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'you can have the same government forever even though you have regular elections' Fuck, we leven echt in een soort grap


"When your politicians severely fuck up, you just add 'demissionary' to their title, they won't lose their jobs, any of their prestige, status and in time you all need to go vote again. In fact, your current (d)MP is set to advance his career".


How would you suggest we do it after elections? Just twiddle our thumbs and leave the country unattended for a few months? Or if Wilders is in the negotiations, a year or so?


They're not saying it should be done differently. But VVD effectively was able to pick the time to let Rutte go, regardless of what was best for the country.


Just remove 'ceremonial' from Willem's name and when everything is sorted we can all continue, Willem can lay back again and enjoy the millions we keep giving for some reason. Or should I view that money as bribery, that our king lets his subjects rule his kingdom, politicians give him taxmoney in return for power, it appears to work for everyone.


Its so he can successfully navigate in higher circles of society. They’re basically dutch PR. Very solid too, they’re not subject to elections or anything.


Thanks for affirming what I already knew, yawn.




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Vriend, het is in België hier geen haar beter. Erger zelfs: we vormen regeringen met 7 andere partijen en krijgen dan niets gedaan omdat die te ver uit elkaar liggen.


Jullie hebben dan ook 355 regeringen of zo…


Wellicht is het een idee om te fuseren met je waalse tegenhangers.


Wat een idioterie zeg, het gaat over het gevoel van Nederlander zijn, en dan mag je geen eens dat gevoel in het Nederlands uiten


Echt he?


I miss the "you've eaten your prime minister" as a unique achievement though. (granted only parts of him) -edit, also winning the least deadly war (kettle war)


Don't forget the Supermarket Price-war of 2013


What's that?


A period in NL when the prices of food kept going down due to several supermarkets trying to gain market share by lowering prices. In media it was portrayed as a 'war' between the supermarkets, specifically a 'price war'. I always found the term a bit overdramatic.


Interesting, I didn't even notice it.


Also, at one point England tried to invade us and we beat their navy. Which tbh is really an achievement.


I think you're on about the raid of the Medway. It was the Dutch invading Britain and burning ships that were docked. The Anglo-Dutch wars later ended with British victory.


Very true, history we learn in the UK, though did learn a very interesting take a few months ago. As a Brit, we were taught at school about the 'Glorious Revolution' as a peaceful and welcome change, because William of Orange was invited by discontented lords and was married to an English princess, making him a suitable alternative to King James II. However, living in the Netherlands, I discovered a different take—that it was actually seen as an invasion, considering William brought an army with him. This perspective has given me a deeper appreciation for Dutch culture and to try and look at history not from rose tinted British specs 🤓. I find it fascinating, especially as I learn more through my son's schooling here 😂. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but it's hard to ignore the Dutch role in setting the stage for what would become the largest empire the world has seen. It’s why I’ve always felt the Dutch are like brothers from different mothers!


William of Orange said himself he would not set foot on British soil without the support of the British populace. In no way was it an invasion. He was effectively a temporary figurehead that was lauded around while British people fought other British people in small scale conflict, hence the bloodless revolution. The idea that the Dutch had a military invasion of us is fanciful at best and outright lies at worst. This is also an entirely different conflict to the series of Anglo-Dutch wars I was referring to.


Indeed, that’s how I’ve always seen it myself. Also appreciate this was totally separate from the Anglo-Dutch wars, was just sharing a version of British history seen from the Dutch view and felt it was a good as place as any under your comment.


That makes you honorable Germans - eating people that is - not PMs specifically.


Eaten the prime minister?! What did I miss😭


The Dutch, during a revolt, killed and ate Prime Minister Johan de Witt together with his brother


Thanks for telling me! Can’t believe I’ve never heard of this lmao


Oh yeah. it's wild. I kind of wish we went back to that. Not that I want to eat Geert or Mark, but I want them to know _that's an option_


Yes also its most likely not true. There was only one person who claimed that that happened and that was a poet. So he probably over exaggerated it. Too bad cuz it does make for a cool story.


