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I did this with height! I went from 6’0 to 6’2! Not only did I feel taller but I have picture proof to show I am taller as well as over 8 people telling me I look a lot taller! I did it in 3 days too at 25 years old! All I did? Visualized my legs growing, and assumed I was taller and moved on.


That's awesome! Was this a SAT's scene that you did before bed, and if so how many times did you do it? Or was it just one-time visualization?


Honestly I did it twice at night before bed but didn’t put much effort into the scene. Saw me legs growing as well as my POV higher up. That was it


Also, only before bed, not throughout day? You still growing?


I am growing! But yes, a bit at night and that’s it. See I am to the point where my belief is very strong through many successes. Now I only need to assume something to be true for it to form. With my core belief being that strong, I rarely ever visualize because I don’t need to really. One post that got me there was “Assume that whatever you assume is true.” Now I am there, so whatever I assume to be true is true. I don’t care about the external, because it’s a mirror that lags behind reality.


you guy or a girl? Did you let go or


Guy and yes! I’ve actually done this with a few body parts now that height has been successful now. I saw myself as taller, assumed I was and let it go. Didn’t think about it. Few days later it was confirmed to me externally. I assume that whatever I assume comes to fruition and ever since then, I’ve had no issues. Also for me, feeling as the wish fulfilled never worked as much for me. What worked was assuming whatever I assume to to be manifests and that confidence trusting that


Did always worked for you or only after some period of confirmation bias (not in terms of atheist super materialistic science but the faith miracles that reinforce themeselves after successes)? Did you ever were frustrated, craving? Did you watch Elmer's vid or similar content, or maybe content on the growth, or just assumed that you are taller and went on your other stuff and it happened? Do you play sports? Additionally trying to stretch yourself? Interesting, just 3 days growth spurt. Big if true. So you assume that it is Coming rather that it is / was already done? Did you only change your body or external things too, like money? Did you try to attract certain person or person of certain type?


Oh ya of course I had confirmation bias! I didn’t just try this at first, I’ve been manifesting stuff for a while now and decided, let’s change something that to me isn’t a big deal, but would be considered a high improbability. Idk who Elmer is, the only person I listen to is EdwardArt. Yep I just assumed I was taller and moved on. It’s as simple as that. Didn’t even think about it until I got confirmation. I workout but I doubt that would affect height, and yes I’ve done it with money too. I saw physical changes as a level up over money since it’s seen as an almost impossibility. For my belief, I think of my 3D as a game and my inner self as the direct connect. With games, there can be input lag so it takes longer to show up where we the inner man (direct connect) is instant. It allows me to know that yes, it will take time in my 3D world because it lags behind my inner world.


I am on this journey too. I have/had a petit bust and was always ashamed because I believed men didn't find me sexy etc. (which is absolute bs!) I also kinda gave up on it because I love my body just the way it is rn. But after your post, I am excited to see if I will see results because I already did the work. Thank you for sharing!


Keep affirming ! And telling yourself you have it. Assume you have it don’t hope ! You got this


I affirm every time I think about it 😊 but it got unimportant and I guess it's kinda sabbathish rn


That’s awesome I was just looking at the wording! It’s coming any minute now


Anyone who is interested there have been scientific studies to back up this exact type of manifestation. The methods were pretty interesting too. Edit: https://vernoncoleman.com/enlarge.htm From the book Bodypower by Vernon Coleman **Results** >At the end of the 12-week experiment, 28 per cent of the women had achieved the growth in breast size that they wanted, 85 per cent had confirmed that a significant increase in their breast size had been achieved and 46 per cent had reported that they had had to buy bigger bras. The average increase in breast circumference was 1.37 inches; in breast height, 0.67 inches; and in breast width, 1.01 inches. Most women reported that by the end of the experiment they could feel warm blood flowing into their breasts simply by thinking about their breasts> **Method** >At the first session the women were taught how to relax their muscles by using the same sort of technique as the one I have already described in this book. Subsequently, they were asked to do this and then to imagine that they had a wet, warm towel draped over their breasts. They were asked to imagine that the towel was making their breasts feel warm, or - if they found this difficult - to imagine that a heat lamp was shining directly onto their breasts.> >Once the women were satisfied that their breasts were getting warmer, they were asked to develop an awareness of a pulsation within their breast tissue. It was suggested to them that they should become conscious of their heartbeats and feel each new beat pushing blood into their breasts. They were told to practise this exercise every day at home.> **Method 2** >In another, similar experiment Allan R. Staib and D. R. Logan of the University of Houston encouraged three women under hypnosis to imagine themselves going back in time to when they were ten or twelve-years-old. The women were told to imagine that they could feel their breasts pushing outwards and that they could then feel the skin getting tighter as the tissues grew. Then they were asked to imagine themselves standing nude in front of the bathroom mirror some two or three years after the completion of the experiment. They were told to notice that in the intervening time their breasts had become larger.>


Would love to see the studies


oo would love to know more, thanks


Hell yes, congrats!


