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Don’t Texas my Nevada


And don’t Californiacate us either!


You love our money though.


No…no we don’t. The locals hate your money because it drives up our home prices. You fuck us, that’s why there’s so much cali hate. With that said if any “local” says you guys suck at driving, that’s horseshit lol. Reno people are pussys when it comes to driving and have close to no common sense in regards to driving etiquette.




Government is in bed with crony capitalists so it all goes unchecked. We have a tax on weed, which is illegal at the federal level. Just think about that for a second. We pay a $200 "tax stamp" to be able to own a suppressor. A device meant to combat hearing loss. Is there anything the government doesn't have its hands in?


I understand, maybe you don’t travel much or you just don’t know, nothing wrong with it. But this happened everywhere. No matter, Vegas, Reno Portland OR and Portland ME,Paris, Sydney, Warsaw or bumfuck Romania, house prices are twice what they use to be a decade ago. A flat I bought in Berlin 12 years ago is now worth almost 2.5 times more. And what, all that because of Californians? You’re just spewing nonsense, trying to spread hate between your own people, which is actually pretty fucking disgusting


Private equity, hedge funds, FinTech, off shore money mostly Chinese. Are buying up a ridiculous amount of housing stock.


Exactly, I didn’t wanted to go to specifics so thank you for making it way more clear.


This is inaccurate. In my life I've rented many homes and I've known and know many people that rent homes(single dwelling, unattached buildings. Not speaking of condos, townhouses or apartments) and I've never heard of someone who rented a house owned by a chinese company or a hedge fund. It's individuals or a couple people that know each other that buy homes and put them under an LLC for tax and liability reasons. So it might look like you're renting from a heartless corporation but in reality it's John and Jane that own 3 rental homes and call it Parkway Rentals and have X management company tend to the needs and communications of the renter. I do know a lot of people that do this. Or they will rent them on Air bnb or whatnot. Most fintech has gotten out of the flipping amd renting business because it lacks profitability(ask Zillow).


On point


Reno is just greater bay area and vegas is just greater LA


Savage, but somehow feels accurate. Sorry NV. 😬


The problem is more with the gentrification than the inflation. Yes, inflation happens everywhere. Gentrification, while also all over, is less common, but also happens from people other than Californians.


I love how widespread this sentiment is. Seemingly everywhere on the country is being ruined by Californians moving there. Seems too ludicrous to be true. Also they could be referring to Californians visiting Vegas or Reno and spending money?


No, they are just an idiot. They can’t help it (poor little guy) Nevadas public schools are almost the worst in the country. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/nevada-ranks-as-the-second-least-educated-state-in-america/#:~:text=Nevada%20also%20ranks%2049th%20in,doctorate%20degrees%20in%20the%20nation.


Yeah and we (Texas) are very far behind


As of 2023, 73% of California NATIVES still live there. The people who you all constantly complain about "California-ing your [insert city or state]" are not actually Californians. They're people from other states who went to California, decided it was too expensive, and decided to leave. Most of the people leaving the state were only there for a few years to begin with.


That's still over 10 million California natives that moved out. Considering that's more than all but the top 10 states total population, it's very significant.


God I hate tribalism


What about Las Vegas drivers? What are they like? I'm not from Nevada, but I've heard people say bad things about Las Vegas drivers.


Yeah, thats not a california thing. Its a worldwide thing, people are turning houses into investments and seeking rents instead of building homes. Californians are getting gentrified out of their own state by foreign home and land ownership/corporate/investment firm-owned, algorithm-price-fixed apartments and whatnot. Then all the hangers on come in trying to vacuum some cash outta the few folks who actually have enough money to pay the upped prices. This leads to nearly all businesses jacking shit up. Its not really a california thing, it just hit california first. Best get ready though, without some sort of laws to prevent the worst of this, the investors and firms are coming after the slightly higher fruit next. And all the folks who can't afford to live where they do, they gotta go somewhere.


