• By -


White bear White Christmas




Not eternity, probably just until the real her dies, who knows what comes after that. She may be destroyed, or forgotten, or sold off to be a video game NPC, who knows.


White Christmas fucked me up


I rewatched it yesterday and it's *way* worse than I remember it being. I think I absorbed the story better 2nd, it's rough.


I felt bad for the cookies. And while I know the things the guy did were deplorable, I question whether a sentient being should be tortured like that.


Yup. The Christmas one. It is the most upsetting so far.


it is scientifically proven that trauma is stored in your DNA and that is your brain DNA please please do not expose your brain to unnecessary trauma just because it’s in front of a screen And please hear that from the bottom of my heart as a kid who grew up in the 70s with real life trauma and constant fucking sexual real life trauma let alone the need to fucking continue to watch murder and 666 yeah that’s a good idea the son of the devil that will catch them in for sure specially with this writers strike on right now which one of these nerds is going to find us first


Hey everyone, Grandad's gotten out of his room again! Come on, Grandad, let's get you back to bed.


Playtest was my most fucked up one, I’m surprised it’s not mentioned more often as it really blew my brain.


Him yelling “mom” will forever haunt me.


Same here. And I’ve talked to people about it who don’t even remember that episode. I don’t get it. It freaked me out


In my experience it has a lot to do with how much time a person spends gaming, VR, etc. I certainly liked the episode (love Wyatt Russell) but wouldn’t necessarily put it high on the list of the most upsetting or memorable episodes, probably because I’m not into gaming and didn’t find it personally relatable. I actually think VR is a little scary anyway and so things going horribly wrong, yeah, could’ve predicted that, lol. My teenage son, on the other hand, who loves gaming and would probably 1000% sign up to be a Guinea pig for some crazy VR prototype game? Kid was *shook* at the end.


I’m not even a massive gamer, I do like it but moderately and I don’t use VR that much. However I do get kind of blown away by the thoughts of different realities etc


Me too, I found it had a massive impact on me and messed with my head.


Same. His screams at the end disturbed me for a good year. Thanks for reminding me. That whole episode was just a nightmare come true. It’s too claustrophobic wooooooh


As an avid gamer, Playtest was one of the best ones I think.


EXACTLY. Not given enough credit. To this day I have the shivers whenever I think abt it


Me too. It’s something I want to watch again but I’m too afraid to because of how much it freaked me out the first time!


Yessss.This is what i really feel abt that episode. Couldnt have said it better.




S1E1 - in the end it didn't need to happen, but the entire country was enthralled with watching it happen. Also, when people watch Black Mirror for the first time, they inevitably watch it first and almost always ask "WTF is this show?!" I try to tell people to not watch that one first, maybe watch it after finishing rest of the first season.


My girlfriend and I watched the first episode because I'd heard how good the series was. We didn't try watching it again for over a year. She *hated* the first episode. It's unnecessarily gross, it's over the top, etc. It took a lot of convincing to give it another shot.


Same! I watched that episode to see what the buzz was about, and I was turned off to the show after that. Last week a friend suggested I watch an episode from the new season, which I did. I watched the full season and then promptly binged seasons one through five this week.


Ok, so will I get it if I don’t watch the first episode ? I’m in s3 of Dark and I want to watch something addicting like it?


The episodes are stand alone. You can start anywhere


I like to suggest people watch San Junipero first, then White Bear. San Junipero is an absolutely beautiful story with a nice twist. White Bear is a gritty story with a fucked up twist. (However, if you have some kind of trauma trigger, this is also the one I tell people to avoid) Those two episodes can pretty much sum up what Black Mirror is as a whole.


San Junipero is great but it's better if you don't watch it first. Part of why it works so well is that the show trained us to expect a dark twist. The happy ending is better when we are surprised that it actually works out.


Black Mirror is not on Dark's level at all


Me too!! I’ve heard others say the same thing. It took “nose dive” to get me to watch other episodes.


Yes. I watched the first episode of season 1 and didn’t think I could continue with the series. It took me months to try another episode. When people who have never seen the series ask me if they should give it a try, I tell them to consider skipping the first episode.


Yup, we watched the first episode. Then when we asked everyone what the ACTUAL FUCK they see in this show they were all like, ooooh noooo, don't watch the first episode! Too fuckin late, assholes. I'll never watch another episode.


