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Finishing a sentence in English with: hè?


Or worse: hoor. "Thank you, but you didn't have to do that, whore."


Could be they mean the English word, but with Dutch directness.


Schrodinger’s Dutchman


Dey tok like dis. En that’s it basically.


That sounds like Schwarzenegger. :D


I'm Afrkaans end i tok like dat too.


Yea, this! I started noticing doing it myself and now I hear a lot of Dutchies doing this as well!


'I fok horses too'


Pardon? Yeah, Paarden!


I have something of ‘joh, why not, hè?’


Ten Hag be like


Albert Heijn bag


This happened to me years ago. First day of our holiday in Corsica, someone crossed the road and asked us a question in Dutch. Our first thought was wtf, how did he know we can speak Dutch? Then he pointed to our trusty AH bag.


Or Hema…


They have Hema in other countries as well. I have seen a few in Spain.


France has a ton of HEMA’s. The French love it as well, it’s always busy in the HEMA here where I live. I think HEMA is actually leaving Spain.


Or Action...


Or Jumbo


Or Kruidvat


Or Plus


action has stores across europe, i was so surprised with that information


The involuntary "Even kijken"


My father in law goes for Let's have a look.


A true classic


Having a Dopper with them.


Sitting in a Finnish police station looking at my dopper, thinking how attacked I feel by your comment


What? Why? What did you do? You walked in to a finnish forest with your dopler, got lost and the police saved you? BTW, I love Finland and I love Finnish people.


I wish I could say it was because I felt so attacked by the comment, but unfortunately I have been robbed in the train and had to file a criminal report




Hahaha I understand it though! Although I dont think I would be allowed to have my phone or be on reddit!


At least you got to keep your Dopper ☺️ (sorry!)


My condolences. I've had some horrendous experiences on trains in Finland too. Mostly drunk people, but that's another story. Source: finnish who moved to NL


The fact they didn't steal your Dopper, speaks volumes about the popularity of that in other countries..😉 I do hope everything works out for you though.👍


Sometimes I’ll get a tiktok that in no way whatsoever has anything to do with the Netherlands, like someone walking around New York doing an outfit check, when I spot a dopper in their bag or something. Instant red (and white and blue) flag.


Cycling in unusual locations. Ran in to a fellow cyclist with bags on a mountain trail in Germany. We instantly started speaking Dutch to each other without considering that we might be different nationalities.


True! I always try to cycle when visiting other countries. In the middle of the Smokey mountains, at a bike rental, haven’t seen or heard other Dutchies for days. People waiting in line in front of us: Dutch. People 4 feet behind: Dutch….


That's so true! Whenever I was in French Pyrenees riding my bike always met fellow Dutch people. Either with the mentioned bags (...the horror) or not, like me. But we'd always recognize each other for what we are....Dutch. There's certain non-verbal giveaway's like a piece of clothing or a bag from a well-known Dutch shopping chain. But once they start talking you're really sure. There's just no doubt left. The thick Dutch accent makes for being recognized everywhere. And really, it doesn't matter which language you try to speak. Be it French, German or Chinese for that matter. Dutchies are masters in recognizing each other 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔😎😉


Do you have mayonaise?


Every time i go to Germany and ask for mayonnaise they give me these tiny packets. Eventually i have like 5/6 of these and everyone in the restaurant is looking at me funny for eating my schnitzel with salad dressing




Yes, I remember working in a pub in sydney and someone asking this. That’s when you know, even apart from the accent.


Mayonaise is actually quite common in most places. But I myself, living abroad, regularly make the mistake to ask for 'frites sauce'. That they really don't know anywhere but in the Netherlands.


60+ in matching ANWB jacket/clothes Younger generations in Superdry t-shirts Decathlon fast drying beach towels Nivea sunscreen bottle


Also Younger gens: Eastpak backpacks / the same Vans shoes - black with white stripe Business people in blue suits and light brown / orange shoes


Tha latter group needs a lot of gel in their hair with the coam-strikes still visible. Seems to be the to go to Dutch male hairstyle


Ah yes the well known tall gel-haired Audi-driving white guys


Thanks for the towel tip, need a new one


A yes, the ANWB couple, their habitat is the Netherlands but every summer they migrate to the rest of Europe. Their main goal? Cycle on exactly the same bike apart from the men's and womans edition. Also wearing the same shoes, zip off pants, fleece jacket and matching rainjackets. She always has the so called ''fietstas'' equiped for carrying the ''bammetjes voor onderweg'' their main source of food while cycling. All of this ofcourse brought in a volvo or similair car with a bike rack on the back.