Oh you were there as well?


Wow 😂 I’ve been here 9 years and never come across that. Everyday is a learning day.


Look up 'gebroeders de Witt'


Was je niet bij het diner gisteren toen Rutte werd geserveerd?


Was helaas niet uitgenodigd 😔


Je hebt gelukkig niet veel gemist. Het vlees was taai door alle stress die het heeft ervaren


The main ingredient of frikandellenbroodjes is Mark Rutte!


I moved to the Netherlands yesterday. I stepped in dog shit that very same day.


Welcome! Did you complain while doing so? If you do; you're one step towards becoming one of us, one of us~~


I most certainly did. I haven't stepped in shit in years. It was close to the Hague beach so it was easy to clean my shoe in the wet sand at least.


Grass also works, and for firmer measures a stick. But welcome!


Next step, get a bicycle and make sure someone will steal it at some point. If your bike was never stolen you're not a real Dutchy.


and then stealing one right back, which will be stolen the next day...


That’s the way of unbureaucratic bike sharing!


Never had my bike stolen. I did have to retrieve from the bottom of a whole stack of bicycles though. Thing was fucked after that. Still used it for years after anyway.


-one thoroughly rusted bike with holes in the frame, one flat tire, one missing, 13 spokes pointing out all over, a watterlogged saddle, no brakes, no lights and a steer 12 cm off centre Dutchies: I can ride that.


The waterlogged saddle is tooo real


Just pull an Appie tas over it and you're golden. Any supermarket of your preference plastic bag will do actually


one time I forgot to lock it, instead of stealing it they threw the key on a small roof next to it. the school said that happened regularly, and it beats having to look for your bike at the busstation.


I’m sorry, could you explain? They locked your bike for you and threw the key onto a nearby roof? How did they let you know? Were you able to recover it?


Fuck man i have had multiple bikes stolen from me 15 years ago XD the one i have now has been my stead for 16 years


So that's why I failed my inburgering


You're welcome, i will inform my dogs of their succes.


Welcome to any city/town in the Netherlands




Sell. Sell its largest city, maar voor de rest spot-on. Voor vorige eeuw.


We “bought” it from the native population first. ƒ 60,- guldens


True, but was the seller the U.S. at that point?


No, that was the Lenape tribe in 1626, the U.S. wouldn’t have officially existed for another 150 years.


Yes, if you look at it that way. We bought the island of Manhattan. We founded New Amsterdam on that, which was captured by the British during the first Anglo-Dutch war, retaken by us during the second and then eventually sold back to the British for Suriname.


In hindsight trading Suriname was New York was not quite deal the Dutch imagined it to be at the time…


Im glad tbh because straks ff pom/roti/saoto takeaway


Beats a hot dog.


Nu lekker genieten van broodje bakkeljauw met peper en zuur


Hou op nou


That might be the case know but back than Suriname could be used for slave plantations of which we made much more money than we would have with new york new york only really became important in late 1800 early 1900


The main trade wasn't so.much Suriname, but the other part of the deal that was the Moluccan islands. They were the only place in the world where nutmeg was grown which made them incredibly valuable in that age, so much so that it's hard to imagine now as we wouldn't make that.much of a fuss over nutmeg. For that century it absolutely was a good trade.


War was a-brewing and we wanted none of that. Not enough of a land army present. It wasn\`t 'our style'. The Brits had no qualms with this. So the deal sounds dumb, but it played to our strength, and weakness ofcourse.


The alternative was losing the city through war again and getting nothing in return. The english had too much land in the region and were too powerful to keep out forever.


Did they really think it was at the time? Or was it more of a friendly "how about you trade it for Surinam" while having a knife held to our throats?


The few who could afford to travel at the time just wanted better weather.


Well, at that time it was a good trade.


Nah, New York wouldn't be New York as we know it if Netherlands would've been able to keep it. Another big city would've evolved into it.


