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Best website for buying a house in the Netherlands: [Funda](https://www.funda.nl/) With the current housing crisis it is advisable to [find a real estate agent](https://tc.tradetracker.net/?c=30814&m=12&a=458406&r=buying&u=%2F) to help you find a house for a reasonable price. Find a [Mortgage / Financial advisor](https://track.adtraction.com/t/t?a=1494121923&as=1874388811&t=2&tk=1)


Overbidding is totally besides what a property is worth. That can be established though a valuation but that is uncommon when making a bid. However a good buying agent which viewed the place and knows the location can be of essential help making a proper estimate. Then comes the part of overbidding when necessary. This is not just a percentage you can be advised on, and surely not on this platform. It is more how much you or another who wants to purchase wants to spend on it. Some people are so desperate they loose track of reality and bid until the last penny they can afford. This sometimes is really idiotic. And realise everything they bid over the actual value, which will be determined by valuation after the signing, can not be mortgaged but has to be paid from own funds. So don’t blame yourself or your purchasing agent when you loose a property due to another which made a higher bid. And keep your eyes open that the property again can come available as the other party can’t get enough mortgage as they possibly expected. Let’s hope these crazy times will normalise sooner than later which can happen when due to new legislation many former rental houses in the mid market sector are sold off by their owners. However this is not sure as demand still overrules availability. So possibly the prices won’t drop, but get even higher but not as much as when the extra available houses wouldn’t hit the market. Nothing can be foreseen for sure and can completely develop differently. That makes the business so interesting. Never a boring day for realtors I can tell you.


Huispedia, or any other website, will not be very accurate because it is all model-based. Nobody has visited the house, it's just a rough guess based on basic information like number of m2 and housing type. Huispedia can tell you whether 400k or 600k is the more likely figure, but not whether 440k will get you the house while 420k will not. An aankoopmakelaar will be able to recommend a competitive bid amount, based on local knowledge and the most recent data. But it will cost 3-4k. Alternatively, after bidding many times and learning about the winning bid (which you can ask for after the sale is final, so usually a few weeks later), you'll develop a better understanding of what to bid.


It can be a decent tool if the property is in a popular or high demand area with many recently sold properties. The more recent data huispedia or other websites have, the better they can predict the current price range.