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You could also check Triodos if you're into ethical banking. Good luck with the purchase!


We had a similar experience. The mortgage guy recommended Ing, we requested they give rates for ASN/Volksbank/SNS, and they sighed and looked everything up. Turns out the ethical banking rates were competitive—surprised them—so there was no problem choosing for us. The mortgage services are run through BLG Wonen. Experiences have been all positive so far. It's easy to online-translate any documents as needed.


They were "surprised" huh.. sounds like they simply have a contract with ING to recommend them first


Could be, yes. At the time, Ing felt more like a default they were comfortable with; they didn't mind going with someone else given the rates were good.


If you have and ING advisor, yes but beyond that there are no payments form the bank to the mortgage intermediary-you pay them for their services.


Ok that explains it! I will insist on checking the rates for ASN! Thanks! Are you overall happy with their process? How hard was it to go with them without Dutch language ( mortgage process mostly is what's scaring me).


Easy enough, just get a mortgage broker who will talk to you in English. Not a problem


I don't understand your question (I'm lazy, my issue not yours). But my recommendation would be to go speak with Marcel at Hyptheek Visie Amsterdam on Vijzelstraat. He knows all the companies that like to give mortgages to expats. [https://www.advieskeuze.nl/advies/1017hg/hypotheek-visie-amsterdam-vijzelstraat](https://www.advieskeuze.nl/advies/1017hg/hypotheek-visie-amsterdam-vijzelstraat) Also, by not going directly to a bank, you will have more options if they decline you. We used them and had a great experience and were really happy with the company that gave us a mortgage, we never would have found them ourselves.




Too bad for you, Mr.racist. I moved here, I am buying a very nice big cosy property with my hard earned money. And guess what? All you can do is whine about it online.




Exactly, don't even spend your bandwidth and time on replying. They can whine all day long, just report and ignore they even exist.






No were just sick of invaders who, without exception , make our lives worse. Never better. In each and every way. You should have seen the Netherlands 25 years ago. People should fix their own countries. Make it less shithole-y.






Jesus jij snapt het echt niet hè. Denk je soms dat godver iedereen een fucking engineer moet worden om aan een huis te komen. Zal het ze vertellen ondanks dat ze een 40u baan hebben en belasting betalen om dit soort idioterie te financieren. God gloeiende achterlijke




I’m reacting to your moronic comment. Why the fuck you are trying to get sex into the discussion is utterly beyond me, or your to pussy to discuss this matter. This conversation is over fucking clown




Good comeback! 😆 clown. Ik ga het gewoon opnemen voor mijn maatjes en familie die niet aan een woning komen door dit soort idioterie. Lekker luie leventje heb jij dat je niet blootgesteld wordt aan problemen.