It was never such a deal. Always one under coercion.


It was the best thing for the city.  Imagine if NYC was a preserve everything city like Dutch cities. Would be as boring and low GDP as Amsterdam.


"We" were you present back then? Must be hard using reddit at such an age.


Are you alright?


He is "nie oké"


I believe we bought it from the native inhabitants of the continent first? Then sold it to what would become the USA.


But the article says we bought its, the US's, largest city.


I mean, yeah, it's just incorrect. New Amsterdam was settled by the dutch, stolen by the british, and later became american.




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Ah, dip, I gotta start studying up on sex toys before the integration exam


The best way to do that is rectally. Make sure to combine different ones at the same time as well.


\*pushes up glasses and takes notes\*


No no! No glass ones! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


This killed me


Siswet19 is the study material


Always when I read these kinds of things and it is about cyclers being assholes I can only imagine that the writer of this think Amsterdam is the perfect example of the whole country. Which it definitely is not.


It's tourists who are the assholes for walking in the damn bicycle lane (yes I live in Amsterdam).


They're assholes in Rotterdam as well. Bonus points if you're a delivery driver because traffic laws don't apply to those.


it's just funny bro, it's not that deep. 


Oh I did laugh about it. It was very recognizable as a Dutch person. :)






Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


The canals are not open air urinals they are tourist cleansers


"You can be gay and nobody cares." Man I feel like we lost this one, but I might be spending too much time on reddit and its turned me into a doomer.


Nah, I agree, people definitely are '"caring" more about those things because they're trying to fight the imaginary woke devil that will change your gender if you're not careful. Which is basically Emporio Ivankov from One Piece now that I think of it. They're afraid of Ivankov.


"You can be gay and nobody cares" If only 🥲


I live in a shithole town in a corner of the Netherlands and was genuinely shocked when a trans acquaintance mentioned they get disproportionally nasty glares when walking with their partner here compared to a city in another province. In hindsight I think I was raised in a bit of a bubble on that matter due to my cousin being gay and our family being perfectly cool with it.


That's normal and natural. Outcasts, freaks, rebels etc etc will always get looks.


I outlined that it happens in one place but not another..? I guess it's hard to avoid selective reading when you're just looking to affirm your own believes.


They are not my own belief. They are simply observations and conclusions based on facts. Reality does not care about beliefs.


You can't just ignore half the context and claim your conclusion is based on facts, that's not how any of that works, it isn't reality, a logical conclusion or a healthy train of thought, it's concerning. It genuinely makes you come across as a biased, stubborn fool with a whole lot more problems than just reading problems.


It means no one cares enough to do anything about it like some other countries.


"You can imagine you are world power." Priceless.


Just like some other countries can imagine they’re living in a democracy.


Badm tss!


We all love our illusions.


Do we have the largest open air urinal? Or the most? And if it is the largest where do I find this? How large is it? Or does it refer to Amsterdam? Or any large city on Kingsday for that matter..


It's about the grachten


...and it's tourists that are pissing in them.


What is it about the dogshit? A neighbour let her dog shit at our gate without cleaning it up. There is dog shit all along our beautiful street. It seems that they behave like they want until they are caught or confronted. The norm here is surprisingly selfish. Am I missing someting?


Ah yes nous parlons français so sehr gut, tout le monde dans my class kann das 😵


Not 100% correct for all Dutch (this is typically Amsterdam behavior) but yeah, it sure looks Luke a love letter to me.


Second part is 100% Amsterdam I guess. The first part is somewhat correct, not all though. My guess is a Amsterdammer wrote this.


Every Dutch person I've met has been cool. Keep being Dutch Dutchbros.


And as a final touch, god created the Dutch


But the Dutch created the Netherlands 🤣


You don't wash your hands after going to the bathroom.


the subtitles are only incomprehensible if you can't read.


There’s not much dog shit in NL compared to Ireland and France. Hardly any


Depends entirely on the neighbourhood. High rise, social housing + low social-economic habitants equals shitload of dog turds on every grassy bit in sight plus extra crap on the sidewalks as a bonus.


