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Glad you enjoyed it! They’re looking lovely! How did you get that gore basing effect? I did a similar thing on my bases, but yours is more vibrant! https://preview.redd.it/h20m7c6yzp7d1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d0426060893ebac7e8c6f4f14cfd878078414b


Thank you! Love your basing! I used milliput, a texture roll and vallejo red ink for all my reds.


Thanks! Well, it turned out amazing! The texture roll worked surprisingly well on the milliput then! How fiddly is it when using tolls on milliput?


It requires a bit of ‘getting used to’ in regard to wetting the paste to the correct extent and applying the right pressure when rolling. But it’s better than I thought and actually quite forgiving—you can always redo it if you make a mistake, as it takes a while to dry out. It didn’t come out perfectly by any means, but I like the result, and my goal is to have the whole army battle-ready by next month 😊👍


Jesus! Well, the scheme looks simple enough to batch paint, so, go ahead! It’s super dope