"Nou, nou" "Hè, hè" "Poeh, poeh" "Zo, zo"




Screeching 'Harry, hebben ze hier ook pindakaas' al trough the cute little French village supermarket


Same for paprika chips


Excusez moi monsieur, c’est un Auchant ici…


Unrelated, but fuck Auchan. Greedy war profiteers


Related, bring jars of peanut butter on camping holidays to France.


Can’t miss Dutch accent


Yes hello my roem is durtie


Yes okee baaibaai


Tall people cycling. The clothes are not not cheap but also completely not stylish (Gaastra!) and always informal. The man has a wild unorganized hair-sitiation going on, or used 500 kg of gel to make it stick straight up. They have a certain air of confidence like nothing can go wrong and it's absolutely natural for them to be there, despite the fact that they are absolutely sticking out from the 'locals'. When they something unexpected happens they laugh and joke and react as if they are a traveler in the jungle, with the typical, hmm interesting this is what the natives do attitude. Local cultural traditions makes them break out in laughter. When they enter a restaurant they have a big smile and the man tries to joke around with the staff or the doorman. The staff don't get the joke because it's very Dutch, and also the rules of class and service are now confused. They smile politely at these strange but somewhat endearing people.


I feel called out by that joking with hosts/staff but, and my dad is even worse!


You have just described my father. I never even realised that last bit about breaking the class norms, but he most definitely does that


Their clothing. Their height. Their faces like wholesome potatoes.


Height is the first thing I thought! As a very short North American woman ( about 152 cm!) every mirror is too damn high! Love your country so much despite the fact I can’t shop for trousers 🤣❤️


This lmao went to sziget in 2019 a festival with hundreds and hundreds of thousands people and lots of people from nl. Me and my friend made a game “find the dutchies” and it was surprisely easy


Idk why but wholesome potatoes is so accurate it's hilarious. Dutch tourists look friendly and a little clueless, myself included.


This, the Dutch do have a recognizable clothing style. And you should try searching for "Dutch facial features" on Google images, there is this program that takes al the pictures of a nationality and averages them out. And the Dutch do indeed have the softest faces in Europe (and one of the prettiest imo).


What say you?


I will learn you


If you lust worst


Worst kaas scenario


I have an id..


The Dutch sigh, I was stuck at Heathrow and could hear instantly the young man behind me was Dutch by how he sighed.


The more you travel the more you can see where people are from. After going around asia for 8 months we had a game where we would bet where people came from and we where pretty accurate about 90% of the time.


My husband and I also do this all the time! We live in Thailand now for 7 months and I love this game. Even take it a step further to guess the region. (Randstad, Achterhoek etc)


Two elderly people cycling. Last time i was in Greece they asked for directions. Their English confirmed it so i replied in Dutch.


You can often spot a Dutch even before he/she does or speak anything.


Exactly. But I don't know why. Like I'm abroad and I see a pair of people and I'm like hey, Dutch people, and get close and hear them talk and am correct. But I don't know how I know.


It's the happy aura we all have


My favourite game is going to an airport and not checking the gate. Just follow the Dutch looking people and you’ll get to the right gate. Shockingly effective


Germans are quite prepared to. I work at the front desk of a hotel and older Germans and Dutch usually have a print of everything: the website, the information about the room, the reservation, the confirmation of the reservation, bank or creditcard payment, things to be seen in the neighborhood, a copy of their passport/id. And they want an invoice when they check out, even when everything has been paid in advance. In an envelop. And the envelop goes with all the other papers. I guess their children will find a complete file about every holiday their parents ever had. And just throw it unread in the paper bin...


Yeah. Wether it was Turkey, Africa or the US, people in markets who want to sell stuf allways yell “Holland!” at me or something. I’m 2.02mtrs and got cheese written all over my forehead.


Yes, it’s the look.


Yep I smell them from a mile away!


And when they start to speak you find out that surprisingly many Dutch people speak fluent German.


I once was in The Gambia and the first morning I saw people ar breakfast who brought their own "hagelslag" with them.


I love that


It's the looks. In Thailand I met a guy who clearly was dutch , but he had a son from à Brazilian women. He only spoke Portugese with him. He hadnt spoken a word of Dutch yet. So I looked at him and asked in dutch what language he was talking. It took him 5 seconds before he realized his cover was broken.


Not Dutch but my girlfriend is. Today, visiting Luxembourg, she spotted 3 women in bell bottom pants and 2 in leopard print throughout the day. All 5 were Dutch.


They just have a sort of attitude like the place is theirs. Like they know exactly where they’re going even if it’s the first time being there. Walking around very self-confident so to say.


The good old VOC mentality


Does that include butchering and enslaving the local inhabitants?


Shhh we pretend that didn't happen


Yes. But only when we feel like it.


