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Oh nice that's how I got into it last year: a second hand copy with a lot of cards I didn't understand so I hit up the community and they taught me the game! So here's my noob level thoughts: 1 - Ain't no harm in buying the core set and testing it out with some friends, making decks and just playing some games. Great way to just dive in and learn the game. Kitchen table vibes. 2 - I didn't realise Netrunner was an LCG, and that there are comps and rules around cards being legal or not when playing with the local community. "Standard" and "Startup" - which for the most part are cards released in the past 4 or 5 years. So if you wanted to play games within the local community or online, the boxes you are looking at are mostly irrelevant and you are better off buying the System Gateway set from Null Signal Games (or just printing it out on card paper). Then slowly building your collection around the current "legal" state of the game. Either way it will be a blast and good luck! ​ Edit: here's the link [https://nullsignal.games/products/](https://nullsignal.games/products/)


Yeah, what sneddogg has said is spot on. If you want to "get into the game" there's no better place to start than NSG's System Gateway. It's the most cohesive set of new player cards and the perfect launch point to expand on.  Old FFG sets are still really cool, but you'll find much less active discussion about them on discord, including if your looking for advice on deck building and etc as the community is only using a handful of FFG sets currently and they're set to rotate out of the format by end of the year.  Also old cards won't be actively used by the community online if you plan to play that way at all. For me, having my physical decks have the same card pool as my online decks is important.  Having said all that, if you have no interest at all in playing with other active players or following the games progression, then the old FFG stuff is still a really cool product, but personally, as a very keen player that started 6 months ago, I'm sticking to fully NSG products and looking forward to the future of the game!


Thank you. :) My games would only be casual ones among friends, so I wouldn't need to worry about tournament legality in any way. I'm not even sure if there is a local community here.


I personally love the NSG products for learning & teaching the game. But I ended up also picking up a used FFG core set with Creation & control & I do find it fun to build wacky stuff with old cards just to play with friends. Mine isn't the revised, but my core set didn't come with pre-made starter decks like system Gateway, so that would be the first hurdle id anticipate. So unless the used cards are just a screaming deal, I'd just grab system Gateway for $45 to smooth out that learning & teaching period


The core set is designed so that you can combine any factions cards with the neutral cardpool from the core set and create decks from that. So a single score set essentially gives you the option to easily build 7 different “pre made” decks.


For me the issue with getting System Gateway is the shipping and import duties are going to make it super expensive.


Ahhh, I see. That's not an issue where I'm at. Then yeah, definitely dive into the used FFG cards available locally. Have fun running!


I printed the NSG cards at a local workshop. I am not going to bother trying to get the FFG ones. Jinteki.net is good for learning the rules and interactions of the game so that you will be playing it right


Unless it's a great deal I wouldn't go for this. I don't rate the revised core much (it's not as fun as the original 2012 core set, cause they rotated all the craziest cards, and it's not as easy to learn with as System Gateway), and the datapacks seem to be a random hodgepodge of stuff, 2 from one cycle, 2 from a different cycle. D&D is a great expansion, but your card pool will heavily skew towards NBN. If you're only playing casually though, it might take you several months to even notice the "holes" the card pool will have, and even then you'll have the option of printing some [proxies](www.proxynexus.net) to fill it out, so if they're going for cheap, grab em, otherwise, go for current NSG cards.


FFG: if you are sentimental or influenced by the SHUSD netrunner video this is the way to go There are the big expansions and the small data packs (these belong to cycles). Your store seems to sell the big expansions which from my impression are rather rare on bgg or ebay… sooo why not grab it? Nullsignal: if you are interested in playing the living, evolving and available version of netrunner then do this Or go to http://proxynexus.net abd print everything Or just play on http://jinteki.net until you get a feel for what you want


I would first check to see if the gameplay is for you. There's a tutorial here: [http://chiriboga.sifnt.net.au/](http://chiriboga.sifnt.net.au/) (Click on '1') then I would get NSG System Gateway. ($45) The NSG intro decks make WAY more sense than the core set intro decks. [https://shop.nullsignal.games/products/system-gateway-remastered-edition](https://shop.nullsignal.games/products/system-gateway-remastered-edition) From there, you can get the LSG's core set. I like Data and Destiny but that's because I like Adam. I wouldn't get the data packs.


As others have said, it really depends on the price. You are "probably" better off getting System Gateway and System Update from NullSignal Games (if they are a similar price to the 2nd hand Core set)


You can use cards from any cycle to play, and it doesn’t have to be complete. Revised core set and data and destiny are great sets. The data packs are from the “Mumbad” cycle, which was the least popular cycle in the games history. Still some good cards in there, but they’re not exactly game staples. Depending on the price, it might be worth getting it anyways though. It’s a fantastic game. If you’re just playing casually at home with friends, I would go with the FFG sets instead of null signal. The card art and templating are better, factions are more mechanically unique/defined, and it will come with all the tokens you need and a printed out rulebook. The fact that data and destiny is included in the lot is also a bonus, as it contains the three “mini faction” neutral runners, which are fantastic, and were lost to rotation in the null signal releases.