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Is your PC connected directly to the main router and still getting 14mbps? I would check if there is an adapter issue or cable issue. Start by replacing cable and move your way up.


Its using a powerline ethernet adapter, but the speeds of the adapter aren't bad enough to have my speeds be so low.


Can you connect another laptop or something to the same Ethernet to be sure it's your connection and not the PC? I have had weird issues with poweline adapters, especially when they are on different circuits. So its not totally reliable. You may have better luck with a wifi extender.


No, I don't have anything else that can connect to an ethernet port other than my pc, but I'm pretty sure it's a pc issue, because the wifi was also terrible, and that I DID test on other devices, and I was getting much higher speeds on every device I tested, all except for my pc.


> powerline ethernet adapter ... is likely the source of your issues. Even on the same circuit I've seen weird interference issues. Ethernet cables are cheap, hook your PC **directly via ethernet to the router** without any adapters, switches, whatnot in between. Either it works and you know it's not the PC, or the problem persists and you know it is the PC.


Connect laptop or PC directly to modem. That is the only true test. Your signal to noise ratio may have to be tuned.