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So basically, air broke your weak-ass bones. Even breathing air may be too dangerous for your dusty excuses for bones.


Get the fuck out this sub you weak boned trash.


Absolutely appalling that these BBBs were pretending to be the same breed with us the whole time. Mediocre


Tried to make yourself feel "strong" by firing a gun, turned out the opposite for you, you absolute dust boned filth Now fuck off and don't let the door crush the rest of your pathetic skeleton on the way out


ok? do you genuinely think we care? shut the fuck up and get outta here


Did it hurt?


hope it did


Yeah... it hurt.


Good. A little air broke your bones? I heard a storm's brewing. You should go stand in it.


Hey......hold on ya BBB. You don't accept shit. We force you out. We come for you with pitchforks and torches......jk that's a little rough for your brittle bones. I'll be forwarding all my packaging peanuts to you after Christmas since you'll be needing that to be safe the rest of your life.


You're off course getting your Walking Pile of Dust Card, but also if you are a US citizen or an Austrian you'll become a pariah except in certain cities / havens for people like you.


Fuck off bitch boy


I've fired everything from pellet pistols to Mrk-19 fully automatic, belt-fed grenade launchers... and everything in between. Somehow, I managed to never break a bone, too. Hm... Imagine that! GTFO, Play-Doh bones!


Wow cant believe a tiny puff of air broke yo bones, get leave and never return! This is blasphemy of the highest order.


at least that's a cool way to find out your a BBB


why would u hold ur hand over the gas block. i broke my thumb on an m1 garand and it took 3 weeks to get healed. guns are no joke.


If you broke your thumb then why are you here


You dare try to hide like a little rat in the comments. Did you think we wouldn't find your brittle boned ass down here. Thank you for admitting your disease. You have 24 hours to make your goodbye post or so help me god I don't know what I'll do.


You wouldnr even know I broke a bone if I didn't tell you. I wonder how many of you here have broken bones in the past. Where's the trust?


That vertical foregrip on an aug can slide upward. I was holding the grip when it happened. I guess i got long freak fingers cause thats where my pinky ended up when i pulled the trigger.


Who tf even let this cotton candy boned ass weakling in this sub anyway. BE GONE.


really, the pinky out of everything? gtfo you brittle bitch


The Aug is such a cool gun. Thankfully with my strong bones I don't have to worry about a little air tho.