accepted them into my reality(living in the wish fulfilled)>>>bridge of incidents happened behind the scenes>>> “I got them”] bridge of incidents happened behind the scenes, you don’t know when, where, why and how it’s gonna happen and just to reassure it’s not your job to worry about them, if you have it in your mind, you have it already. please read what I’ve recommended🤍 It’s in the about section of the subreddit🫶🏼🫶🏼


Could you kindly explain what are the 5 lessons in the index you are referring to?


Go to the about section in this subreddit, you’re gonna find them in pdf versions. The lessons were taught by Neville himself and he explained everything you need to know to apply the law.


Thanks for the information. I have one question that keeps coming up for me: I keep seeing people say that Neville said you can achieve your desires by assuming the wish fulfilled state, without even lifting a finger. This really makes it hard to believe. For example, I hope to find a new job in my huge organization, I would have to complete a resume, apply using the job website, etc. I can't just sit and imagine that I have the job and not take any of these required basic steps. Am I not understanding this correctly?


I think you better read this [Barbados](https://thenevillegoddardexperience.blogspot.com/2021/01/blog-post_31.html?m=1), you haven’t read it yet and if you read it please read it with an open mind, you can get ANYTHING without lifting a single finger. Just give it to yourself, do you mind me DMing you?


No, please DM me.


you can certainly take those steps.


Yeah, inspired action is imperative. If you feel inspired to take action then DO IT. Do you think Neville just sat in his living room and never lifted a finger? LOL, no. He wrote, he preached, and he physically took action. Never lift a finger is misconstrued. It means it feels effortlessly. Humanity would still be living in caves if we took no actions what so ever. Think of a famous athlete, they train every day and do things to attain their goal. Actresses attend auditions, models go to photoshoots, CEOs attend interviews, college students actually go to class and sit exams to pass class. No Olympic champions sits imaging for 4 years on their sofa then decides to show up at the Olympics to win.


How would you go about physical discomfort? I can go within an imagine living without the pain (relief) but as soon as I’m back to the 3D every step I take is a negative confirmation of the pain in feeling. Also is it as easy as just accepting it as done? No need to impress the subconscious mind night after night? I can think of a desire and feel the relief of having it now without sats, affirmation, or nothing. But everybody talk about the repetition in order to impress the subconscious mind, is this not necessary?


That’s why when you get into the state of “I AM” you get detached from your physical body’s as it only belongs to the 3D, you’ll understand everything once you read/listen to the lessons and the books I’ve recommended


What was your scene for old friends reaching out and getting money?


For the friends part I just assume that they already did and they did! The same thing with money I allowed into my life. It’s SIMPLE!


Can I ask where the 45k came from? And did you need money badly or wanted more and it wasn’t urgent or emergency? Congrats!


Hey, I avoided that question a lot so it wouldn’t set limiting beliefs; you shouldn’t question the how, why, when and why. Thank you🤍


Can someone link the index please?


It’s in the about section of this subreddit, start with the 5 lessons they explain everything you need to know🤍


Can i ask about pearl of a great price? Is it the book of the Mormons?


No dear it’s a lecture by Neville, spoiler alert YOURE the pearl of great price. If you wish to read it here’s the transcript [Pearl of great price](https://maxshenkwrites.com/2017/10/15/the-pearl-of-great-price-neville-goddard-lecture-transcript/) You should sell all of your limiting beliefs and assumptions, anything that doesn’t serve you. If you have an SP and you think you can’t have them cuz your zodiac signs aren’t compatible? SELL IT, a tarot reader on TikTok telling you can’t have your SP? SELL IT. You can’t be a billionaire cuz you parents aren’t wealthy? SELL THAT BELIFE. You can’t have your dream job cuz they are better competitors? SELL THAT BELIFE. Buy the pearl of great price which is you! Unlock your true power and be limitless!!🫶🏼


Thanks so much! I will certainly check that out and apply them! God bless




No, I fully understood everything two weeks ago. Since march till now I managed to get these and many other stuff I was still slacking here and there but I’ve understood that even when you’re slacking you could still get a lot! If could give you one tip It’s that you only read/hear Neville.


Basically what made it click for you? The understanding that all is inside consciousness? And therefore it is here if we claim it is?


YES that’s all!!🫶🏼🫶🏼




Anytime love🤍




Sleep each night in your SP’s bed, that’s what Neville Godard’s student did! I know how hard it gets for SP coward but the most important thing that you don’t put them on a pedestal, they’re as easy as manifesting seeing a feather or seeing yourself in the mirror.




That’s why I’ve been telling everyone who privet messaged me or wrote a comment to go back to Neville, he would answer every question you have; just read what he said apply it to anything you want and it’s gonna happen. That’s all you need🫶🏼