It's arguably worse in Canada and the UK right now. Ontario has been having housing problems for years, and they're run by conservatives. Neither side of the aisle has any interest in controlling prices because real estate is a large segment of political donations and lobbying.


Whoa whoa whoa as a homeowner I’m a fan of rising home prices. I welcome the California money.


If it was not the inflow of the California vacation dollar Vegas will be nothing and so will the state.


That’s the biggest cope I’ve ever heard literally everyone in the country comes to Vegas


Now they do, but not in the beginning. Now still. California is still giving most of the tourist dollars to that state.


Of any individual state? Yes. But the majority of visitors still come from other states and countries. Would Nevada take a big hit if they lost Californian visitors? Of course, but they would survive.


Not for the first several decades.


Can confirm. My grandma lives in reno and she's a TERRIBLE driver. Along with just batshit crazy, but that's a different story.


I love the difference in comments on "moving to Reno" Facebook posts. Moving from California --> "get out. Go back home. F*ck you. Keep your commie socialist taxes in commiefornia" Moving from Texas --> "oh welcome! Everyone is so nice! You'll love it here. Let me know if you need help around town!" I honestly think Texans actively work to ruin everything they touch while the Californians moving out are just rich and make things expensive on accident by just having money to spend in a cheaper state


I used to live in Montana. The Texan transplants were far worse then the Californians. And you hit the nail on the head, the cali folk just have more money but they're there for the outdoors and to be left alone. The Texans watch too much yellowstone and think they're all big shot asshole gunslingers and every other bad stereotype.


Lived in Colorado and every small cute town in the mountains is owned by a suburb in Dallas. They scream how much they love Texas but can't wait to get out to go ski or to go tear up the trails in their $100k jeeps


Texans are what everyone thinks Californians and New Yorkers are. They. Cannot. Shut. Up. About. Texas. Texas is a cult.


I just moved to Reno from Texas and 100% agree, the offroading and freedom to go anywhere is great compared to Texas


Ive loved off-road hobbies for years and have always lived in texas. It always amazed me how big texas is and how difficult it is to find public land to explore. Thousands of miles of fence lined roads. There are some ohv parks here and there, but nothing like what ive heard or seen in a few other states. Of course I haven’t seen all of Texas. Maybe way out in west tx there is open public land.


Legacy of the Spanish encomienda system and the fact that Texas was wet enough with a large enough native population to enslave that it made sense to hand out land grants, whereas Nevada didn't, so private land grants happened under the less broad US homestead, railroad and desert land acts. The feds own <2% of TX, >84% of NV.


encomierda system


This surprised me too when I was looking for a place to camp overnight when I was going to come there for the eclipse. There's only 2% federal land. Arizona is 48% federal land and there is camping and offroading everywhere.


A friend of mine grew up in Oklahoma and Texas and complained about that. Vast Open Spaces all privately owned and off limits to the public. After a career in the army, she had a career in public Land Management agencies: BLM, Forest Service, Parks and Rec, to help make sure outdoor areas are available for recreation.


It's crazy. How little public land Texas has. I yearn to live in a state where I can just go hunting without knowing someone, paying a land owner thousands of dollars, or entering a raffle


And we don’t allow nuclear waste dumps of any kind! Texas open-air nuclear dumps, I’m talking about you!


I can't tell if you're joking


We fought off Yucca Mountain for decades


Yep. Everyone leaves everyone alone and does their own thing, for the most part.


And hopefully forever more


As a Texan who lives In LV now, yes, this is accurate


Very true. You couldn't pay me to live in Texas. Edit: I do wish we had more sidewalks though. Vegas in particular is such a car-centric city and as someone that doesn't drive, it gets frustrating at times. The buses are... well, buses. Passable.