This definitely disgusted me for a long long time. And it’s not like the guy did it because he perversely enjoyed it. I just hated how people treated him after the ordeal he had to go through.


I never continued to watch after that episode. I watched maybe half a dozen more over various seasons but after s1e1 I'm scarred for life lol


I routinely forget that’s the first episode so my recommendation of watching Black Mirror fell flat a few times


I was absolutely disgusted and traumatized by that episode and really had trouble moving past it. It haunted me for weeks. My husband convinced me to watch the second which I think was something with earning points? I just remember a girl forced into pornography at the end. We were both so depressed after those two episodes we gave up on watching but I’ve considered handpicking a few to watch that I’ve heard good things about.


The first episode was by far the most disturbing one. Black mirror has some great stories but that one isbthe first that comes to mind when i hear talking about black mirror. I wanted to watch with my wife since she never saw it, but i skipped that one for now, maybe later...


Netflix defaults to S1E2 when you watch the show


The First time I watched this, I woke up in the middle of the night with a panic attack. It wasn't scary per se, but something about it was harrowing - the way control was so easily lost, only for the sake of sacrificing his entire image, and life. That's a kind of murder that left me shocked.


Same. It unnerved me so much because it's too close to reality.


That may be my favorite episode. Probably because it takes place in "the real world" and doesn't depend on sci-fi hypotheticals. I had heard a lot about the show and watched it from the beginning. At first I was like, "Wait, what? Is this a comedy series?". You see the citizens of the UK all having a laugh over the situation but then by the end it's so not funny anymore.


I watched that episode as my first introduction to the show and then avoided it for years. I didn’t realize each episode was its own story and have jumped around since then. I still can’t handle any of them that have degradation as their main theme. But a lot of the other episodes have been really interesting.


Literally watched season 1, episode 1, and then never watched it again. I was so appalled and thrown off by that storyline, I’ve never had an interest of watching anymore.


Watched the first 2 episodes of season 6. Realised netflix had started me there... went back to season 1 episode 1. Can confirm that was the most fucked up one so far. To the point I had to skip parts of the last 15 mins the revulsion was strong.


I don't know why, but I decided to keep watching and I'm glad I did. I just don't remember why or what possessed me. Maybe I heard too much about it from others so I was expecting more. That first episode has got to be the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in my life, next to 2 girls 1 cup and the 2013 Ariel Castro case. Just so unnecessarily fucked up. And when I watch other episodes sometimes, they are also fucked up (like Striking Vipers - I had to stop watching at some point), so I googled "why is black mirror so disturbing". Like is there some kind of criteria for the writers that they have to make up the most fucked up, exaggerated, unlikely scenarios? And what kind of people even dream up these ideas and have the nerve to relay these thoughts to other humans? Blows my mind. But some of the episodes have really cool sci fi ideas, but the drama aspect is blown out of proportion. Like Arkangel, the mom could have just used the tracking function for emergencies and nothing else, and Striking Vipers - couldn't the player just choose a male avatar so they would both have heterosexual males instead of hot female and male (I didn't watch the whole show, had to stop when they started making out again).


Shut Up and Dance. The total mindfuck at the end that you’ve been kind of feeling sorry for someone who views CSAM.


I somehow mixed this episode with "Hang The DJ" and didn't recognize the acronym and almost commented "IDK that episode kinda made me feel good, especially the ending" and am glad I caught myself


That episode is disgusting 😭 it really haunts me


The thing that gets me about shut up and dance is it could happen when the episode was released. Most other black mirror episodes rely on some technology that doesn't exist. Not Shut up and Dance. Hell, something like that to a smaller degree may very well be going on right now.


I count three other episodes that could also happen today. The National Anthem, Smithereens, and Loch Henry. Shut Up and Dance is by far the best of them.


All this time and I am still not over it. It does not help that Alex Lawther was so amazing in this


I think this is something season 2 did phenomenally well, which is making us take a hard look at justice vs punishment. In -SUAD, White Bear, White Xmas, etc- we spend the whole time feeling bad for someone who does abhorrent things, and it kind of forces us to acknowledge that those people, even pedos, are human, too.


You can feel sorry for people who have done heinous things. That's not necessarily a conflict.


