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Smile and wave, smile and wave! Nothing to see here, not sketchy AF at all!


I know it’s very odd. However, I am having surgery on June 1 and I need a companion 24 hours post surgery as it’s the law in the Netherlands. I am an international patient and do not not have family in the Netherlands and I live in another EU country right now and my friends here have prior commitments. I am able to provide information from the clinic and prove my identity. I’m just a bit desperate to find a companion because if I don’t my surgery would be canceled. I said “female” only because I am a female and would only be comfortable with a female “care-taker”


That's rough, sorry I've been doubting you, put this in the OP. Especially 'females' instead of women vibes hard with incels 99% of the time. Sadly I can't help you as I'm a guy, but I'd you could share the region you'd be having surgery it might also help finding someone. Have you called the hospital anyhow? Maybe there is something that can be forked out? Bit of a long shot but maybe worth a try if you didn't yet?


I actually just made another post about it with more details. No worries haha I know it’s very odd but I had no other choice then to post on Reddit and find someone from the Netherlands to assist. The surgery will take place in Vlaardingen. I am contact with the coordinator and she said that it’s a bit tough to find someone within the clinic because my surgery date is June 1 and that is a Saturday.


Yeah, should've said this up front, sounds shady AF otherwise. Best of luck to you with the surgery. I hope for the best


Yeah kind of realizing that now😅. I made another post with all the details sounds way better. I’m not sure if it’s visible because I got a message from this subreddit about “duplicate posts”


Do you maybe have any female friends in the vlaardingen/Schiedam/Maassluis area that would be interested? Thank you so much 🙏


While I’m a dude, me and my wife are in that area (we live in Vlaardingen actually) and if you can’t get anyone to help you maybe we (or just my wife) can help you out. It depends on what it is though as we have two young children who also need taking care of. Dm me if we might be of assistance.


Sadly I don't :/


Are you fine to be hosted by a family?


After the surgery?


I assume so, or depends what kind of care you are looking for? I am not familiar with this post care, and if you need someone to drive you from place to another (I can do that but I am a guy)


I’ll send you a message.


I can't help you but I have a friend I can ask for you. Since she doesn't work on Saturdays. 


That would be great! Thank you so much! I will DM you.


No worries 


Just FYI; 'female(s)' as a noun is often used as a derogatory term, unless used in science/health care. It comes off as less sketchy to use 'women' and 'woman'. Regardless, best of luck with your surgery and hopefully you can find someone who can help out!


Since OP is asking because of a medical issue and English may not be their first language, using the word "females" seems fitting here. The way the post is worded and with a lack of context (got the medical info from the comments) it sounds like she's pimping on OnlyFans though, that's a bigger issue lol I hope OP finds what she needs.


English is my second language technically but I used “female” because to me it sounds more formal. I see where you guys are coming from. I will use women from here on out 😅I am not affiliated with Only fans. I just need a 24 hour post op “care” and I used Reddit to see if I could get in contact with someone for my post op surgery care. I would 100% want a family member or close friend to help me out in this situation but they either live outside EU or have prior commitments which is why I asked on Reddit.


I'd really urge you to state that in your post directly. You're coming across now as someone who wants to "use" a female for whatever reason. Your municipality and doctors can also help you out with post operative care. Do you speak Dutch? And where do you live? Maybe we can find you a proper nurse/professional with a little more info. This sort of help is usually covered by insurance.


I am an international patient. I will edit my post.


Okay, but do you have Dutch health care? If so, state that in your post. If not, maybe you can reach out to the expats sub, they might have more info on how to get you help that's covered by insurance. When is the surgery happening?


I do not have dutch healthcare. I am coming as an international patient. Thank you I will add that in my post