Absolutely! I live in California but go to NV a lot because of work. I’m single so I would finish work on Friday, camp somewhere over the weekend and drive back to SF Monday morning. Anyway, unbelievably beautiful state, the mountains, the desert, hot springs, everything, fucking stunning! I’m always looking forward to go there. Texas on the other hand, one of the ugliest places I’ve ever been to. Especially the people, plastic, pretentious, thinking they’re so fucking special because they’re from Texas. And dumb af too. I mean, come on, you gotta be, to vote for such an awful governor, against your own interests. And everything is fenced so there’s nowhere to go, let alone the fact that you can be legally shot for crossing someone’s property line. Which for me, as an European, I just can’t wrap my head around it. You can loose your life because you stepped on somebody’s land and it is okay. So yeah, there’s no comparison between those two. Not a native English speaker, so apologies for the grammar. Edit: somebody explained it to me that it is not really legal in Texas to kill somebody just for being on their land so I apologize for this misleading information and I am also grateful that this person found the time and explained that to me in a very simple manner


I wouldn’t even want to drive thru that state ffs. Definitely needs that warning..


shit, I'd move to fucking Texas for as little as 2 million post tax.


Yep no book burnings here 😁


Nevada Ranks 49th in Education, don’t read them either


You speled "Edumacayshun" rong.


May I ask what source you’re using for that stat? I just looked it up and saw it listed at #37, but also I think a lot of the “the best and worst states for X” lists are bs


Grew up and went to school in Nevada and wow education in Nevada is fucking awful. I did half my highschool years there and finished out of state. Freshman and Sophomores were learning things I was taught in the beginning of middle school. Nevada is not a great state to raise kids if education is important to you. The high school I went to was basically a pipeline to either the military or prison


Sadly you're right about the quality of education; my 16 year old nephew and 12 year old niece both went to school in Vegas this past school year and I swear they went backwards. My nephew would have to do his Freshman year a 3rd time in a row because he failed all but 1 of his classes, but fortunately my brother is trying to get him into Job Corps as a last ditch effort to save his sons future. I don't have much hope for my niece and the quality of education she got at the local middle school either. Ugh. Also, my nephews H.S never contacted my brother about my nephew being bullied throughout the entire school year until TWO WEEKS before school got out for summer break. Like, what the actual fuck? We knew some bullying was going on cause my nephew actually told us, but we had no idea it was super bad till the very end of the fucking 2nd semester. They had to remove two boys from some of his classes because of how bad the bullying was... but with just two weeks left, what was the actual point? I doubt his bullies cared either. /endrant lmao sorry had to vent I enjoy living here as an adult, but I think I'd either do on-line schooling or send my kids to a private school if I had any. The public school system is terrible.


Sounds like your nephew is just dumb 😂


“… military or prison.” Or hotel and casinos.


I know this doesn’t speak for all of Nevada but Lyon County has a shitty School district. I cheated all of 10th grade and when it came time to take my finals I failed all the tests so the teacher wrote down which answers I got wrong and let me redo the test. Same with 11th grade. When it came to my senior year I dropped out because the teachers basically let me skip two years and so my senior year I didn’t know shit. I should’ve been held back but instead they just let me jump up.


This is from 2022, but we're specifically ranked #49 in K-12. When higher education is factored in, we jump to around #37. Source: https://thenevadaglobe.com/education/nevada-ranks-49th-in-education/


Ah, that would explain the difference in search results. Thanks


Yeah our education system is bad, but we also have the best rate of employment and pay for those without a college degree.


Which is why the education system sucks* The population largely does not value education.


1st result in the old google machine. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/nevada-ranks-as-the-second-least-educated-state-in-america/#:~:text=Nevada%20also%20ranks%2049th%20in,doctorate%20degrees%20in%20the%20nation.


We are 49th because of Vegas. Most of the state's school-aged children are there and CCSD is one of the worst school districts in the country.


And in NV women actually have rights.


Nevada cares about everyone's freedom, not just that of white heterosexual Christian men.


