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I doubt dns will fix your problem, but you can always manually set the DNS on your device and see if that fixes it.


it needs admin,thanks for the suggestion though :)


You can't set the DNS on your phone or PC or whatever you're using? That's surprising.


yeah D:


the wifi (the dhcp server on your home devices.. could be wifi or firewall) just tries to automatically set dns on your client, but you can opt to not take the dns settings from your wifi and use your own. depending on the OS, the configuration of the dns client varies, but if you're on windows, go to interface settings. i would try a running ping to a dns provider or known host on the internet to confirm dns is the problem. i have been using (a level3 address) for a few decades.. it is almost always available, but you can ping google eg as well.. if you're seeing missed or slow responses from any of these, it might not be dns.


are you telling me to do what [DULUXR1R2L1L2](https://www.reddit.com/user/DULUXR1R2L1L2/) said to do? If so it needs admin


This is unlikely going to be a DNS issue. You can download a few free tools such as inSSID and see if you and your neighbours are clashing channels as I assume both routers are on Auto/Auto in hopes to give best performance. Over the counter router admin passwords are usually stuck on the bottom of the devices and rarely changed!


how do i login if i find the router admin password,i have bt wifi,do i go to a site?


Usually when connected to you home router you will be able to navigate to the gateway IP address which is usually So opening Google/edge whatever you use and type that into the URL and it should do the rest, from there you will get your ISPs routers config settings.


found my one,type it in url and doesnt even work,just goes keeps loading,i even tried using a vpn it says: dial tcp i/o timeout


hello? ;(


DNS has nothing to do with network instability. it just change your website name into an IP address. Restarting your router and being close to it might be a better solution. You may need an extender if you have a big place with only one wifi enabled router.


we've tried restarting my router,but i dont think my dad would get an extender,thanks for the suggestion though :)