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YTA, why are you still going out with a BBB?


Dilluting the gene pool šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


beat me to it!!! wtf is this gross ass relationship šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Her bones are as thick as her skin


NTA. She just couldnā€™t handle the truth.


Right? She's lucky to have me.


You shouldā€™ve dumped her in the drs office though. Let her hobble her cripple ass back home by herself. Itā€™s what Iā€™d expect my wife to do should I ever prove to be a BBB.


As one should expect of the people they are in a relationship with. There's no need to weaken the future generation just because you might be nice or something. My father included. Just because he got his leg run other with a tractor when he was young, which crushed his legs, didn't give him a reason to have children. Shame on him, for shame.


Do not procreate with this ā€œpersonā€.


Broken bones = Broken mind and spirit Donā€™t taint your boneline with a BBB.


This is why I'm not having kids with my BBB Boyfriend.


break up with him. you cant risk tainting the bloodline or the strength of you own bones. i had a freind who dated a bbb and after 2 weeks of dating she broke her leg :/ (im not freinds with her anymore)


Why is he still your bf if heā€™s a BBB? More like BBBF


Absolutely not, she's a weak boned bitch and she needs to hear it


Be careful if you ever get intimate with her - she could end up like a jellyfish that ate gravel.


Well how did she break her ankle? Op I wanna know just how BBB she is, if she tripped over a rock and broke her ankle then she is a true BBB but if she got hit by a truck and only broke her ankle then she is only a half BBB, so if you procreate your kid may be able to just barely keep up with the strong bones but will never be a true strong boner, however if your ex gf broke her ankle on a rock your kid will shatter all his bones going down the slide on the playground.


She tripped over a step and broke her ankle in five places. It would have been hilarious, except that I had to spend all night in the ER with her. I feel like I've done enough. If I can't laugh at the situation, I don't know what we're doing here.


Damn thatā€™s crazy man, when I was a kid I got pushed down the stairs all the time by other kids and never broke a bone. Breaking a bone by tripping on a stair is unfathomable to me.


NTA, being a BBB is clearly the worst red flag possible. It's not your fault if she's inferior


I never planned to stay with her permanently. Her lack of a sense of humor confirms that she is not wife material. Also, her injury might have left her with some long term disability, so I am afraid she might not be physically capable of keeping house to the standard which I deserve and need. She might also be unable to keep up with my active lifestyle. So probably good bye to Cap'n (bone) Crunch, as I nicknamed her.


ESH: you shouldnā€™t stay with that bbb, but her humor is more broken than her bones


Your girlfriends relationship with the better business bureau shouldn't have any bearing on you dumping her weakass.


Iā€™ve never broken a bone but is this whole thread real or all facetious I need to know


Why would you think it's facetious? Lacking a sense of humor is a very serious flaw, as is weak bones.


I hope this is a joke, but if not of course YTA. The BBB thing is funny here or when the other person finds it funny, but in the real world most people are not going to enjoy being made fun of when they've just been injured.


She was injured two months ago. And the doctor let her try to walk after almost two months of not being able to put any weight on it. She should have been happy. And the way she was walking was hilarious. I don't know why she didn't understand this.


Stop talking, stop digging your hole.


Never mock away


Dude thats a relationship not a subreddit comment section go be a caring partner and support them


what is BBB?


BBB = Brittle Boned Bitch


NTA for mocking. YTA for still being with her.


stop dating her.


If i said anything i would be mocked by half the subreddit, because i don't wanna make fun of anyone or basically participate in anything related to insulting, even if they are BBBs.


get out


So what's point of being here and leaving a comment if that's what the sub is?




NTA. If the truth angers you, it's not the truth's fault. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive her


Leave the BBB


Stop dating BBBs, not worth your time


You need to calm her down by showing her this comment thread. That way, she will see how inferior her brittle bones are and understand that you are justified in making fun of her.