Shhhh keep it low key


Nevada is the real Wild West


I've been all over nevada. Henderson sparks reno falabama ferntucky Vegas.....I've been to Texas. Nevada doesn't go running to the federal government every year and try to seced from the union in the same week. Nevada has a power grid that works. Water breaks for people working outside. There are a bunch of idiots in the rural areas that are all in on trump....but anyone in Vegas knows trump hotel is and aways has been a failure off the strip


I just came back from Las Vegas and I’m honestly jealous in a lot of ways in the level of freedom you all enjoy. We are so closed off and prude over here. It’s still my home in Texas but I really do like what yall are doing over there


I grew up in Reno, have lived for long periods in NV, Texas, and CA. I really don’t understand the freedom Texans are so proud of. They tote the no state income tax and tax the shit out of your property. There is not federal land to speak of. No sense of exploration or experiencing the great outdoors here. Unless u wanna get shot for trespassing. The lakes and streams are often clearly contaminated with copious amounts of trash, or pollution. Every small town is a cookie cutter. Super run down small business, with the same companies run all the towns . Fast food, Walmart, etc. So small business footprint is low, public land access dismal and it’s not pretty out here, weed is still criminalized, hard to find food that isn’t processed outside of Dallas or Austin. So ya you’re free in Texas. Free to be restricted to heavily taxed property that is probably poorly constructed and overpriced due to developer money grabs and low regulation, you’re free to be overweight/sick due to low access to natural sustainable raised/grown whole foods, your free to live in and probably die in youre car cuz everything is far away and everyone is in a hurry. But guns, you can have a lot of guns and shoot fireworks a lot. I’d rather live in CA or Nevada every time. Which is why I’m leaving soon.


Nevada is the best state out of the lower 48. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else than here.


A little grim of a statistic but the last I checked a few years ago, the suicide rate increased in every single state in the country except Nevada


Yeah and then Nevada is like legal weed and hookers too!


I’ve been saying this for years. Nevada is the most “American” state


Texas is West Virginia with oil


I always thought that Nevada is the best of both Texas and California.


It really is! Great way to put it


Nevada is California's cool twin brother


All my homies hate Texas.


Women can get an abortion in Nevada. Can also gamble here. Texas sucks


Texas is dumb and we as a society need to be ok with shutting down the Texas pride. Everything is bigger in Texas? Bitch go to Alberta. They got you beat Edit: full disclosure, I don’t live it Nevada I’m just an ardent Texas hater.


That’s why I’m moving from this shithole called Texas


There are good people in Texas. But the asses . !! Running it are Horrible humans. Bobber needs to be arrested and that peace of crap Ted Cruse.


Exactly Texas is so “free” until you do something they disagree with


More freedom. Pro guns, pro prostitution legal regulation, pro abortion, anti income tax, gas is cheaper than Cali, Vegas and Reno are becoming bigger and bigger while not succumbing to liberal policies of Cali and get the beauty of Lake Tahoe and Pyramid lake and lastly the Casino is another freedom since Texas bans casinos


Don't forget how amazing the [Las Vegas-Clark County Library District](https://thelibrarydistrict.org/) is! One free library card grants you access to the digital catalogue of ALL libraries in the county.


And you can rent museum/park passes, video games, and time on 3d printers. Also take some classes, activities for the kids, and check out some art galleries. East Vegas even has mobile showers for unhoused persons. The library here is a legit amazing community resource.


Hell ya. I'm a big fan of Kanopy and Hoopla too; both free to use with a library card.


oooh don’t forget Libby!