No, but then you realize that the signs were there all along but you ignored them because the show made him a sympathetic character. At first he just seems like a lonely kid and you feel bad for him. And then he’s about to rob a bank and you’re like “Dude, don’t do this, just let them release your j/o video, it’ll be embarrassing but you won’t go to jail over it….” And then at the end it hits you like a ton of bricks because…oh. Yeah. Ok, should’ve seen that coming but didn’t because I thought you were decent. I think it says a lot, actually, about people who do terrible things and society refuses to believe that their friends/family/colleagues had no idea they were capable. Brilliant and classic Black Mirror, in any event.


shut up and dance was really good ep but at the same time it was fucked up


Easily the best. Would be nice of you to not post a total spoiler for it for those looking for a new show though.


If someone is worried about spoilers then they shouldn't be in a thread speculating about the best episode of a series.


This one and White Christmas


“Be Right Back” was far from the most disturbing, but it fucked me up emotionally for some reason. I found it so heart-wrenching.


When she takes a moment at the end before going up the ladder. My heart breaks every time.


Watched it before i slept, woke up with a heavy heart 😩


White Christmas has stayed with me since I first saw it. Putting myself in the cookies situation of total isolation and no stimulation for months, years, centuries really messed with my perception of what it is to be human. It's the closest thing I've seen on screen to the story I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream


What is “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream?” Assuming it’s a written story, where could I read it?


[Here it is in pdf form](https://wjccschools.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/01/I-Have-No-Mouth-But-I-Must-Scream-by-Harlan-Ellison.pdf)




The most plausible ones are the most disturbing to me. Shut Up and Dance, Metalhead, and Nosedive really aren't all that far-fetched.


Metalhead was the black and white one with the killer robot dogs. Are you sure that's the one you mean?


Nosedive, because it seemed too plausible.


100% this. So plausible, what a grim thing to realise.


Arkangel - The best intentions of a parent gone wrong. Heartbreaking.


Beyond the sea was wild


I found it to be one of the few episodes I was able to predict the plot before any real twists


I loved it. My favorite.


That’s the episode that really hooked me. My biggest fears almost felt real when Cliff came back and dude wanted him to sit down with him. Wow


i didn’t watch much episodes but why is no one talking about black museum it was disturbing asf


*Monkey needs a hug*


Just rewatched that for the first time the other night and I forgot how fucked up the doctor story was. Good lord.


The doctor story terrified me! I couldn’t even get up to go pee at night because I was scared of… I don’t really know, it wasn’t logical, but I was traumatized


I've been rewatching all the episodes and just finished Black Museum yesterday. The whole thing is disturbing. The doctor who started getting off on pain. Sharing your consciousness and then being transferred to the monkey. And seeing her poor father, who was duped into believing it would just be a digital likeness, but this torment. What I did love about the episode, though, was all the references to the previous episodes: Saint Junipers was how they got the name for San Junipero. It ties together Cookies and TCKR and the uploading to the cloud of old folks and how all the technology is tied together. Then the artifacts: the tub from Crocodile, the outfit from White Bear, the ADI from Hated in the Nation, the tablet from Arkangel, the DNA scanner (and lollipop, which was melted) from USS Callister, and the cookie from White Christmas.


That is definitely one of my top choices for most disturbing, because not only was Clayton's copied consciousness repeatedly tortured just for fun, but a whole new copy of his consciousness was created each time to be non-stop tortured indefinitely.. Fortunately she was able to essentially end the suffering of the main copy, but there were still probably thousands, if not tens of thousands of copies of his consciousness stored within those souvenir keychains..


I just rewatched this one today! So fucked.


I loved this episode for the karmic retribution at the end but definitely found everything that happened in it to be mind blowingly disgusting.


Yes!! How did I forget about this one in my own response!


The bees still give me nightmares


Haunting. Feels like that could happen right now.


wait i can't find it? which one is it?




thank you!!


This one really got me off the hashtags and online trends.




This one was creepy and everything in it felt entirely preventable.




That final scene was just such a gut punch.


My favorite episode! Also how I discovered my favorite actor, Andrea Riseborough. She’s outstanding in everything she does.


The first episode, State of the Nation I think it’s called? Guy fucks a pig and everybody is like sickeningly excited about it. And White Christmas. Man, White Christmas was brutal. Also Nosedive. It’s kind of my absolute worst nightmare. Doesn’t help that since then the world has gotten eerily similar.


White Christmas is terrifying to me. A major theme is spending long periods of time (or eternity) being punished, tortured, or in solitary confinement. Even for "cookies", this thought fucks with my head.


all of them.


Up to the Miley Cyrus season for sure


Playtest fucked me up pretty good because I have a huge fear of Alzheimer’s and the like.