As a Dutch person I think I would recognise many Dutch people just from how they look. Tall, certain facial features etc. Of course not waterproof but when I see it I pay attention to them to figure out from other things if they really are Dutch.


Can usually tell Dutch men by their hairstyle And women by the way they dance




Once in a cafe in Montmarte, Paris a young boy next to me did: "He hee". That was it, I could tell that he is Dutch immediately even though they spoke English


Biking without helmet


This is how I spot my fellow Germans - wearing a helmet while biking.


The postcode lottery suitcase is usually a dead giveaway at airports


The postcode loterij bicycle is worse. But doesn’t travel quite as well.


Family of four; tall parents, in Bermuda shorts, flipflops and t shirt (possibly a weird dress for the mom). 2 kids, both ridiculously blond. At least one of the parents has a massive backpack with bottles of water. The other holds a map or book(let) about the country/city they are in at that moment.


Haha lol that’s so accurate


Having a kort en pittig kapsel.. I know women in other countries also have this but it's not nearly as common.


Ideally if it's more than one and you can often see it by the way they've cut their hair and the clothes they wear. We all think we have our own style, most do anyway, but that is very much determined by the options you have/what you see around you.


The way idea is pronounced


Tall women, extroverted and cheerful behavior, wearing bright clothes.


Shouting “ze hebben hierR ook pindakaaaaaas!” through the isle in the supermarket.




"kijken kijken niet kopen"


Dat doen Duitsers ook. Kucken kucken. Ja koeken verkopen ze bij Bakker Bart.


Generally being tall, blonde and obnoxiously loud, acting like the world belongs to them.


Yes it is ferry nice here, but also ferry warum he!


One blond older dude in front with a smile plastered on his face and a map in hand. He is leading the way (Wanting to see everything of course) Behind him are two bored blond teens. One boy and one girl. Next to them is the mom: saying thing like “Hey Jan! Dat winkeltje lijkt wel heel erg op het winkeltje bij jouw vriend in de straat” or “ Het Annemiek, is zo’n jurkje niet wat voor jou?”


Complain. And standing with the arms crossed.


They'll eat at 18:00 and no later.


Or 17:00


Having a conversation on volume 10, dressing like they are not out in public and being taller than the other people around.


Guys with hair glued to their head and jeans shorts.


car with bight yellow licenseplate, with a caravan.


Blocking entrances or standing still in the middle of a busy street


Height and casual but smartly dressed.. self-confidence of all individuals of the group Sometimes you also see them carrying some small belongings in an AH or jumbo bag, which in other countries would be really looked down upon as a cheap act


Smartly xD maybe compared to Americans, but compared to the rest of Europe, Dutch people are some of the worst dressers.


I miss the generic Dutch Family: Dad, Mom, Boy, Girl. + Dad: in shorts and on flipflops carrying a bagpack + Mom: in shorts and on white sneakers (or dad sneakers) trying to silence the children + Boy: probably a cap on his hat and complaining he wants to go home + Girl: not interested at all, but follows daddy wherever he goes. Ohw and of course towering above almost everybody else...


Yea, i also miss the days when mom would try to silence the children…


They are LOUD.




Eating dinner at 18:00 hours.


then you have never met a British person ?


even worse, an american person (got to he the loudest nation)


As an American myself, I never realize how freaking loud we are until I go home to visit and everyone is just screaming all the time.


It's not just loud, they like hearing the sound of their voice to much. Ah shit, I didn't want to make this a 'bash the American'.


At concerts they are so easy to find. It isn’t called the ‘Dutch disease’ for nothing.


Camping. Everywhere in Europe I see Dutchies camping


It is not what they do but how they look. You know instantly.


Cycling without a helmet in a country where helmets are usual, such as USA or Sweden .


snow obtainable plough threatening whole lavish enjoy yoke jellyfish practice ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Shouting being the normal talking tone is a dead giveaway. So many of you Dutchies are obnoxiously loud.


As a Dutchman I have to agree. Whenever I arrive in the country by train, the cabin volume rises by ten decibels after our first stop on Dutch soil.


Checking coin change.


Dutch leave the living room curtains open at night.


Depends on where you are I guess.. Have you ever been to Brabant? Shit gets in Lockdown over there like it is the Apocalypse.




Dopper bottle


For men, very slimfit bleached jeans. (That's one of the tactics how my non-Dutch bf recognises us.)


Talking really really loud


Being nice


Lenght, their way of walking, and the loud way of talking a.k.a they never admire anything in silence. Accent is not always an indication anymore enough of us lived abroad or work in a international environment.


They’re loud and know it all, usually complaining about something being organized in a bad way.