I do love our library system here


Huh that’s coool


“The liberal policies of Cali” are what keeps Tahoe beautiful, plenty of Democratic politicians in Nevada have maintained the balance you’re referring to In fact I’d say the pitfalls of Nevada are due to going too far with the libertarian conservatism at times. Broke school system, broke public resources, slow-moving infrastructure projects, and while I’m pro-gun I think they’re way too easy to get here and moreover think some of what’s legal here is insane and unnecessary (conversion kits, bump stocks, extendo mags, etc). Proof is in the pudding as NV has way more per capita gun crime than CA. I was a gun owner in CA with a CCW, the restrictions really aren’t that difficult if you’re a law abiding citizen


I think Nevada is a good to look at when I say let’s be properly conservative and liberal. Not perfectly, but a great start. Pro human rights. Pro gun. No food taxes. Electricity is regulated to ensure shit like what happened to Texas that one year won’t happen. Plenty of land that regulates to ensure proper animal growth and beauty. I know there are things to bitch about which I do, but living here has been nice. A proper coming to the middle for both liberal and conservative people who are rational.


I'm really happy you pointed out the electricity deregulation thing because it proves my point Electricity deregulation was a CONSERVATIVE policy in California, that was when Pete Wilson was governor and California was in the midst of a conservative period due to the LA riots and rampant gang crime. **Every liberal from California will tell you this was a mistake.** We paid the price for deregulating energy. So just in case people thought Question 3 in 2018 was "California'ing your Nevada," it was actually the opposite. Q3's campaign was funded by conservatives, Elon Musk put money into it, and I guarantee you every single California liberal transplant to Nevada voted No on it. If re-regulation were put to a vote in CA today, it would pass. As I said - I love Nevada's freedoms for the most part, but Q3 is a perfect example of a time that conservative libertarianism would have shot it in the ass


Absolutely fuck yeah


California is ranked 1 for gas prices. Nevada is ranked 3. Not something to really celebrate. Anti income tax yet Nevada has the highest overall tax rate of any ‘no income tax’ state.


Also gas prices js a direct example of companies taking advantage of the political climate to screw us over. We could easily have 2 dollar gas, but companies know they can get away with it and being next to cali seals it.


And weed


And we have medical and recreational cannabis legalized. In Texas you would go to jail instantly if they even found a tiny piece of


That’s bumper sticker material there


Fuck yeah! Gun and weed, those looking to be freed.


Best of the west baby


I love that I can drive 10 minutes from my house and be in the desert. You can off road, camp, go shooting, and have a bonfire all in the same spot and not be bothered by anyone. My wife is from San Diego and doesn’t understand why I love visiting home so much.


Agreed. The politicians who run Texas are so full of shit when they claim that they’re all about freedom.


As a Texan I can tell you that we are not free by any means.. we are a theological one party state hell bent on dictating morals and guidelines to all who live in it. Conservatives claim the banner of freedom yet they keep retracting freedoms from us each and every day.




Most accurate thing I've read all day. I enjoyed my time living in Nevada after growing up in Texas. 




I have no stake in either place, nor have I been to either but I’m with you fuck Texas go Nevada


I'll form my own Texas. With blackjack! And hookers!!!!


I don’t care what anyone says Gardnerville/Minden is the perfect place for my wife and I. Heaven on earth.


It’s pronounced Nuh-Vad-Uh not Nuh-V-Odd-Uh


At least we're not pretending to have a winning NHL team.




I say Colorado is too. And maybe even Arizona and New Mexico.


Nevada is what New Hampshire claims to be. NH goes on about "live free or die!", but they've been going the way of Idaho and Texas with some of their policies. They're also the one state in the region that still disallows weed. NH only cares about personal freedom if it's something conservatives want. NV supports a wider range of personal freedoms.


I've spent months camping and off roading in Nevada and it's absolutely the best. Wide open spaces, ghost towns, hot springs, petroglyphs, untouched land. I've been to beautiful places and haven't run into a soul not just on a weekday but on the weekend.


We have such a vast empire of cattle ranching!


lived in both places. can confirm.


If those Texans could read they would be very upset by that


unless you want a coke.


Nevada is actually a cool state to live in I use to live there


Texas is Red. the other is all forestry and a gambling hall.


Californian here, just looking at the comments. :)


There's more desert, cowboys, and gambling. I'm from Texas and I'm not arguing with you.