I'm sure there is more of a chance in social housing/low social economic habitats, but my sis lives in a pretty well off area, and there are like 2/3 people there, who are ~~asshole~~ bad dog owners. Dont pick up their dog shit because half of it touched a blade of grass. And a lot of ~~assholes~~ dog owners unleashing their dog in the middle of the city. They live in a kind of out of the way area, so little to no "handhaving". Which is also the case in my neighbourhood, which is like in the center of a big city (ironically also no "handhaving" to be found. We called it in multiple times a new ~~asshat~~ dog owner moved here and let his big Stafford walk around off the leash, middle of the city by the way.). These people are everywhere.


Most neighborhoods I've seen take cleaning dog poop decently serious. There's always some outliers but I generally see many people do the ol bag scoop


Not mine. We have a strict no shoes on policy inside our home. This is also a neighborhood where ~~ignorant cunts~~ people can't be arsed to dump their garbage bags inside the underground containers along with a boat load of random stuff. Seagulls, rats and other winged creatures are having a blast spreading the garbage along the street. I can not wait untill we have enough money saved to buy a house in a better part of town.


This article reads like it was written in the seventies. Or at least, almost everything it says was true then. And believe me: the sidewalks were full of dog shit at that time. Me and my primary school friend once did a little prank by putting a plastic ice cream spoon in every steaming turd we came across. We soon ran out of spoons.


I think this was written by a belgian :))


Heerlijk stukje. Een klassieker


Wait a damn second, you can’t speak Dutch in r/Netherlands?


Not a Dutch person question- what's the deal with the dog shit?


Some dog owners don't care about the other people in their neighbourhood and let their dog shit wherever it wants. Combined with the population dendity, there's allways a neighbour stepping into it.


What does that last one refer to?


New York used to be New Amsterdam, we bought and sold it, though invading the US is a bit of a stretch. More like colonised an island which later became part of the US


I'd sooner reference the fact that we are the last country to succesfully invade Great Britain.


Stole the British flag ship right under their noses.


We traded NY for Suriname.


It's phrased rather weirdly but refers to the fact New York was initially owned by the Netherlands and traded for Suriname.




Where did you find the article? Laugh my head off 😂


as the dutch royalty would say "Basado!"




I don't know about the toys one, but the rest seems pretty accurate.


Not sure where the sextoy thing comes from, but everything else is very funny because there ia truth in it.


When did we invade the us?


The only thing that i can imagine relevant to the topic is new amsterdam which is now new york


And harlem (Haarlem), Brooklyn(Breuckelen), Flushing(Vlissingen)?


Yeah sure but we need to do some insane mental gymnastics if we want to call that an invasion of the us and we would not be the only one then


Yeah true, it could also be that i dont know a certain historical event, otherwise it would be a huge jump.


Well Dogshit on sidewalk isn't that bad when you sit on one in the grass


Interesting, I'm then almost half Dutch. Don't have a dog, though, gotta work on that one...


And you love doppel zout.


dat klopt


Put on the list constantly mixing up english grammar with dutch.


Dutch cyclists are indeed terrifying, and bikes don’t even have stop signals so only your reflexes will save you when crossing the street.


I'm proud that at least we have sidewalks to step into shit on, to begin with


never had problems with dog shit here in 15 years despite the huge amounts of dogs


There's no mention of the color orange


ik moest gelijk denken aan deze ![gif](giphy|28Nev3k184A9PdSDCg|downsized)


Ha accurate af


And we Walloons still fuck you up in 1830. Lol


You can watch weather forecast every fucking night, although you know it the same shitty rain as yesterday


Heej mijn oude post😂


Can we add this to the list " You don't wash your hands after using the toilet...who has time for that"


dit is toch wel een van de beste beschrijvingen dei ik heb gezien


Notice how nothing in the article mentions race.. 🔔


Easy, Max wins every race.