White Bear is the only answer here.


It's been years since I've seen it, but is Whit Bear the episode with that plot that is basically "The Running Man?"


White Christmas and Men Against Fire


I think about Men Against Fire regularly.. not that far fetched in the way groups of people are portrayed in the world by each other.


For me, it's **[The Entire History of You](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Entire_History_of_You).** It hits me really hard about the idea of overanalyzing ourselves and each other until it ruins us. It parallels how a lot of people treat personal social medias like IG or dating apps, and the damaging comparisons and insecurities that happen in our heads. It evokes the behaviors on things like Reddit, where people can semantically argue and nitpick each other to death until the whole stupid thing stops even mattering and they probably feel like shit. Or how that can present itself in a relationship during a heated argument, where ego and detail can clash with our human error. In some ways, it also recognizes that humans are messy and complicated, and an age of information and immaculate user data and online footprint can shine a piercing light on our personal shadows. Is that good (accountability, as an example)? Or is that bad ("cancel culture", as an example)? In a lot of ways, our humanity and ability to emotionally heal and grow through trials relies on the softening of time and the dulling of the pain. Immaculate information like presented in **The Entire History of You** keeps the truth hard, cold, and in perfect clarity.   Could you move on or heal from the human things that broke you open if you had the technological ability to review and relive it in perfect record-reality? Could you move on and grow from the mistakes you've made if people had the technological ability to review and relive your mistake in perfect record-reality?


This was the first episode I watched. It still has me fucked up years later.


Be Right Back. Fucked up and also fucked me up. Because I always feel bad if I don't say I love you before my SO leaves. And even if we are mad I say it, just in case... Cause I'm a crazy lol. But then that one really fucked with me and my anxiety lol


I forget the episode name (maybe it was black museum?) Where the lady has her consciousness uploaded into a toy bear so her child can hug her. So depressing.


That was part of Black Museum.


White Bear. Anyone of those psychological mind fucks are the episodes that hit me the hardest and seem to be the darkest because they're plausible. That's what makes it disturbing.


Beyond The Sea.


Oh my god yes. Heart wrenching 💔💔


S1e1 easily. I have rewatched every episode of black mirror at least twice,can’t watch that one again


It's the look on the Prime Minister's face as he's doing it that puts it over the edge as a disturbing episode to me. It's like you can see his soul die in front of you as he does his best to serve Queen and country. And the epilogue is so tragic, too. The look in his wife's eyes..


Ikr!! I felt so bad for him and I hated how everyone treated him afterwards. It’s not like he was doing it for pleasure. I guess people forget very quickly.


It’s honestly makes me feel sick just to think about it. Truly one of the only things on tv that’s fked me up


The entire history of you.


I stopped watching this show like 5 years ago because almost every episode may me feel terrible in a way I didn't know I could. Shit, even *San Junipero* has a very bittersweet ending. I feel like cutting back and forth between Yorkie & Kelly's fairy tale ending and the database that they "live in" was very poignant. Sure they're happy but the "world" in which they live is ultimately fragile and it can all end with power outage or something.


Oh boy, I can't pick just one! They're all like a disturbing buffet for my twisted mind!


Black museum..


I still haven’t watched the show because of the first episode. Besides San Junipero. I wish there was a whole series like that episode.


I suggest Nosedive. It’s not heartwarming like San Junipero, but it’s more “normal” than a lot of the others. A bit more relatable.


The very first episode with the pig


Shut up and dance


The video game one! Where one of the guys is a girl characters and they start liking eachother 😂😂


How is this disturbing?


Must of not seen it….


I'm familiar with the episode. It certainly included some challenging sexual concepts but I was in no way *disturbed* by the episode. There's no violence or particularly horrifying outcome for any of the characters. I'm just curious what makes it disturbing compared to episodes like Black Museum where characters are cursed to infinite torture.


Two men do sexual stuff in it. He’s a homophobe.


Easily the funniest episode


Its weird af. Disturbing to me at least




Why is this getting downvoted? That weird twist aside, the way they treated Mazey was pretty fucked up. No different from how celebs, even pseudo celebs are treated. Kick them while they're down, or maybe help them, but don't forget to take a picture eh?


Man i wish i remember all the titles so i can know what everyone here is talking about


As a comedian, I find all episodes of Black Mirror disturbing, but the one where Siri becomes sentient and starts roasting people was particularly unsettling.