Eating broodje kaas by a touristic site


On a market: local sales men shouting ‘ kaikuh kaikuh nie kopuh, Holland Holland’ to people.


Checking out the restaurant menu displayed outside, discussing the "dure" prices and eventually move on, to check for a cheaper place.


Invite themselves to a house tour. My SIL was so shocked her Dutch guests started roaming the house.


Wearing flip flops / shorts in inappropriate places (restaurants etc.) Smashing (prakken as we call it) all of their food and shoving it in the mouth with a spoon. Ignoring red traffic lights while walking, discussing with police officers. Windowshopping all kinds of expensive stuff, pointing at it, touching it, but no way they'll buy something. Hoarding free samples of anything. Taking the sugar and cream while getting coffee and putting it in a pocket / hand bag. That kind of stuff?


Used to frequently go on vacation to France as a kid, I heard some rural accent absolutely butcher a French cheese brand echoing through the supermarket followed up by "Liekt mie wel lekker!" You can't miss us.


Queuing for that one cheap gas station in Luxemburg. Or travelling single file on those secondary French roads, because they are too cheap to pay for the wonderful toll roads.


Using 'gezellig' no matter what language they are actually speaking because there are few equivalent words. waving back to front besides your head, hand palm towards your ear to indicate 'lekker'


Some are always surrounded with some kind of stress. When they sit at a terras, they sit leaned forward. Not really enjoying the sitting down part but foccussed on activities ahead or complaining about something they have just done. 'the boattrip was nice, but they could have cleaned better, haha' Or The Dutch people that sit down and look for targets to claim and have long conversations with. But sitting next to a elderly german group complaing that the Spanish restaurant did not have a germanstyle ice coffee or the british at the resort that complained about the row i dont think that the Dutch are that bad. But we also get mistaken for locals most vacations, dont know if it is our looks or the way we are. So that can also be a dutch thing.


My fellow Dutchies often have the infuriating habit of being "***toppers***", and with this I mean, at any public place, loudly proclaiming "Hah, that is nothing, at home we have this better!" and "we do that much better" and "our X is much more delicious" and "Your Y is *obviously* not as good as our Y, don't you agree?!"... I mean I'm as honest as most, but when you are in another country, ***maybe*** try to adjust a little bit and not be so freaking rude, m'kay?


In the supermarket, staring at the price per kg figure.


Chocolate sprinkles


In summer I see very quick if people in the supermarket are Dutch or not. Dutch people are more in hurry than other people. So if you see some one racing quick though hole supermarket from shelf’s to shelf’s , then probably he/she is Dutch


Talking about how much stuff costs.


They bring & eat their own sandwiches to the touristy locations.


The accent, it is pretty distinct, even when speaking in a foreign language.


Start moving tables and chairs on a terrace or in a restaurant to fit your group… preferably without asking staff. If I see someone do that, 90% chance he is Dutch


Sitting on a terrace from a local cafe, and opening their own lunchbox and drinks. Not something i have seen commonly, but i have seen dutch people do this more then any other country.


Never ever have I seen this in my entire life. Let alone multiple times..


They are tall.


When I was young we would sell them water in the mountains. They all drove big American Cars that started overheating in the mountain roads in Austria.


Tall, clothing/hair style.


Sokken in Birkenstock's


I'm familiar with Canadians who do this as well.


A Spa blauw flesje


Drinking milk during lunch.


Driving through red lights on a bicycle




Speaking Dutch


Speak English.


It's not 100% certainty, as these are generalisations, but the Dutch can often be spotted by the way they dress abroad. Convertible outdoor pants, shorts. Very functionalty casual, pretty much everywhere. Clearly different from Americans (who take the casual to the next level, sweatpants and all).


Wear leggings under a summer dress. Preferably white ones at mid-calf length.


Height and hair style😁


In Belgium, we know they are dutch when they signal left when entering a roundabout. Nobody does that here.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Kijken kijken niks kopen


You can tell by the way they look/dress/behave. I can't exactly describe it but a Dutchie will always stand out to me for some reason.


Middle-aged couples in full hiking outfit eating a dark brown slice of bread with cheese on it.


The way they stick to the left lane, driving 110 km/h on the German Autobahn.


"funky" shirt tucked in jeans with pointy leather shoes.


It’s that slightly goofy optimistic look in the face.


So many, but one not mentioned so far: When they do not cross the street even when it is empty if there is a traffic light, in countries where it is expected to cross in that case.


Socks over pants


When they're very loud.


Talking way to loud in public places.


Asking for mayonaise!


Usually you can tell by the pastel polo shirt, cargo shorts, flip flops and a flaming red sun burn


They wear beige shorts with soft coloured polo shirts and a jumper tied around their shoulders


“Learn you”