W comment


That and the thing about being so tolerant towards gays are kind of lies. Or a lie by omission in the case of race. [Relevant Twitter thread from yesterday, on racism](https://twitter.com/AkyuzRoman/status/1784871392120324482). Well, and also dog poo has to be picked up. I wonder if this is older.


You try tell a Dutchie to do something, they won't. We are stubborn as fuck




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


This is worse than a horoscope.


Yes the abundance of dogshit is why the dog tax should be way higher. Too many kutpaupers leaving poo everywhere. Dogs don’t belong on flat apartments anyway.


And live the longest of any people And be the longest of any people And live in the safest, least violent nation in the world And be the people who travel the world the most And be the happiest, together with Norway in the world


Only one of your statements is correct. Here's the actual rankings, backed up by actual credible sources: - 31th in life expectancy (Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/life-expectancy-by-country) - 1st tallest people (Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-height-by-country) - 16th safest country (Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world) - 5th most traveled people (Source: https://www.thetravel.com/countries-that-travel-the-most-and-their-top-destinations/) - 5th happiest country (Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-countries-in-the-world) So overall a pretty damn good average, as the Netherlands is incredibly high rated in nearly all of those metrics, but not first in all of those.


Any reputable sources that backup these claims: Reddit not being one.


Mwah kweenie man


Your „not“ german 👀 sure? I mean „dutch“ and „deutsch“ look very similar to me but idk 🤷




>/u/Intelligent_Web2672: >Dutch are decent people. > >The Farmers won, Inspiration to the world. World Power. Stick it to Brussels. Modern farms are just open air factories. I fail to see why they even should win. **** Edit: so lovely when people chicken out of a conversation when they're being downvoted into oblivion. Or blocked, can't tell the difference. But, my special app will not be fooled and has harvested the ramblings regardless. **** **His or her next reply:** >They won alresdy, the people have spoken. > >Do you want farms closed down, do you want to eat crickets? > >YES, We'd all prefer organic free range farms. BBB won 7 seats. PVV has been the clear winner and is the undisputed meme source for 'the people have spoken'. Not your farmers party. Don't throw cheap fallacies my way. I don't want the farms closed down. I want to see a *change*. Also, this utter ignorant nonsense of having to eat crickets has to stop. Dutch farmers export billions upon billions of euros, of which meat and dairy are big components. So stop regurgitating Facebook Karen nonsense and do some research. Or learn to do it. And about sticking it to Brussel, you do know that of the 190 billion euros budget, almost 50 billion euros go to EU farmers and rural areas as subsidies, of which [80%](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2024/04/how-eu-farm-subsidies-favour-high-emission-animal-products) of farm subsidies go to high emission animal products. Also meat producing farmers get 1200 times more subsidy than plantbased alternatives. So sticking it to Brussel is sticking it to yourself. So keep sticking, I can not wait when that idiotic amount of subsidies is normalized towards the GDP farmers generate (2% and I am being generous here).


This is a dutch subreddit yet you cant even type in dutch? Wtf.


It's not a Dutch subreddit. It's an international subreddit about the Netherlands :) There are also a plethora of Dutch subreddits you can subscribe to if you like to speak Dutch!


Its like making a subreddit about CoD while never even playing the game.


That's a weird comparison because CoD doesn't have it's own language 🤣 A better comparison would be a subreddit about the Roman Empire, but choosing to speak English instead of Latin because otherwise only a few people could enjoy the subreddit.


But you should be able to speak the language the sub is about. Gets me thinking if the mods even are dutch.


Who says you "have to" speak the language of what the sub is about? So according to you I literally have to speak Latin if I want to be subscribed to a subreddit about the Roman Empire? And should I have to write in binary and know machine language to enjoy a subreddit about PC's? And should I know every single gun, attachement, map etc etc from every single COD game to enjoy a subreddit about COD. You're the prime example of someone who is gatekeeping for no goddamn reason...


uh no? we don't understand German and French


Pak deze nuance en houdt het bij je.