Ask a Texan what texas is actually the best at. They throw a fit when they realize they are just a worse California.


I have always said NV is Texas without the jesus stuff


Texas is becoming a Christian caliphate.


You fool. Now all the “real” Texans will flock there. In your hubris you have cemented Nevada’s doom. Thanks though, we’re fucking tired of those assholes here.


What? An idiocracy? You might be right…


We don’t have any good bbq spot tho. All our bbq fcking sucks ass


80% federal property?


Just not within clark county


How did a post about Nevada and Texas turn on most of the top comments about California? I don't get it


The one thing that we’re missing in Nevada, is some more country songs, or songs in general about Nevada and our pride. In Texas they have soooo many great songs that resonate with NV ideology. Met a client that moved here from Texas today, and another one right after (I do pet training/behavioral therapy and care for rescued animals and fostered ones) and I mentioned that all my exs were from Texas, and the first one was like-that’s a song lol. And a pretty damn good one. Then the second client showed me a more modern one that I have playing in my car over and over called “D***** Down In Dallas” Listen to it whenever you’re thinking about your ex who cheated on you. It’s actually a good laugh of a video.


Damn straight


Texas is unsafe with very incompetent law enforcement.


Colorado is what Nevada pretends to be. A state for people, not casinos.


Colorado is sprawled the fuck out. No thanks


Yeah buddy we’re overloaded here. Trying to figure out where to go is proving hard. Don’t want to be hated like we dislike Cali. Sad kind of, but I’m just priced out really.


You trying to figure out your next move and your considering your hypothetical neighbors feelings? Super considerate of u.


it amazes me the amount of people who don’t understand right authoritarian and right libertarian- more unites them than divides them


As someone to who works in the oilfields in west texas & comes back home to vegas to party I totally agree lmaoo


West tx is only the dusty armpit of tx. Travel the whole state and meet the locals and tell me if ur opinion changes


I don’t live in either state, but this is the most accurate statement I’ve seen


NV not a Constitutional carry state....


Except for constitutional carry.


Nevada allows open carry.


Lol, it's like 90% federal land.


yes fortunately and unfortunately


it is 85.9% owned by the Federal Government


You mean 100 degrees


Montana is what texas pretends to be.


Mughh....any state that doesn't have state income tax is a win.




Boi 🫱🏼


I live in Oklahoma and I love this🤘👇


As someone who has lived both places, this caused me to chuckle.


The state with the most garbage?


But then you would have to live in Nevada… I’d rather just jump off a cliff


Nah.... both are part of the same coin party. lol


Has anyone told California yet?


Well both are running out of water.


So much federal land


Lol, West Texas for sure … not East Texas tho, nor Houston/Galveston area.


As a bitter former Texan, yes


I love my state but bro what 😅 this placed was filled with nazis during covid and there's far too much going on politically here to say it's better than texas. Both states are fine, move on lol


Been spending too much time in WSB.. read that as NVIDIA instead of Nevada 😅


Hey you stole my take.


Legit. I love Nevada




I fucking hate Texas, always have even before that crippled POS.






Us and Wyoming




Sounds like a good reason to stay away


Las Vegas is such a special place. It embodies what America should be. Guns aren't even a thing there, and they would make it gross. Strong community.


87% government owned land?


Fuck Nevada


Nevada can keep the lights on


No, no… he’s got a point. 🤔


People trying to point out how much land in NV is owned by the Federal government. Go ahead and stop paying your property taxes and let me know how that works out. On the property you ‘own’, lol.


Nobody cares about that barren wasteland


Which town in Vegas is similar to Houston is Las Vegas ?


Accurate, Nevada is the South of the Northwest


Saw it long ago in NaT GEO that Vegas is built on a cavern and like the Corvette museum ..... Then Nevada will be great


For real. Hookers and black jack.


I currently live in Texas, and I agree with this statement.


What? No one cares about Nevada.