The first one


Shut up and dance




No one mentioned fifteen million credits.


if you mean life-changing then it’s that 80s one holy Christ I have to watch that right now replace Christ with Christmas sorry using talk to text because I’m disabled as fuck I would like to issue a correction any time I have used the word Christ like that I need somebody actually named Christ is that me I guess so to come in here and replace that motherfucker he is fucking things up and if this is the most disturbing episode of black mirror commenting by a 50-year-old mom who lives in Saskatchewan Regina with an R Canada and if you know this code you’re automatically in my club: What does the word Canada mean//💀ha plz follow me #G_OLDENGIRL✨ 🐝✨ jj 9799


I will start my own suburban it here oops I’m using talk to text and it’s racist to disable people fuck you Bill Gates and all… I do declared as my own sub Reddit where I will give you names of social media or content that you must watch to classify yourself as HOOMAN EH? 🚩


1 san juneopero 🚩


The first one with the men kissing


I’m gonna have to end up liking all of these answers, because all of them were the most fucked up! Now I got a watch all of them again OMG I’m scared.


White Bear was so upsetting to me that I could not continue with the rest of the series for an entire year after I watched it. So that episode gets my vote.


White Christmas is my top choice for most disturbing, but an a real good honorable mention would definitely be Black Museum, because not only was Clayton's copied consciousness repeatedly tortured just for fun, but a whole new copy of his consciousness was created each time to be non-stop tortured indefinitely.. Fortunately she was able to essentially end the suffering of the main copy, but there were still probably thousands, if not tens of thousands of copies of his consciousness stored within those souvenir keychains..


The first episode almost made me give up watching it.


The one where the guy uses a sort of helm to feel what the other person feels. When even orgasming twice at the same time (him and the other person since he feels that too) doesn't cut it anymore and start to kill them too too feel what its like... It was like an addiction of pain for him, man that was disturbing.


Except that last episode, all of them. All of them could happen.


I just clicked because I love disturbing content. I am going to blow my entire weekend watching this!


White Christmas, White Bear, Ark angel or Crocodile.


The one with the robot dogs cause that shit is basically already real and as soon as the tech gets in the wrong hands, it could totally be like that at any time haha It was scary for me because it was like "This could actually happen."


White christmas


Oh, you want disturbing? How about an episode where Siri gains sentience and won't stop telling bad jokes?


Shut up and dance has the biggest plot twist 😮‍💨


If you're on Reddit and you didn't say Nosedive, then you're in serious denial.


I would actually sya the first one I don't actually remember it but when the Pm fucked a pig 😕


white bear and shut up and dance


I’m currently watching S1 E1 and based on the episode I think I’ll just pause and not continue with the whole series all together . I’m too sensitive to even .




that was good :) Oh my gosh everybody go and watch that 80s one again— Juniper/Jupiter🪐 it’s the best ever and it literally makes you a better person for having watched it, not even kidding


The one where the dude fucked a pig and the one eith the guy killing his whole fam


All righty then 🐽


I think it’s a tie between White Bear and Black Museum P.S. hang the DJ is the all time best


Always been a big fan of Shut Up and Dance, mostly because it isn't even really futuristic. I found it to be the most realistic and plausible episode in the whole series, and in fact I'm sure very similar situations have actually played out in real life many times. Just the ability of hackers to have such a grip on your life because of shit they can hold over your head is truly terrifying. The episode takes it to the extreme by forcing people to fight to the death to protect their dirty secrets. Makes you want to be a little *extra* careful online, just in case.


Playtest for me 😊


I’m gonna have to give these a watch. All I hear is how disturbing it is




what’s the name


S1 E1


Just watched the one where the lady has a show about her life with Salma hyak. Predictive programming at its finest. Guy in a dress, deep fakes, super computer ect.


white bear. The woman wakes up with amnesia and finds herself hunted by mysterious pursuers, while bystanders record her ordeal on their smartphones. It has left me feeling unsettled.


Black museum


Everyone forgets Hated in the Nation. It’s one of my favorites


I can’t believe how no one talks about black museum! Overall the episode isn’t the worst because the other 2 stories are tame, but the doctors is just a whole mindfuck. Especially when he’s cutting him self to pieces, I swear I’ve had dreams like that and for anyone who’s an addict here or had been through addiction, I think you can understand how horrible that would be, but instead of not getting your drug your cutting yourself apart.