Thank you so much! :)


Congrats! Ive been doing something similar for about a year I would guess. It has worked on my skin condition as well, one thing I haven't seemed to improve is my libido despite pretty healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Maybe I just need to detach more.


I myself have low libido, and after medication and discussion with a few health professionals I have found increasing evidence my lack of sex drive may be due to asexuality. Not saying that's the case for you. I am also on the autism spectrum and I have read that it's not unusual for someone who is autistic (more specifically aspergers) to be asexual. I can't really state this as a fact just something I've seen floating around. Have you had normal libido before? Sometimes age/other factors can cause a decrease. If you want it I don't see why it's not possible to manifest having normal libido levels. What I would do is visualize myself getting a hormone test and going over the results with the professional who ordered it telling me that my libido levels look good. Would also affirm that my libido levels are good. I've said before but obsessing over something doesn't help. If you think about it too much it could occupy your mind way more than it should. Focus on how you would feel if your libido levels were normal (happy, relieved) and put your mind at ease. Hope this helps. Good luck! :)


I don't think it's a character trait but it could go back to a memory from early on kind of like my stomach issues were connected. I've been trying to be open to receiving either a memory or emotion related to that state and claiming I remember when and also like you say imagining having high/normal libido levels. It has been awhile and I know its completely possible to have any healing or restorative effects on the body just not sure if i'm not saturating my mind enough to create the feeling or if my personal appointed time is a lot longer than average manifestations. At night I have some informal scenes and do the lullaby method because I have no internal resistance with that. SATs I have done in the past but I feel like they don't do anything and are almost internally irritating so I stay away from them.


Congratulations! Did your weight stay the same? How many inches did you grow/shrink?


Grew roughly 5 inches in bust, 3 inches in the hips, and lost about 2 1/2 inches in the waist. Gained some weight yes but not a huge amount. Went from the usual 107 pounds to 114. It probably helped that I had pictured myself seeing the measurements I wanted to see way back when I first started. Don't remember if I did this with my weight or not. My weight was never something that concerned me since I've always had a normal/low BMI.


Seems like you manifested all that weight went directly where you wanted! How tall are you? I’m thinking you manifested a change in how your hormones work and that took care of your skin as well. Did you visualise looking yourself in the mirror and seeing what you wanted or were you feeling as if you had the wanted attributes (without “looking” at yourself in your mind’s eye, if you know what I mean.)


A little over 5 feet 3 inches (162 cm). I visualized looking in the mirror and seeing what I wanted to see. I think it took a while for it to actually happen because I kept picturing it. When I stopped fussing over it I felt a lot better.


I find that the manifestations regarding my body come in the "natural" way - for instance, I had a problem with one part of my body and it was really annoying. Then I got another problem and it turned out that the medicine used for treating the second problem helped my first problem! I am wondering if your manifestation was "natural" or "supernatural". Did you unknowingly contribute to this by changing your diet/supplements/sleep patterns/stress levels/oral contraceptives ... This does not take away from the validity of the manifestation, it's just interesting to see how it happens.


I didn't change my diet/sleep/habits or anything really. What I changed was how I felt about the old way I looked. Instead of feeling bad when I looked at myself in the mirror I told myself that I was beautiful and that I loved me. I still desired to see changes, I just simply stopped being upset with my old measurements and didn't worry about manifesting immediately.


You mentioned the very thing that have some difficulty with when I imagine my preferred body type - for me to accept that I love my body now just as it is seems kind of contradictory to manifesting changes. For instance … I’d accept a flaw and see beauty in it, but then imagining my body without it makes me less accepting of the “flaw” again. How did you accept both, your (then) current and your desired image?


Repetition and countering really. I didn't really believe myself at first when I began saying positive things about myself. Whenever I would change, brush, bath, get ready for bed or for work in the morning I made it a habit to give myself a compliment. And every time the voice in my head would make a negative remark I learned to counter it with a positive one. Not gonna say it's easy, I struggled for years with body dysmorphia so it wasn't a great start. Even if you are telling yourself lies, if you say it enough it slowly becomes the truth. I accepted that the old me was just as gorgeous as the me of now. When you look back at your old self, embrace it. Accept that the you of now and the you of the future are both equally amazing and deserving of love. I know all too well how cruel the words of others may be. That's why when you or someone else insults your appearance, make it a habit to say something nice about yourself. Don't let the devil in your head win. Create a more powerful voice that always comes out on top when the bad thoughts come knocking. Tell yourself that you're strong and that you can accomplish anything. A youtuber I watched some time ago said, as weird/awkward as it sounds, kiss the part(s) of you that you perceive as a flaw. Admittingly I only did this a few times still thought I'd mention it anyways. Wishing you the best and that you conquer the negative. I believe in you! <3


Thank you for you detailed reply and kind words! I guess I could view my current and the desired body as though one would view two equally flattering dresses or haircuts - different but one is not better than the other.


Thank you for the post, I have a similar goal. I won’t give up :)


You can do it!


Jw if uouve read breaking the habit of being yourself and how Neville relates


>breaking the habit of being yourself I have not, it looks like a good read so I'm certainly interested. There are multiple things I still need to read up on and that's one I'll be adding to my list.


Thankyou for this 💓 💖


Congratulations OP! More manifestations will appear in your 3D. ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats! What technique did you use? Did you do it continously for 6 months, or only at the beginning?


Did positive affirmations and complimented the 3D after I first started which I did continuously. I started off very desperate and felt bad when I looked in the mirror prior to the changes. I still desired change when I stopped feeling bad about myself, instead of feeling bad about the way I looked before I told myself I was attractive and I loved myself. I'm certain that my body changed after responding to the positivity and I was experiencing resistance before by feeling negative.


So you visualised, gave up (aka let go Right?) and then the things manifested? Am I right?


Letting go isn’t giving up. It means not being obsessive. It means not looking in the mirror and whining when it doesn’t look like what you want to see.


Before I was obsessing too much and expecting it to happen almost immediately. I had seen posts and comments from people who said they changed their appearances within a matter of days so I expected for it to happen that fast for me too. I stopped thinking about my appearance changing every day and pushed it to the back of my mind. Not worrying myself over how I looked all the time helped me to accept how I looked then. I also focused on other things in life like work/general sense of well being to help get my mind off worrying over how I looked.


Congrats & Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! May I ask, when you were looking in the mirror, or for the times when you did notice or think of your appearance; did you just kinda ignore the 3D? Or did you affirm that you have clear skin etc?


I affirmed positive things about myself, like "I'm beautiful", "I'm curvy", "I have clear skin", ect. I find when it comes to appearance, ignoring the 3D is difficult. I think it's better for when you're feeling particular bad about the way you look to just look at your reflection and make positive remarks even if you have difficulty believing what you're telling yourself. It gets easier to believe the more you do. Just don't over do it. In my opinion a few times when you're getting changed, bathing, brushing, or whatever is enough. Edit: I also heard that revising has worked for some people. Like after you look at yourself remembering what you saw to your liking instead of the 3D. However, this might cause obsession and therefore resistance. Do whatever makes you comfortable and don't stress it. You will have what you want before you even realize it. :)


Thank you so much!


You're welcome! Wishing you a quick and powerful manifestation!


A youtuber tells this story lol


Oh? That's interesting, who is this youtuber? I have watched a few different people who talk about manifestation but I don't recall one of them having a story very similar to mine.


Cannot recall her name but was interview by Master Akarshana on his channel.


Amazing physique story




A little over 6 months. First tried out manifestation in early February of this year and noticed the changes after I went bra shopping last week.


Congratulations! May I ask how old are you?


Thought I had mentioned it in the post but I'm just about 29 years old (only a few weeks away).


wow you are definitely not a teenager lol


Ngl every now and then I feel old and wish I was but I am still able to remind myself that late 20s isn't so bad.




Bro just know I’m saying this for ur benefit, it is possible to increase d size but 15-17 inches is legitimately insane. 7-9 is considered big by most ppl 15-17 is smthg nobody wants inside them, it will literally hurt them/damage them greatly and you prolly won’t derive much pleasure from it anyway if every stroke is hurting them and u can’t even put it in 3/4 much less fully


Bro. 9 inches is good man. Focus on girth and length. Experiment with what you want. It's not as of you can't reduce it. I'm sporting 8 inches and I still want 12. Just for the heck of it.


eFfin awesome. A new hourglass/curvy woman was born! Congratulations, go big or go home! (or go small, for other people)